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Travis Pastrana Redefined Competition | Nitro World Games Rewind

Jun 06, 2021
These guys are going to be 60 feet in the air. What was that? I just submitted it and it worked and I ranked first. The ramps were all bigger. We were going to make this an open qualifier. I hope I can make it to the



. I worked really hard to pay off it feels great it's fair play from here we have the ramp set up for everyone to come ride yes you are definitely going for an absolutely amazing treat and here we go with double front flips this one is birthplace. from


circus welcome to





the journey that takes you from the beginning of this incredible event to the final death-defying jump in front of 30,000 screaming fans, it was truly a game-changing


for the first time in You'll see the history of online and scooter action sports in the same arena as skateboarding, bmx, and freestyle motocross.
travis pastrana redefined competition nitro world games rewind
We'll meet the stars of the contest to find out why Nitro made the decision to include them in the largest action sports event in history and show the two events that took place before the NBC broadcast began in their entirety. that 16-20 and he got it, oh my god, Jake, what are the judges going to think? That he's the only guy who's ever done that, oh my god, Misty Flip to Backflip, which. it means dave lang has gotten his three tricks ryan williams nitro circus household name like i said before he qualified first place in dmx the nitro world games have been brewing in the minds of



and mike pora for over 10 years.
travis pastrana redefined competition nitro world games rewind

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travis pastrana redefined competition nitro world games rewind...

They don't always have a name, a location or a date, but they always had a vision, a vision to revolutionize action sports


as we know it, to turn the same old format that's been around for 20 years on its head, shake it up. and bring something. everything new on the table is an interesting concept because action sports started and really evolved and got so big so fast because it was about freedom it was about this lifestyle it was about this limitless fun chaos sometime in the early of the 2000s became more about the tricks you took from this free ride and there really emerged these rapper kids who didn't like going into the desert like a shovel, they just worked on a specific set of ramps that, in my opinion, They took a lot of the creativity I want to give to people like me, who wanted to be creative, who wanted to try new things, who wanted to see what was possible at each event, who will blow your mind by trying something that has never been tried. and I feel like that's what the world games are all about, it's changing action sports back to what made it popular originally after years of planning, work, scheming, talking, searching and dealing, it all came true, your dream. came true and this dream suddenly had a base in Utah, a network to broadcast with support from the necessary avenues and finally a name, NBC, it was so big for the nitro world games that it was honestly the last piece of the puzzle we wanted you to see this. the masses didn't want this to be a niche event this had to be huge it had to be prime time it had to be NBC the theme of the games and one word you'll hear all the time is progression in every way


and mike wanted to progress the tricks the ramps the formats the riders the judges and the scoring if they wanted it to be different from any other competition they had to start somewhere and it had to be big from the beginning the world knew this was different starting with the The first time open qualification for a major competition, now any professional level racer in the world could qualify for the largest action sports event in history.
travis pastrana redefined competition nitro world games rewind
First we decided that even that was going to be too expensive, we were going to make this an open qualifier and then everyone had a chance to go to the tryouts and I got a chance to go to the event. I love open qualifiers. The amount that that brings to our sport is so great for anyone who wants to have an opportunity that would have otherwise been overlooked. My name. I'm brandon schmidt I'm 23 years old from stockholm new jersey I'm a professional snowboarder but I'm here competing in bmx best trick my goal for today is to qualify for the world games which will be in july jerry mcneal here at the world games top qualifier.
travis pastrana redefined competition nitro world games rewind
I'm going to go over the tricks I have and have a good run and see if the judges like it and hopefully I can make it to the world games, these guys and a lot more of everyone. from all over the world showed up to try to earn a place in the games. I got exactly what I expected. I see guys sending 1080s for fun and double backflipping tricks on backflips and it's just amazing the level of driving that's going down right now. I worked really hard to make it worth it it feels really good, really good, I'm really excited, super happy, I just won the first qualifier for the Nitro World Games, it was a tough competition, man I'm celebrating today and just like wait, some unknown athletes from all over the world not only qualified but proved that they are real contenders for the world games and you can see the sense of achievement on their faces.
Another area that Mike and Travis knew they wanted to progress was the ramps. They had visions of new ramps that would allow athletes to attempt bigger, crazier tricks than ever before. The ramps are undoubtedly the most important part of what we have been able to achieve and what we are going to achieve. We spent a fortune and spent years developing the ramps for uh, for the nitro world games, in addition to raising the level of action, the nitro team also raised the level of safety in the landers, the philosophy is that if the ramps are going to be much larger and the trick is much more incomplete, the safety level has to equal the Consequence Level: the bigger and higher, the more you can do, but also the more likely you are to get injured.
The jump heights and distances we're working with are humanly impossible to crash, so my goal was to make the landings as safe as possible. possible, the safer the landing, the bigger the takeoff, so where is the end? and the answer is: there is no limit to this, so we can go as big and as high as we want, but we have to do it in a progression that allows these athletes and not just the nitro athletes, not just the guys who have come to my house, but to all athletes and children who are growing, to have the opportunity to practice this and evolve with these ramps. athletes and the ramps that were different, the event itself was promoted as completely different from anything similar before the biggest difference in the nitro ward games and almost all other events is that the ramps were all bigger, they were all new, they were all different.
