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Video mit Peppa Wutz Spielzeug. Eine Reise in die Vergangenheit. Kinderkanal Plüpa

Jun 30, 2024
hello hello sony and I should reveal to you how a secret there is a time machine in our garden a time machine was show it to me Louis I'm coming are you sure you can travel in time with this machine so let's never go on a journey? through time see how I don't really know if it's going to go well, of course, but I don't care how we turn out pk this looks like your garden you're right it didn't work I think the time machine is broken it doesn't matter so we'll just continue the game my toys these They are my old toys from when I was little, I wasn't born yet and literally listen children please don't make so much noise I have to lie down for a moment I am very tired today Pepper, I think the story will come later.
video mit peppa wutz spielzeug eine reise in die vergangenheit kinderkanal pl pa
Soon I will never understand, mom is already pregnant with me, we have traveled in time, that's interesting, hello, hello dad, where my mom sleeps, honey, look. , I brought you strawberries, hock/becker, thank you very much, but now I want something different from Anna's t-shirts, no problem, I'll quickly get a pineapple. I can't believe all this. I brought you pineapple here, thanks dad, call. an ambulance quickly I think the baby is coming the baby is coming ok I'll call where is the phone where is the phone don't worry mom everything will be fine don't worry I'm fine pepper hello she needs help I think my baby will be born fine, I'll take her to the hospital kids, can you help me while you're in the hospital?
video mit peppa wutz spielzeug eine reise in die vergangenheit kinderkanal pl pa

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video mit peppa wutz spielzeug eine reise in die vergangenheit kinderkanal pl pa...

Sure dad, what should we do? Let's think about what we need for the baby. I know we need a bed and of course, a stroller, a bathtub and toys, a ring, baby food, mail, a bottle and a pacifier, that's enough, so let's go shopping quickly, I'm leaving, the children come in quickly because it's already there, dad Woods is waiting for me as if he were looking at our time machine. our garden is important next sabban hello tall lady we want to go shopping for my little brother hello family take a look at the children what do we need again I have everything forget it don't worry dad forest we will help you with the shopping yes dad first of all we need a girl we have to bathe the baby so we also need a bathtub a blanket towels and of course clothes to go for a walk we need your children we also need all the toy surfaces pacifier and a toy car but dad what do you also need baby shampoo, brother, but bring a lotion and a bandage, so now we have everything we owe you, but let's see how much it costs together.
video mit peppa wutz spielzeug eine reise in die vergangenheit kinderkanal pl pa
You already bought a lot or popup. Add 100 euros. Please, thank you, but wait, dad. What is this bow and squeaky hands for? I gave them to you makarios, load everything, yahoo, make room for the children. Soccer starts, you take care of the shopping and I call the hospital, where do they start? It wasn't better. Let's see. First I have to put away my toys. Now we can put the crib next to mom's bed and we will put them to bed. The blanket comes here on this little table I set up. the nation the powder and the baby shampoo don't forget the squeaker I put the toys and the pacifier on the bed the bottle goes next to the bed I take the stroller to the garden I can take my brother for a walk there I drive too, dad, You're great, you did a great job, kids, I have good news, Mom Woods gave birth to a healthy baby.
video mit peppa wutz spielzeug eine reise in die vergangenheit kinderkanal pl pa
Hello honey, look at your little brother. He is cute with his pink nose. Yes, I'll quickly get a pacifier. How nice of you, Pepper. Should I take the bottle? I think the pacifier is enough for now. Mom, I'm not a mom anymore. How should my brother take his drink of hot tea? I have to decide on a name. How about Peter? No. Peter doesn't suit him. How about Hans Post? Neither does mom. And Schorsch? Good idea Tepper. I think it's fun to send him great pepper, so my brother appreciates those trips.

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