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Unclog Arteries...1 Glass in the Morning Will Be Rewarding - Dr Mandell

Jun 19, 2024
Welcome, what I am going to share with you today


hopefully change your life. I'm going to share an elixir that


help those clogged


. There are hundreds of millions of people around the world suffering from cardiovascular diseases. This can be due to many factors, such as obesity. From diabetes to poor diet and excessive stress, our circulatory system is an intrinsic network of capillaries, blood vessels and


. These tubes move oxygenated blood through the body, which helps fuel all the body's functions, as long as those blood vessels are clean and the open blood can flow freely.
unclog arteries 1 glass in the morning will be rewarding   dr mandell
Sometimes small blockages build up inside the blood vessels. These blockages are called plaques and develop when cholesterol sticks to the walls of the artery when your immune system detects a problem it will send white blood cells to attack the cholesterol, this sets off a chain of reactions that lead to inflammation in the worst case, the cells They form a plaque over the cholesterol and then a small blockage forms and as the plaques continue to grow they can completely block blood flow in an artery so when blood can't reach the heart it is called a heart attack and When blood cannot reach the brain it is called a stroke you will promote better heart health by maintaining a healthy lifestyle your diet plays an important role in improving your heart health and reducing the risk of plaque buildup It is never It's too late to eat a healthier diet, just as years of poor nutrition can harm your body.
unclog arteries 1 glass in the morning will be rewarding   dr mandell

More Interesting Facts About,

unclog arteries 1 glass in the morning will be rewarding dr mandell...

A good diet can help cure it, so add more good fats to your diet, such as olives, nuts, avocados and fish, reduce your sources of too much saturated fat and eliminate artificial ones. Trans fat sources increase fiber consumption and you should reduce that sugar consumption because it is not only toxic but also very inflammatory for the body. Exercise, shed those extra pounds, and make sure you get enough sleep. An Apple. one day may keep the doctor away, but an apple a day can help reduce hardening of the arteries by 40 percent. This is because the polyphenols and apples, as well as their healing fiber, help slow down clogged arteries.
unclog arteries 1 glass in the morning will be rewarding   dr mandell
Apples can reduce blood levels of oxidized substances. low-density lipoproteins, which are your LDL, that's the bad cholesterol and when LDL cholesterol interacts with free radicals to oxidize, the cholesterol is more likely to promote inflammation and can cause tissue damage. Numerous studies show that garlic prevents the buildup of plaque in the arteries. Garlic makes our blood less sticky which prevents plaque from adhering to arterial walls. Garlic is known to have a healing role in the therapy of arterial sclerosis, which is the regression of plaque. Garlic reduces total cholesterol. Reduces LDL cholesterol and inhibits its oxidation. Reduces triglycerides.
unclog arteries 1 glass in the morning will be rewarding   dr mandell
Inhibits platelet aggregation. Reduces blood pressure. fibrinogen concentration and improves fibrinolytic activity. Turmeric has powerful medicinal healing properties. Curcumin is the main curcuminoid in turmeric and is a polyphenol, which is a plant compound with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that protect cells from damage. Being overweight will cause fat cells to release cytokines that cause damage to blood vessels exposing them to plaque buildup, but the curcumin in turmeric has the ability to inhibit the differentiation of fat-producing cells, which in turn reduces the fat storage. Turmeric has also been shown to lower blood pressure by promoting relaxation of blood vessels.
These relaxed vessels allow for healthy blood circulation, which means less chance of plaque buildup. Olive oil is good and healthy fats. They contain monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which are excellent for reducing bad cholesterol, LDL, and increasing good cholesterol, HDL, and HDL. High-density lipoproteins make their way through the different arteries through the cells looking for those causing the blockage and trying to bring them back to the liver so the body can excrete them. Black pepper also has many healing medicinal properties. Black pepper is rich in a powerful antioxidant called piperine and this helps prevent free radical damage to cells.
The piperine found in black pepper improves the absorption of curcumin from turmeric, this is what makes it more available to be used by the body. Black pepper will also reduce chronic inflammation if you are dealing with arthritis, heart disease, diabetes and even cancer, it will also promote gut health and may also reduce appetite, especially if you are trying to lose weight. There is nothing on the planet like cayenne pepper. This increases our circulation. Improves circulation of blood vessels. strengthens and reduces plaque buildup in the arteries. Capsaicin promotes blood flow to tissues by lowering blood pressure and stimulating the release of nitric oxide and other vasodilators.
Lemons can do wonders for our body. They will cleanse the blood and liver. They will improve digestion. They help create more. alkalinity in our body lemons help reduce cholesterol levels and improve cardiovascular health these benefits are largely due to the high levels of flavonoids and vitamin C found in lemons the citric acid in lemon is known for its qualities antibacterial and antiviral that boost the immune system, so now I am going to share with you these healing medicinal ingredients. You will need half a cup of water. An apple with the skin cut into pieces. A garlic clove.
One inch of turmeric. A pinch or two of black pepper. A pinch or two of cayenne pepper. teaspoon of olive oil and the juice of half a lemon and you are going to blend all this in a high speed blender, so I tell you that until you try this you will not believe it, that sweet apple flavor, wow! delicious and I love that cayenne that little kick just opens me up so you should drink this elixir every


whether before or after breakfast it doesn't matter these nutrients will do wonders for your body this elixir will not only help you to heal those arteries, but all tissues, organs and glands will benefit.
Share this with your friends and family. Leave your comments below and most importantly, have a great day. I'm Dr. Alan Mandel.

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