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Suppressors Will Save Your Life

Jun 03, 2021
If you've ever been watching a movie and heard a muted gunshot and it was so unrealistic so you complain to


that or


friend, go ahead and hit that subscribe button guys comment with the movie, the TV show or the video game. the worst suppressed gunshot sounds the comments section i


be banned at some point but that day is today ladies and gentlemen the channel's biggest support right now is brownells brownells is the hero we deserve but not the one we need they are bringing ancient weapons from the grave to haunt us and we can't thank them enough for it.
suppressors will save your life
Go ahead and give Brownells a shout out. Many thanks to them and, of course, many thanks to our other sponsors. No name, usually. Has the Sonora Desert Institute ammunition to learn that the arms trade, the art of gunsmithing and, of course, the CAC industries with their stabilizing devices, go see them, ladies, gentlemen, I am often forgotten, certainly not because me, the high powers of browning, welcome to the channel, so today we are going to be talking about a very interesting topic, how a suppressor could save your


. Kevin Owens, very famous in my combat rifle video, talked about how he was on a rooftop about to engage some insurgents when, as he was firing his rifle, a short barreled Mark 18 very similar to the one we have right here didn't He had a suppressor, it was at night and the fireball from his Mark 18 immediately alerted the nearby enemy who began attacking him with accurate and heavy suppressive fire.
suppressors will save your life

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suppressors will save your life...

Now Kevin Owens walked away from that day because he's a damn animal, but the point is that a suppressor in that case could have made it much more difficult for an enemy to detect him, just as it could be important for us in the various types of situations in the ones you can find, so let's go. Assume for a moment that things are going wrong and that we need a suppressor for a combat rifle, so let's talk about the different types of


that we need for that combat rifle and how they can protect you and save your


, so Let's enter without further ado.
suppressors will save your life
A quick note should be made: if you are looking for a suppressor, not a combat rifle, but a precision rifle or pistol, your considerations


be slightly different because, uh, different. Suppressors are for different types of uses, but we are talking about combat