The landings allowed the guys to try things they normally wouldn't even think about because if you crashed you could hopefully get back up, it's still going to hurt, it's not perfect but I think this is what made it the best air contest ever. all the times. has been held and it's not trying to change action sports, it's just trying to say these are the big aerial championships, if you want to do something bigger and better than anyone else has done, here's your platform, paint your own canvas and let's do it. It didn't stop there, the typical action sports competition consists of skateboard, bmx and fmx, but Mike and Travis had two other disciplines they wanted to include and knew it wouldn't be easy to get the entire community on board, we received a lot of opposition. of the industry, but you know, we're not trying to revolutionize action sports, I just want to see the biggest, best, most passionate people, and I'll tell you what every person who was there to ride a scooter did, every person that was there for inline.
They were the most passionate, they had the same vibe, the same feeling that all of us had on the first x games scooter and online they brought all that and they did it with humility and they mastered, you know, the action that we will take when we come back. Behind the scenes of the days and moments leading up to the main event, we have exclusive never-before-seen footage from the online and scooter training, as well as footage from the semi-finals of all the other sports, they're not going anywhere. Welcome back to the Nitro World Games Rewind The days leading up to the event were some of the most progressive and challenging days in action sports.
This was the first time that all the athletes were in one place fighting for a chance to get on the podium that everyone was feeding. from each other and not just in their own discipline the first day of practice and people are just here sending them live people I've never heard of tricks I've never even seen it's twisted it's crazy it literally just came to me in five minutes and three jumps on their bikes hitting this ramp that takes you 30 or 40 feet in the air I don't even know how me and them are doing tricks I've never thought of in so many of the best events they've ever had highlighted everything and before it was fine highlight the semi-finals, the quarter-finals, everything until the end, but the runners are becoming very good and there is not that much separation between first and last, so for us it is fine, let these runners qualify, but when let's demonstrate this on live television, when we do this format, let's do it as fast and with the fastest pace as possible because you know some kids love to watch skateboards, some kids love to watch motocross and a lot of others don't like to watch maybe the another sport, so we can't have two hours of coverage on each of these sports, so let's show them the best, let's show them the finals and move on to the next sport because that's the attention span of what we know works when traveling all over the world.
LIVE SHOWS The best trick bmx skate semi-finals best tricks bmx triple hit and fmx were held the day before the games, although they were not televised, the intensity was off the charts, all the riders knew this was their chance to arrive. the big show and they didn't disappoint let's go straight into the bmx semi finals triple hit oh man I can't put into words how excited I am about my race I just submitted it and it worked I qualified first and I'm I'm so excited I can't imagine what will happen tomorrow if this is what is happening in the semi-finals, it will be crazy, tomorrow will be crazy.
Our top eight finalists for BMX Triple Hit have now been determined in the Best BMX Tricks Semifinals. The finals are on, oh it's a 720 triple whip, well I feel screwed, but over the moon, the qualifiers landed first, all my tricks, getting ready for tomorrow, the skate semi-finals consisted of some big air veterans and some youngsters, all determined to qualify for the main event, so sixteen fmx pros fell in the semi-finals for just eight places in the final. My first win today, first since the fifth try here when I landed perfect and I did so I'm happy that Clinton Moore withdrew early from the event due to an injury which gave harry ping a wild card entry to the event.
I came into this as a wild card and I had prepared for it and, very excited, I made it through that race alive and hit the front ramp. Also that definitely took a lot of guts, but I'm excited, I'm still in one piece and I conquered it since the semi-finals. I think Brandon Lupos really impressed me. I mean, 1080 on the middle shot of the triple was absolutely incredible. Brandon Schmidt qualified second, you know? Gavin Godfrey, no one expected him to be up there and it's Schmidty and Godfrey Curtis Downs, all these running backs who, you know, had been saying, "Hey, we should be invited to x games next game," saying who are you to have these qualifiers? open where they simply completely dominated. but even the guys who didn't qualify as well, you know Christian Meyer, I think it was a big surprise for me and for that young man, he will win world games in the future, if that was just in the semi-finals, the finals will come. to be crazy online and scooter they had no semi-final, they each had five pre-qualified guest riders chosen from their respected disciplines, these guys had the days leading up to the event to prepare, their practice sessions were as intense as a competition because all the riders were able seeing what everyone else was throwing at me online, it was something I'd always enjoyed watching that got cut because it wasn't cool enough.
Riding a scooter was something that as you know kids on scooters get a lot of criticism wherever they are but they are the most progressive and innovative guys in the world I mean our willy is the best example of him jumping on a bike without actually riding it and he is probably, if not the best, one of the best and most dominant cyclists in the world and he is not. Even a cyclist, skateboard guys go bigger than any other skater. I think this isa big aerial bet and you can't have an event without skates and boots.
When we return, we will meet the two men. That impressed Travis and Mike so much that they included inline and scooter in the world games. We will also meet the other competitors who would love to be above them on the podium. Don't go anywhere. Welcome back to Nitro World Games. Rewind when drawing the blueprints for the world games mike pora and travis


always wanted it to be progressive and different, they drew on their past experiences, from filming to training to touring, one thing they agreed on was to include online and scooter at the first world nitro games.
