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Total Idiots At Work Got Instant Karma ! Best Fails of the Week #27

May 05, 2024
Hello fellow Absurd enthusiasts, welcome back to


at word, the show where professional setbacks meet comedic gold. Join us as we navigate the Labyrinth of


place archives showcasing unforgettable moments that remind us all that no one is perfect, let's cut to the chase and get it done. This skateboard trip didn't end well at all, are you any good? Being overly excited can lead to funny moments like this of all the viral trends over the years this has to be the worst oh my god I know some of you. The guys wanted to be this guy, surprise, the deadliest martial arts move in the world.
total idiots at work got instant karma best fails of the week 27
The lock behind every successful man is a supportive woman. Hold on, guys. L is on my shoulders. What is girl? I think you forgot something on the roof of this car, buddy, your soda. in your car your soda in your car be careful on treadmills or you could end up like this woman when a champagne celebration went wrong high heels are not easy to wear do this please don't try it yourself you could be in serious danger sophie sophie get off the train tracks, so how do i get her out from the look of things? I can tell he won't go very far inside this vehicle, she must be her intrusive thoughts took over this video and it ended hilariously when you want to help your friend get a skating date but she loses it, huh, great, now she's stuck in this awkward pose, uh, that's what I call a great photo, wait, the beach is not the


place to practice your yoga, bro, carwheel, Christopher. my wife knew what was coming and did nothing to stop it, in fact I did it myself, yes it's nice, the ice is as fun as it is dangerous, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, in Asia we always let our wives choose the fruit. sometimes your choice can still be wrong because of a sound I feel like your phone might have broken, do it yeah all the neighbors are going to have a great day thanks to this guy pouring hot chocolate into a bubble doesn't seem like a great idea to always wait for him unexpected even at a prank party on the count of three let's get ready 3 2 1 I don't know how I feel Who in their right mind would think that a kitchen cabinet is a great place for a photo?
total idiots at work got instant karma best fails of the week 27

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total idiots at work got instant karma best fails of the week 27...

What I think I did when you want to host a party but the party doesn't want to host you. No, we all thought it had come this far, but this happens. Looks like that's the end of the day's performance. It's quite big. you didn't just do that you didn't just do that Survivor this is for you oh yeah that thumbs up didn't age very well Nigerians are a goal celebration can have a prize don't try this at home kids all I can say is that she needs to


more on her balance. I told you, even as a trained police officer, sometimes the force can still make silly mistakes like this, guys, when your wife or girlfriend asks you to let her cut your hair, you don't agree, that's why she should.
total idiots at work got instant karma best fails of the week 27
You can never see that she trusted my girlfriend to cut my prey. The


part about a camping trip is the videos that were recorded along the way and when M was powerful enough to push a grown woman to the ground, this was the first and last time. will she ever try this hair removal just to add salt to the wound the driver even stopped after driving over the poor woman's phone that's good oh my god it was incredibly lackluster apparently some princesses don't know how gravity works, Oh, looking old people playing card games is a lot more fun than I anticipated.
total idiots at work got instant karma best fails of the week 27
Check this out and see for yourself when food is getting too boring so you decided to mess with your friends for a change. Great magic trick, friend, brother, you might want to divert your attention. For the veh, his gripping power was so strong that the bow could not bear it. A terrible day to be this woman's shoes. Boys will be boys. They will make stupid decisions regardless of the consequences. It is very cold outside. Do you know what that means? Make me think I proved my point here, boiling water. Am I in the shot? Make sure we get it with the boiling water.
Random House Snowman Rigging when you want to practice your rigging skills on a snowman but somehow you still lose, happy birthday to you. happy birthday dear birday to the god of luck was definitely on his side new ray bands dropped you know what i'm saying sometimes you can hear things without hearing the sound this video is a great example of these guys were trying to outsmart him a prank on his friend who was coming home after a long day at work, let's see how it turns out, let's 3 2 1 action no, no, I'm not too beat up when you just got the job and you have no idea what what do you want? what you're doing there's a reason this is called a kid's ride and not an adult's ride here's why you shouldn't play the customer is on the other side probably thought god gave them a piece of meat oh no oh no something tells me this woman is not the owner of this truck uhoh watch out for 1 oh my god it seems like we found out who is in last place wrong size pants during your work day this is what can happen what the fuck this seems like a great car wash job. until they open the doors, duby, the girl probably didn't expect the photo shoot to turn out like this, maybe wearing white and taking pictures near a mud pool isn't a good idea, huh?
Can someone tell me what? was this guy trying to do? You see the importance of locking your car doors, now this girl robbed a store in front of a police officer and decided to run away from her when she was caught, however, Karma was not going to let her go that easily. I don't think so, you'll get a taste for it. Let go. Let it go Let it go Let it go wait turn around turn around what did I tell you do you think it's funny hey are you ready do you think you're not looking shoplifting may seem easy from the look of things, but not when you come across this Miss, The people on the bridge thought there was an earthquake.
There is no more windshield for you. Lesson learned. Do not pull a boat from the front. Do you think this yacht will make it to land? I don't think so in this situation. before, it's okay, BR, you're okay, okay, you're okay, yeah, that's a little slip, oh, you're okay, yeah, I'm okay, I think it's safe to say that booze won't be on the menu for tonight, in the deepest, you're not moving, she's not even moving, look at her, can you guess how long it will take for this girl to get into the water? Snow has two things that can bother you: one, it is very cold and two, it can turn you into an ice skater and who is responsible for this.
Again, the store ghosts look like someone has watched too much Fast and Furious, but they seem to forget one crucial character: this guy was driving in the wrong lane for over 2 miles before the police could pull him over. This fellow driver got a perfect timing video, but not in the way you might be thinking, give us a like if you think this guy should start doing this every day at work. Sorry, we're sure you know what happens when you pair it well with bottle c. This grandmother wanted to try that herself. I think this guy's endorsement was bad.
Wait until she sees his normal driving skills. Something tells me that the incarnation of


