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Urban Combat Survival CQB and Room Clearing. Urban Survival Part 2

May 15, 2024
a center line here, okay, if Will walks toward that with his outside foot, meaning further away from the door we're entering through, he'll lift his hips to step right through that.


, okay, he's going to take a step with the next foot and he's going to move his hips across the threshold, that's a good thrust right there, yeah, it's good, you know, deep black, so when you step with the next foot, we will have cleared that path and that's it. When that second person is able to enter the


, will we be able to see it from the other side as well?
urban combat survival cqb and room clearing urban survival part 2
Now, from a little different perspective, we're going to show your footwork again and pick up some cues that you guys can use when you're doing this at home to learn it, so go ahead and take it step by step. Time will stop right there, notice. that you can come this way, Micah, you see that his foot is in the direction he wants to travel, that is, squaring his hips with the target, which will be that deep corner, okay, we talked about that a minute ago, it's the only one.


that he has not seen well, he goes ahead and passes next, looks at his foot and how it is also square.
urban combat survival cqb and room clearing urban survival part 2

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urban combat survival cqb and room clearing urban survival part 2...

Okay, go and pass one more time, so they will take you to this corner very, very gently, so we have taught my followers how to do it. walk, what do they actually do once they enter the room? This is my question, okay, it seems self-explanatory, but we will take it step by step. I'd say it's not self-explanatory. Actually, there are many things that are that. Why we're making a video about that, so yeah, that makes sense, get out there, so Mitch will do it step by step, so let's start with that outside foot, like we talked about the center line, step by step, look where. his snout shows up well to that deep corner now the reason he does it is to remember the context in which we have analyzed this entire room, the only thing he didn't see from the outside was right there or behind us in the other background The corner He'll take your next step, let's see how his feet carry him to that corner.
urban combat survival cqb and room clearing urban survival part 2
He will begin to turn his body around processing the rest of that room. He's fine, he'll collapse his area completely and we'll talk a little. a little bit of that next, okay, so first person perspective go ahead and hit it, glitch nice and slow, that foot out takes it in, breaks the threshold plane and boom, first thing I do in the corner, I start moving, collapse that sector looking for work and we'll talk about some safety things in a perfect second, now that we've shown you what it looks like, with a guy you can clearly see how much space there is and how long it takes to human mind process it.
urban combat survival cqb and room clearing urban survival part 2
That's certainly going to be better with two with three, so what does it look like when we start having more than one guy walking into that room at a time? So one of the principles of CQB that we talked about is not exposing yourself to something that you're not covering yourself with your own muzzle or that a friend is covering you with their muzzle, okay, so let's go into this room and flow, okay, now we'll see what it looks like when two guys do the same thing. process that mitch was doing right where he came in, so you guys keep going, easy, step by step.
Notice how Jason moves at the same time as Mitchell to cover his back very quickly and they are collapsing his fire sectors. Now look at this. "Everyone stay in that position where you've maxed out. You're gagging each other. It may look like it from your perspective, but it's actually three feet away. It's three feet away. You can see that Mitchell is looking at this angle. It's not three feet away from Jason's snout, which means he can safely shoot with this overlapping field of fire, so the next thing we're going to talk about is adding a third or fourth. person because being alone sucks having two people, you know better, but hopefully we'd have a group of three third wheel, you want the third wheel, yeah, I want someone to watch, so if we can get you three to work the door, it's on. okay, yeah, I can't wait to Look at what this looks like, yeah, so what you're going to notice, the guys that are watching this, you're going to see how they have to distance themselves a little bit more and what they've been doing is called limited penetration, where you get about two steps in the door and most.
Everyone's used to limited penetration but when you have three people you have to move a little more so go ahead and hit with three and something you'll hopefully notice is that the third guy went the opposite direction of the guy in front of him leading us. to another cqb principle which is left right left right if the guy in front of you goes to the left, you go to the right and just as we saw before, right, if someone went and covered this corner, well, you have to immediately cover that one corner, the third guy occupies the middle and looks for extra work and his scan is still three feet away and three feet away, that way they're all in a line, they have intersecting fields of fire, no one is being gagged and we have more people to work on this problem, I think you bring up a really good point that maybe some people didn't understand, but looking for a job is something that will be vitally important, something that I was always taught and that was always It drilled me when I went to a filming house, it was hey, look for a job before work, look for a job, you should always be doing something right, so we have tall Chris Costa here, he's going to explain to us, he's going to explain to us the weapons manipulations.
We've talked a lot about feet, which is important, but you know you can really tell the difference between someone who has trained cqb professionally, not based on how they handle their gun through gates, and that kind of thing, so I really like. to explain to our people what they should do with their gun as they go through a door, yeah, so one of the things we like to demonstrate is simply that the gun is too long to fit through the door. door on the right, so there will be a few ways that we will have to maneuver this weapon around our body to get through the door efficiently and effectively, so even if we collapse it a little bit, you know I like to use mine all the way . get out uh but getting back to footwork it's vitally important to set up that proper footwork when I start to move forward the gun will come out of my shoulder and you can see from the back that it will come out of my shoulder just like This, when It's off my shoulder, I can still acquire a visual image, and I can still manipulate the safety and trigger if necessary.
Yes, this was in stark contrast to what many people like to see in ancient times. movies where you dip your gun as you go and the problem with that is of course you don't have that gun ready to fire when you come in on that right if I go through the door and put it down. I don't have a picture of the view. I can't exactly defend myself and my teammate if the weapon is down as we go through the door, so we want to be able to keep that weapon up and in the fight as we go. what that's going to look like is up here, the gun just slides over the top of the shoulder.
I take that nice step with that foot as I start to cross the doorway the gun just slides back into my shoulder pocket and I can clear that corner that deep angle clear my sector of fire keep moving and look for work yeah then You saw a