This is where I caught so much criticism from people saying you've got to be kidding me, you can't have proper scooters and action sports events online, they're not real action sports and we just had to say let's stand firm and just say, just look at him I have to be honest without Chris Happy inline skating wouldn't have been at night for the world games but when I see Hafy and his passion you know the guys he brings and I even go to skate parks around the world and seeing what happiness can do is almost forgottenobviously, chris happy has influenced nitro enough to include an online event in the games, let's meet mr. haffy, my name is chris haffey, I'm from san diego, california , and I'm a professional skater.
I've been skating for as long as I can remember, but I really got into it like I do now, when I was 11 I played ice hockey in Atlanta and a couple of friends from the team took me to a skate park and it all ended when I got involved. for the first time with Nitro I was a little nervous the first day I came in as a skater and I didn't know where everyone else was on it, but the thing is, I wanted to go on a ramp that they offered me for so long that I didn't do it.
I don't care, I thought I was going to hit that thing no matter what I have to go through to get it right when we finally got the actual seal of approval to skate it was at 100 to be put back on stage, you know? with all other action sports for a mainstream audience is so big for skating that it was nothing but excitement. I hope that skating offers a spectacle that no one expects to see. I think that's the most important thing for me: skating like Overall, I don't care who wins this contest as long as the sport comes out and shows that it should be on that stage with those other sports, then that would make me happier, it's hard Say it, man, there are a lot of guys that go to Throw Down Dave Lang has been doing a big air show in Germany, so he's had a lot of experience on ramps like this.
There is a boy, Roman Abrade, from France, who trains with a group of skiers and I know he has some tricks than us. I haven't seen it before and CJ Wellsworth from Australia is so stylish that if he could do some of these biggest tricks with his style the day anyone could play as well as Chris Haffey on inline skates, Ryan Williams is on top from his scooter play we were told that our willy was the best in the world, but at the time it had a bit of a negative connotation towards scooter writing and an hour after watching our William practice I was already like, yeah, okay.
He's on the show not only tonight, but let's hire this guy. He needs to be on the show every night. My name is Ryan Williams, also known as r Willy. I'm from the Sunshine Coast in Australia and I ride scooters and BMX, especially. a 17 year old scooter kid who loved Nitro Circus and as soon as I got the phone call from Nitro I was on a plane to Albury where they let me practise, they just said here's a 50ft ramp, here's an exemption , Do the best you can. Look what you can do. I got into the program and got the world's first double benefit on a scooter and I've been there ever since.
At first I felt a little sorry, but that pushed me to do better. I just felt my fire and I just pushed myself and I'm still here today so I guess I did something right so my question is are you ready when I found out that scootering was going to be in the nitro world games? That's just how it was. It's a huge relief as all my hard work representing scooters has paid off and we're finally in a massive competition on live TV. It was a real achievement for me and for scooters, my biggest competition for scooters would be anyone. there is jordan clark kitty who is still doing triple front flips like every attempt, there are the funk brothers who have already had some shows with nitro circus all over the United States and there is dakota who is destined to be number one in the world and the best in the world so anyone can bring anything and everyone is a threat the other guest riders are the best in the world they would love nothing more than to dethrone these two but even they know they are up against legends in their sports when we get back we will play the online and scooter competitions in their In its entirety, some huge tricks were thrown, many worlds were the first to land, the underdogs stood up and an entire stadium was left wanting more.
Both contests are coming up when we return you are watching the world nitro games


. We are about to start the online competition where Chris Happy will face off. four athletes determined to win their first world nitro games. The man Travis put his heart and soul into this and I have to say when you walk into that stadium and see this whole setup, it's mind-blowing, like you're just looking at it without anyone setting it up. so I couldn't be more proud of the guy who managed to do this as it takes a guy with his vision to achieve something like this and today is going to be crazy, people were still showing up I think you know we said what time .
It started but everyone was like oh, first in line, whatever, we'll get off work or do whatever and that first athlete came and did his trick and the crowd erupted, it's like the train ran off the track and everyone was standing still. and in that. period, it just started to turn into a mafia scene, the sykes are like what's going on there and everyone is pushing the doors to come watch the inline skating, let's send it to our announcers jake hershey and matt mickey to start our competition, It's okay, everyone. the madness is about to begin the excitement level is rising we're here at rice echo stadium salt lake city utah the inaugural world nitro games each of these guys will get three runs two of their runs will count for the first two scores so They get a second chance if they fall in one of their races, but like I said, the first two scores will count and we hope to see some great tricks here today.
Dave Lang always stands out from the crowd he has. that indelible long black hair always shaking his fists 80's rock star with blades here falling with great speed, double grip still 900. What was that dunk? He pulls him out of the cage and delivers a rancid 900 double grab. Talk about power, that's what. the way to start here at the world nitro games 6.7 out of 10. Wake Shepman, our youngest competitor, who is actually recovering. This is his first competition after suffering a concussion and having double vision, and that doesn't stop him from that foggy double landing. fakie or the other way around, I'll leave it next, we have Romana, brought from France, 28 years old, oh my God, oh incredible double corkscrew 1080.
