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Understanding Blues Guitar - Part I of IV Knowledge Is Power! Communicate - Not Copy.

Jun 09, 2021
fifth now, then let's see something really very tasty, so we have done the root. now the root and fifth are obvious because the root and fifth are the two strongest resolution notes, they are the most obvious, so when we play the pentatonic scale what we are missing in the pentatonic scale is the third because the third It's the crucial


of a chord that tells you whether it's a minor chord or a major chord and the chords we're using in the


are major, they have a major third, okay, and again, if you learn the construction of your chords, I can do it.
understanding blues guitar   part i of iv knowledge is power communicate   not copy
Showing you this will become more and more obvious, but the simple thing here is one, two, three, that's the bird, so the bird is an octave higher and you'll find it here as well, but our pentatonic scale doesn't want us to do that, it's there, okay? And here this is a really crucial


of the


because one of the key things about the blues is the interaction between the minor third and the major third and we could do a whole lesson on this, but today I'm just talking about chord tones and first position and I want to involve you in the whole general thing that we're talking about, so let's take a look at it while we play that chord again. like a chord and now I'm going to play the minor third by itself very very flat like no, no frills, I played a very flat one if we just listen to that no, you just can't imagine that note being important, can you? own, it just sounds, so what's going on there?
understanding blues guitar   part i of iv knowledge is power communicate   not copy

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understanding blues guitar part i of iv knowledge is power communicate not copy...

Why is this known to be so important? If you look at my little diagram that I made, you'll see that in parentheses next to the minor third I put the major third in parentheses now that the major third is a bright color, yeah, you can see. I made the minor third in gray. I made it gray because I want you to see that it is not a resolution point. Well, the bright colors are where the resolution points are and then one of the resolution points. are the major third the major third is a point of resolution because it is a chord tone that we just said and not only is it a chord tone but it is the most important chord tone because it is the court that tells us where the chord is it major or minor the major third is like a very strong major chord on that running note on that strong chord or interval on that pitch, so now I want to go well, now we have something really interesting because we can go from something that sounds bad to something which sounds great, in other words, the minor third in the pentatonic sounds, but the major third that's outside of our pentatonic scale sounds, it works, it's a resolving note, so let me show you if I just play the major third, which is . t in a pentatonic scale, so remember this is not in a pentatonic scale, but we need to know it's there, so we're just adding as a flavor because it's a very important note that works in a major third, it's not in a pentatonic scale . not on the blue scale, but it is absolutely fundamental to what we are going to do now.
understanding blues guitar   part i of iv knowledge is power communicate   not copy
One of the lovely little things you can do in the pentatonic scale or the blue scale to make it sound bluesy is to simply do what they call a loop in the minor third, what that loop does is take our ear to that major third sometimes not even It doesn't even get there it's not a full band but it brings us to this one note court resolution that doesn't really sound resolved at all so let me give you an idea I'll take you to say yes and in this case I'm winding it up and resolving there, but if I wanted to, I could go back to resolve it from the root, but If I warned you, just keep it hanging and that naturally leads us to keep it in a full Bend.
understanding blues guitar   part i of iv knowledge is power communicate   not copy
All my sounds sound like country, but it sounds cooler, so here we'll settle in the room, but we're putting the kink in it a little bit. so I want you to practice playing the minor third on that diagram, but rotating it a little bit from that minor third to the major third, so how about this? If you're right at the beginning of your journey, do this route, but whenever you play the third, the minor third, that's what it sounds like. Thanks, I don't want to stay on the phone because the falls bit the poop, so we want to fall.
Cal, okay, there's a lot of, so we think we've covered it. your route, we've covered the minor third with some men we've met, we've talked about the fourth, which is kind of a departure from it, but as long as you don't land on it and it's really, really, really important that you know that that note is one that you don't land on, but what happens is your ears take over and naturally you start to move away from the resolution of that fourth, but if you know it's a fourth and you know it's the one you stay away from , it helps you build licks and phrases for the future, okay, it helps you understand why you're so fit and now, seven, seven, it's just part of the chive chord tones, so we have the minor. - seven is part of the chord because that's the seventh chord that we started with, it's called a7 the - 7 is another chord tone, okay, so it's a very important note again because it's a chord tone, so let's play that again - seven is there and it's here, but again it sounds sweet and the good thing about it is that it doesn't resolve as obviously as a gross myth, but it has a flavor, so you can go, you can resort to the route and then follow up with a written resolution to the seventh so it works, right?
Hi, I'm so sorry, it seems like my technical expertise has let me down once again, the bright light shining on the whiteboard was throwing me out of focus throughout the video. I'm not too busy talking to you, so yeah, look, look, look, we're getting that. I'm so sorry if you're now feeling dizzy from watching a blurry, blurry video for the entire time and my memory card and I have run out, so I'm absolutely ruined by all of this, so hey, look, let's get enlightened together. I told you I'd play dumb, so how did you know that helped anything?
Because clearly we can, we can continue in the next video, I can't do it. all over again, but I'll do a better one, I'll get better, you see, I'll start a little bad and I'll get better, so what we'll do in the next video will surely look a little bit more. the flat 5, the blues note and the development of the key, next time we will look at the chord change, so as we go from chord one to four, how our notes now sound in relation to the new chord we are touching. and generally the notes within the pentatonic scale continue to sound good in that chord, okay, so it's going to be really interesting and I hope it gives you a new input and you can understand the blues because it's a lot of fun. and it can be done at any level.
I think the wonderful thing about the blues is that it doesn't matter if you are a complete beginner or more advanced as you know that anyone can play the blues and so I hope this can even inspire some people to start playing the blues thinking that they don't. You can always do that, but maybe if you watch the videos and start improving your level, you'll find that you can play the blues and have a lot of fun with it, okay, I'm really sorry, please don't dismiss the video because it's so blurred. I'm not a YouTuber, you know I use YouTube to talk to you, but I'm not a YouTube expert and No, I don't have an editor, I just did it in between all my other jobs, so yeah, I really wanted to do this.
I'm glad I did it, but I'm really sorry about the video, the blur is complete. nightmare anyway I'll see you next time and we'll go from there please write in the comments below how you feel about any gaps that need to be addressed if you want me to start with the regular major scale if you want me to do a video on cable construction we can do it all wherever they think there is a problem. I will help you. Okay, thanks guys, stay well and safe and all that kind of stuff. See you soon. Good, greetings.
Bye bye.

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