icular way of placing the gun around your shoulder, there are a few others that we talked about during class because you know we are capable of being flexible, but that is by far the most effective and the easiest to train at people, simply by placing a gun over their shoulder and back into their shoulder pocket.
It's very easy, so we've mainly talked about centrally fed doors where you have a long, long, short wall whatever, but it's not always a center-facing door, what else can we find? Possibly a corner room, which simply means the door is in the corner and it's important to know how to handle that because, actually, a lot. of commercial buildings rely on corner doors because they best fit their construction, so if you only know how to deal with a corner door and you come to a corner, you'll wonder: what do I do with my hands? So, let's go. let's talk about it, let's see it guys, welcome to a corner room here, so if you come, of course we have another door, but here's that corner door, that's what we'll see in those commercial buildings, jared, please take. far away man, it's the same goal that we did with the central federals, we are not going to destroy them with too much information, he is going to do the same thing he did there, he is going to panic, remember that we are talking about getting as much information from the outside as we can because it's about


, right, Mike, so Jason absolutely wants to experience this encounter, what can he see here?
It's a wall, so we know from the outside if we're looking right in this direction for the most part. The work will probably end here, so go ahead and start your process, exactly the same thing you were doing before moving at the speed you can process now. If it's here, how long do you want to stand at a door? A lot, not a lot, obviously, people know you're going to come in through that door, so guy number two is doing the same thing he was doing before sticking his snout out the way Jay is going to come in and hit that penetration pod. limited. there are two steps and they scan fine, the next question is: where does that second guy go?
So our second guy, like Jason, is doing that. Go ahead, he comes in for me. He will hit the other corner that was not seen. He's going to scan his area. He collapsed three feet away from his friend and that's it, everyone wants to see everything, yeah, let's watch it at full speed here, okay guys, like you guys want to go into the corner, we'll go ahead and watch these guys as they come in, pretty much simple, true, very simple, easy. Amazing day, so now what does it look like from the outside? Because you guys have me pointing at a wall.
Go ahead and continue with your process. We initiate this non-verbally. That snout sticks out the way it makes entry easier. right, and I just want you guys to really remember what the muzzle discipline was like, right, no one was gagged, it was smooth and efficient and we established our sectors collapsed, it's a beautiful dance, yes it is, so we've talked about central feeding . In rooms like the ones we're in here we've talked about corner power, but obviously a lot of fights are going to happen at night in buildings and even during the day those buildings are going to go dark because there's no electricity, etc., so what?
How does it look under white light? How do we do everything we've been doing under white light? What are some basic things we can tell our audience that they can start working on? Yeah, it's easy, so when you're in this room, I've talked about getting into it, we've talked about what we're supposed to do while we're here, how we're supposed to process it and consider it clear if the lights are off and not you can see yourself I can't actually process and do that work, we're here for a reason, we're here watching or fighting, so we might as well see and be able to and process the whole situation so we can cover that right now, I love it.
Let's do it right, so some easy things with the light that can actually on the other side of the wall that you can't see right now, they actually speak a language to us, so while we're here and we collapse our areas of responsibility or the section that I've chosen to take while I'm collapsing to my friend, family member, friend or teammate while I'm collapsing, the gun light is actually scanning the wall and it's transmitting something to them, it's saying, "hey, you're going to see some light in your path means that I am looking for a job and I have yet to find it and that is important, so when we look at each other, they are going to intersect at some point and it is very important to practice because we have photonic barriers that exist, it is that is, light that we cannot overcome unless we transmit something stronger than that, so when we send our light against the wall, it tells us: hey, I am looking for a job, I am coming to you, I have nothing, but if at some point I am collapsing and I see a person or something that has piqued my interest and I want to inspect.
I'll look at that and my teammate will break down and then say, "Oh, he's not with me yet, that's the problem we have." converged on it, so let's see what it looks like real quick and for now we're going to have the lights on, we'll turn it off later, but just so you guys can see what the important lights that we're looking at look like. this corner, so if my eyes are there, my muzzle should be there, so when I walk in now I'm processing and I'm not just executing the movements, I'm running that light against the wall to find my next problem.
Here is something important that will help you better process what you want to avoid, you can see it on Instagram or a couple of people scanning through our optics that is actually blocking a large part of the room and that prevents you from finding a problem if this It's not your job. We're going to overlook things a lot faster because it's not in your wheel space,so let's kick that habit and get over our optics when we're