or combat rifles, so let's get into it now if you are looking for a history of suppressors and why they are so heavily regulated. I highly recommend -Rex Arms and his brother Isaac with a great video on how we got screwed by having easy to get suppressors and uh they did a great job so go check that out but today we're going to talk about what we're good at uses and applications practical and tactical suppressors, so a lot of people when they try to find a suppressor like this, here we have a foolproof rc2, sorry, they get lost in the sauce and aren't sure what to use.
suppressors will save your life
Look at what's important and what's not important, so today we're going to try to clear that up a little bit and talk about how these different categories within a suppressor will save your life to start with one of the most important things that should be. Looking when you look for a suppressor, a silencer, a can, FYI, no one cares about what you call sound suppression. If your suppressor can't suppress sound then you don't have a sound suppressor so you should have a can that does a relatively good job, now I understand that with a 556 gun, uh, or even a 300 blackout gun that shoots super, you still need to wear hearing protection while fighting with a suppressor because they don't take it to a level that is safe. listen without hearing protection, but the goal of that sound suppression is to make it difficult to locate where specifically your shots are coming from and to make it more pleasant for you when you're shooting, so to illustrate that point we have a couple of different types of Oda, different assailants who have been in several confrontations and have been in situations shooting from the top of a mountain from a slope at several people they were attacking and when they fired at the silencer mounted on their weapon, it was very difficult for those individuals determine where they were shooting from because a sound suppressor by attenuating and reducing the decibel level and also changing the pitch, which changes the way sound travels through the air, made it difficult for them to precisely locate where their shots are.
It comes so that if you are hiring someone who has that suppressor on, it will be more difficult to accurately determine where your shots are coming from simply due to the sound attenuation. Now, a lot of people, when they start using suppressors, go crazy chasing decibels. low they can go, but I'm here to tell you that you shouldn't be chasing decibels because a lot of the tests you see, I don't think are scientifically valid, testing things in your backyard at the maximum decibel level doesn't really matter. There are many things that go into sound. If you've studied the human ear, you know that there's a lot more than just the maximum decibel level when it comes to what your ear actually perceives and how that sound travels.
There are many tone frequencies. of different things, so if we're talking about a good way to measure the sound in a suppressor, I recommend you visit pew science. You have a great website where you have a controlled environment and you specifically analyze the entire waveform and then with a mathematical model you are able to emulate what the human ear perceives as it travels through the air depending on the density of the air and that kind of thing. . In the end you are an engineer, you know what you are doing and I highly recommend you take a look at that instead of looking at pure decibel levels because they don't tell the whole story.
Certain suppressors have very nice tones like the Surefire RC2. In his tests, he showed that the deeper tone is better and easier to listen to. This makes it harder to put on and is easier on you as a shooter than the tone of other suppressors, which is not as good, so there is a lot more than the maximum decibel level, so don't go chasing decibels, go to the science bench and go check it out. As far as sound levels go, another thing to keep in mind is going to be flash suppression, as we talked about with Kevin Owens, when your gun fires, there will be unburned powder, that unburned powder will come out and ignite you.
You're going to have that cute little fireball coming out along with other things like back pressure and hot gases and all that kind of stuff and that causes that visible fireball that could possibly give you away and get you killed, so you want to make sure. that you have a suppressor that can reduce the amount of fireballs and flashes you see at night, especially if some kind of thing happens during the night and you don't want to give yourself away by shooting and setting up a huge fireball, so suppressors do a very good job reducing that fireball, suppressor designs now come a long way, plus the baffle design along with the end cap design, can dramatically reduce the firewall you see with military type suppressors like the surefire, the cac and the dead air.
Here they are specifically made with signature reduction on mine, so they paid close attention to the type of fireball that came out of these suppressors because no matter what a small jet of flame still comes out. from there, especially when these guns get hot because you're still trying to control a blast with those baffles inside the suppressor, so when you're looking at a suppressor, make sure your suppressor does a pretty good job and that's also something to think about . The shorter the barrel the more problems you could have because the shorter the barrel the more unburned gunpowder you will have and then you will have more explosions if you have ever shot a 10 inch or 10 three inch gun with a rest there or even a flashlight you still get that big muzzle flash coming out of there so understand if you are going to use a 10 three ar make sure you have a suppressor that is rated to be able to handle that barrel length because not all suppressors are going to Be it in the case of cac and surefire, which is what I normally recommend for a type of combat suppressor, they do a good job.
