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Top 7 WORST Beginner Fish! (BEWARE)

Jun 16, 2024
Hello how are you doing? Welcome everyone to keep the


simple, so in today's video we are going to show you the seven




out there. These are fish that should not be recommended to anyone and this will basically be a warning. to all the


s for all these fish because I remember my first trip to the pet store, it was a big pet store chain. I remember looking around and seeing a lot of cute and cool things, but not being aware of the problems that could occur if I bought those fish. Fortunately, I didn't actually buy one of the fish on this list, but it wasn't too disruptive, so there will be a couple of controversial things on this list, so if you like controversy and know I'm not bothered by this, I'll probably leave of clicking because these will be just the things I have learned from keeping fish for the last seven years and just some little knowledge that I wish I had known and much more. things that will save a lot of people's lives and a lot of fish in the long run so make sure you stay until the end of the video if you like that stuff without further ado let's get started so number seven on my list is going to be angelfish Now this might be shooting myself in the foot because I have a lot of angelfish, in fact I raise tons of angelfish and sell them on my website under angelfish which I have had a lot of success with.
top 7 worst beginner fish beware
They are very very easy fish to care for now, the only reason I put them at number seven is because they are aggressive. These guys are small and once they get big they are like most cichlids and can become quite aggressive especially once they get to that mating age can cause a lot of problems in an aquarium so there are a lot of things you can do. To mitigate this, that is, you can maintain the oscillations. There is a video in the top corner where you can watch it. I have many hesitant fish that I recommend.
top 7 worst beginner fish beware

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top 7 worst beginner fish beware...

