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Things That Happen ONCE In A Lifetime

Jun 02, 2021
Unique moments in a


! this person hit a mosquito with a dart. I can barely hit the entire board and this person hit the smallest mosquito. I bet the mosquito didn't see it coming. I think I'm allergic to mosquitoes and a random occurrence when everyone around me does it. bitten by mosquitoes they get this little red thing or mice welts or whatever they're called bites the bites are that big and I think: I'm going to die every time a mosquito hits me a blind child finds a lucky four-leaf clover this is incredible. He used to always look for four-leaf clovers when he was a kid.
things that happen once in a lifetime
We have a lot of them in our garden, and I always used to look for them. And I never found one and this child. I can't see and find one that is amazing. I wonder if you would like to go to his parents and tell them I found a plant and they said, "Oh my God." That's a four-leaf clover. Is that what


ed? Or maybe he felt it and felt the leaves, and we thought oohhh four leaves. That is incredible. This is a lucky guy with a lucky clover, a real dragonfly lands in front of this dragonfly tattoo.
things that happen once in a lifetime

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things that happen once in a lifetime...

It seems like they are legitimately mirroring each other. This is so cool Maybe the dragonfly saw the tattoo he thought it was another dragonfly friend And he says it's better to sunbathe with someone else or a dragonfly So only a car that should have been hit by a tree came out unscathed, am I saying that? good? !?! But anyway, look at this, if the tree wasn't curved. Perfectly, I would have completely demolished this car. His car is not damaged. And they are alive. Those are great


to be grateful for. Damn, look at the roots. It's like being ripped away, that's scary.
things that happen once in a lifetime
It's also crazy because like when you're like when you look at trees, you're never like, oh, that tree might fall sometime. I've never looked at a tree and been like that, it could fall on me like you always do. So trusting them, a camera captures the exact moment a balloon pops, this seems crazy. It looks like Photoshop It doesn't even look like a real photo So this is what it looks like when they pop because I don't even see them pop all I hear is that sound and then every time I hear a balloon pop I think they're shooting at me.
things that happen once in a lifetime
I come to those conclusions. Maybe I'm just too paranoid 😧. I'm a little paranoid 😱, but yes, that's what


