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Travis Swears They're Being "Safe" | Crazy Train Episode 5

Jun 06, 2021
Driving me nitro circus live is actually one of the three biggest productions on the road and now we have to take this whole massive production to the other side of the world, to Africa, South Africa is the first tour I've done since the beginning. I haven't been able to go to Travis, isn't he there too which basically puts Dove in charge? Hey guys, listen, God help us, we will be here in South Africa for the next month and as long as we are here, we will be. Today we ran into 20 foot man-eating crocodiles. We have our friend Donald Schultz who will show us how to handle some smaller crocodiles so we know what to do when we are out in the wild and come across real crocodiles.
travis swears they re being safe crazy train episode 5
My name. is donald schultz i was born and raised in south africa and have dedicated my life to working with wild animals donald schultz is gnarly base jumper skydives he is an animal expert i think he will definitely have his hands full dealing with the nitro circus my The point of this is to keep to keep the entire Nitro Circus team


not only from wild animals but also from themselves. The trucks we'll see are 20-foot man-eaters, one of the few animals that routinely eat people. My goal was to impress the nitro. crew exactly where


are in the food chain crocodiles rule the roost in Africa and around 10,000 people are eaten by crocodiles every year we are learning all kinds of things in South Africa like Donald Schultz is not afraid of crocodiles these crocodiles are all babies Basically equivalent to a poodle, look how sharp


go, what are we doing here?
travis swears they re being safe crazy train episode 5

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travis swears they re being safe crazy train episode 5...

You get hit by a crocodile in the water, you're losing your arm. Crocodiles 101 is going well, we are learning the basics, but these are small. crocodiles, these are three to four feet and we're going to be dealing with 20 foot monsters. Make sure you're in his blind spot, so if you look at his head from here, he's looking sideways, a lot of times you'll have people. coming from the front oh my god come on leave that oh my god and then you let them out pretty much the only way to catch crocodiles to get into their blind spot and I showed it to the guys and I think they understand it pretty well the theory here. let me help you good job that's a wild animal tunic the reason we practice with small crocodiles is that you can learn from your mistakes the first rule was don't touch the tail and rona jumped on the tail and got hit luckily it was a crocodile small So the lesson is not that painful, but if you do that in a big crack, you will break a leg, very violent, very explosive, one of us is going to lose an arm, oh, that's a death roll, so what What happens is when they get into a situation that they want to get out of, they will roll and if they hold on to you and you have like your arm in their mouth, they will roll your arm up, yeah, basically what we learned here today is that none of us should do it. get close to a crocodile, we'll leave that up to you Donald, I'm not really a reptile person, hey, what's that in your hand there? um, you know, when you work with crocodiles, sometimes you get hurt, so it looks like he might have done it. he gave me his tooth that's his tooth that's a baby when we get to 20 feet that's the size of his tail now that we've learned some do's and don'ts with smaller crocodiles, let's go over and help some of the guys move a big crocodile let's get out of here be careful with the crocodiles currently the nitro circus tour is in south africa but he is missing his prodigal son


