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Unusual UNDERWATER DISCOVERIES That Cannot Be Explained

May 30, 2021
These sunken sculptures were found


and are so creepy. Look at them when people found them. They say: What is this? But it's really just an art installation. It is part of an


art gallery. People went there and said, let's make underwater art fancy, yeah, this is the Great Blue Hole, it's so deep you can see it from space. There I don't think we'll be able to do it either. We don't know what's there. What kind of creatures, fish, monsters, we don't know. Did you know that 95% of the ocean has not been discovered yet? 95% nothing means we win It can't be done 5% here is a lost Chinese city, the ones found on a lake in China, a real underwater city, what is all this?
unusual underwater discoveries that cannot be explained
You can see all the buildings from ancient times, like look at all the Zito, it's so beautiful, it's this mermaid proof, I'll take it as proof that this ship sank in 1869 and none of the alcohol was harmed, none of the glass was broken . I don't know how they did that, but a hundred and fifty year old bottle of wine worth millions was actually found there because it's so old. I never thought wine could be so expensive. Imagine finding something underwater and then becoming a millionaire as if life were good. This is perhaps the saddest discovery of all.
unusual underwater discoveries that cannot be explained

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unusual underwater discoveries that cannot be explained...

Look what we have done to our beautiful planet. I've been dumping so many tires in this lake that the whole bottom is full of trash and tires and these tires have been here for decades because they obviously don't rot, they're rubber, guys please put your trash and the right pins in, every little bit helps to save this. planet, this person thought that he was very lucky to find real gold coins, but it turned out that it was just gold painted with aluminum foil. Someone does this to trick divers into thinking they found real gold. This is almost evil.
unusual underwater discoveries that cannot be explained
April Fools' Day pranks are everywhere, even underwater. What they're looking at is an underwater river, yes, you heard me, an underwater river, but they're like, hey, Ozzie, how does that work? Because you are already underwater. How can there be more water underwater? Well, scientists have discovered that it's actually not real. water, but rather a river of clouds of hydrogen gas that flows along the ocean floor and looks like a river. I'm sure you've all heard of the Titanic, right? I hope so. Yeah, I don't want to talk about that. You know, it took scientists 70 years to find her after she sank 70 years, that's a long time, longer than I've been alive.
unusual underwater discoveries that cannot be explained
These are mysterious ancient figures buried underwater in Thailand, but we have no idea what they are, where they come from, what they are. represent that it's a big mystery, no one can solve it, so if you can figure it out, you can become a really rich man or woman, do it, but also, like I told you about this, like the 5%, I'm Jackee, what is that? a fish with a marginal head and is terrifying, it actually uses its large mouth to scare away predators. Can you imagine how scared scientists must have been when they first discovered this thing?
He just opened his mouth. I would say they are going to eat me. I wonder. How many more exciting creatures are there in our oceans that we haven't discovered yet? I wonder if there is an eel and a fish, a fish that eats chocolate all day and plays with slime, probably this river diver discovered the most beautiful pearl necklace ever seen, oh look how. It's pretty and they were real pearls so you know it's very expensive, not many people wear real pearls anymore because it's very easy to make fake pearls that look exactly identical, some people tend to buy fake pearls, that's the reality of the situation , but let's go back.
At that time it was difficult to make fake pearls and real pearl necklaces were very expensive. I wonder how this ended up in the river like with someone you meet in a canoe with their fancy pearl necklace, like in a canoe, why are you next to a river with your fancy pearl necklace, were you adjusting it? I don't understand how this happened, but it happened that Spanish ships sank in the 17th century and all these gold and silver coins that were found were worth seventeen million dollars. It's always so hard to know. Understand how much a billion dollars is, that's a lot of millions to put into perspective, so imagine making a million dollars and then making it a thousand times more, that's a billion and there was seventeen billion in this boat, would you buy with that? a lot of money, let me know in the comments.
This is a picture of a diver from a lake in Florida. He was swimming with his friends and then they ran into his giant crocodile. Oh guys, what are you supposed to do? What are you doing in this situation? you can't swim away from the crocodile it's a lot faster than you trust me your whole life is swimming you think you can swim like a crocodile no you got it I guess it's just standing your ground and pretending you're not afraid I don't know, but Look at this, it looks old, it looks like a dinosaur, this is the SS Central America, it sailed in 1857 and never returned.
The great mystery about this ship is that what she sailed left with ten tons of gold, this was a lot. gold that actually affected the economy once they couldn't find it because all that gold was missing, the economy collapsed, they found the ship but the gold was never found, what happened to that gold? Did someone find the ship, take the gold and never? reported it or maybe someone took the gold and then sank the ship like pirates or something or maybe the gold is still there at the bottom of the ocean somewhere waiting to be found this river diver found a smartphone along with three credit cards completely intact at the bottom of the river I doubt it still works, but I also feel bad, there's nothing worse than losing your guilt, like all the memories on your phone, like all those text messages and pictures, and I don't know everything you need on your phone.
Okay, underwater divers accidentally stumbled upon an underwater pyramid. We still don't know how old these pyramids are, how they were built underwater. I might add, but since there are so many depths underwater, we haven't actually been able to get into them yet. just look at them from the outside with Oh submarines I want to see what's inside Dindo this train derailed in New Jersey it's been underwater ever since how do you drive a planet? you drive a train is that the right words drive a train conductor I guess how you drive a train and then somehow derail it into the water like you have a job.
This train has been underwater for over a hundred years and is actually a very popular dive site. People love to dive and go. getting on the Train and exploring it, that actually sounds fun and also a little scary, like thinking what happens if the train collapses and you're stuck there forever. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, but it's true. I've dived before and actually my diving license is a lot of fun, but it's a little scary. I don't know how I feel being in a closed space. This is a ship that sank in Antarctica.
She looks so ghostly looming from there. the icy waters give me chills, this is a sylph rock crack and it actually separates North America from the Eurasian continents and here's an interesting little fact: it actually moves two centimeters a year, so it's slowly starting to separate every year, although it looks so beautiful. I kind of want to go swimming in it but I hope it doesn't open up and swallow me because what happened to me anyway guys I hope you enjoyed this video. Love you very much. They look incredible. sweet and don't forget me either

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