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May 29, 2021
Summersisle, I like them, but I like everything in C. I like biscotti, they're It's just not like it's a good middle ground, yeah, okay, Funyuns, a classic stoner


, folks, and guess what these two are? edibles today, yeah we could have weed tonight so.that'll be the final


that sounds like it's going to kill us, maybe onion flavored rings, oh man that was a rollercoaster, I've never had this before , it's like it's not good and then it's really good and then it's like, oh, what the hell? is this after facing them, they're not amazing, they're good, but next time I go out to eat I won't be like the Funyuns, I'm sorry, I know there are a lot of stoners we care about right now.
ultimate snack tier list
Thin Mints inaudible, yeah, yeah, the minutes, if there's a minor, if I could throw this hoodie away, you know, that's fake, I think Thin Mints are at least a B, maybe even an A, you think they're not edibles, so I think they received well, so we. We'll get engaged, we'll go after sucking my ass, pin, that's not, you know, that's not a commitment, a commitment, C or D, how much do you like these? I love them. I could put them on maybe see if the famous Amos. is in a place it shouldn't be, so I wouldn't put them next to his name like Famous Amos or better B or C.
ultimate snack tier list

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ultimate snack tier list...

I'll go because I want to appease the people watching. I know Thin Mints are a crowd favorite. Yeah, I'm not a big fan of mint and chocolate together. I don't understand. I would never understand it. Okay, okay, let's get to the goldfish, now, this dog here, these are the snack that puts a smile back on your face. That's good. It's really the Jaguar, maybe this is because I'm the only person who


