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Try Not To Laugh Challenge #49 - Green Screen Edition

May 29, 2021
and here is a painting I drew. Hello friends, today we have a very special video for you. It's a different version of our "Try Not to Laugh" series. Basically, you have me, Ian Shane and Olivia, the dream team, all filming things. on the



s last week we told our incredibly talented editors, which are Britney Rock Spencer and Kevin, and we just said have fun with this, so today we're going to react to what they came up with and try to make us


, we'll see whether we do it or not. I recorded a lot of different things that could have been used in very inappropriate situations.
try not to laugh challenge 49   green screen edition
I probably gave it a course to 0, but to get offensive so I'd be surprised if any of mine even Enter it and I was worried that mine would be too generic and seeing me start with mine will make it in either so you wanted Leave all the work to the editors. Yeah, great, I can't wait, I'm so excited. Yeah, okay guys, let's watch this first one titled Adult Crushed on Beverly as her boss. I wanted to say that the work they are doing is excellent. I love that her office is a choice. Olivia, that's the best scene we've ever done. funny, oh my gosh, I like the Smosh props in the background, I didn't really know what I was doing and stuff, but I love that they rebuilt us, that was the best thing we ever did, man, it's like Robert DeNiro, Al Pacino, typical that waitress. yeah, there it was, I was more obsessed with all this stuff, let's move on to the next book club Spencer, I'm so sorry about the way we have to know what your work level is here normally, I know we ponder Michelle's house.
try not to laugh challenge 49   green screen edition

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try not to laugh challenge 49 green screen edition...

Like she died, so I don't know, I don't know what we're going to do, but I'm going to find a really comfortable life for us in the next two weeks, so let's get comfortable here. I love it, I'm more impressed. that nothing yes, no, I don't expect anything less from Spencer, this is great, it was C, was that a scene from until dawn, it could have been ham Olivia, it could have been him, yes, that was him, I don't know, Yeah, I'm never sure about this. It's as good as this is going to be This is difficult, it's impossible for me not to have shadow.
try not to laugh challenge 49   green screen edition
I've done everything so let me know what it looks like. No. I just spent half an hour trying to do this. It was the closest thing to a defeat, I realized that there was you didn't even have to say it. He could have said, "Okay, that guy spent over half an hour trying to set up his