and that's because he broke his leg doing something too aggressive since


is bored He asked me to get the management team together for him to come and present a project that he's really looking forward to doing.
travis swears they re being safe crazy train episode 5
I'm very curious to see what it is. Okay, guys, they brought you all here, we're making a movie. a little bit of downtime with this injury to think about things and there hasn't been an old school action packed video like everything is documentary now. We really need something that people can see, that people can go, turn on and get. inspired to get out there, we have the best in the world in all these different forms of action sports. The whole concept behind the action figures was to go back to the roots of the action sports lifestyle and culture.
travis swears they re being safe crazy train episode 5
I feel like it had a big boom. in the early '90s because we had so many videos and it wasn't just a piece of the Internet, that jump was really cool, it was a lifestyle, it was a movie that represented this freedom without limits, do what you want, live life to the fullest . My idea is to go back to the roots, go back to the core and with this, hopefully and even in the next generation, this lifestyle is not dead, this culture is still alive and we are still having a damn situation. having a good time riding dirt bikes with no rules i have never had complete control of making a movie how much control do you want over this total control creative control control 99.5 i mean the idea of ​​total control that travis requests okay he will do it do great things as long as you take responsibility with the power, responsibility comes said confucius or maybe that was spider man for the last 12 years making movies with you you probably don't realize this but there are a lot of people behind the scenes doing All these things happen and the hardest part of filmmaking is not the stunts, I actually disagree.
I'll make you an amazing product with next level stuff that goes beyond and hopefully inspires. I can do it, but you know, distribute it, yes. with nitro we have all the platforms we need to do this completely yeah no problem at all okay well done deferred hey I really appreciate it don't worry there are no injuries in this field action figures , today is the day we are taking off, we had the morning free before our biggest show. I gathered a group of bmx riders to go see Soweto. It is a great honor for me to show the Nitro Circus South Africa team, but more specifically Soweto, a place off the beaten path. that's a big part of South Africa's history.
Soweto is an iconic area of ​​South Africa and very important in the fight for freedom. Nelson Mandela Desmond Tutu. They all came from Soweto and to visit it is a great honour, which is probably why it was called like 63 townships within it. It is like the main city and has other small towns within it. This is an incredible opportunity to see a whole part of a country that we wouldn't normally get to. I hope we can go cycling for the kids. A little while we found the skate park next to a school. This is also like the only skate park in Seoul.
It was created about three years ago. I'm going to do some backflips for the kids. All the neighborhood kids started running out to come see us. doing tricks, it was amazing, some of these kids have never had a bike in their life and they are watching people perform tricks and bikes that they didn't even know were possible and it's opening up new worlds of possibilities for them, it's just amazing To be here and show them to the locals what we can do by bike and give them a small mini demonstration. The kids were so cool that they didn't want to just watch, they wanted to get on our bikes, so we taught them a couple of tricks.
This is absolutely It's amazing to be here in Soweto and traveling for the locals especially the kids it's absolutely amazing now that he's gone let's talk about this for real. I think we probably all feel the same way about that. I'm a little terrified at the same time. Incredibly excited, I think this could be absolutely huge, the first film ever created, directed and produced by Travis Pastrana. I think it's going to drive you


, but the problem is things like permits, exemptions, insurance, and occupational health. and security and all that stuff isn't even going to be considered here at all unless Jeremy is the head of media. um you may think you can clean this and remember you can't do it from the front.
Cleaning up from behind and giving Travis complete creative control of this project is such a scary proposition, to be honest, I've been working with them for 12 years and there's been a lot of cleaning up along the way. I think he's a little bit naive once again, he's too optimistic and isn't thinking through all the details. We'll have to walk behind it with a broom and sweep this up with a dustpan because there will be carnage and all kinds of trash along the way. There may be a bit of complaining on my part about the mess and chaos Travis is going to create, but he's actually a wizard when it comes to creating stunts and content that people want to see.
I have to resist. Get up and make sure things happen behind the scenes that you know need to be fixed if we let him do what he does, he does magic, yes we can pick up the pieces, okay I think it will be amazing, but good luck. I need a drink now that our


ing with the sentient crocodiles is over. We're here with Donald to help him deal with the troublesome crocodile of him. This is a large 12 to 14 foot alligator that needs to be moved. I guess you guys can help with crocodile conservation. They often have large breeding pools and with this crocodile he had outgrown his pool so we needed to move him to another area before he did any harm to his females.
This is where tourists go when they come to visit the Zulu land you are passing through. the fence to help let's do it what we're going to do is because the pond is pretty deep fortunately he's been feeding the crocodiles for a long time they recognize him, they feed them some chicken just to get them out of the ponds and then it'll be you and Donald, you will be standing next to Fortune while that big guy comes out of the water trying to get Donald to put a rope around his head or the first prize would be in the upper jaw and then Once we have him secured, we will have to chase the other females to try to put a second top rope on their jaw and then skip any questions, a pretty simple and easy job, that's what you think.
Crocodile catching 101 in three easy. steps step one get a jaw rope in step two pull the crocodile into the water step three jump on the crocodile which is actually pretty easy, easy in real nitro circus style when you get comfortable with something like little crocodiles , what are we going to do next, of course? Let's jump on giant crocodiles, step number one, to convince the crocodiles to come out of the water and all crocodiles love chicken, bring your chicken to the chicken here, fresh chicken, Tommy, the big guy is coming out of the water, Look at that fool, that's the one we need.
He looks at that mess, oh, so he's about twice as tall as everyone else. Tommy got his pants dirty when he saw the size of that crocodile. Tommy, that guy is bigger than you. The large dominant male crocodiles are huge and look very small in the water, so I knew it once. We took out that crocodile and the children saw how big it is and they will realize the seriousness of the situation. This crocodile doesn't want to be taken out of his room with the Ritz Carlton. He gets three squares of raw chicken a day and has live girlfriends, I don't blame him, the old rope and stick method has always worked on crocodiles, but this is an old male who has obviously discovered us and is actually fooling us Right now, he's a strong, smart, badass crocodile, and I'm still going to make my visit to Soweto a great experience.
We're just here to spread some positivity to some local kids who otherwise wouldn't be able to make the big show. The community here is amazing, so I need the five craziest kids. right, who's ready, who's ready to be jumped, stay down and you gotta keep your eyes open oh jess, passing brother, hello, can I jump here when I had the chance? I jumped in and got out of there before anything bad happened before we left the skatepark we had some presents for the kids and they were super excited ok we have more wheels there you go have fun