He almost went off to the right, yes, this guy had a lot of speed and a lot of distance, but tied. So that's three tricks in a row for the inliners here, next up from Sydney, Australia we have CJ Wells more aka the amazing wombat abstract 900 abstract means he actually crosses his legs while spinning off his axis in the air , look how flat it is that's called a corkscrew and crossed legs mean an abstract fall we have chris happy nitro circus live veteran oh my god double backflip 180 and it lands perfectly that was a dumb grab double backflip cool 180 at the last second chris happy Currently is in first place and these guys are going to have to do a lot to get back on the podium and get their second shot.
Dave Laying Millington New Jersey. Oh, sick double backflip 180, showing Chris happy that he's not the only one who has that trick. In his repertoire he came for his second hit, the young man from Florida, Wake Shepman, oh my God, he was going for 16-20, he came for his second hit here, the executive chef Ramona brought, oh my God, double bio 900, did you? could you get something cleaner? On top of that, the amazing thing is that Roman came to this without having hit this ramp before in his life until a couple of days ago, that's right and now he's doing tricks like that, you've got to be kidding me, okay? 6.97 moves, Roman came to second place behind. dave lang pushing wake chef into third position, next we have cj welshmore, the aussie, the bladed wall bat, this guy's chest, oh, killing the attempt at that double flat 180. chris happy falling in double bio 540 for the front ones so you have two off axis rotations and then a late 180 to land forward and landing forward is a lot harder on inline skates than a lot of people would think harder yeah and on the most vehicles you think landing forward is the easy way out, not in this case people look at chris running back to the leader you think these guys are going to run out of power first place we have chris haffey second place third place de want third and the Last races are yet to come Don't go anywhere when we get back We'll see who takes home first place in the first event of the inaugural Nitro World games.
Welcome back to the Nitro World Games rewind. We are approaching the end of the online competition. Let's not waste any time and get right back to Jake and Matt. in the cockpit, welcome back, let's get right into the action, the third and final run is still to come, oh misty, backflip, it was perfect, two different inversion variations in one trick, the helmet is outside the hair, it is cutting, the horns are raised, misty. flip to backflip oh effortlessly walks away dave lang is playing to this crowd as the lead singer of an 80s rock band and no wonder, if that was his breakout album, it's about to go platinum wake shepman, the 19 year old from florida 16 20 to go oh and he landed it four and a half full revolutions landing fakie or backwards doing a 180 so he could spot the airbag this is the first competition I think we just witnessed the first 1620 of the world landing here on inline skates at the nitro world games salt lake city utah awesome see how he crosses his arms and keeps his body tense?
I get a little whiplash from the airbag, yeah these guys go about 35 miles an hour in that thing, it definitely doesn't feel good, the judges do. reward him handsomely for the 7.43 that took him to fourth place, let's see what Roman will bring to the table from France, oh my god, what was that? It was double corkscrew 1260, one corkscrew, two corkscrews and a late 360. Just pulling it. around, he turned upside down twice, there's Roman Pratt beating him up in front of the crowd, he's so excited he just performed that trick and puts him in second place, wow, that's a good place to sit right now for CJ's basin Wells.
Moore showed up for his third and final hit, he wanted that abstract 1260 corkscrew and just vanished on the landing. This brings us to our last competitor who showed up for his third and final success. Chris Happy, 30 years old, has a career of glory approaching. the other way around, oh he wanted that fake double backflip, you know what, never mind, chris happy, he's going to take it all here today at the inaugural world nitro games online event. I can't even put it into words. Honestly, like when I was watching what was happening, what I felt inside of me was unreal, man, like nothing can come out of this and I'll still be so excited, so what I mean is skating being on this stage and riding that show.
It means everything to me oh man it was amazing. I will remember this moment forever and wish it was just the beginning. I cross my finger. I'm still on a high from all the adrenaline. All cyclists. I killed him. I'm really excited for inline skating to be showcased at this type of event on this scale and I really hope you guys know that in the years to come we'll be able to keep pushing and pushing. You know, and being able to be here on the podium with those guys is like a huge honor and I'm really excited to be a part of this online.
Amazing scooters are about to surpass it. the roof we are here at the Rice Cycle stadium getting ready to start the scooter action. Each of these guys will get three runs. Two of their races will count for the first two scores, so they will have a second chance if they fall in one. of the races and we are expecting to see some great tricks here today and corey is fired up here he goes stand up folks the action is about to start this is awesome freestyle scooter and to start with corey funk doing a tail whip to the late buttercup, tripletail whip, check him out, dakota shoots from temecula, california, this is his first time riding this giant ramp and you can see why he is one of the best in the world.
These are what we call kickless rewinds. He's not even kicking the scooter. back and forth and lands again on that, that's five in a row, never done before in the history of freestyle scooters. Oh yeah, his game is constantly going up against Cameron Funk, which now we're going to get to that, that was a triple, that was a triple. front flip for your first hit for your first hit this is the first jump these guys don't waste time there is no triple flip caper and funk let's not forget that not only are they fighting for the podium but the funk brothers are fighting each other so there's a battle within a battle here and look at this jordan clark our youngest competitor the youngest 17 year old doing a front double somersault with no hands taking his hands off in the middle look at him I don't understand how he still does it with the no-hander there , adding an element of difficulty, oh man, and he went a long way to get his name here from the uk, that was jordan clark, he got ryan williams next, matt, which is a signature ryan williams trick, he call A Silly Willie, if you're going to break it, it's a double front 360.
