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Visage is a Most Disturbing Horror Game

Jun 29, 2024
in the 90s, golden boy



s are now the goddamn busboy of the gaming industry and are being abused by shitty indie developers as a quick way to cash in. He gave us an idea of ​​what it could be, but as we all know, he got the ax later. Konami stepped up to the plate and with the pt void there was a void to fill, many


s try to cash in on this game like infliction


is also a game that was inspired by the pt demo and I would say it is one of the best


games . experiences I've had over the last few years, so let's get started.
visage is a most disturbing horror game
The face begins with an involuntary game of Russian roulette. You really can't beat quality family time. The rest of the family is amateur and gets caps from the shooter. He has to come, grab and secure the Victory Royale Double death Triple death after this you wake up in the pt room al


word for word you wake up you stumble in the hallway and boom, we're in the game, we're in control, holy hell, this House is scary, the first moments disorient you. You're confused, you have a lot of questions not only from a narrative point of view but also from a player perspective, coming from this violent and horrible introduction and entering this quiet, empty house with no context, a goal or any guide, it's very jarring. and immediately puts the player.
visage is a most disturbing horror game

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visage is a most disturbing horror game...

On the back foot, every time you enter a room you can turn the lights on and off, it essentially becomes a moment-to-moment ritual of the game, entering each new area, finding the light switches and lighting up the room, it's a basic feature. but because of how amazing the house and lighting is designed, it's very satisfying while we're talking about the lighting, this is probably a good time to let go of the graphics and world design, which are just kiss chess, this It's Mona Lisa from Creepy House Design. I think the


important aspect is how the house feels genuinely lived in in each light book and each image feels as if it has been taken from a real family home.
visage is a most disturbing horror game
You almost feel like you're invading someone's living space as you walk. the game slacks in some areas, particularly some of the monster designs and animations are janky not lisa pt janky more andromeda janky but hey, andromeda had a 100 million budget. This is an indie game made by about 10 people with a budget of 70k so I think. We can relax them a little and get back to the game where we grab each other's butts and jump over scary light bulbs. We quickly reach the hallway where we can begin the real story. You begin these chapters by interacting with one of the three objects in the hallway that relates to the previous inhabitants, all of which is a surprise, surprise but rather unpleasant fate, they had to pay for a television license.
visage is a most disturbing horror game
Let's start with the chapter of Lucy, the creepy girl whose painting we find upstairs with haunted houses and little girls that match. Made in Heaven Lucy's chapter begins in the girls' bedroom upstairs, where we have to find more paintings. Finally our investigation leads us to the closet and this delightful encounter, we now head to the living room where we find the television playing, It's Friday on repeat. very creepy on the counter we find a key to the basement which is where we head after unlocking the basement and looking down we have a serious case of no, we have a case of the moment of note is something we find on many occasions.
No games, unfortunately my fears are well justified because this basement is fake, it's dark and claustrophobic and turning every corner was like a mini game: will my heart stop or not? Once we reach the heart of the basement, we will find a small children's play area with a flashing camera, we have to grab this camera to continue moving forward, which leads to a flashy camera, ghostly time. This area has a lot of children's drawings and paintings that you need to follow, all of which can only be seen with the flash of the camera using the flash and following the trail we take a short tour of the haunted house and finally end up in the office where we can see some of Banky's unpublished works.
After this we have to follow the trail back to the basement door which is now glowing red and now it's a genius with an IQ over 300 I know that a glowing red door in general is not a good sign in a house specifically haunted this is bad news when we go through the door we end up in the forest we are no longer in Kansas everything here we find a house in a tree that we have to loot after searching a little we find a hidden key and that's when things go wrong when we wake up and we're back in the basement weird man hey it sure is dark in here I should really turn on the lights on my Damn the light switches are gone this is one of the best moments in the game if not the best , up until this point the light switches have been your safe haven, you know where everyone is in each room and now they're all gone, the game doesn't even directly address this fact, it just shows you a box of light switches lying on the couch and the game is like, no man that's your problem bro but good luck the section is intense and made me sweat like something fierce but it's beautifully executed taking away our only. feeling of security and leaving us scared and vulnerable to up the ante in the next section, Lucy's ghost will wander the hallways ready to chase the player and kill them.