able to ride at the local skate park here in Sweden.
It's just unreal, just a special day in Niger. Surely the story of the circus Travis called me to give me a little report on how things are going with the production and said everything is great, people are


, he has everything covered, he just needs a little more time and as a producer, the time actually means money so every day you're in production means thousands and thousands of dollars jeremy heytv yo how's the ram build going? Yes, it's funny, she asked. She was just calling to say the ramps are finally working. Well, that's a total lie.
We are not. We pretty much started from square one, but now as Edison found more ways that the light bulb doesn't work, so we start with a metal ramp jacked up, a metal ramp, a metal ramp, all jacked up out of the ramp, the new ramp, the D-ramp didn't work. new ramp removed bottom put wood on metal then metal on metal then metal onwood in the extension and now we go from ground to metal to the number eight tip of the extension we have this literally thirty meters in the air um cheney spinning triples uh, page 720, I'm working on some double quarks and stuff, but no , it's not a lost cause, I'm telling you, Joshian has a triple twist.
The things they are doing on bikes, it's incredible, it's not a lost cause, but look. I mean, I'm sorry, I know we're behind schedule, I know we're way over budget, I know we need more budget, we need more time, and I appreciate everything you guys have done, but we can't quit at halftime. We are fully committed to Travis on this action figure project and that's great, but we have a budget and we have to respect it. If we overdo it, we'll lose money and we won't be around anymore, so Travis, if you leave. about the budget that means I'm the one who passes the budget because I have to talk to Management I expected it to be a little better it cost a little less now we wouldn't have had as many injuries along the way but I think we're making good progress but We'll do it, man. guys with me we're with you buddy it's approved I love you Jeremy thanks for the support man it'll be worth it I promise, I promise, we're in, we're totally committed, don't worry about the lawyers, I've got this just don't screw it up so donald us You have here at this crocodile farm to relocate a really angry gigantic crocodile why every time I get a phone call to do something first it's always to be risk fodder? paperweight for a crocodile here boy come here old big crocodiles they are smart crocodiles that's how they get big there he is we have something oh he's gone fishing buddy everyone knows me quick bring that bring the rope yeah who caught him in the tail By usually when you catch crocodiles you pull them all, get a rope in the jaw, pull them out of the water, jump on them, this was in that situation, first we put a rope on the tail and pull the crocodile into the water, it's not a ideal situation with a large male proc, this is going to be a lot harder than I thought.
Everybody back, let them gas. This is so intense. They just got caught. They left it. They grabbed him by the tail. The objective was to catch him by the heads. He is angry. What we do next is catch it. what's called a neck rope and the idea is to triangulate the crocodile or keep it in one place hey wake up brother oh that's nice chrome it's time and then we need a jaw rope okay ready come on one, two, three, four, geez, okay, okay, okay. Okay, crocodiles have incredible closing strength, but when opening they don't have much strength, so the idea is to put a rope in the jaw to close their jaws and make it safer.
Good job, sure, here we go, so the only thing we have to worry about. It's his tail and his mouth, so once we start moving him forward, hopefully, he'll roll away from there, wrap himself up, and then we can jump on him. Yeah, I feel like I just want to talk about action now. Figures uh, I just watched my first uh footage of action figures and I saw Trevor Jacob maybe 100 feet in the air and bouncing off a tree, and if he hadn't bounced off the tree, he wouldn't hit the bag of air. So to be honest with you, it's like he terrified me when Michael invited me to his office.
He knew exactly what he was getting me into. He had seen the same footage and, frankly, he made me shit my pants. I think this project can continue. out of control and michael knows it and I basically had to lie through my teeth and say I have everything under control, which is not true, I'm on it, the team is on it, uh, we're doing everything we can, so it's Well, rest assured, that's how it is.