ens to FM radio, do you know what the hell that was? I don't know, I expected it to be like that, maybe it's because I didn't get the extra flavor ones that we have.
ultimate snack tier list
These first Macs run a lot and are like edibles, but no, I'm not excited about it, I don't know what I was thinking, laughs, I'm weird, okay, I'm going to do it. They're not bad, but now that we've eaten all these top-notch snacks, this just doesn't hold up. The next thing Grandma's cookies couldn't get or were sold out will happen by I guess it's okay because they're soft, oh yeah, like soft, yeah, that has weight, they pose like gays, okay, this is what I like it, ho ho because they have an outer layer mm-hmm and there's a swirl in the middle and I don't like the cream in the middle so much.
ultimate snack tier list
I like more pastel and there's more tape in the middle of these so I think ho ho they're actually beeps and ding dong ding ding ding it's our seat okay we'll move. the boat, the boats come down to see and we'll keep Ho Hos and we'll be fun, we made pomegranate chips, pomegranate chips, I got the call of duty on that pomegranate tip, sorry it's got graham crackers, thank goodness, graham crackers Come on, they're pretty. well this is one I work on and it always pleasantly surprises me yes you stink please oh yes oh my gosh come on it makes me think of a campfire good memories right now good thoughts good taste in my mouth in Overall, we are happy, oh yes, premium crackers. premium sack for when you're sick I love these, now one for you lady, put the salt down on your tongue, okay, I love it, okay, what do you want to go?
Well, stop eating beef. I like these. I have to get them to sneak up on me. You, I love them, they're like a low-key snack mmm-hmm, okay, baked, okay, we went through this last time, any simple baked chip, not a fan of this, okay, thanks, sorry dad, Because my God, I'm angry. call from my dad, what is he saying? baked, what's the lazy guy who likes plain fries and that's why he was upset because we didn't put them there? Well, mr. krepo, thank you. This is where we're running out of space on these higher levels, right? here, so we have to fill the F with plain flavored chips, we're so sorry, dad, we're sorry, I actually like plain chips, I really do, but just in this, in the grand scheme of things, and This is okay, we get it.
Lay's baked, so I'll give them a try right now. Vogler Guffin. Wow Wow, come on, yeah, I'm fine, moving on a deep level. Yes, Lay's classic will stand out. We couldn't get them it's a shame because they're like my favorite yeah I think we know where they are I think we know where they are oh sorry these have to go up here too no yeah I just did it I did no There's nothing I can do, you can't change it after it's done, no, you're not a splice either. Nilla wafers are not s+ Nilla and Famous Amos wafers are the same no they are not, they are nothing like Famous Amos, they are vanilla flavored, why does that make sense to you? for the millions but but when I want to be famous famous be ns+ say that was enough oh I see what you're saying okay, okay, okay, I made you put your famous anus in a, so it's only fair that Nila leaves na, but that I just know.
People just know that Nila's fans at home know that she would have put them on s+ and the Famous Amos people at home know that she would have put them on s+. Okay, Nutter Butters, bad news, we don't have them. I like them very much. They're pretty good, okay, I like them, I like the cream inside. I feel like we already know where they're going. Yeah, I think let's try a couple, let's try a couple just to see how I like them. I'm going to say goodbye to you, you know it's a good thing, my Oreos, to my calibration advisors, it's 160 cows for three puppies, five nothing, oh my love, a long one, okay, Milano, I love these, yeah, we got into it in trouble with my mom for putting them too low.
I feel like their desk besides these, but I think they're an A or a B. The good thing about Milano's is that you don't think about them, they're not really memorable, but when you have them, you're damn, these are these are good, yeah , I think they're a good place, okay, yeah, sorry, mom, planters, penis, what do we think about plants? It's penis, um, yeah, okay, you're Dean, yeah, I like to see, I mean, It's again, they're like Fritos. I need them, but they are very salty, yes, but I could, I could crush 10 of those, but come on, let's watch Alexei Porky for me SNA, come on, it's amazing, yes, I'm okay with hockey and do you think initially?
I voted them S Plus, but I'm happy with them with potato skin. I don't know Pringles, that's something we have, yes we do and we have the best tasting pizza. I love to argue, yes, I'll bring the rule. Okay, what do you think? And hey, I love Ritz, oh come on, stop playing with me. This is me, thanking Jesus that they exist. Can we s+ with these bad boys? I think you know all about golden pretzels, we already have these, eat them right now. how little these mean to me airplane snack I saw this as airplane snack yeah okay come on it's me it's like checks max D what do you think?
Okay, flyers again, airplane, F ship for me, if there is no dive, it implies that I am not to eat airplane flyers again, it's a little salty and oily and not worth it, it's just that yeah, it's like I would rather eat a French fry, yeah, snowballs, I have these R's and I mean, come on, who are the snowballs I have? There's a big conflict with snowballs because I think they look really good, yeah I feel like they probably taste like medicine and so on with SunChips chocolate punch, chefs, come on, they taste like the sun is shining directly on me on the beach . beautiful day I love Sun Chips and I love chowder some fries and put them in S class yeah don't look up.
I don't give a damn about any of the haters, yeah last time you got a lot of people hating on Sun Chips. Listen. for me right now I'm very happy yeah and even the original SunChips are just as good as the other flavors you know sometimes other flavors stand out yeah okay everyone's favorite Halloween snack everyone used to get a box of these and you're in your trick or treat bag yeah I used to be ecstatic thank you no oh my gosh okay I'm afraid for the kid who loves raisins that's fair honestly honestly that's it That's fair, I don't think I've ever eaten raisins.
Alone, is this the first time you've been there? In fact, I have eaten them like other things. What do you think are good? If they are good. These are bad. I will be inedible. these for increases. I'm back. I'm fine with raisins in an oatmeal cookie or even oatmeal. Tim Tams by Suzie Q. Come on, so at this point I'm starting to feel a little bad. I'm pretty full. Yes, and I feel like it seems logical and like I've been eating junk food for an hour straight, but they still look delicious to me, I think you agree s+ yeah, let's go.
It's not that simple, there is no sauce, there is nothing to see, so salty and good. no, no, I think they belong to ethics, you're right Triscuits, we don't get them, we have Wheat Thins, what do you think? Triscuits, it's okay, look, I'm just signing Twinkies, no, I'm not sorry, Twinkies are good, at least it's a fact that I was rubbing, that at least I'm sorry, I can get irritated when I like it from someone who likes X , then all the hostess products,


en, I can't be responsible for how I feel right now, my body is full of chemicals and processed, right?
I feel the same way like you could just throw it in, let's move these here for now, singers from the beginning and last but not least, Wheat Thins, they couldn't let us finish with a good one, yeah, but it's not like that, it's like no no. alright last and last snack tweet things I just burped in your face tweet beer look I usually like weekends and these aren't that wide you got a good one that's salty okay I'm Colby let's put it on in B just to finish this just to have a clean line here I think this is good I think we did a really good job and I think there's no way anyone can disagree with this no, I think it's pretty spot on yeah, like that let's give it One last little snack dance here.

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