However, these encounters are randomly generated and to be honest, they suck. I know a ghost game where the ghost encounters are a little strange, but let me explain that the face has two types of random encounters, ghost encounters and haunting encounters, haunting encounters are cool, these are small random events that happen anywhere moment while exploring the house that scares the player a little because it is completely random, it has its moments where it will catch you off guard and make you panic, but those random encounters with ghosts are a different story, the problem is that there is no way of killing or fighting these ghosts and when they catch up to you it's instant game over this is a horrible combination when mixed with random AI and a small house with a lot of awkward rooms and hallways in general I hate the whole run and hide mechanic In modern horror games, I understand it's easier from a development standpoint, but I'd rather be able to counterattack somehow, even if it would just allow us to escape the first attacks and then kill each other later.
Of all the problems with the game, this is the biggest complaint I've ever had. We fight the monsters or they better be impeccably well timed and balanced, otherwise it'll piss off players later in the game, you get a sledgehammer and I was buzzing because I thought that meant we could pop some heads, but no, still gets milk right away. Whatever happened to the good old days of crazy pipe monsters? Let's all agree to ban the run and hide mechanic. It's boring and you become desensitized so quickly. The best comparison would be to last longer. The first few chases are terrifying, but by the end of the game they are pointless it's just a casual walk to where the next locker is.
After further exploration, we find ourselves back in Lucy's room where there is a painting of a door, but Just like a doodle board, Lucy's drawings come to life after a few taps. We can go through the door and into this creepy room with a bunch of bird cages and furniture. Now this is a maze game where Lucy will slowly move towards you and you will have to try to search through all the furniture to find. a specific key to get it, the key is randomly generated here, so there is some replay value, but overall, running in circles in the dark looking for a key, is not a highlight, I must say we now have some moments Lucy's writings before he throws her away.
We left the room and went into the hallway, after some more searching, we found a mannequin jaw in the sink. Mannequins are really just the gift that keeps on giving. The next few moments require us to meet his jaw with his body, who thanks us by opening a creepy closet containing a demon thanks for nothing manny here we have to play another game of catch kisses with a ghost as we make our way through a maze of doors that open closets and we go through the deepest corners of the house yes, it's not the only boss I've been pretty nice with the game up to this point, but this area really puts my balls in a bind, so I have to complain a little .
This area sucks, at this point in the game it will be the demon chasing you. Not you, Lucy, and if you thought Lucy was bad, this constantly appears on top of you, killing you instantly, it's just an abortion that wouldn't be that painful, but the down times are incredibly long, so being instantly killed frequently is just a huge drag on The pacing of this part of the game, I think the biggest problem with this area is that the game really wants players to use the flash and cameras. That's a problem because it's a confusing area with narrow hallways that is constantly completely dark and, for mystical reasons, your lighters don't work, so the only way you can see is in the camera flash intervals, which which is more disorienting than helpful, yes it sure is scary, but it becomes very difficult to find your way and when you try to do this in an area you are not familiar with while constantly being chased and killed by a ghost that appears randomly, you leads to one of the most frustrating areas of the game in the section with the wardrobe where the demon will randomly appear and kill you if you open the wrong door, you know if the stupid idiot is really awake, no thanks, in the end neither you shouldn't even open them, they're irrelevant, there's a hole in the back right of the room that you're actually supposed to drop through. these wardrobes are pointless, I hate to say it, but clearly this was just added to fill out the chapters, so it looks like there are more.
We then found a gap that's a little more than a short hop away, but unfortunately we have concrete. We have stones in our shoes, so we can't take the leap. Instead, we have to find a good wooden board to cross, of course, we can't use just any old wood we find. No, we have to find the specific spooky wood to cross, we even make our way through a physical representation of the Internet, now just as beautiful as that symbolism is that there is no ability to jump in this game, which means that if you want to climb each ledge instead of just taking cover or being able to jump, you have to find an interaction area, click on it and you will move up.