so we can process from the baseboards to the ceiling, so if we do it incorrectly and we're processing notice the height of the optic where my eyes will be and where the light will be on the wall, if I go that high I'll eventually miss something that might be a beautiful, handsome man in flannel now if we're processing a little better if you notice the height of the light I can see from the baseboards to the ceiling and then there's that handsome young man again, okay, let's go ahead and let's watch this at full speed.
We will have three men enter under white light. Well, with white light it is very easy to speak a different language without speaking verbally. We're going to use this light and demonstrate what it looks like when we have nothing and what it looks like when one of us can find something which is that dead space we talked about earlier, so we start our scanning process we scroll around, oh, and there's a friend, like this that I'm locked up. Jared has done all the work collapsing the rest of the room because he doesn't see me collapsing on him, which means I found work, so these are our lights.
It's going to look like if we don't have work in the room, the scanning process starts, we're actually crossing each other collapsing nice halos, okay, so one last thing we're going to talk about is that we've communicated with each other on The room looking across our areas of responsibility with our white light is speaking for us well, well how do we tell each other without speaking that we have done well? Introducing the cute little halos going through here. We finished scanning our area. of responsibility is done let's go here and climb right up the wall and create a nice little halo over my head which means one I'm an angel because I did my job two we're done so nonverbally you your friends your wife, your spouse, your husband , whatever you are, you can say that you are done in this room, so we have talked a lot about how to clean the room, what changes under night vision, well, based solely on the way night vision is done, think about the distance at which this opening is located. from your actual eyeball, sure or four in your case, it will cause my brain to process information that is four or six inches away, which leaves people crashing into things if they are not used to moving under them, you also have a 40 degree Field of View, this is the worst case scenario, right, I can only process what is in this small space, whereas before, when you were watching, we were working in bright light and we could see the peripherals, so what in cqb under night vision we have to replace. some of that sensory loss with other things like contact, sometimes intimately, so that we can understand how to work together without having to look and lose situational awareness about the threat.
Awesome, can we talk a little bit about getting to the threshold and preparing to enter? and how can we talk to each other yes absolutely let's do it so it should be noted that the lasers that you are seeing and the lights that you are seeing on these rifles that they are emitting are actually ir that means they are not visible to the naked eye , can only be seen through night vision. There are a couple of things to keep in mind, of course, if you're the only one with night vision, it's not a big deal, but of course, if you suspect that whoever you're fighting has night vision, you should definitely be careful. with the amount of that energy that you are emitting because obviously they will be able to see it and this could highlight the fact that you have that technology and that knowledge and it will show them where they are exactly, yeah, okay, so let's get ready guys, it's like it was when we had daylight, so for you as viewers watching this, there's really no difference except these.
The kids are now working with limited sensory, so Jason shows us how you turn off that light and that laser and that allows Will to see what you're doing and when you stick that snout out, it allows him to see that door. It's been opened so they can enter the room, everyone can see him quite easily and that allows him to get over the threshold without being gagged and no one had to say anything because we maintain that advantage of stealth. talk well guys real quick uh we're going to talk about what the whole process is like so my son is outside go ahead and get started but go really slow for me we're going to talk to the viewers about this.