What I have noticed is that people who buy angelfish first add like an angelfish to an aquarium with only guppies or other fish and what happens is they just end up being intimidating. them and then they have nothing to do with this huge angelfish and they have to give it away or something, which is a problem for beginners, that's why I don't recommend them, they are very sturdy, as a beginner, they are pretty. good fish but I get them second so if I was setting up a second tank I would get them. I would try it first as a beginner fish, as a super easy to care for fish and then go for these.
top 7 worst beginner fish beware
Guys, anyway, I want to say that they are good fish for beginners, there is no denying this, it's just that the problem is aggression and size. These guys grow quite big, a lot of people don't expect it, so they can hold like 10 gallons. tank and then over time they very quickly become too small for that tank and it's not a good life for the fish, for that reason angelfish are number seven and then number six on my list will be gouramis now, In my personal experience, I haven't spent much time with gouramis, I've never actually kept them, but I've never kept them because they are very aggressive, so the Honey Grammys in particular, I've heard, can be very aggressive and they are fish beginners. in all the fish shops I've been to they are a common choice because they are beautiful, they have all the beautiful colors and things like that, but these guys can intimidate the fish so much that they end up killing them.
top 7 worst beginner fish beware
They are an easy fish to care for from what I've heard, I mean I can't say first hand, I'm not going to lie, I've never had them so they can be very aggressive and for that reason they are pretty much the same as the angelfish, I would just highly recommend not keeping them unless you're trying to keep just one or something, so be careful, don't add them to your community aquarium without doing some research and I'm trying to figure out what will be a good mix for that fish in that Aquarius, for that reason these guys are number six.
Be careful. Now number five on my list will be ball sharks. Now I have never stayed with the Bella sharks because not. He really likes monster fish, but the idea of ​​a freshwater shark sounds very attractive to beginners now, as if everyone wants to have sharks. Everyone likes it, I tell them, I have fish too. It's like how do you have a shark? No, I don't have a shark because these guys are very small and cute. When you want to see them at the fish market, you think, "Oh, cool, it's a shark," but these guys grow big and are like a big no-no for any beginner.
Be very careful what you're doing, these guys belong in huge aquariums of at least four feet I think, and a lot of times a beginner will have like five gallons or ten gallons and that just won't be good enough for a bella. shark so stay away from these guys they will cause you a lot of trouble unless you know exactly what you are doing so do a lot of research before you catch them yeah just bullet sharks stay away from them number four will be a pretty one obviously and these will be the oscars oscars when they are in fish stores, especially you know your chain stores are very small and I won't lie, they look so cute that I was so close to buying an oscar when I first did it.
I went fishing, I'm so glad I didn't. He was a cute little albino Oscar. I can still remember it because I have the cutest faces. Thank God I didn't because he had a 10 gallon tank and that would have been it. a nightmare, so these guys get huge, they need huge aquariums, almost half of the fish keepers I've talked to about their first experiences with an Oscar getting too big and you know the story, so these guys are also a big no-no. I mean, if you're going to be prepared to take care of these guys in a large tank as a beginner, go for it, they can be pretty easy to take care of, but if you're just going to buy them and try to put them in. in a 10 gallon tank please don't even bother because they get too big and soon you will have a big problem on your hands so stay away from the Oscars and number three on my list will be a fish that will give you a lot of People like the wrong idea, the reason I put these guys here is for some specific precautions, you know, and this is going to be guppy, so I'm just talking about your normal guppies, not your endless ones and stuff like that. , your normal guppies.
These guys, yes they are good beginner fish, they can be, but the only reason I put them here is because they come with a lot of problems, half the time when I buy guppies they come with worms or a parasite that people does not understand. how to fix it and they end up dying I think it's their fault normally it's the importer's fault and the aquarium stores are to blame for not quarantining them properly but guppies, you look at their colors, they are so inbred and over years and years and years. Due to inbreeding they have become a bit weaker simply genetically which can cause a lot of problems and it can be a bit complicated to take care of them now yes if you know what you are doing with guppies you will know how to deworm them.
You know how to feed them properly. You get them from a trusted source. They can be excellent beginner fish. The thing is, they can have so many problems that I would think they are a big no, no, well, no, a big no. -no, a little no-no for a lot of beginners because they're going to get discouraged, they're going to buy guppies, they're going to get thin, they're going to die, which is very sad for the fish, but it's also sad because that person thinks they're doing things wrong and then quits the hobby or something, so I really don't want those things to happen.
It's the same for neon tetras and things like that, they come in all these mass produced products. Fish come with diseases and problems and yes it's just not good so guppies are number three they can be a great fish for beginners but you have to be aware of the risks and number two on my list may seem very obvious and this goes. to be large plecos, this can be like the sailfin plecos, just like the common plecos, the golden spot plecos, they are not great fish for beginners, in fact many plecos, I would say, are intermediate fish just because their cost so a lot of plecos can cost quite a bit because they are a little bit rarer to find and well that's just for some of them but especially the big plecos for the same reasons as balor sharks and oscars they just become very big, many people don't know what. they are getting into when they are very small and cute in the fish market, you should stay away from that, be careful, don't buy a common pleco.
I'm going to show two photos of a common pleco and a bristly nose. pleco I highly recommend getting a bristlenose pleco as a beginner, but I wouldn't recommend getting a regular pleco or any larger pleco because they grow so much that they need to be in a huge aquarium and will cause problems for you. Now yes, if you are going to have them in a huge aquarium, do it because then that will be the right environment, but if you can have them in a small 10 or 20 gallon aquarium, it will not work and then it will be number one with me.
The list will be goldfish, so goldfish are one of the most purchased fish out there, in fact, they are probably, I think, probably the most purchased. I don't know these guys, the reason I say the


fish for beginners is number one. Because of the size they get and the amount of waste they produce, these guys are cold water fish which is great because they don't need a heater or anything like that, that's part of the reason why a lot of people are attracted to them. for them. Another thing is also their tendency as many people always consider goldfish to be a fish that you keep as one of your first fish, but in my opinion these guys are not good fish for beginners, people don't understand what they are .
When getting into these guys, they should at least stay in a four foot tank I would say, or even bigger if you could, because some of these guys get huge. The other thing also is that they cannot be kept in a planted location. aquarium, they should be kept in the tank with artificial plants and things like that, which is not bad, but they produce a lot of waste because they are constantly eating and all that waste will just accumulate and not to be plants and things like that, you know, take some of those nitrates and ammonia and things like that from the water and they can be very difficult to care for, for that reason, in the right aquarium that can be a great fish for beginners because they can be easy to care for, but in my opinion, these guys are just not good fish for beginners.
If you want to see some of the best fish for beginners, there will be a link above where I have like 10 of the easiest beginner fish to care for and that's a list I would go take a look at, but for all these reasons I just explained the size , you know, the compatibility issues, the aggression issues, if I were to buy fish for the first time. Maybe I would try to stay away from all of these guys just until I was ready or had done enough research to take care of them, so that's the list. Thank you all very much for watching this video.
I really appreciate it and I'll see you next time.

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