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Trump Stuns CEOs with $1 Billion Quid Pro Quo, Lies About Biden's Insulin Price Cap: A Closer Look

Jun 26, 2024
-Donald Trump attempted to take credit for Joe Biden's cap on



s after pressuring Big Oil CEOs to give him $1


in tax cuts and launching what has been called one of the worst economic policy ideas in history. To learn more about this, it's time for "A Closer Look." ♪♪ For decades, many have viewed the Republican Party as the party of the country club, the party bosses, and the rich. Before Trump, the most recent Republican presidents were an oil tycoon, that oil tycoon's son, and then in 2012 they nominated a private equity CEO. who was criticized for his connection to a dancing horse named Rafalca. -Today was the first day of Olympic competition for Ann Romney's horse.
trump stuns ceos with 1 billion quid pro quo lies about biden s insulin price cap a closer look
While you may not have seen him in action in the arena, you may soon see a lot more of this horse on your TV. -The Romneys' participation is putting the spotlight on dressage at this summer's games, but horse ballet has been part of the Olympics for 100 years. -A big dressage horse easily costs six figures, so the money, the dark nature of the sport and the attire have made Mitt Romney's connection to it a natural for comedy. Here's what we know about today's round of competition. Ann Romney's Rafalca competed in this and finished 13th. The British occupied the first positions. -Yes, the Romneys had a dancing horse named Rafalca, and he lost in the Olympic Games to the British because, of course, that's how he was.
trump stuns ceos with 1 billion quid pro quo lies about biden s insulin price cap a closer look

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trump stuns ceos with 1 billion quid pro quo lies about biden s insulin price cap a closer look...

Look at the official uniform of this sport. No sport has ever been more British. When you win the gold medal, you are told Lady Whistledown's true identity. Do you think you're going to beat the British at horse ballet? It's like trying to beat the Italians in a hand gesture competition that, by the way, should be an Olympic sport. "And now Team USA will send Uncle Tony to the mat. Tony is a pizzeria owner and part-time Uber driver, and he's simply made for this. He begins with his trademark chin bob, moving without problems towards a double chef position.
trump stuns ceos with 1 billion quid pro quo lies about biden s insulin price cap a closer look
And now comes: the arm flex. Can he land the fist? "He told the judges 'now yours', and they, in turn, told him: 'Come up. to the podium, Uncle Tony.'" So, the Romneys had a dancing horse named Rafalca. Remember when we thought that was the most ridiculous thing in politics? If you had heard the name Rafalca on the news now, you would immediately assume he was the new lawyer of Trump, and then it would turn out that it was Rafalca himself. "I would be insulted, but he is a great litigator." "Besides, where do I get those teeth?" That's the image the Republican Party had for a long time.
trump stuns ceos with 1 billion quid pro quo lies about biden s insulin price cap a closer look
Donald Trump, another rich man who inherited a fortune and a famous name, and they tried to rebrand him. They began to claim that the Republicans were actually the party of the working class. -The forgotten men and women of our country will no longer be forgotten. -We are a pro-United States populist party based on conservative principles, with Donald Trump as our leader. -We are for an America first economic policy, an America first foreign policy, and that means doing what is good for the American worker. -The Republican Party is the party of steel workers, construction workers, pipeline workers, taxi drivers, police officers, firefighters, waiters and men and women with calluses on their hands who work! for this country! -When he screams it sounds like a vuvuzela in a blender.
Every time Ted Cruz raises his voice, he changes the migration patterns of geese. "Did you hear that honk? One of us is in trouble!" "Oh, it's Cruz. My bad, my bad." That's how bad they are at rebranding. The only crafts they can think of are the ones that come in Lego sets. "The Republican Party is the party of construction workers, taxi drivers, firefighters, police officers, Jedi, ninjas and Harry Potters!" Obviously, it was all nonsense. It was stupid. Trump screwed up: Trump put $2 trillion into the pockets of the wealthiest Americans through his signature tax cut. In 2020, the last year of his presidency, nearly 8 million people fell into poverty, while


aires increased their wealth by more than a quarter.
And if you're a Trump fan tempted to say, "Well, that was during the pandemic," yes, that's the point of electing a president: dealing with a crisis. He doesn't get a mulligan for that. If his plane hits some turbulence, he doesn't want the pilot to stand up and say, "Hey, I didn't put the clouds there." "The clouds are not above me." Of course, inequality is systemic and predates Trump, and some so-called moderates have contributed to making it worse. Like Joe Manchin, who recently left the Democratic Party, Manchin fought for the renewal of an expanded child tax credit that lifted millions of people out of poverty.
In 2021, he allegedly said that he thought parents would waste monthly child tax credit payments on drugs, which is very disgusting and insulting. Who do you think is most likely to use drugs? The parents trying to support their kids or the guy who


s like he robbed a pharmacy and took one of everything? You know, the guy whose White House doctor was handing out pills like he was working the coat check at Studio 54. "Hey, go ask for Dr. Ronny. He'll give you what... He'll give you what." ...what they gave Rafalca to make him dance." I can't believe he has to tell you this, but giving parents money to feed their children is good and politically popular.
Same as expanding unemployment or universal healthcare or cracking down on big pharma for raising