This is unpredictable because there is no indication of where you should click. You see this door here. You should be able to click to upload directly. Nowhere here you can. instead of clicking, you have to find this little ledge of the container and cover it, which took me a long time to figure out again. I thought it was broken, but not just a bad layout of the area for this section, now all the running around this house has done us a bit. sweating so we decided to take a small bath this is the end of Lucy's chapter we see Lucy in her last moments after being manipulated and tormented by the demon, she locks herself in the bathroom and tears her jaw shortly after going through blood loss after that.
We return her jaw to him. She is thrilled to be able to resume her career as a professional eater. I guess with this chapter maybe they felt it wasn't long enough and that's why they felt the need to try to shorten the time by adding a lot. of unnecessary things and in my opinion they do more to hinder the quality of the chapter than to improve it, but it's not the end of the world, it's more of a slight frustration in general, this chapter makes the jaws of two ghostly girls. Chapter two focuses on pains, this is where the game blatantly copies the granny video game like a cup of tea, this chapter and the ghost involved are the closest to the pt demo that inspired the game.
Dolores is very similar to Lisa and what I like the most is when the chapter begins. With us getting a key to the mirror room after opening the door and checking that our toupee looks good in the mirror, the next destination is the living room where there is a new addition, a giant object covered with a blanket, another mirror, this must be the mirror edge game. I've heard a lot about oh there's someone up there so now let's find a hook to open the attic and oh God hey wait come back do you have time to talk about our lord and savior Jesus Christ after following the man ghost? we obtain the hook that allows us to enter the attic, the best place to passtime in a haunted house, the attic and the basement, just the nicest places, the hook itself is embedded in a photo of a husband and wife, specifically Dolores and her husband. ooh, foreshadowing in the attic and unfortunately there is no old deck of Yugioh cards stored there, just a bunch of shitty old furniture, but after a walk we go down a hatch and return to the parents' room, but this time It's that old.
The goal here is to get all the pieces to build a toy for a baby's crib. All of these pieces are scattered throughout the house and require the player to solve a series of environmental puzzles to figure out what that is. Hello guten morgen spreckenzi deutsch Screw this, I'm hiding under the bed after leaving the room, the player will respawn in the house this time, there is a path leading to the progress room we have to follow now that we see this disgusting fleshy hole that abandons us. With only one option, go down the umbilical cord after spoiling the real thin shadow, we find ourselves in the hall of mirrors, looking closer, we can get some antics from the reflection of the ring star, the player has to wind the mirror until I have the right to be scared, damn it. man that was scary, how about I literally jump to my death?
Now, luckily, it turns out we're wearing Half-Life's environmental suit because we don't take fall damage. Sorry, it shows in the future in the old studio editing my little heart. I thought I would do my due diligence and investigate what the environmental lawsuit actually provides to my The indication was correct, in fact, it does not protect against total damage. I'm not a real player, I'm a fraud. I apologize so you can stop writing your angry comment. Now I have seen what I did wrong. I have seen the mistakes. For my part, I enrolled in the rehabilitation school for players.
I apologize. Now we have to get the toys from the crib. The problem is that they are all hidden behind different mirrors and we have no way to access them. Lucky for us, the ghostly old poop left his. Hammer the windshield of our car so we can break it. You can carry one item in each hand or one two-handed item with the ability to store four to five items in your inventory. Any key items you drop and leave behind will magically reappear in the utility room. The house must be haunted by a quiet housewife or something because that mess just cleaned itself up.
Now that we're breaking mirrors, not only are we going to have many years of bad luck but pains will also begin to appear and attack randomly. From this point on, the player, the first mirror contains a room filled with clocks, windows and decorative plates. It looks like there might be a decent puzzle to solve here, but it turns out there's just a giant fetus room with a cheat sheet you can look at. For the answers, yes it makes sense, that's a shame, maybe they could have found a way to make the environment in certain rooms actually contain the answer to this riddle, maybe they only have three clocks in the house and you have to match them. their timings with the clocks in the hall of mirrors, I feel like having a piece of paper with all the answers is a little complicated, but I guess the instructions for this level are already pretty ambiguous, maybe they didn't need even more complex puzzles.
