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I Built an Unstoppable Tourist Hell That Broke All Pilots in Tropico 6 - AD

May 30, 2021
Of course, there are barricaded windows. I'll stick with the ones that look cool, now that we have that abomination, what do you think? President. I love that every time I track down El Presidente, he's literally wandering around, so what are we hoping to accomplish here in the Cold War? our new leisure options, of course, look at this, things are really improving, arcades, fast food places, cinemas and that's not all casinos, golf courses, practically all of our


button has opened, I want I mean, look at all these things, one


port each. villas souvenir shops and then it gets a bit strange ancient ruins Ethnic enclave what I'm trying to say is that it's time we became a tourist destination away from that, although in fact I would say this island here seems perfect for that , so To go from the Cold War to modern times, we have a couple of options here that are perfect, this aligns with our goals, all right, five hundred tourists, that will be easy, so first let's put this road right on the other side of the road.
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The destination of our panoramic tour will be these ruins obviously I think I can just let's see if I select ancient ruins just place your tourist trap right on top oh yeah just like in ancient times I'm sure you'll have a hard time visiting those ruins let's put a quick-food place right across the street and all its natural beauty and then as we continue on our great tour of the island we will take you to this dead end where you can experience the most beautiful panoramic view ever seen. that ignores absolutely nothing, what could these little information signs say?
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this here. In fact, I take it back. You will have something to see in this beautiful tunnel entrance that will take you to the right. on the other side of this mountain and this beautiful road is what takes you not to one souvenir shop but to 26 of them and the moment I placed these buildings, all these little shacks appeared. Our landscape is so beautiful and once you get past that consumerist


, naturally, the next thing on your destination will be an asylum. Does it make that noise?
i built an unstoppable tourist hell that broke all pilots in tropico 6   ad
Right next door we will put the most popular club in all of Tropico. Oh, but don't worry, your journey doesn't end there. Just follow the road and you will be rewarded, where you can finally kick back and relax at your beautiful beachside resort, right next to a nuclear power plant, don't forget to visit the souvenir shop right outside, oh, and don't either. Forget that if you want to leave the kids, there is a games room right behind it, but hey, the adventure doesn't have to end here, there is a second island we can go to, which is home to our most prestigious golf course and our mausoleum , and not One, not two, but three garbage dumps, but be sure to visit our beautiful gourmet restaurant located right behind.
i built an unstoppable tourist hell that broke all pilots in tropico 6   ad
Just look at these panoramic views. If you somehow made it here, you can take this path through another magical tunnel that actually exits right next door. but then that one goes into another tunnel that takes you along the beach like a sewer pipe because the road curves towards the ocean for reasons I couldn't tell you and you can finally enjoy Stonehenge under the watchful eye of this non-aircraft carrier. Don't worry, they're only here to keep an eye on the monument and your antics, don't forget to buy a souvenir either and then when you're done, maybe stop by the casino too.
I would also stay in the hotel here. Well that's pretty horrible and to make sure this all works you have to place the tourist port which of course we're going to place near that super secret pirate cove, in fact let's place two of them. I want to make sure we have as much as possible. as many tourists as possible, why stop littering there? We should probably also assume that these people won't have cars, so let's set up a psychic. A bus is forum K. Let's look at the place where the bus stop starts, which will clearly be here, right outside. the two docks and our final bus stop, wait, can I put it right next to it here?
Yes, perfect. I think we're ready to go. Come on tourists, oh my gosh, here they come, welcome to Tropico, get ready for a trip. Not your whole life, you don't want to take the bus, you just want to walk there yourself, well, I mean, you?, these people have been walking for months during the game. I didn't anticipate any of this, oh hey, so did my nuclear power plants. on fire fortunately these people can check into their cabins. I think these people are more committed to their vacation than I am to anything in my life. They walked here from another island and they saw that one is a nuclear power plant and two are on fire and they say look, we came to have a good time and we're going to have a good time, the good news is the buses are running and it's fantastic , first you wait for the bus to arrive.
Pick you up, go ahead, get on board and then get ready to get to your destination, everyone gets off and the buses all day, let's go all in on this tourism thing now that we have 18 of these ports, oh yeah, now we're talking, oh my goodness , they keep coming, well you know what this will lead to more tourist docks please God yes so many boats, tourism at its finest, we are also going to build this building called the Spy Academy and we got this for one simple reason . because we can steal the Statue of Liberty and, of course, we are going to do it.
I'm sure it's not a surprise, but we managed to reach our goal from all that tourism, which means we now move forward to modern times, we did it without establishing any diplomatic relations, so what do we get in the modern era? I'll tell you what we get: airports, just fit these airports as close as possible and let's not forget these beautiful islands that we don't even touch, all that virgin land is screaming for airports, yes, it seems like there are a lot of airports, right, they are only one hundred and fifteen airports or, really, who's counting?
Hopefully, air traffic controllers who have to deal with all this, there are so many planes in the air, oh, but we're not done stimulating tourism yet. look at all this untapped beach perfect for some tourist ports now there are docks on every possible coast for a total of one hundred and three doxas who's really counting this avalanche of boats is probably counting oh my god now they're coming from everywhere everywhere you look just There are ships and planes, this can't be a safe maneuver, right? Oh, you know what I forgot to do? Lower the Statue of Liberty.
I'm sure this is what Lady Liberty was meant to represent. Well, I think I've done all the damage we can do herelipsti, thanks again for sponsoring this video. Tropico Six is ​​not only available for PC on the sole and to be honest, playing with a controller worked pretty well if you want to check it out. Play the game yourself, go down and click the link below and you too can build a society with tons of planes that almost fail before landing safely on a runway. As always, I hope you had fun. I know I did and I'll see you next. time

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