taken care of good luck I need it man you put me in charge of travis that's the worst job in the world okay okay see ya today is the time I feared would come my sources tell me in the field Some of the guys are starting to get hurt and broken while filming action figures, so I have to pick up the phone and check with the source and see what Travis says.
Tyler is not a good man. He, I mean, got hurt a little bit trying. that triple flip um he just ran away a little bit that wasn't real dude right now schmidty is filming uh woodward we have um trevor jacob he's with marty um and Dusty those guys are crushing him out there I mean the footage of the jump bass were It was epic, I mean really


, really crazy stuff, but no, no, don't worry, no, everyone is being careful. I finally spoke to Travis on the phone and in the conversation he basically went around and around and around and in the end somehow.
I didn't talk much and he hung up saying everything is great, uh Jared, seriously, there's nothing to worry about, we have four film crews in four different locations, everyone is crushing the ramps here, we're making incredible progress. The lawyers, everyone will be safe, buddy, we're fine, no action figure is going to be the best out of the water because there are two other vessels in there, okay, they've got the strings on, now they've got the gel mixes back, that's from Tommy. Good job, hold him like this so he doesn't see from side to side that it was broken, your leg like that would have destroyed your leg, telling you where you're standing, not peeing on the blindfold, I'm definitely not going to jump on that guy's head. crocodile.
Tommy, that's it buddy, when I came to South Africa, jumping on the back of a giant crocodile is not what I thought would be on my itinerary, three, two, one, go and get cute, don't lose concentration because he just will wait for an opportunity. to explode once the crocodile was pinned down tommy and jen sprung into action and now jed is dry humping just remember, lift your legs, lift your head, lift your tail, it doesn't have any rotation solution, perfect design, perfect , has not changed in 150 million years. Safety first, but I wouldn't have volunteered to be the first person to jump on that huge crocodile, hey buddy, so what do we do now?
We move him and the next step is to load him on the stretcher and then use the stretcher. To pull it off with true nitro we did the whole crocodile capture backwards, but it seemed to work and everyone was safe and now our only goal is to load up this big guy and take him out one, two, three, yeah, it's definitely not 500 kilos. . I'm very heavy for some reason, everything I've seen on TV going on safari means you're sitting in a four by four with some guy driving and you like to throw peanuts and lions or whatever it is that brought me here. the ground this is crazy if you need a break just say it we take down the fence they're going to put your head in the front and just slide it on with the whole harness that's a big sun new pick up line on the bar these hands have fought a crocodile it's all about conservation sometimes you have to put yourself at risk to get better well gazwell thank you very much for your help today uh you felt the weight of this animal, you felt its strength like Well, there's no way we can move it without your help.
Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. Thank you very much because it was a great honor, crazy to work with dinosaurs and this is the first line of conservation. This is what it feels like. Let's go, let's go, this thing is bigger than the truck, so it's a good thing we caught it, we tied it up and now we're going to free it, you understand, I'm going to get it with you, geographic nitro, I know conservation is a Un serious topic here in South Africa and thanks to Donald Schultz, Nitrous Circus was involved in it, catching a crocodile is a unique experience, it was really special to share it with the Nitro team and the locals are very grateful that we had such a big man to move. this huge crocodile you guys did it yeah you saved it good job no one died nitro circus live is coming to durban south africa and something i jumped illegally as a base jumper a couple of years ago is where the show takes place we are here at moses Mabita Stadium in Durban right now we're going to take this sky card on top of this huge arch that they've built over the stadium so I can do a base jump to the show tomorrow night.
The plan Ronan and I have is to go talk. to the authorities to get permission for him to perform a base jump at the show to start the entire event. Any time you try to make base jumping legal, especially a demonstration in front of thousands of people, you have to jump through a lot of hoops that we did. a call to the local authorities to see if rona could jump base and the immediate response was no, but come talk to us anyway, the fact that donald was able to connect with the place and allow us to even look at the possibility of the runner jumping from The arch is incredible for us because we were never allowed to go to Donald and I left Cape Town early at 4 30 in the morning to meet 25 30 suits here at the stadium, they wanted me to go up top and point out where it was.