I don't know, I just felt a little cheated. Completing this mirror will reward the player with a baby monitor. The next mirror we break leads to a chase sequence with Pains appearing behind you to ask about your extended warranty. The problem is that there is no way out. In the end just a clearly cracked floor, now we have to start frantically hitting the floorboards with the hammer to break through. Yeah, you better not have dropped that hammer after breaking the mirror for some reason or your butt will look like a tootsie roll. This scene is incredibly tense, it takes about five hits with the hammer to break through and the rope animation and hit animation are incredibly slow as you know what pain is coming towards you, making it one of the most intense moments in the game.
Now we're in the meat-hanging room, except Dolores is a fool and she accidentally traded cured hams with carcasses. You have to explore the room and find out which rays of light correlate with the correct symbols on the corpses. Once you complete them, lower your head and there's another one. Hole to fall into holes and fall through them is a massive intended theme, it is not clear if this is a conscious or coincidental theme; However, this mechanic has frequently been used in psychological horror games as a device to depict players falling deeper into madness or entering dangerous situations. places with no means of safe return the Silent Hill franchise was famous for this implementation.
I think it would be a safe bet to assume that the developers used this to a similar effect when traversing this shaft, we end up in the basement that has been closed up until this point, what the hell is going on here? Hi guys, I'm Nicole. The basement has more mirrors so they can enter. One of them has a nice Hail Mary in the church. Here we can use the crank to stick a knife into a crucified guy. We need this knife. so take it and head to our next mirror, this one contains pains, it hid us with a little monologue, here we can grab the key to the t box.
Hell yeah, let's go back now and check above, instead we're greeted with asking pains. Very simple application. I would ask my baby to come back. I understand giving him a baby. I really don't understand why she is trying to kill you when she was just asking for your help. Maybe she didn't realize she would get her baby back until you did. We're breaking in your limited edition Gucci mirrors. The next mirror we have to break is located in the office upstairs, where we will find this guy sitting there with a bunch of knives and you know what he is missing, another knife, this man is the corpse.
Dolores, her husband, she had lost her mind and finally murdered him in a schizophrenic rage using this key in the back door, we find a hidden room with a box containing our first crypto hallelujah when trying to leave, we see that george has decided that No It's not like we're getting stabbed, what is this central London? Let's see how you like it, forcing us to back up to the corner of the room and cry like a baby until the scary music stops. Now we have to head to the attic to open the tea. pain box why are you keeping this tea box in the attic again?
We don't know that the woman is crazy. She mistook a damn husband for a pincushion after falling in the bedroom for the second time. There are a couple of key details to keep in mind. If we grab the baby monitor we get this five zero sequence, remember that because it's important for later, secondly, if we head to this wall and knock down a painting, we'll be able to see the hidden sequence in the back room again, this will come into play. later, but for now let's go to the bathroom and break another mirror. This puzzle contains a series of hallways that the player can walk through, each one returning the player to the start if they choose the wrong direction.
This may seem like a guessing game, but remember that. number we got earlier, well, this is where they become important. Each number actually correlates to the clock time above the hallway you must take in succession. Yes, I had to Google it. Many puzzles in this game seem to be nearly impossible without looking at a guide from time to time, not because they are inherently difficult, but simply because many of them require very specific items that you could have easily missed if you weren't paying attention at the right time. after advancing. treated with this beautiful scene, don't touch that and now we are back in the basement, except it's different, all the walls and doors are covered with this disgusting wet visceral material, it's very


and grotesque, it's a mechanic similar to removal of the light.
The changes at the beginning of the game give us an environment that we know, but corrupted and twisted, it is a very effective way to make the player feel uneasy and let him know that he is in danger after returning to the basement and giving Dolores the classic breakfast English with extra caffeine. tea pains will ruin you because she actually wanted the herbal tea the picky one I'll show you damn scoundrel how much bread you're worth when you wake up she's decided to cook her ass because we'd look like a sandwich that we quickly broke we went out and discovered she left us another toy and a crowbar.
