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Tropico 6 Is a Perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits - Colony Only Challenge

May 31, 2021
There seems to be a child here? David Díaz is a boy who is currently poor and uneducated and enjoys time at the tavern. Wait a second. Hello, ladies and gentlemen, I am the British speaker and today we are here in Tropico 6, but today we are. By doing something very special, we ask you what happens if you have never rebelled against the crown. Now this


has an interesting age based feature where you will start the


as a


in the Caribbean somewhere working under the Majesty of her the Queen of her from there. Your empire will expand by completing various missions with the goal in mind of amassing enough revolutionary support to overthrow those pesky monarchists and finally take control of yourself, however, we're not going to do that, we're not going to do that at all.
tropico 6 is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits   colony only challenge
We will stay in the old colonial days, we will be loyal and faithful to the Queen, so ladies and gentlemen, it's time to get ready for this video, make sure you sit relaxed, you have your Union Jack flag unfurled. a nice cup of tea in front of you and that you liked the video or why not subscribe too hmm that would be great so we will start with a new game and we will go through Sandbox because it is majestic and naturally we have to go to this level here called Acts of God has a big bloody volcano in the middle who wouldn't want to play with that monstrosity oh here we have it it's Tropico oh my god it's good I'll come back to this game, I play Tropico 3 4 5 and now here we are at 6, it's been a world, how does this game work?
tropico 6 is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits   colony only challenge

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tropico 6 is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits colony only challenge...

It's pretty simple, you have your people and then you just want to chase them to the point where they just want to. leaving your island this is how you run a successful company oh wait no this is not a company good sir this is not the high quality organ harvesting curve no no no no trust me this is not a boy for them nor a single representation of them, this is simply President Smith taking care of his majestic people while living in this wonderful palace here yes, I custom designed it myself and it is incredibly incredible, here we have the gazebo for any dignitary attend, nor would anyone else.
tropico 6 is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits   colony only challenge
Nobody likes El Presidente, now we just want to expand and make sure we have enough food to export on this island, so I'm thinking about trying to build some kind of nice plantations. What about bananas? No, pineapples. Ohh, no sugar. Oh God, no Coco. Oh, there's no tobacco, there's no coffee, there's no cotton, no, and rubber isn't great, so we've landed on an island where we can