s. In fact, that one is so popular that when Bernie Sanders recently announced a hearing to investigate the pricing of diabetes drugs, even Fox Business... Fox Business said they agreed. -Sanders says Novo Nordisk charges Americans $969 a month (i.e. dollars) for Ozempic, compared to $155 in Canada and $59 in Germany. They also charge Americans more than $1,300 a month for Wegovy, while the exact same drug can be purchased for $140 in Germany and $92 in the United Kingdom. All the innovation comes from the United States, and many of the cost disparities are here. 85% of Americans pay for insurance through a third party.
In some of these other countries, it's not as significant. Canada, I think it's around 60%. So there are problems around that. But at the end of the day, you can't defend that disparity. Bernie Sanders... I will never... I'm going to say this, this would be maybe the first time... Bernie Sanders may be right. If people could buy their medications in Canada, those people who see that price disparity, maybe that would level the playing field. So in this case, I say go, Bernie. I feel the Bern in this one. -Well. You're feeling Bern. Oh boy. -Somewhere in Australia, Rupert Murdoch is angrily breaking a didgeridoo in half. "Do you think you're feeling the Bern now?
Wait until I throw you on the Barbie!" He's getting so good. My Rupert Murdoch is getting good. This is Fox Business supporting Bernie Sanders. It would be really funny if this encouraged Bernie to start talking about the concerns of the little rich just to get more positive coverage from Fox Business. He should do it just to troll them. "The top 1% of Hamptons patios get 99% of the Italian marble. We need to redistribute the marble equally to all South Coast pool decks." -Now, Trump knows that capping drug prices is wildly popular, which is why he's trying to take credit for it.
In a recent post on Truth Social, he said... Well, thanks for "getting" that for us. First of all, that's obviously not true. Biden capped prices on all


products for all seniors with diabetes at $35. He has also called on Congress to extend the limit to everyone, which Trump has not done. Second, I'm almost certain that if asked to explain it, Trump would have no idea what insulin is or what it does. "Insulin, everyone, we all know wonderful insulin. Beautiful insulin. It's what turned Wade Wilson into Deadpool. And they pumped him full of insulin, and he got all these superhuman powers.
And the funny lines they gave him. " So the rebranding of the Republican Party is an act. Take away Trump's bluster and cosplay, and he is, at the end of the day, a country club billionaire like everyone else. And that is who he is addressing with his latest and perhaps craziest economic proposal. -Former President Donald Trump is making headlines today after meeting with US business leaders and Republican lawmakers. -He told Republican lawmakers behind closed doors that he wants to eliminate the income tax and replace it entirely with tariffs, effectively taking us back to the 19th century. -Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia actually told me that Trump suggested maybe not imposing any income tax at all. -Replacing the income tax with tariffs would be the worst macroeconomic policy proposal in US history. -This idea makes as much sense as destroying the entire interstate highway system and replacing it with canals. -Don't give him ideas! "We're seriously considering tearing up the New Jersey Turnpike and replacing it with a log flume," which, yeah, yeah, sounds fun until you realize that even a log flume in New Jersey would be pretty cool. "Hey, get out of the way!
The gold medalist is coming!" "Yeah. Okay. I'll do it, I'll do it. Hey, eh." That's how it is. Donald Trump floated the idea of ​​replacing all federal income taxes, paid primarily by the wealthiest Americans, with tariffs on goods coming into the country, causing massive price increases for everyday consumers. According to one estimate, an average tariff rate of nearly 85% on all imports would be required to replace income tax revenue with tariffs. So products bought in a supermarket would have to rise in price by at least 85%, so that the richest Americans could get another tax cut. Now, I'm not naive.
I know the same Fox News hosts who criticize inflation under the Biden administration will be quick to say that yogurt tastes better when it's $21, but 85% more is worse. I have to be honest. Not only am I starting to think that Donald Trump is not a populist, but I'm also starting to think that maybe he doesn't understand business. I mean, he beat it with Trump Steaks, Trump Vodka, Trump Water, Trump Airlines, and Trump Cologne, but at some point, the winning streak has to end. Side note: how bad do you think Trump Airlines is? I guess when those doors blew up on airplanes, they just left them out.
They probably started letting people off mid-flight, as if it were a city bus. "Okay, we're on 59th and Lexington. If this is your stop, take a parachute. You can transfer here to Crosstown Flume." But of course, Trump isn't really thinking about the consequences his crazy ideas will have on ordinary Americans. He's just trying to please the corporate bosses he cares about most. For example, in April he proposed a secret behind-the-scenes deal with oil executives that would involve them giving him $1 billion. -A surprising new report from the Washington Post details a meeting at Mar-A-Lago last month between Donald Trump and about two dozen top oil executives.
Donald Trump reportedly surprised some people in the room by saying, "You are all rich enough to raise a billion dollars to put me back in the White House." Trump reportedly claimed that $1 billion would be a deal because of how much it would limit taxes and regulation. -The former president had a speech for them. If they raise $1 billion to get his campaign back into the White House, he would enact policies that would benefit his industry. -Do you know who should be so angry about this? Mitt Romney. The guy has to say, "he promised a billion-dollar


pro quo in the back room, and you guys don't care.
Meanwhile, I had to eat for months because I have a horse that can twerk." Trump's populism is an act. His first term proved it, and now he promises a second term agenda that is somehow even more biased toward the wealthiest Americans. To claim that this guy is a pro-worker populist, Republicans would have to dance like they are doing... -Horse ballet. -This has been "A




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