Check this out, a front 180 and then he almost does a back 180 to spin it and unfortunately shuffling his feet there's a foot, so you will get a couple of points. but that's a crazy trick from Ryan Williams, we're going to jump right into the action here with race number two for the online event. Well, Corey Funkk is next. We saw him do the tailed buttercup trip in the first race. Is it going to be crazy here oh man? Do you see the control of this child? Yes, that was a double back jump with a tail whip in the middle.
It's one thing to be able to do a double backflip, so hold on to it. While your feet come off and that scooter spins is crazy, almost impossible, check out Dakota's shots, oh no, Dakota's shots go down, well, we saw him prance and we tried the triple front jump in the first round. Can you get it here one, two, three and make it amazing? It's absolutely phenomenal. Perfect, you can see he's amazed, he's excited. You have to check this. Watch him spot the landing right there, two, last, three, and he really nails it. These are tricks we thought weren't possible even last year and look at that 8.07 score.
That is amazing. him right behind his brother corey the battle of the front brothers continues jordan bringing the double front of no-hander what are those consecutive triple fronts? I can't believe it we saw capron just go first in competition and jordan comes right behind him says don't worry I got it it's not first in the world it's safe here with the five best scooter riders fighting what are we going to see here? a signature ryan williams trick oh my god, matt, look how excited he is. at 1080p not only is he excited the stadium weirdness is going crazy 360 720 1080 while doing a front flip oh man if you've never seen the freestyle scooter before this is the place to see it because these guys are doing the tricks biggest in the world and taking it to the biggest possible stage the madness is only going to increase let's go down to the track where laurette is with our willie guys, thank you very much ryan williams his friends and fans know him as our willy ryan one more race what do you do?
You have it in your big bag of tricks, so I just did a 1080 front flip. I think I'm going to add another rotation and get a 14 40 front flip. I've never tried it before, but now is the time to try it. Okay, I compete too. in bmx, what are your expectations? I'm just going to go out and do the tricks I plan to do, hopefully hit them all, bring home the gold, Ryan, good luck, thank you very much, the riders are shooting when we get back, we'll crown. a winner you're watching rewind the nitro world games we're in the middle of the scooter contest let's get right back into the action and back to the top of the ramp corey funk is ready to drop in his final race let's see what he does I'm here Jake oh Man, that's very unfortunate for the youngest of the Funk brothers, who is going for a double front tail whip.
Check it. I'm dead serious, look at this, his feet land in the same spot he took off and he walks away so clean you're going to get excited about it, well the score was good for Dakota Schutz and let's see what Capron will bring to the table . how amazing just when you think things can't get any crazier cabrin comes out with a trick like this what do we have jake? It's that he's doing a double back flip and he throws what we call an inward or also known as a front bra flip in the middle of this, this is a trick that we've never seen attempted before and it will take him to the biggest competition in the world. world and you will achieve it on the first try.
Look, he's amazed right now and it's a nine point five, yeah, he's just been the first. place, I can't believe what I'm seeing, it was a world first in competition and in real life, what, oh my God, the youngest competitor here today doing a trick like that, we saw him do a double front jump and we saw the apron. Sorry, triple, that's right, we saw a cartwheel and we did a triple front flip and now Jordan is doing a triple and taking his hands off of him. I didn't think we could get crazier than this and he just did it.
The bar has been raised and the bar. It has been established these are the world nitro games and this is what the world's first jordan clark is all about with a 9.07 putting him in second place just behind cameron funk incredible can you believe the wisdom and athleticism of even the youngest competitor here at only 17 years old? man oh he's in a ball he's a total ball of energy and right behind him he called it 1440 front flip can he land it's there oh man hitting the rezzy sliding a little bit dunk I think he did land that .
He would have put it in first place, but our Willy still has another competition here, yes he will compete in BMX, let's go down and see what the guys on the scooter podium have to say. My name is Corey Funk and I just got third place. In the first Nitro World games, thank you very much Travis. I just got 2nd place in the first nitro world games. I got everything. I am very happy with myself and this is a dream come true. What it means to me is that I went. I went through so much shit for riding a scooter and now I'm here at the biggest action sports event and I just got first place and you know, proving to myself that you know this is a real thing and I did it for me.
And that's what matters. I'm a little bummed about my performance, but I'm so excited that the other guys managed to pull it off and I want to say that's why there's a smile on my face because it wasn't an individual thing, it was a team thing. For me and our team we won. You know, I was definitely surprised to see our Willy crash. I had been cycling a lot longer for him. I think a loss in scooter was hard to take when he definitely expected to win, but the fact that he was able to do so much for scooter as an industry I think he was very proud of that. himself, yeah, I'm definitely not done yet, the scooter goes down.
Next is the best BMX trick. I qualified first, so I'm going to do it by doing the same tricks trying to score it and then adding a new one on the triple front flip. a saying: you must lose with the same grace with which you win ryan williams exemplified that today we will have his story and all the highlights of the rest of the contest when we return, welcome back to nitro world games rewind, we have just shown you the line and competitions of scooters in their entirety and there is no doubt that they earned their place in the games.