I guess you don't need them after sinking your head, but here we grab the lever because we need it at the next mirror to grab the compass that's been hidden. Behind a window, of course, makes sense, doesn't it? I mean, you couldn't just smash the window with a hammer because you know video game logic, but now that we have the compass, there's only one place to go in Silent Hill, honey, yeah. Jima, eat your ass, this game has it all. Quality control in its largest section is a bit poor. You can really see the smaller budget coming into play when the scale is increased, but it's still great to get out and stretch our little legs using the compass, we can cut through the previously impassable fog and make our way through a small town and a cemetery and finally we discovered another toy for the crib.
Now that we have cleared the city mirror, we have to return to the giant fetus room, except now. the baby can be taken, take that baby and bring it to pains. I can't express how confusing and difficult this chapter is to follow if you find it difficult to follow all the steps and how or why they are happening, don't worry. you are not stupid, this level is everywhere literally and figuratively now we only have a crib toy left to grab located in the living room and accompanied by a friendly ghost here we have to solve a small painting puzzle, remember that Image we saw Earlier in the video, well it's time to pay up baby, once inside the room we see a hospital bed, except it's missing an IV drip.
Luckily we were able to get one off of Johnny Sins, the pincushion, so he started the IV drip and gave her the last bit. Reward the final toy thank the lord it's time to assemble this reveals a hidden key a key that opens a music box again we have a crowbar and a mallet why couldn't we just break it open? Damn video game logic, this box has vinyl in it now, clever gamers who watch this video may remember where we saw a record player before, vote now in the comments section if you guessed b in the attic, you're idiots, it was in the basement , the next room is very similar to Escher's painting of relativity must have been inspired by this room, it is a room of sounds, so if you are deaf, we have to listen to classical music, the louder it gets, the closer we are to exit the maze this is not random, which is a shame for people hoping to repeat the game after exiting through a maze of cribs, we finally reach the closet behind the parents' room, this time we are looking through the peephole from the other On the side we get a sense of the final moments of pain where she says goodbye to her son before committing to end her life, presumably directly after murdering her husband, another whole chapter and another tragic victim of the house in general, the pains chapter would be best described as sporadic, it's incredibly complex and confusing and not necessarily in a good way.
I'd be lying if I said I didn't have to consult a guide a few times even on my second playthrough, but in the moments when it works, she cleverly merges two different timelines into one. Creepy narrative with plenty of variety to spice up the overall chapter. You get one human pincushion for every 10 matricides. The raccoons of the final chapter. This chapter starts in the living room where we find a wheelchair sitting there. Yeah, not a great sign. Seated wheelchairs. but let's take a seat this time we are sent back to the house as it was when the rackhands lived in it similar to the time jump we saw in the sorrows chapter here we get an insight into rakhan's life in his last days, his mental state constantly breaking down before he is finally overwhelmed by a demon residing in the house.
Going up the stairs we find that the office room is locked, this time there is a growth clinging to the door blocking your way and it turns out you just have to keep an eye on the painting. behind the door, after that, we enter and find our second wheelchair, huh, after a short loading screen, we slowly start to wake up and it won't take long to realize where we are, a hospital, this was a really surprising location jump, especially from an independent study considering that all theresources would have to be recreated just to fit the hospital environment, it's a big task for a small team personally, I think the level of detail is significantly reduced here in the hospital, then the scenario you find in the house is not.
Get me wrong, it's still very well done, but it lacks the same level of detail and believability that the house had and since you can't return to the hospital, there aren't as many collectibles or Easter eggs to find while exploring which one. It's a shame, but since we're talking about Easter eggs and collectibles, this is probably a good part of the video to talk about them. One of the main collectibles that the game offers are Russian dolls, no, not those Russian dolls. These Russian dolls are good for nothing other than hey, here's a collector's item, I mean what kind of weirdo collects those dolls anyway, specifically in a life or death situation, maybe you're the only scary monster in this house, after all the shock it generates. lotion in the basket there are other collectibles that you will find throughout your travels, you know, cassette tapes, comic book pages, all of which will offer you more information about the previous crimes and the lives of the occupants of the house now If you're not running around and filling your scrapbooks with pictures of dead people you might come across one of the many Easter eggs this game has to offer.