s when I hear the balloon inflate. I wonder if this was his first attempt and they accidentally caught him or if they were trying to catch him and he was blowing up the balloon afterwards. balloon after balloon after balloon So this guy is reading a book about birds. Well, and the exact bird he's reading about Lands in his book. What are the possibilities? It's rare enough for a bird to land on a bird book or for a bird to land on you, for my Experiences, birds don't land on me! ;-;
I wish they did because I think they're cute, but I even tried doing this and they just do their thing. They're like. I'm not touching you Human, maybe they think I'm disgusting, maybe I smell, I probably do, but no, no, this guy gets the exact same bird landing on his book, so all these newspapers were stacked in a really strange way . The only words you can see if you read them are: This is not a coincidence. This is not a coincidence. This is not a coincidence. What kind of secret message are they trying to send us?
I think it's a coincidence. But they tell us that it is not this carrot. He's hugging another carrot. How cute is that? Vegetables need love too. Well. Everyone needs love. This is so cute I couldn't even eat it. Three people couldn't send one person the same birthday card. I don't think this is a crazy coincidence. I think this person probably loves bacon. Each person said, "This is the card for him. So this guy goes to the doctor, okay, and the doctor has his sign on the wall, and it looks identical to the sign on the wall.
They have the same haircut, the same shirt, all the same. They are practically the same person, how did this doctor know? It's a conspiracy. I'm very awake now. You know I'm into these conspiracies. Okay, look at the kids' shirt 👶, okay. Now look at the dog 🐕 now. look at the kids t-shirt 👶 again now look at the dog 🐩 again. What are the chances? They look the same, it looks like the same dog, it snowed a lot of snowballs. Look at them. I would just like to tell all those people that my cat looks exactly like the cat in her treat bag.
Is this a coincidence or did you pick a treat bag that looked like your cat 🐈🐈🐈 by the way, look at the eyes. of those cats? Isn't that the prettiest green color you've ever seen? Oh my god, I've never seen that color green before. I mean, I've seen that color green, but never in an eye. I took my bottle of shampoo and left some letters. Look at all those letters, how are they not the letters that are written on the shampoo? I didn't know they could come off. I thought it was actually printed or it had just peeled off and somehow formed letters.
I don't think that's the case because replacing the M&M in the bag has two emotions. He looks happy but also in a bad mood when actually I feel like he is like hmm hmm Hmm like that deep face, I don't know what it's called smug maybe? I spilled my coffee and Elvis is crying. Oh poor Elvis. This is so cute, I bet without the crying. He doesn't look like that, so no, he still looks pretty sad. It's like he fits his face right here, me, my dad, in the same place, 24 years apart, this photo was taken intentionally or not.
You know what I'm saying like that. He sees this photo of his dad, and he says: I need the same photo or did he take this photo? He went home and his dad says: I have the same photo as you because it would be crazy, it would be a crazy coincidence. They are even doing the same pose, they both have a hat, they both have a similar shade of shirt, you can see it wherever they are. He's gotten a lot busier because he had the place to himself. Maybe his father owned the place where he took a photo.
Image when lightning struck. It's a great image. What are the chances that some crazy guy will look flash and be a little scary? I'm a mom, I'm a little terrified of being outdoors if I'm inside. I think he's pretty, as soon as I'm outdoors I feel like I'm going to die a horrible flash death, remember when I said I was a little paranoid? Eeeh, we have a leak in our house and two mushrooms grew behind some furniture. This one makes me want to vomit. I don't know why it scares me. I feel like they are going to poison me and that I am going to die forever.
Get them away from me. I wouldn't move. I would just move legitimately. I'm sorry. These cars have matching license plates and were parked next to each other in the same parking lot. Why is it likely that he didn't even know that two cars could have the same license plate? I thought they had some system in place or that a license plate was their own oh oh no. Oh Lord. I can't see it's not the same They're the next license plate, so this is 217 218 Wow Job a good Z for you for being able to use your eyes well with the eyeballs What onion with a smiley face?
This one is so cute. I like him, I mean he's smiling, but he'll still make you cry. A friend tried to throw his keys at me at work and they got stuck in the ceiling pipes, like this. OMG, this one is bad luck. How are you going to lower the keys now? I hope the ceiling isn't too high, if it's not too high you know someone can climb onto someone's shoulders, you guys can hold on but try not to fall trying to die, if it's too high then you will. You need to cut stairs, you will have to use the ladder.
I saw a seagull standing on top of another seagull. That's a little rude. I don't think the other seagull will appreciate it unless they are best friends. Oh, oh my god. They are trying to get the key from the roof. They followed my advice and stood on each other's shoulders. How did this happen? Here we have a Pepsi can, okay, and I guess it looked like it exploded and then spiraled and then froze again. That? Oh my god, okay? So this is the freezer and this is how it froze. At first I thought it was the refrigerator, still a little strange.
I still don't understand how he froze in that perfect spiral. I am intrigued. I need to try this at home. This person encountered an albino fly. What I have never seen is an albino flight. It's as disgusting as the real thing. I don't like flies guys. I'm sorry you touch poop, that's why I don't want you to touch me. I'm not depressed. I mean. I don't want them dead, I just don't want them near me. Both lines at this McDonald's Drive-in looked exactly the same. This is the same as this, this is the same as this now.
You know, what would make this even crazier is that if they ordered the exact same


, it would be a mind-blowing situation: OOOOOOOO! So this is someone's yearbook. Ok, now. They're looking at it, this is a real person, it's not from the Harry Potter movies like you might think because this looks exactly like Harry Potter and then Ron and Hermione are asked what school did you go to? What are the chances that it is a glitch in the array? It's a mystery. Did anyone borrow? Flip this. They are like from below. They flipped the bottle and it landed on the J because it's a crazy coincidence or Someone climbed to the top of the roof and just sat it on the J, which seems a little scarier to me.
It seems that it seems scarier, why would you lean in? Over the edge of a building? Oh? It gave me chills even thinking about it. Please let this be just a bottle toss, but this is the most intense bottle toss ever: Or anyway guys, I hope you enjoyed this video. I love you all so much, keep being amazing, stay sweet and Don't forget to be kind to others, bye. Bye :3 :3 :3 Music Music music 🆓 cheese if you subscribe! (100% legit!) totally!

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