Good job handling that fireball, but it should be noted at this point that the longer the barrel, the less fireball you will get, so move up to a 14 and a half, 16 and a half inch barrel. like what we have on this eur gi right here you're going to have a lot less flash compared to the 18 mark and then of course put a suppressor on there and you're going to have even less so again this also comes down to a conversation about what with you feel comfortable, because a short canyon, of course, is really nice, it's very easy to maneuver with the sky, it's easy to get in and out, but depending on your environment, if you're going to be in the woods or something, you know, There is a lot of merit in using a longer rifle because not only do you get less flash and pop, so it can make it harder for people to just tell where you are, but you also get higher muzzle velocity on your bullets, so , compared to the 18 10 3 mark barrel, generally reaches between 26 and 2,700 feet per second, which sounds like a lot, but the 556 cartridge needs a lot of velocity to do good and deadly things compared to that. 20 inch AR, like the typical m16 a2s a1s, all that kind of stuff is approaching 32-33,000 feet per second, which is absolutely devastating, at most of the ranges that you normally associate with the m16 at 500, so understand that the longer the barrel you go with, the more effective you will be; however, I understand that it will be more difficult to navigate, so again compromises must be made and you must figure out what is acceptable to you and what is going to work. works for you, but in general I say if you can run a 14-5 to 14.5 run and beyond all that muzzle flash and everything that's hiding there, another thing to think about is how bright it is when you shoot these suppressors As they heat up depending on the types of materials used they can begin to emit light in the infrared or near infrared spectrum, so you won't be able to see with the naked eye, but you will be able to see with your night vision or other people trying to find you and kill you could see it through your night vision so I have a couple of older suppressors made with different types of older materials at some companies even today they make them with materials that are older and after about 15 rounds that suppressor will glow like a lightsaber, which is cool for videos, but it won't be so cool if you're on the side of a mountain and there's no artificial light nearby and someone sees your little lightsaber in your suppressor because the you've been involved and they can put effective fire on you because your suppressor gave you away, so in that case that material could get you killed, so make sure you have a suppressor that keeps that amount of visible light and our light to a minimum, if possible , now I understand that if you are throwing magazine after magazine after magazine through a suppressor it will heat up and start to become visible, that's how it works, it is trying to contain explosions, it will heat up and eventually start to glow red. even to the visible eye, but try to get one that mitigates it as much as possible.
Your good old military cans will usually do that, so there's something to look at, something to investigate to make sure you don't get killed because, again, you might want to. believe that no one else is going to have night vision except you, but it's best not to underestimate your enemies. Something about another way a suppressor will help you not die and could possibly save your life is under night vision when shooting night vision, you have a lot of things to deal with and the last thing you want to deal with is the flashes on your muzzle, so it's about having a good flash hider and a good suppressor, so If with a good suppressor we are going to severely limit the amount of flashes that we will see in night vision, now, of course, modern night vision It is automatic and does a very good job of dealing with bright lights, but if we can at least Everyone mitigates it with a good suppressor and has less light source coming from us, especially when we are trying to track a moving target that is moving at through a dynamic environment, the better it will be because imagine you're trying to shoot someone and again we're not in, you know, they shoot at cardboard, they move through buildings, they move from car to car and every time I shoot, I get that nice little flash that is disorienting and makes it hard to track precisely where you are.
The type versus the suppressor is going to severely limit that, so again, a suppressor is a very good idea, especially if you are shooting a night vision again, if we can take advantage of all the advantages, why not do it again another way? to possibly save your life, not get yourself killed, finally a good thing to consider will be the muzzle device you want to have and choose a suppressor that uses a good mount that can be used without the suppressor, so in the insurance case. We have a four-pointed one here, but one ofThree prong works the same way Surefire's three and four prong suppressors do a really good job of reducing and almost eliminating all flash in many situations now, in the dead of night and in a dry environment, you will still have a flash. , but they work pretty well and don't create much of a concussion either and are just good. muzzle devices on their own, so if your suppressor requires you to have a massive rest and if you have the suppressor off it's just throwing out huge fireballs, I can think of a couple of suppressors that like the cherry bomb q , they have a different mouth device.
Now beyond that, but I think it's a bit useless if you can only shoot with the suppressor on. There are situations where you may not want to have the suppressor there for a variety of different tactical considerations, so make sure the muzzle device and the mount. The system itself is usable and makes sense without the suppressor and what goes. Beyond that is making sure that mounting solution you have for your suppressor is a good one, not all suppressor mounts are built the same, each design has its own little flaws. and then little weaknesses, you know, the mounts will be carbon blocked, so what will happen is when you have that suppressor on, those hot gases will flow back, they will flow back over the mount and could possibly block both muscle devices. and the suppressor together like cement with that carbon as it dries and just cements those two pieces together, so different suppressors use different means to remove stuck suppressors, so when it comes to a safety, if that gets stuck, all you have to do is turn the collar like this and then fire a real bullet and it will trigger the silencer, that's true for a lot of military type suppressors because they assume that at some point it will probably get carbon blocked, it kind of happens to me Because being in the Pacific Northwest, I'm shooting at night, it's cold, on top of that, it's usually raining water combined with heat, metals expanding, metals contracting, all that kind of stuff, I usually get a lot of blockage. of carbon because of that, despite the suppressor support you have.