We have the room from Silent Hill 4. A talking kitchen scene, the crazy man, yes, he is crazy, always on drugs and alcohol. He doesn't care, he's probably not in this anymore anyway, everyone who lives here is awake anyway him, let's move on, there's a pack of punch, cup of coffee, Easter egg, hey, this coffee is delicious, It really has a great impact, we will be back soon, there are many others. You can find fun Easter eggs, but I won't spoil them all. You can hunt them down yourself if you ever pick up the game, but yeah, this game is like the video game adaptation of Ready Player One that has easter eggs coming out of the yazoo. to the hospital and we found ourselves wandering the hallways looking for a way out.
This escape is rudely interrupted by Unity's active man. Sorry, I mean rackhands, either he's 12 feet tall or we're actually playing as a midget, which would be creepy if he were. a scary monster, but no, it's a giant naked blender, it looks ridiculous on the road, the power goes out in the hospital, which would normally add incredible tension to the game, but instead at this point the game gives you a infinite flashlight, the first and only. in-game, while very useful, removes some of the tension that exploring the dark hospital would have had if it had just been our lighters or if they had relied on ambient lighting.
I don't know, the flashlight never runs out, it is very bright and illuminates the entire hallway, which means that the tension is not the same as it returns. On our walk through the hospital we head towards the exit or what the exit could be I don't know the signage is a bit weak I mean I'm pretty sure this is a window and not a fire escape no wonder rakan I got confused this can't meet fire regulations wake it up from the fall and we're in shock , back to the house, as we've learned from our previous experiences up to this point, follow the creepiest trail you can find and you're done.
For a good start, oh another blocking moment for a little, bulky, bulky little eye on our tired little legs, we decide to take another seat in the next wheelchair and apparently learn nothing from our past experiences. Now we see the chapter for the first time. new enemies melted face man, this is the weakest monster in the game by far, essentially being reduced to an action man whose face has been melted with a bic lighter on our second return to the hospital, we turn a corner and see this, oh, Overall, I enjoyed it, it confused the pacing of the exploration and I was actually nervous while going through it.
I just had to try not to pass out looking at those cute ankles grabbing the keys and heading for the exit, you accidentally kick a can of monster energy. pissing off the monsters and initiating a chase sequence the hospital is completely dark at this point the exit is marked by the low tone of the red exit side this was a really nice touch it looks very sinister but also eliminates the hassle of running around aimlessly the dark, the next sequence of the game really mixes it up, another chase sequence, who would have thought we would be genius ghost hunters at this point, we decided to head back to the hospital basement, I don't know why maybe our guy wanted to grab something. insulin or something, but our second visit to the basement actually offers a really cool scene after turning on the elevator and heading there to escape the big commotion, the man on crutches decides to start chasing you again, so we run off towards the elevator just for that. to open revealing that the elevator is overweight due to the corpses found inside it, now we have to slowly drag the bodies while they hunt us, this forces the player to have to flee several times gaining enough distance to pull. one more body before running off again, the game of cat and mouse had become very tiring at this point, but this small change to the formula was welcome and really created a memorable moment in the game for me, at least once. once in the elevator and at the top we have a kind of copy and paste of the previous section of the nervous boy in pissypants where we have to look at the floor and pass, after which we have to find the exit while being chased by the man of melted wax, another dip and we're back. in the house man I wonder how many times I've said we're back in the house in this video, this is like an indoor simulator, you just leave the house for a few moments and then you go straight to the hospital and back in the house. very awake now the house is even dirtier with the moldy groves that have spread and covered more surface and in order to progress we have to open more eyes if you haven't noticed until now, a basic element of the game is to introduce a new mechanic and then , work it until it's very mundane and a little irritating.