Same principles as before, look good, watch his footwork, he's moving, accelerating in the process, he's collapsing his sector and there will be some non-verbal cues as to what's going to happen next, one of those muzzles will go up along the way. . Notice how he didn't hit anything. We maintain that stealth advantage. They're collapsing into each other and giving that nice little halo technique. Nothing really changed under the night vision, except that they had to be careful how they moved. I had to be very deliberate with their scans, it's the same principles and a lot of people don't understand what you're seeing them use.
Obviously, there's quite a bit of shine here right now. We have a couple of vampire lights on, which are our go-to lights. it's a little more visible, but night vision can only amplify light, there has to be light, so especially when you enter buildings on very dark nights where there are clouds and no moonlight, you will absolutely need IR devices so that your night vision devices work. especially underground, especially in buildings when it's completely dark and no light, that's why they are using it for those of you who are a little confused and haven't seen night vision in use, actually under night vision, so if there is anything that We can really like to impress everyone with this brief discussion on cqb as if we have really barely scratched the surface because we simply don't have enough time in a video to explain that training is really necessary when it comes to cqb. practice what you're seeing here, but what are some good places to get cqb training?
Well, we offer things all over the place, but there are some really amazing facilities, for example here where we are at the moment. Central vision, this is here. in the Pacific Northwest, specifically in Washington, just outside of Seattle, they're amazing, yeah, they're also super based on the super bass, oh yeah, so, but we all offer stuff all over the country, a lot of stuff in the east coast of Texas, Louisiana, um, there are many others. amazing companies, haley, yes, absolutely, yes, you talk about fair solutions for bears, I love that guy, yes, what I love about the community is that everyone is really open, they say, hey, there are a lot of great places to train, The point is that you do it.
I need to get it, especially when it comes to cqb. This is something that I definitely recommend having a professional look at because sometimes it's really hard to diagnose yourself, so go out and really train the guys. This kind of thing is extremely important, it's an It's important to have a skill because what do you say you don't want? If you ever have to clean a real room, you don't want to do it. If you had to do this for the first time, you wanted it to be the moment where it matters or it won't be the moment when you figure it out and train properly when you object to doing this.
Statistics show that two-thirds of people who actually do the entry pose get shot, which is not a very good chance and those chances can be reduced. training and again guys, that comes down to our



, this is a critical skill, it's a dangerous skill that you shouldn't clear unless you absolutely have to, but like we said, it's something that you're probably going to have to do. If things get really bad, so train again guys, we just can't stress it enough right now guys, we can't thank you enough for watching Jared, we can't thank you enough for coming and having your instructors here.
I really appreciate it guys come out be a good person thanks for watching we don't have anything else for you okay last thing let's do what we always do dad's advice jared you gotta give it to my poor audience , dad's advice, they are. lost, they don't have father figures, I was going to say the first thing would be to repent and turn to Christ, stop watching porn, uh, go out, touch the grass, sunbathe, your balls, you know things like that, damn, that's it amazing, that's a mega bass, amazing.

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