produce pineapples and corn. Great, what will it produce and damn pineapples? Then we'll probably also want a logging camp that drives the Green people are crazy, but you know, come on, it's a colonial era that cares about trees because one of the main problems you have to face as El Presidente is tons of slums. everywhere.
tropico 6 is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits   colony only challenge
That's right, people don't have houses, so they just decide what they want. sit on the road oh it's terrible, it's terrible anyway, we have to demolish all these houses to make space for my majestic road, did we need it? No, the fire stops, wait. I just demolished a fire using roads, why didn't they do this? The Great Fire of London could have saved so many lives. Technically, we face quite a few problems because we are stuck on this island. It's the colonial era, so you can't build bridges to get to a different island, but I made it. find a way to circumnavigate that and because we can circumnavigate that we can survive in this tough, tough world so let's take a look at some trade deals that we want to try and export a good basically to the crown now that we don't really have. too many options, mainly sugar, rum, rubber and gold, and guess what, we don't produce any of them.
All the options that you have given us, corona, we cannot produce them, but anyway I appreciate your recommendation that we should produce them and also, we have sharks swimming in the water, so it will be a little unsafe to send small fishermen, but no Don't worry, we'll do it anyway. Fisherman's Wharf, ready, and we will also immediately establish our gold production. Believe me, for that we're going to need a Teamsters port built right here and then we're also going to want a landing to go with it and there we go, that should be good now we just need to start our construction, which is of course, handled by the construction office what is your current workload better safe than sorry sorry ignore safety regulations who cares if there is a 10% risk of death and here come our truckers who are transporting loads and loads of resources from the logging camp , except them.
It's not just because the logging camp has no workers, but anyway a new ship from the old world has arrived, fortunately, and we have them, they brought some new settlers and also exported some of our products in exchange for money, so mines are great, but our land is actually completely useless for mines, yet here we have gold, who cares, it fits at the foot of a deadly volcano, we have gold, so let's place a lovely little mine of gold, here we go, my God. complete and suddenly some works will start to be done here because guess what, working in a deadly gold mine under a volcano, we will give you extra pay, yes, seven dollars, congratulations, you get paid a little less than the workers in the construction, much less. that the Teamsters and in fact they pay you the same as a farmer and the revolutionaries on the island, those annoying revolutionaries who we don't want to listen to have proposed a mission to us, basically they want us to build a pirate cove.
In return, we can get some wonderful gifts from them so you know what, for the time being, is really worth it and the reason is that a pirate cove allows us to borrow some national landmarks. Yes, I'm not going to go into more details, but we can certainly engage in some interesting trades and once again we changed the Gold Line from a quasi-human protocol to a profit protocol, which basically means that we are increasing its efficiency and increasing the amount of time they have to work per week in exchange. we are going to raise your money at $1 per hour look now you will receive $8 per hour thank you Lord Roger Wyndham this is basically our Queen's representative and he has given us a mission just build a dungeon and then we can choose some options you can get five new immigrants $2,000 or we can extend our term time when the term runs out, we just lose the game if we haven't caused a revolution yet, so we want as long a term as possible because we don't want to start a revolution. we just want to stay here under the beautiful protection of the crown being loyal to them they want a dungeon we will give them a dungeon because everyone is so ridiculously unemployed they won't even move into the nice bunk beds that are set up because I guess what they can't afford so that I will leave one of these two and stack them higher, that adds more families but means that not even broke people could live in them, but actually we should also offer some better jobs and demolish them. some slums and some cattle ranches, there we go.
Lord Roger Windham is also very happy to have built our dungeon, so we will be extending our term for an additional 18 months, what bam, we are up to six years and nine months! leaving what we can still live here and be happy oh and of course this is Pinole oh it's like our best friend, a complete crazy idiot, has given us a mission to reduce the unemployment rate to seven percent, sure we will do that. is the current unemployment rate currently 22 people are unemployed anyway here you can see some lovely freighters being sent to this island, here he is going to land and then he will run with his little truck and grab all this gold so he can The legs there grab 442 hops gold on a ship they sail it back and then they just put it on the docks so there we go we have gold for export.
Lord Roger Windham has now given us another mission which is to build ranches. and of course we have to do this so that we can carry out our mandates at home so naturally that we just drop everything and try to build a ranch, we send them to the ranch and so I do with all my leftover workers, don't worry, and we just completed our gold trade route and as you can see the gold gets there plus $10,000 which is much more than any of our previous trade deals, technically we can also export to the smugglers the