was about to appear on the screen as a warning sign. If the previous clip wasn't enough to convince you to lock your cars, this one might do the job hey, ah, no, no, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out. I thought boats are supposed to be in the water, they too drive on the mud feeling the power of the SE now friends, it's also just the beginning, a few more meters and a brutal accident would have happened. You can probably guess what happened in this video, something tells me it was her first day as a waiter and here we have a lady who is unaware of her. kitchen items and this is probably the worst porch pirate I have ever seen in my life which made her what a bad day to own this car huh just when you thought nothing could happen at the end of the day life He has a way of messing with you.
There is room for two lanes, but this is actually a one-way road and one unlucky driver didn't read the sign before entering. Now this is absurd. The police were on the road when this guy ran a red light and the driver almost hit him he says oh like you did that and you're going off oh my god oh my person is what's going on what's under his car there is a dog believe me this is much more painful than you imagine don't believe me just look at this boy oh wait no let me see oh let me let me see did C I will show you that that is my duty and that it was just a couple of hairs of the nose good luck explaining to the kids dad about this haircut give us your opinion on this in the comments below you need a strong mentality to drive.
This driver panicked when he broke the reverse gear, so he proceeded to step on the accelerator pedal and look how it turned out, it's not surprising to see people put load on it. his car, but this video serves as a reminder for everyone to properly secure it in place if you don't want this to happen, this is probably the worst robbery attempt ever made and the worst sense ever, take it out and throw it away right here . I don't want you to come back to the store again, do you understand, uh, Anor's reaction when he sees this, we can't match there, oh no, no, no, no, no, this is pure stupidity, just burn the car right now , my friend.
No one in this group of fishermen expected their catch to have this guy in it. This mistake seems expensive to repair, yes, and what Earth happened on this path. It looks like a scrap metal field. This birthday surprise almost went south, but there are almost two types. of people in the world those who think this is a big joke what am I going to ask something well, can you close your eyes and open them? What are you finding this? Oh, easy, easy, why would you play with me like that? Can you buy me? my heart and those who feel bad for girlfriend zero something tells me that this guy's driving is not much better than his two driving skills I want to free myself yes they won't return to earth guys always look both ways before open the door everyone or this will happen, this guy was caught illegally littering and Karma made sure to keep that trash, never underestimate someone based on their appearance, especially when you don't know them.
Oh, I thought it was me, let's just say someone was a little hungry. on that day not having a dog is relaxing and easy they say let's hope someone fixes this give us a like if this makes you as angry as it makes us I knew that's what when you have a bad day Just have a bad day, no one in this video I expected this guy to do this to the door, not even the same guy, huh, aren't you forgetting something? My friend and this guy had too much faith in his truck, too much, not even.
The most elite soldiers can also make mistakes like this. Alas, this was probably his dream car and his dream car quickly broke down! Can you tell who is responsible for this disaster? Yes, she is pulling this way. This was a bus lane and this was not a safe bus. Let's say you can know what is going to happen in the next minute if you paid more for this service the turn signals are there for a reason use them people a trip to the mountains is not so relaxing anymore is it? look at this photo what do you think? will happen next, comment below thanks for selling through the few


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Don't forget to subscribe, bring that Bell notification and join our team, share this. video with your colleagues to use them for humor in your work day until our next round with this is your farewell. Well, that concludes our roundup of OT work before we go. I want to emphasize the importance of safety at work. Remember that accidents can happen to anyone. and it's crucial to prioritize safety at work if you enjoyed this video, hit the like button, share it with your friends and subscribe for more entertaining content, stay safe and until next time, we say goodbye to bzac.

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