and turn it into a shadow." The test footage that I had to send to Kevin, I literally sent it to him. I thought this can't work and then he sent me that you should have finished yes, you didn't have to film anything else that is already the Best, thank you all so much for joining our green screen video.
try not to laugh challenge 49   green screen edition
This is how we end. Kevin worked magic to make it work. The game did not give good reviews. Okay, should we move on to the next one? Hey, look what I found in your uncle's closet. well that's pretty sick, oh my god this is so scary, yeah maybe it's the darkest thing I've ever seen in my life. It helps that maybe everyone knows that that was edited by Brittany and that she was the one in the closet, so we didn't do it. just for random creepy pictures of a lady, but also, shit, there's a second one, this one.
I wasn't really sure what I was looking for, I thought I just wanted to be in the video and feel a part of it. I love that, yeah, we don't need to see this, no, in the next one Damien cut. Oh I'm stuck, what are you doing here? Oh, um, I think I know how it happened. How did this get here? Don't know. Why are you here for this, right? this is not mine this is not mine I'm not here for this sweet innocent being come yes I didn't do it I don't have any of this is no I didn't get sick Wow Damien you and I didn't discuss this at all oh how did we make a scene again?
It's like there isn't a single line out of place. A dialogue was as if someone had written it. I thought that you. guys plan this or something for nothing that's crazy that's amazing but wow let's move on to the next Damien runs away from disaster who you know most people are panicking right now I'm not, I'm fine under pressure this one is just another day for me chilling, chilling. Wow, our editors, okay? Literally every job is okay right now. I think my favorite part was the fact that he decided to add additional sound effects of people screaming, that was dark but you know how I feel. prepare him perfectly for something like that, thank you, yeah, I mean honestly what I had in mind when I filmed was hoping for a puppy or something, I thought they were going to be like Oh, are you saying it's scary, let's make it not scary?
They were like yeah, let's do a tragedy, okay, let's move on to the next one. Wow, that's a specific joke. Brittany, oh my gosh, she did so much. You know, she didn't expect them to mix our takes, even the sound editing when it cuts. away from me Olivia is really awesome the next one comes from Kevin is behind me, isn't he? Hi, I love that character that Shane likes. He is so creepy that he works in all scenarios. I like it a lot. I wish Shane had hit it. him some clues I think the editors can do better by having Shane give him some clues, yeah the others need to make my face say things I didn't say when I filmed myself, that's why I painted my lips green so they could do that. editors need to make me taller in real life next one comes from rock this is my best friend this is my best friend everything he said is the right thing I don't like that get that out of here how long is this? what it's like at work and beyond misguided images of me just looking through the windows, okay let's move on to the next one and here's a painting I drew when I was 3, yes I mean a great little memory.
I remember what Do you see the guy drinking the beer like in the future? You can draw paintings like Harry Potter first did. Yes, Harry Potter did it first. Okay, let's move on to the next one. You fooled me if I figure this out right. Now I swear, I realized, do you know what you're doing? Oh yeah, yeah, there's your problem. I see what you're dealing with here now, most people know, but to make it go away, all you have to do is do this and that. cotton you can't even see it anymore it's totally sorry Oh, I think thank God we got it, we got it out of there.
I'll talk to you a little after this. I can't stand that clip, why can't I? I'm not surprised the editors are using everything they can, I mean, they're going to try, and I expect nothing less than Kevin obviously referring to Ian's big shout-outs from last year. The editors are well aware of our loud cries, they don't follow them, none of us. you're safe bye I bought this from your store last week and for obvious reasons I would like to return it chapter 2 it doesn't work and I don't like that now give me my money what the hell oh my god Kevin didn't hold back I love that he definitely put a lot of time into it these edits or it's just that good and it takes a second.
I think this is very easy for him and they are all very good at his job. let's move on to the next one from Rock Hey, I didn't see you there. Sometimes I like to come here and just throw rocks to distract myself from the pain. Look, this release went pretty far. Not only could I have turned pro. but was that a boy who is my favorite by far? I didn't expect him to do that. He is so smart. Okay next time. Good evening and welcome to the news first. This is killing you. Oh, what breaking news are we getting? informed that this person just had sex hey good words next step man is it work? our follow up story today is about this man I'm in love with, frankly he's perfect, look at him, everything about him is exactly ideal.
Don't touch him because he is all mine. Our next story is about these, oh man, family tips that everyone needs in their home. Good for every person. He is so good. Dan, that's another problem with killing him wrong. Where did they find those rocks? photo of the boy removing his uvula I hate it so much let's move on to the next one yeah oh um oh how was it how did this get here I don't know why this isn't mine this isn't mine no Didn't you order it? Is he here because of you? Yeah, no, no, no, I don't have any of this, it's not, no, um, are you mad at me?
Okay, that's funny. Damn, I hate the pose so much, it has a Christmas theme. I like this narrative, Damian, where you keep getting caught with a different sexy piece of art and you keep replacing it with different output illustrations and you're like, I don't know how that happened. Next up from Spencer, oh boy, oh boy, the debut of the Vitaphone disc sound system finds a favorable reaction. A former associate of DeForest, Theodore W. Case, also experimented with sound on film at Fox Studios in New York, aided by an ISPA nobleman in this first test. the imperfect recording speed gives the cases a high tone in the voice, how do you like me now that there's sound, hey that's funny, basically practically every session we've done during quarantine there has been at least one take in which our microphone works separately from the camera.
I didn't have it on so I was the one who started and said yeah I just did a bunch of takes without it haha ​​now I have sound. I love the build up to a real reward second and it's worth it oh my gosh guys. Those editors are funny geese, they make us funnier. I feel like they make us fun in the first place. We usually give them trashy pictures and they somehow go crazy trying not to


. Our editors are all funnier than us, which they should be. Very evident from this, we have known what was the favorite stone throwing of all of you.
Yes, probably the one with stones. I also hate and love sexual Simba. The rock throwing was definitely like the footage I made. I was very impressed. with that, but I'm also very impressed with Kevin did the one where it's you and me, Damien, that one was amazing. I was very impressed by the use of being the same with Britney with Sam's entry, we saw this idea on a channel. I called eBay, so we thank you guys, thank you very much for this idea and, in fact, if you feel like you could do even better than our editors, which I don't know, it might be difficult.
Smosh on Twitter will be releasing some. from the original green screen clips, so tell us what you end up seeing there, what kind of funny haha ​​you want to do with that power. I'm scared, make something funny, haha, make something, ha, good funny laugh, make us funny, we need. It's so bad now if you've seen all those super funny giggles haha ​​but you're still like, I need more Smosh in my life. Join the club. Wait. We have a video curated just for you here, but wait a minute. If you trust YouTube even more than our personal selection, why not click here to watch a video they chose for you?
It's that easy. You could have Smosh in your life right now. Do it, yes.

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