problem is they pay a way above market rate, upsets the crowd, there's one thing I never want to do in life is upset the Queen, so we won't do it, we'll stay true to today's crowd, ladies and gentlemen, so that we basically write autumn.
Oh he has told us that something doesn't feel quite right governor. I have a powerful desire to call you President. Now this is a problem because I don't want to be President. I just want to be a normal guy. totally loyal to the crown so I'm not going to try to get the revolutionaries on our side, we don't want them in place and then we go to Lord Roger Windham, we have accomplished his little mission so we will extend the time of our mandate even further. Further and here we go, we have managed to reduce the unemployment rate to 7%.
Look at this, the island is like 72 percent support. If you can believe it, my God, we are giving them too much rights and happiness. Yes do not worry. We can change that soon of course, the first thing we want on this island for the money to really come in is a lovely little coal mine, well I say little, this thing is absolutely huge and is going to make a lot of money without a Seven years, ladies and gentlemen, seven years we will never leave the Queen behind, she needs us here more. We could also stop producing some of the things we couldn't build elsewhere, like sugar lots and lots of lovely sugar houses, we wanted to say. drink tasty tea and of course we can produce coffee, but we are not going to do that because we are not heretics, horrible people who drink coffee instead of a little leaf broth.
Oh, apparently the crown would like me to have a dungeon and then arrest me. a revolutionary Tropican, fine, I'll do it, except I need to find a singular revolutionary out there, so let's pick random people walking around the countryside. Well, you have two sons, but I'm afraid you have to be arrested, so the police will come out of his cell and try to arrest this lady here. Window is very happy that we managed to arrest her. evil revolutionary theme and thus extend the mandate I worked eight years mandate I'm very goose we just stopped oh, actually they were the leader of the faction they were the leader of the faction of the revolutionaries anyway the Pirates now have 6600 raid points, what which means we can finally do the Brandenburg Gate heist.
I think it's worth it, so we'll send you on this mission. Hopefully, they can go steal the Brandenburg Gate for us. Oh no, here is our lovely little pirate ship that sailed with help from this Smuggler's Cove. We're going to rob the Brandenburg Gate, come on, where are you going pirates, good luck, you can just watch them sail off the damn map, good stuff and I also think we could use a little more gold, so another gold mine, the we need, come on, this is honestly one of my favorite games and the main reason is that you can see each and every person, you can see where they go, you can see where they live, their workplaces, the Teamsters office even there and you can see what they live on. a barracks that is around here.
The Pirates are currently dealing with Brandenburg's Burgermeister. Apparently Berlin is a hundred miles inland, so we need some collaborators in the city to take out the city gate. Fortunately, the Burgermeister is missing a Bravo. Volks, first we could send you 50 units of gold or spend $15,000 collecting 50 units of gold, it's not difficult, we can do it, here we go, we have another gold mine up and running and as you can see the little workers are browsing. in the little fishing boats with rows, even though we have tons of sharks in the water, okay, let me pause the game, we have this guy in a little boat with rows, who are you?
It's Lucas Diaz, mate, what are you doing there? really a huge shark right here here my friend okay carry on with your little paddle we can turn this island's sugar into rum sounds like a great idea yes I'm going to put up a rum distillery oh my god the Pirates are returning the ship it's here yes, come on, have you brought back the Brandenburg Gate? You've done it? Oh, I can't wait to see it. Come on, excuse two wonders of the world. There is the Brandenburg Gate. It costs 10,000. This means that citizens can no longer have intransigent political opinions. citizens will be more inclined to develop indifferent or moderate political views perfection Brandenburg Gate enjoy your new home so hereThere, we are flying in an airship, we just landed, look at that, look at that, isn't it beautiful?
The Brandenburg Gate is ours, there is a huge statue of me, the President, in front of the Brandenburg Gate, look, everyone wants to visit, this logging camp was being built, that's good, we can cut down some trees, but of course , we will give back because we don't. to DeForest the whole world I know you can believe it. I like trees, apparently that prison architect records the video. Yes, apparently I like trees and appreciate their value, so we'll keep it around and of course, once we cut the trees down, we can. Also building a sawmill will emit some pollution but unfortunately as long as we build it far from a residential area no one should worry oh my gosh our mandate is up to nine years we take a very good job making a lot of money we have 252 people this is great this is really going amazing why would you ever want to go anywhere other than this working cigar iron mine? ah, this is going very well, so we have two coal mines, two gold mines and one iron mine, that is its success. oh, no mandates until ten years later. oh, this is going well, what is this island like?
What the hell is going on? Is there? I would do it. I don't realize that Sally has some sort of hidden Aztec Temple of Doom. What if the other islands had it? We have something here. We have a couple of small bird remains. This is great. I love these maps. They are beautiful. I have seventy little things hidden. I think it's probably time for us to build another gold mine here, so for that, of course, we will need equipment to support us and a landing. Oh look, there are a lot of Aztec temples here, why have they been charred?
Hmm, I don't know why people. I would think that building next to an active volcano is a bad idea because I mean we've been doing it for about 10 years and we haven't had any problems and we have our man day up to 11 years old good lord oh. well presented he could die of old age before this mandate is executed, so we might as well move to another island. We really should do it. Yes, why not? Here we go, we have many ships sailing all over the place and we are about to start the wonderful construction. Empire, which is going to be plantation land, I have no idea what else to do in this land, apparently there is a child here.
David Díaz is a boy who is currently poor and uneducated and enjoys time in the tavern, he waits a second, waits a second. I guess we've really turned this game into something more. We have 12 years of mandate. We leave 493 inhabitants, a lot of money in the bank. What's the point of progressing in this game? I'm having a wonderful time. We have expanded. On all these islands we have our new tannery set up, this is going very well, we have another port and the whole game is running at perfect capacity in my opinion, how are we doing with unemployment? 15 unemployed vacant jobs free, well I'm sure we can fix that with a new old gold mine of 500 inhabitants, this is five times the amount we started with, which means good things are going very well , everything is working


, don't worry, it's something I discovered.
It's just that most of this island is perfect for sugar, they're going to tear down a few more sugar plantations and hopefully we'll stop producing even more rum, oh my god, what have we done to you? as if it were an improvement, maybe that was how the game was meant to be played, but alas, you never really know these things. Do you look like the prison architect video? If you have another recommendation for a game where I can completely go off the rails and turn the world into something that is an improvement I would say I would say this is an improvement this is very good this is how beautiful our wonderful world is it is absolutely perfect please Let me know and you'll know what we can do and do.
This one, come on, we have a 14-year mandate. Now it's surprisingly easy. I thought it would be harder than this. One of the edicts we can make is to start a penal