We also had five other contests that night and now we'll show you the best of the best from each one we left with our willy finishing last in the scooter competition but getting another chance to win a trophy in best BMX tricks. He is the only athlete at the world games to compete in two separate disciplines. Would He use Him as a motivator or would His disappointment consume Him? I'm going to throw it up. to tj lavin and jimmy coleman in the booth to take it away welcome back to the nitro world games here in salt lake city utah at rice eckel stadium this event is the best bmx tricks yes, take everything you know about bmx and throw it out window because this is a brand new sport, triple backflips for breakfast, what do you think about this being our second qualifier in the semis? to get out of here trying to do this a backflip tail with the back flip and then he gets in the bag comes back and backflips for the fans andy buckworth another regular is one of the members of the nitro circus stewart from Lake Haven Australia Yes, he goes for the great kicker right here out the door, goes for a triple backflip and lands it perfect, butter, no problem, this guy here, Ryan Williams, is a trick machine known for his execution, now it looks like it's like a flip of fight. but it's a forward bike, yeah, it's like a forward bike with a front turn, so it's like a whole new invention of a bike turn coming from the world of scooters, believe it or not, yeah, yeah, that's it crazy.
He's competing in two events here tonight, Gavin Godfrey. he's been on fire out here he wants that triple backflip perfect landing this kid is amazing people are trying triple backflips because it's high school they've never done a triple before and they're pulling away and I feel like we want nitro war games to see the biggest we want to see the best 9.25 brandon schmidt is coming towards you what does this guy do every time he comes down the ramp? it's a new invention i don't even know what's going on i don't know what to do call it that but i like it this is ryan williams a 7 20 front flip i mean it's crazy this is a good time gavin godfrey here we come gavin guthrie has been charging hard here tonight oh what's going on with this guy double back 360 double back?
Oh my god, what is this kid doing? Tj was beside himself, waiting, he's only ridden a BMX spiked bike for how long, do you know how hard it is to switch from a mountain bike to a bicycle? Good timing, Gavin couldn't be wrong and that's it. on a new bike on a new landing on a new takeoff was an inspiration for our Willy. What he has on hand, for sure, just won't let go of the bike in a million years, but I think he'd see that trick done in a competition. Perfect, that was amazing, that's his best streak of the night that puts him in first place right now, I couldn't be prouder, man I'm almost ready to cry, I mean we have an amazing audience here in Salt Lake . where nitro started, this is where our roots are man and everyone is so excited they are pulling down, it's the only competition I've been to in so many years where the athletes are excited to be out there and no one stops. and that's what the best trick contest is about, that's what the world games are about Curtis Downs, he's sniffing around the edge of the podium, he's one spot out, he needs an 8.5 for second place, what will he bring to the party here in this fifth and last? he ran a quad backwards the first time it was ever done before that was four times a round I think so I think one got him two three a quad went backwards this guy just landed perfect quad pedals with a backflip that he has never done before done It's been done, I guarantee you it's the first time we've seen something like this.
It was incredible. He gets an 8.53 oh which moves him into second place. Andy Blackworth is eliminated from the top three, so it's now Williams Downs and Godfrey in the top three. I can't even process the things we're seeing here tonight tj, okay Ryan Williams, he took first place in 1080 front, how do you do that? That's impossible, no BMX rider would think that was possible, that was incredible, he already was. headshot and then throw a 1080 front flip into the mix here, let's see what it's worth. I think that's the highest individual race score we've seen tonight at a 9.74.
What an incredible night that young man had. Let's check. now with lorette nichol who is down there with our willie ryan williams you may have single-handedly broken so many stereotypes how much passion and dedication this victory represents this is the biggest victory of my life I can't explain the feeling I have right now it's crazy this is crazy you really told me that a win here could be the most important moment of your life what's your mindset before you fall i just believe in myself i tell anyone at home all you need is to believe on yourself and you can do anything, I swear, definitely, let a rider be the ultimate on scooters and then win the biggest air bike contest in the world.
Moments later, it was pretty cool. I honestly can't even believe it right now. My eye keeps twitching. If you can't tell, it's still sporadic, but I can't believe being here and being on top, so yeah, it's my hometown, Salt Lake City, you know, I had to represent it in some way, but I'm really excited to be there. in Salt Lake and it is a blessing, it was veryfun when we come back we will fire up the bikes and give you the best of FMX competition. You do not want to miss it. Welcome back to Nitro World Games Rewind.
Now is the time for FMX riders to impress. We have eight of the best in the world, all fighting for first place in the first biggest competition of the Nitro World Games. I think it's hands down Cheney. He didn't miss the trick yesterday, but he's still qualified and I know he's always the guy to beat, you know, so yeah, I'm looking forward to the ride, although Australian superstar Josh Sheehan is the first to hit the ramps and start this freestyle motocross final in a big way, old school, talking about Kevin's winner. that's some kind of k dub whip there, it looked like a kevin whip, heel spin 360, heel clicker, there's a great combo, heel clicker to do a superman backflip, wow, not even I saw that ramp that's actually there, Kim, look at that.