I'm jumping in and how is this going to work. They want all the details. It could be really amazing for Durbin. It could be amazing for me and all the people here at the show, so come on, let me do it from before we started live nitro. That was kind of his idea. I want to participate in a show. I want to participate in a show. And now I could do it. I'm doing 112 yards, so in the US, basically, that's multiplied by three twelve meters. I said I could come in the morning and do a jump for them when there was no one down there and they could look up, you know, from the seats and say oh yeah, so all that stuff you don't worry about throwing it, it was a pleasure to sit back and watch him negotiate and deal not only with the police but also with the place.
I have never seen anyone talk and chat and deal with them in that way like they were going around and dealing all the time and hanging out taking photos and explaining the flight. roads and time in the air and it was a real pleasure to see him put so much passion and make this dream of his come true. I'm just trying to persuade as much as I can, that's my job right now, little by little, you can see them coming to his side partly because he's so professional and so well organized and the fact that he's so aware of the safety now we're at the point where Eric has to do a test jump for the local police and fire department to show them that this is safe enough that he won't land in the crowd and hurt a spectator.
This trick might be the best entrance in the history of Nitro Circus Live. We just found out that there is a ramp installed in the middle of Soweto. Impressive, but I'll do it. walking the streets to get there this is going to be an adventure just as we get closer to the big demonstration there are children everywhere who are taking to the streets and running to get to the towers of orlando, it is probably the most surreal moment. What we've experienced on tour is that everyone says we're crazy. He's an amazing man to be able to come here and sweat and perform for all the local kids.
It's just amazing. It's a pleasure. This makes me appreciate what we do so much. Also, we have some merchandise and we are going to give it to these children. So why can't we have a thousand more t-shirts? I just saw that one of the older kids gave a t-shirt to one of the younger ones, so that's really Awesome, I feel like we've gained a lot from this experience and we appreciate what's happening here in Soweto. All the kids chase us from the pool. They are wearing nothing but swimsuits. They're giving us more than we could ever thank them for inviting us definitely thanks for coming man they've changed the community too man now that we've got the scouts out of the way the next thing we gotta do is show the officers of local police and stadium security that this trick is safe.
I really appreciate that you let us try this and you guys can see how it goes and make a decision and, yeah, it's good, it'll be fun, one of the basic things. Jumping is illegal most of the time, so most of the time you spend running from the police being in a situation where you talk to a cop about base jumping and then have them watch it all happen is very, very atypical. Heading up 330 feet above the stadium to make the first legal base jump, holy cow, this got real. I'm here with the local authorities that are in charge of the area, we have the police department, the fire department and them.
Obviously everyone is a little skeptical because this is normally something illegal. They were more curious than you imagine in wanting this to happen. I think they just wanted to see the spectacle of a guy jumping off a roof, so this is the final hoop. I have to jump so I can base jump to a live show tonight in front of everyone. All the bosses there want to see that I can do it safely with an empty stadium right now, so when the place is full, they will have pure confidence that I can. I can do this safely the runner said here is a map that measures four feet by two feet I am going to land on this I am going to fly on thisdirection and I'll land on this and you could see on their faces that they really didn't believe that.
This may not be easy, so this is the final step to get approval for the base jump on the live show tonight. at the moment. Base jumping is very scary for everyone who is there, they haven't been a part of it. I haven't seen much of that, so my goal now is to show them that this is going to turn out well and that I can do it tonight in front of 20,000 people. Let's do this 10 9 eight seven six five four three two one. boom, he did it well and just like that, roner hits the mark just like he said he would, the officials went from being skeptical to now being impressed and taking pictures with roner, they want to see him again and now it looks like he's going to get to do the jump tonight can i make the proper entrance i have wanted since we started this nitro circus live tour so excited for eric rohner he finally got his wish he always wanted to do a base jump at the opening ceremonies of a live nitro circus hello durbin Alright, that doesn't suck, big fool's jump, let's do that for the live show.