, this increases the immigration rate by 50%. However, there is a There is a good chance that everyone is a criminal, but don't worry, I have a way to avoid this, so we investigate the penal colony and we can go to the edicts and start the penal colony and that means that everyone who get in there. There is a much higher chance that they are criminals, but don't worry, we have these dungeons.
You see, what we can do with a dungeon is change them to condemn Laver. This means we have slightly worse efficiency, but every inmate. making $20 a month isn't that wonderful, it's downright phenomenal. I feel like this island has been almost completely built, so on this one we might as well move to the super big one that has all the mines I think. I really like the look, yeah, let's see if we can set this place up now that we've managed to pick the only place on the island where there are absolutely no mines, but fine, we'll keep it the way we want. build this and then we'll see where we can take it, but I'd be interested to know if we can build tobacco here, we can, we can have tobacco plantations, finally apparently our penal colony has reached level 1, we have a level. 1 penal colony, so now this means we get an increase in regular monthly immigration up to 55% and our monthly pay rises to 150.
Look, we have 600 people living on our islands. Now, these are fantastic little boats of our citizens rowing. trying to dodge all the sharks in the water, you could say a lot of them are tons, well we really are getting a lot of money, apparently the crown would now also like us to level up our penal colony mandate even though we have I just got to level 2. Alright, this will give us an extended term of 36 months apparently and apparently that's up right away, so it's 36 months of terms, 18 years of terms, but our penal colony is now fully maxed out. , we have 60%. increase in immigration rate and we get a monthly payment of 300 not bad omg penal colony is the way to go ladies and gentlemen how are we doing with the workers free unemployed a vacant job omg what we are doing well, apparently there were one hundred and seven homeless families oh my goodness and we are approaching the population of 1,000 ladies and gentlemen we have 200,000 almost in the bank this has gone very well this really has the crown is willing to pay a lot of money for some of these things there we are Let's go now that we have our new dungeon, if we want, of course, to set it to condemn the workers, let's find those criminals and make them work in the mines.
The population continues to drink. How is happiness going? Overall happiness 35 great, apparently people are a bit grumpy about the fact that we don't have healthcare and ten people have died in the last 12 months due to pretty horrible healthcare, that's good for me, there you go We have, each and every possible mine on the map that we could occupy, now is our time. to start with deforestation and logging and there we have it, we have affected a thousand people, we have 300,000 and money, the volcano that apparently has not erupted yet and I think we are doing very well doing absolutely Craig, we have tons of mines of gold, a lot of coal mines, but equally, although our gold mines have a limited supply, the amount of resources that we were just producing we will be fine, we don't need the gold in our life, we are making a lot of money from everyone ways, you know?
I'm going to modify the castle a bit, here we go, oh look at our beautiful new palace, beautiful and improved 10 out of 10 yes, I'm pretty sure I've done everything I can, this is wonderful, we have a huge set of The Islands around us look huge, we have 1,000 people living in our little colony, we have over 500,000 in money, my goodness this is incredible, our foreign aid is through the roof, the crowd loves us 100%, in fact, like you can see our income and expenses are just amazing, we have so much money going. I think this is perfect. I think we've peaked, ladies and gentlemen, we've completely and absolutely peaked, so today we've just proven that there's basically no need to leave. the colonial era in Tropico Six in fact you will probably benefit if you don't here we go 20 years of mandate we have out there we can be here forever an endless stream of free money fighting the revolutionaries and just ignoring them anyway if you have enjoyed what you've seen today, be sure to like the video and consider subscribing to join the community.
It would be absolutely wonderful to have you on our adventure as our community grows from strength to strength. Honestly, it's a wild time to be in. involved if you want to see more Tropico and if you have an idea of ​​what you would like to see in Tropico then be sure to let me know and of course a special thanks to all my majestic sponsors, these lovely little sausages fund these Silly Videos and thank you very much to all and each of you, especially you Okona, who knows why you are donating so much money, but you are doing something wonderful and if you want to watch a video now, I recommend this one on screen now.
Anyway I'll see you all next time have a lovely day.

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