The double back flip stomps it almost perfectly, everything went very well and yes, I tried to do the trick piece by piece, my trick to not worry about the double flip and then when I got to the end, I was entering the ramp and I I felt good. So yeah, as Harry Pink from Australia's Gold Coast takes the course, oh beautiful execution, Harry Bank, I can't say enough about this kid, he's going to dominate the freestyle world, he works hard and he does it. the biggest, most solid backflips you've ever seen and he holds it even if he comes up short, gets the extension, makes sure every trick he does exemplifies what that perfect trick should be and then, wow, a no-hand front flip the first time we do it!
I've seen that right now, look at Sheehan, he's like that and for him to come out and never have landed a front flip over 75 feet with no bag, no rezzy, no nothing during his career, hands down the coolest thing I've ever seen. . I just saw an incredible progression of the sport, with no hands in the front flip, as we see right now. Taka, was his second highest finisher, only beaten by Levi Sherwood, who is yet to come next and does all 120 feet with rock solidness. solid rock and solid is actually in the lead right now, the virtual leader while doing a big kod flip taka needs a 10.12 which is possible with this trick, what does he have?
He double grabs the 120, then the cali roll innovator's cali roll and throws a taco style in there to finish it off. Pikachino moves into second position with only one runner remaining, so he is in position for the podium. but right now josh sheehan is on top and 82.70 levi sherwood from new zealand i like to call him the rubber band man look at the spread look what he can do and a huge turntable exuded so much style at least here's the 120- ramp for longest feet I've ever seen that trick held for double I think 8.3 solid and then I think it's calling the flaming mullet grabs back into a grappling hole and then double grabs back, spins dirty, the spread was so beautiful I needed a 7.46 to take the line I think he's going to take the lead right now me too 8.63 Levi Sherwood comes from behind and takes the win Levi Sherwood What are the emotions knowing that you helped progress the sport and tonight you made history?
I don't even know, I'm still shaking, so probably the rider who impressed me the most was Levi Sherwood. Levi didn't have to run in the race that he did, but he did it because he is very passionate. Levi almost crashed four of his ten jumps because he was staying so far away from the bike with much more reach than he ever did landing and just laughing. I'm in the field and he's literally like a little schoolgirl coming up. Did you see I landed and that's what it's about for me, it's not about what it takes to win, it's about how big I can throw this and what I can do.
He's so much better than anyone else and Levi did it with every jump. You are watching Nitro World games. We rewind. We're showing you the best of the best from each of the five contests that aired live. Now we are moving as fast as the live show ended, as soon as one event ends we continue with the next one on the side of the giant ramp that the skaters launched. for some awesome racing on skatebest pretty crazy stunt being a part of the first event nitro games has come a long way i know they've been working on it for a while and now it's finally here and i'm excited to be a part of it kinda who you may have heard of, Tony Hawk and yours truly, really made the decision.
Let's start with Clay Criner, he went from two wheels to four, here we go, we're really going to have to do it. Wow, wow, perfect, as I passed 13-year-old Evan Dory, leaving Valley Center, California, entering switch switch backside 180. Wow, perfect, 13-year-old Trey Wood, 720. look perfect, oh, in the air bag, clay kreiner needs a 7.36, perfect to take the lead the clay with that stalefish backflip again, such a cool trick, I think he'll get full marks for that, so the clay is a perfect extension, just look at the steel, look at that switch here, these guys have one last go, mitchie gruff falling in and mitchie goes for that melon 360 kickflip. that's the one he wanted there, he's trying to make it every time elliot sloane is next, let's see what It has, look at that perfect nose indy 720, oh, perfect landing and it has a great look. the nose mount all the way also gets the cork drops, that shoulder tricks the rotation a bit but it moves absolutely flawlessly, Elliot Sloans with a perfect 720 cork gives him first place on the podium ahead of Clay Criner and Trey Wood, congratulations everyone. to the skaters for sending it out in style let's hear from our champion elliott sloane hi i'm elliot slon i just won the first world nitro games one of the most entertaining and fast paced competitions of the day was bmx triple hit again i'm handing it to you to tj and jimmy for the call, thank you all, here at bmx triple hits the event is appropriately titled why, because the hits are going to be big and they will come in quick succession alex colbourn needs a big score to take this home this night 360 triple tail whip against a trucker at 360. this is a crazy trick right here in that last set it's like a dream trick, okay well Mr.
Sandoval will have a chance to respond, no cuts. This gentleman has some explosive combo tricks that he started with the front wheel already on the landing, so he didn't have enough speed to be able to do that big front jump wow boy putting it together, this is Logan Martin Logan. Martin with a back toe if he wanted something else there, but in a triple tail to a front tail whip. Now this is a perfect run, so depending on the DoD score, which is the degree of difficulty, we'll see if this guy goes up. and that was a very good run, he wanted something more on that back flip tail towards something, it was going to be something, so he did a triple tail up instead, in that second set I went quad, that was four, it was a quad whip Oh.
OMG, a quadruple whip into a frontal tailwind, are you kidding me? I just saw our new leader right now, Colton Walker is sitting there in sixth, but this guy has been driving the ramp driving progression lately, there's a lot of talent on deck. that's a bar roll back to the rear lip oh 360, double tap the truck driver, no problem, then lift that tail, i think it was a bar roll or an x ​​up, not sure if it was seen on replay because it was just too fast sharp jump legend cam white with that backflip bar spin to tell it then he does a 360 double tail bar spin and then he does a bar tail spin all in the same jump oh look at the right hand fumbling for the grip tj did you see that mad dash?