Use it, so I always make sure I have a good suppressor mount that makes it easy to remove if necessary, whether it's a live round or whatever, so make sure you find a good one; of course there are some really innovative things like the q-can has a really cool tapered mount that almost completely eliminates carbon blocking and they do a really good job of that so again look at your different mounts, find out what will work for you and find a good mount that works as a muzzle device and as your uh as your suppressor host consider the change of py every time I throw a heavy piece of metal at the end of my barrel, I'm going to change my point of impact so that when I put zero my gun, my red dot my reticle is on at a certain point, it's right in the middle, that bullseye shot without a suppressor, dead eye, right in the middle, ready to go, however, I mount that suppressor and add weight, maybe I'll get a shift down, maybe to the left, up, it's a pretty typical suppressor, so if it's going to be by suppressor something to consider will be what is my impact shift point with my suppressor mounted this it's something you should be trying uh a lot of the military suppressors like Surefire Knights Dead Air all those types of guys are reported.
To have little to no change I think it guarantees less moa on your turn which is pretty good and I think that's pretty true, I usually have about 0.5 on my turn when it comes to relying on the rifle and the cannon. profile and that sort of thing, but if there's a ship, make sure you know what it is and if you zero your rifle with the silencer there, see how it changes in different environments and that sort of thing, make sure you're as competent and as As thorough with your equipment as necessary, there are too many suppressors to talk about and they all have their own little quirks, but you need to know and understand them if you are going to use them to possibly defend your life.
The thing is, even though they don't weigh much, they're at the end of your gun, at the end of your gun with science and physics and all that, you tend to feel the weight a lot more than you would if you were just holding it in your hand so you can hold a suppressor and say well that's not so bad, we'll mount it on the end of a 16 inch barrel or a 10 barrel and you say, oh, it actually feels quite a bit heavier than I thought it would be because the fact is that if I have a suppressor with more deflectors with more length with more weight with more material it will be more effective it will be bombproof. having tons of deflectors to contain that blast will do a great job of suppressing flash because it's bigger but that means more weight so unless you're a giant man and weight isn't a consideration at all you're going to have to find something that's a good balance so again look at the size of your suppressor and look at that weight and figure out what will work for the type of rifle you're using, that's acceptable because otherwise if you have a suppressor that's so big that works great but you never put it on your rifle because you think this thing is heavy so it's not that good of a suppressor so make sure you find that good balance of back pressure here we go well so when you add a suppressor on a barrel, what you're basically doing is prolonging the time that the system is under pressure of those expanding gases in the gas port or the dwell time.
This is good and bad, it is good because with greater pressure we see that more force is exerted on the stock, that means that there is a good chance that that stock will open and be reliable; However, this is also bad as the increased back pressure also causes more wear and tear on your rifle's parts, so the extractor has to work harder than the bolt carrier. it has to work hard, all the springs have to work harder because everything moves faster and is under a lot more heat and also a suppressor makes the gun a lot more dirty, especially when it comes to ar-15 type rifles that are di like this So when selecting your suppressor, understand that you should look for one that has the lowest possible backpressure while still retaining the other qualities we talked about, which is why there are certain cans like the OSS that have a low backpressure, however, the Flash suppression qualities aren't that great, so again you have to find that balance for yourself and figure out what's going to work, but suffice to say that if you have a suppressor mounted, you'll be surprised how dirty your entire body is.
The gun is affected by all that back pressure and that comes with maintenance with the added suppressor. I understand that you are going to keep your rifle a little longer because it is going to get a lot dirtier, but again I think the drawbacks that you have. The increased back pressure and wear and tear on parts and gunk are absolutely worth the benefits of making you harder to identify and more invisible as you engage certain combatants, so again it's all about finding balance to find what will work. For you it all comes down to a suppressor being a force multiplier when it comes to being on your rifle, it silences a gun, makes it easier to shoot, makes it harder to detect and of course the gun is dirtier. it wears down the gun a little faster, but it's a net gain when it comes to having a suppressor on your gun.
It's unfortunate that they are very difficult to get, as the wait times are so long that they can be reduced by building them. yours, but they form one that is completely legal to buy a build kit, literally screw a tube onto some baffles and you have a suppressor. The problem, of course, is that the build quality between kits can be a little shaky at times, so look for a good build kit, but definitely get a suppressor. Do your research, find the one that works for you, and get a suppressor; It will possibly save your life in certain situations, so be sure to do it, but as always, what really matters is training.
If you have this sick rifle with a suppressor and all that, but you have no idea how to shoot it or how to move, shoot and communicate or how to get past various barricades and obstacles and navigate on land and you're still going to die. I'm just going to go out there and get slapped right away, so make sure you use these skills that you're training, expand your mind in every way possible and become the weapon, this is great, but if the time comes. in the end you should be able to pick up any weapon and use it effectively, ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for watching, if you are looking for training, cod, jobs, solutions, hey, strategic tons of different types, go check them out and as always guys, I have nothing else for you, thank you for watching the latest for you, family, family is important, make sure you take the time and spend time with them because it really matters, you have to think about what it is.
The most important thing here and for some of you you may not have a family in the traditional sense. Your family can be your friends or your co-workers, whatever they are. Make sure you invest time in them, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you. Thank you so much for watching, I appreciate everything you do for me and a final shout out to my patreon people. You guys have made this channel amazing and I can't thank you enough ladies and gentlemen, I have nothing more for you. careful

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