I guess this is the curse for a small development team. Creating a new mechanic and testing it takes a lot of resources and time, so new mechanics should be distributed to improve their longevity if not. Don't believe me, hey, here's another wheelchair, oh, sick chair, brother, let's take a little seat and I wonder where we'll end up. Nothing especially important will happen in the future as we see more context of the calculations and imprisonment he had in the hospital immediately after fixing the power and heading to Raqqan's old room, we are suddenly ambushed by a still quality blender model minor of a man who injects us with the polygons he lacks.
The only way out of the room is through a hole in the wall. We made our way through the pipes and landed in a large dark expanse with two very large fences on each side that keep at bay an army of faceless and eyeless monsters that watch you at every step, so after looking at the television, we appear in front of a giant eye that turns and we see. a maze raised with televisions, each containing a staring eye, the chapter seems to have a heavy emphasis on eyes, this can be attributed to rakhan suffering from scophobia, so reach phobia is afraid of let them stare at it.
This section is another maze very similar to furniture. maze that we found in Lucy's chapter, except now we have to grab a knife to cut our way through the eye and escape the color palette. I think here it is actually very beautiful in a strange way, it is a pure gray tone undermined by the static glow of the televisions they are a big stage that stabs the eye, makes it explode and implode on itself, very useful for us because the little Dead Eye Tunnel takes us directly to the electrical box that we have to fix to allow us to escape now that we are there.
At the end of the chapter here we see Rakans after being discharged from the hospital for good behavior as a child trapped in the basement of the house where we can see him arguing with an unknown entity before the demon appears at the door stealing him from the basement to always. Screams can be faintly heard in the darkness and it's unclear exactly what fate turned him into, other than you know he killed Bobby. This chapter was interesting, I think it raised more questions than it answered. Why is the demon so interested in chasing the Rakans? anyone who enters the house, do demons specifically target mentally ill people?
Is there even a demon or is it just a coincidence that mentally ill people always live in this house? Chapter four was the final chapter and these questions are never specifically answered. We're left to make our own assumptions, something I'll cover in a general moment. I think it's a good chapter, a decent one to finish the game. He took a big risk by moving the main location out of the house, something that isn't always the case. It's worth it, but it adds some much-needed diversity to the game's variety. I mean, what else could they have done in the confines of the house for a third episode?
It's one of the shorter chapters, but it's also not as complicated as the mirror puzzles in the pains chapters, that might explain why it was a bit quicker to get through the enemy design and modeling, it's pretty horrible at times, but Like I said, this chapter took the biggest risk and the biggest change, so you have to respect them for that if I had to rank all three chapters. I would say it's Lucy's chapter, then Dolores, then Rakans. That's not to say I didn't enjoy your episode. I just don't think it was as scary as the previous chapters, so now we're done with them. chapters like an extra spicy taco bell burrito this is the end of the game, of course we are alpha males, we will not settle for some half endings, while other chapters are about the previous inhabitants of the house that the tapes are about . protagonist dwayne wait, did i even say our name?
Yes, our name is dwayne dwayne, the sixth shooter, this is his final chapter, this is our chapter, each of these tapes relates to a deadly sin and each one contains a short story that describes More about Dwayne's backstory and how it got to this point. Now I'm not going to go into much detail about each and every one of them. I'll save it for you if you want to play the game yourself and the video is already long enough, but it gives a lot of information about Dwayne's life and the mistakes that led to his current mental state.
Things like a tragic accident that caused the death of several people. We also get more information about his ongoing addiction to alcohol and drugs. Please, he talk to me. I love you. Dwayne, I want to help you first with the alcohol and now who prescribed this for you and why I want to know so I can help you. Are you slowly going crazy? Dwayne, should we be worried? Because we are in his credit. The tapes also offer. Some new and interesting areas to explore, the highlight being a huge industrial complex that you have to walk through full of pipes and rusted metal.
It's a really nice change of pace, very much like the hospital level, and you have to respect them when introducing these big new sets. pieces at such a late stage of the game, but at the end of each ribbon you receive a mask fragment and this is where it is important because you need to collect all the mask fragments to unlock the true ending of the game once we finish building the mask. we take our last steps we pick up the mask and place it on our face once in the house it is different this time although it is not corrupt it has not turned against us instead it is the opposite pole it is bright and clean the evil has already passed we cross the threshold of the house one last time down to the basement and we finally got closure.