They make me jump an old junk sofa off a ramp. The roar reaches base jump into a world cup soccer stadium. I think I need a new agent. Hi guys. Hey guys, what's going on? Well, we finally have some good news for you all, we're 100% completely done filming, no way, dude, that's awesome, we're just kinda wrapping up, uh, Schmidty's finally wrapping up his section, actually, uh. We were filming yesterday, these guys want the best. They've all been put on the schedule, man, and this is it, I think. You guys can be really excited, we finally finished filming, we not only achieved everything we wanted, but ten times more in safety and height with a quad backflip on bikes , triple backflip on motorcycles, I mean, so far it just exceeded all my expectations.
Okay, so what's next? man, the most important thing I'm going to ask for is that we have a premiere not in Los Angeles, it's not a typical place, it will be in my hometown, we had so many local guys that came and helped build ramps, each one welding their own things and Since we're starting the tour, we'll have everyone in the DC area, so if possible, I'd really like to roll out a red carpet for these guys who thought Travis and all these crazy dudes pulled this off and really did an absolutely incredible job. in action. figures, so what better way to celebrate than to have a hometown premiere and a gigantic after party, let's do it, it'll be fun to jump off the roof tonight, something we've all been working on for quite some time, so we're everyone excited, we did a demo jump today which was great but the winds have changed in the completely opposite direction at the moment which means I need a whole new flight plan 10 minutes before the show, the plan just totally changed , the wind rose. in a different direction, so now Roanoke is looking for a different flight path to land in a totally different area than where we rehearsed with something like this, safety is 100, the name of the game, but I don't think there's any way it wouldn't Oh.
To do it, I have to make some serious decisions here in a few minutes, so it makes it that much more exciting. We got it, even if everyone has a great show, good luck and let's get Roaner in three, yeah, one, two, three, okay, we're on. Going to show time, fans are packing up at the stadium, it's supposed to be 23,000 people, we head to the top of the arch and jump off, turn on the bomb and start the show, I think I have to change the plan. here with these wins flying straight in that direction and i think i'm going to need to land on the fmx in runtime 23 000 people star in the show demos a real show rona is about to jump off the roof and it will be the most twisted intro the show has ever ever seen from lake tahoe in the usa an extreme skier who is about to base jump at the stadium moses mabita eric groener no one at the stadium knew roner was going to jump until it was announced and then everyone They looked up in the sky and couldn't believe what was happening, I would have to say without a doubt that it is the best entrance to any night circus show.
That's probably one of the sickest starts I've ever seen in a show. Black football outside the room here at adult art hero Mad Dog, the show in Durban was amazing but this was our first place where the rubs could really come into play and what a treat NBC was for tonight for one of our favourites, the great Eric Rohner for these epics. Watching Roner do a base jump at a show is one of the best moments we've had on nitro live. He came up to me almost every place we've done a show and told me he could jump off that roof to make it finally happen, see how excited he was and see how excited the cast and fans were to me this was the best show we have ever done, this is my first nitro award and I am so happy.
It's an honor to have this. I feel very honored to be part of this family. You guys are a bunch of talented fans. This is very fun despite my age. I don't want to give this up because this is a moment in my life. I love you all. I always feel like the Nitro team does things a little differently than the rest of the world. I mean, most people have a premiere to show the world what they've done. It was just internal. Anyone who had a hand. In this movie I was there and Tommy suited up and led the charge at the end, Travis James and the rest, the guys that worked on the action figures did an amazing job, they had to learn a lot and they had to overcome a lot of things that they didn't.
I was hoping to find out and I was sure that's what we were going to get, so I tip my hat to those guys and I'm excited to see this thing we just put together at a local theater near Trav's house, dressed in silly costumes and doing the silly. around popcorn and yelling and screaming for each other and they had fun, they laughed, they made fun of each other and it was like that's the best way we could celebrate the end, you all should go get a copy of the action. It is estimated to be the number one selling movie for iTunes in Estonia.
The album speaks for itself. Yes, I do. The screening turned out great because it was one of those rare moments where there are so many people who worked so hard on the movie that you're pretty. Filling an entire theater so much was a wild experience and having everyone there and for the first time everyone being able to see the entire movie as one project was really cool, it was an incredible feeling.

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