Oh my goodness, a 9.22, so we have another lead change, so Colton Walker takes over the top spot. It was crazy. It seemed like any of those guys could have earned kudos to Colton Walker for putting together such an epic career. Run, let's hear what he had to say, how did you get over it? um I just had all my races planned out and then that one worked out well. It's one of the most incredible feelings ever when you have something in your head and you do it. I can't even talk right now. I'm very excited, but the triple whammy blew my mind.
It was the event I was least excited to watch beforehand because we didn't really have rezzies, but we just took the biggest leaps we knew would work. and we put it out there for all the guys to practice, I mean Brandon Lupos, backflip tail, whip 10 80 in the second set, cash roll, third set, those are three tricks that should never be done on the big aerial ramp and much less, I mean, consecutively in a race where you have to land perfectly to take off and do the next one, so I think the triple hit was a great success and definitely exceeded my expectations when we return to a competition so epic that they will talk about it for years, including the first in the world. attempt so dangerous it made travis pastrana cry fmx the best trick is yet to come you're watching the nitro world games rewind we're coming to the end of our historic journey through the biggest night in action sports i'm so excited it's finally Time to start in the best fmx trick where every jump has huge consequences.
I have never been more nervous watching an event than at the best fmx trick. We had a safer landing, but the jump, I mean the landing is 22 feet high and it had a 45 degree slope, there's only two of them. tricks in this whole contest that have been done before and then it moves on to a new ramp that we've been designing for the last three years these guys are going to go up 55 or 60 feet in the air, it's the first time they're going to try these tricks for a real landing, we'll send it to cam and andy with the call, let's do it with a new rider that we're not familiar with, uh, william vanderpool, and this goes right to Long time ago nailed this absolutely nailed, the earth didn't look at that extension away from the motorcycle cam, it deviates from the axis a little but is able to pull it, you can see that you have to wind it just a little, but that's what we're talking about, the progression, taking it to another level, something different, something you haven't seen before and the first time you put it on a landing.
I'm so proud of Vandenberg, he's been struggling with that trick he had at my house he's just putting in the work and it paid off now we have mark he's about to do this this is the opposite of a special twist it's a Superman secret He goes into a front spin, this is the biggest stage Mark has ever been on and he's hitting the ramp right now, perfect, it absolutely couldn't be better, it's such a technical trick, it's Superman's secret and as he turns forward, there's just no way to see anything, this is something that will have a very, very high degree of difficulty, it seems simpler than some of the front jumps, but it was amazing and rolling on the field is yours and we'll see, wave to the crowd, wait until you see this trick from the side angle, the first guy to say congratulations, watch him hit the mechanical kicker. and he comes out, looking like he wanted to throw him over the front of the runway.
Bowden waves to the crowd here in Salt Lake City. Sheehan headed into the double back, come on Josh, oh, massive extension and he comes out of there perfectly, absolutely nailed and stuff. It was like a kiss of death backwards, a kiss of death to do a backflip again, the double foot backwards and we saw incredible, look at this extension, look at that kiss of death, wow, it brings it perfectly attached to the landing and that has to be a 10. Our next competitor is about to attempt the most dangerous trick in action sports. A trick that changed Bruce Cook's life forever.
Greg Duffy from the church in Maryland. I'm competing in the best FMX trick. I'm going to try a double front jump that I've never done before. So scared in my life after I had passed and seen Bruce Cook, everyone ran towards him and I stood there, I didn't want to go see, I didn't want to hear what was possibly wrong, a part of me knew the fact that that he instantly couldn't feel his legs. That he was paralyzed after Bruce Cook's accident. I honestly felt in my heart that no one would try this trick again and to be honest, I didn't want it to be done again. absolutely amazing and here we go looks like we're not waiting for this cool double footwork nothing we didn't even get it he just came out of a double the craziest thing I've ever thought of bruce cook I know you're Watching at home I love you guys you know that the guy raised his hand to say we were on hold and Greg just left anyway, the cameras weren't ready, the passengers weren't ready, I wasn't ready and all of a sudden he's inside. the air doing a double front jump with no buildup or anything and when he came out of that I lost it, I just broke down because that was something that everyone said he should never try again, finish what Bruce Cook started, I'm excited,man.
There are so many things going through my mind, I can't thank you all enough. Travis Mike Porra, Jeff Cernix and everyone else, thank you. I can't believe what I just saw. Did that really happen? Congratulations. To all the competitors, what an incredible event and to think this was only the first year. My desire to make the world nitro games the biggest best tricks event in the world by giving it bigger takeoffs and safer landings. The runners were really excited. They were excited. They weren't afraid for their lives, they could go above and beyond and do things, the crowd was on their feet and they weren't worried about not being able to get up if they did something wrong.
I feel like that brought the vibe back to what it used to be when the riders were just having a good time, but for the first year I think it went a lot better than anyone could have expected or expected and there you have it. one is in the nitro world games books, there are too many highlights to mention and there is much to look forward to in the next thanks for watching the nitro world games rewind, see you next year.

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