This section is filled with great symbolism. The game itself is called


which means face and in this ending to escape we have to wear a mask to hide our face and if we escape by exploring the deeper meaning here it is clear that the house traps the souls of its victims; He usually does this by manipulating them into committing horrible acts, either on themselves or on other people; the demon we regularly see lurking behind the scenes; seems to be the main villain behind the event; it is not clear why he does these things, perhaps he is a creature of pure evil that delights in suffering or perhaps he survives by consuming the souls of his victims, regardless of whether he appears to be the force. driving force behind everything. terrible events of the game Lucy killed her pet bird and took her own life Dolores killed her husband and then hanged herself Rakhans it was very windy I guess I don't know, listen to me like we saw at the beginning of the game, we, the player, killed our family . witha revolver and then presumably we took our own lives.
I believe that, like the other spirits, we were corrupted and manipulated into committing the horrible act that trapped and bound our soul to the house. There are numerous references to Dwayne being addicted to drugs and alcohol. Now now, Dwayne, shut up a little and take a sip. Remember that you and I have come a long way. I'm on your side. Why don't we take a sip of our friendship? It could be argued that all the events in the house were Manic Episodes taking place in the broken mind of the player trying to cope with his addiction and depression, but it seems unlikely that this is all in his head because this would not explain the mysterious deaths. of all previous owners.
All the characters involved have mental problems. health problems it is not clear, however, whether the house is a catalyst for mental health problems or if it simply attracts them to the house, however, it would seem that the game takes place in a state of purgatory in which our spirit is trapped in order to get out we have to build the mask, this face to hide our soul from the evil powers that reside in the house, once hidden, we are free, we can escape the house and return to our family, a family that, with Luckily, he will be able to understand the corruption of the house and forgive Dwayne for the horrible thing.
The acts he committed, taking this even further, one could argue that Dwayne is actually in hell for the murder of his family and that to escape hell he had to hide his face from God in order to get to heaven under the guise of other. Facing Another Face, there are countless references to heaven and hell and religious figures throughout the game, so it shouldn't be a possibility to dismiss what you choose to believe. The endings and plots are ambiguous enough to provide closure, but also allow the player to leave their mark. any theory you want for your own ending, but I'm curious to know what you guys think of the ending, so let me know in the comments what your interpretation of the ending is, whether or not you think it's purgatory, a mental breakdown, any theories you like. have.
If you can think of it, let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to mull it over in front of my big fireplace like a man of culture, but did you know there's also a third secret ending? Ooh, secrets you can really discover. Get the secret ending at any time. All you have to do is head here to the basement. You can go through it at any time. Remember this room from the intro scene. Well now we can finish the game because there is only one player left and you will get the ending. option to bite the bullet, so this ending is short but sweet.
It sees us the player give up before taking our lives. They can't stand the fear of the house winning. It's a depressing ending but one that gives us insight into the potential psychology. The player, this ending shows us how vital it is to reconstruct the true ending for the player, because if we don't, this is where he will end up in a void without hope or closure, realistically, there are no normal people running around. this house is going to be sane, a lot of people would just tune it out, it might be an easter egg ending, but it's probably the most realistic in the game, it's an extremely well made horror game, even compared to most recent releases from AAA. areas that could be improved, yes 100, adding some combat would be a great start, but this is a passion project made by a small team of developers;
In fact, it's the first game they ever made and it's crazy that a small new team formed independent studio could pull this off. It surprises me. I really hope to see more from the studio. Hopefully they made enough money from Visage to fund the next project and you, the viewer at home, if you love horror games, I insist you pick this game up. even if you have watched this video in its entirety, there is simply no comparison to playing the game yourself, it is a genuine horror experience that few games can compete with, in conclusion, congratulations to Sad Square Studios for creating such a gripping game that scares Out of sadists like me who love pain.
Thank you very much for watching and see you next you

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