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7 Terrible Fish for your Community Aquarium

Apr 12, 2024
Hello everyone and welcome back to today's channel. I want to talk about


that simply don't do well in


settings. Now when I talk about



s, I'm talking about tetras, rainbow


, corydoras, and planetary tanks. I'm not talking about African cichlid tanks or large Central and South American tanks, just




in general. I have definitely made the mistake of buying and impulse buying fish that I didn't know any better at the time and just didn't do. That's how good it is and that's why I want to make this video. Someone new might be researching their first aquarium fish for their community aquarium and I'm hoping we can help them avoid some disasters, so I'll immediately pick one of my favorites. time to fish and that's the ball shark now just because it's my favorite doesn't mean it's good for community aquariums obviously now when you buy them or when you see them in fish stores they're only two and a half away. three inches and they look just beautiful, they still have that black and white fin, this silvery sheen along their body and they look amazing, they are really active and a lot of people are attracted to them, however the problem is that they surpass. about a foot long, they are large and also form schools of fish, so you need a giant school of these fish for them to really thrive and be happy, so unless you plan on keeping them in a pool, definitely don't make the same mistake.
7 terrible fish for your community aquarium
Has this poor guy been with me for a long time since I returned to the hobby? It's not an eight foot tank but it doesn't have friends there just isn't enough room to get it more friends and it just feels


so don't do what I didn't do well for an average community aquarium so next on my list It will be Rosie Barb. Now Rosie Barbs, they are not a


fish by any means, as you can see, they are incredibly beautiful. but they are famous for their fins and there is a reason for that, so the rosy barb is actually a cold water species, so when you buy them for


community aquariums, many people keep their aquariums in the upper 70s , like 78 is pretty standard, however, when you keep a colder water fish in warm water, they tend to be more aggressive and that will also lead to fin biting.
7 terrible fish for your community aquarium

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7 terrible fish for your community aquarium...

You can see I keep mine outside where it's usually in the 60's and they do well, now there are definitely some tricks if you have them in your aquarium, the more you have the less pungent they will be, but generally the pink barb will be fin cutting if You have angelfish or longfin, anything with long fins will get pinched, so it's a pretty common fish. which you can find in almost any big box store and I strongly recommend that you do not put it in your aquarium; However, if you are going outdoor tubing or have an outdoor pond like I do, they are amazing.
7 terrible fish for your community aquarium
Look, I have green water and you can still see them from a mile away, just a super amazing beautiful fish for outside, however in your aquarium not so much, so next I want to talk about one of the worst fish you could add. your community aquarium which is sold as community aquarium fish in big box stores i.e. petco petsmart etc and that is the chinese algae eater, if you are looking for a fish tank cleaner or algae eater many times this is which gets pointed out and it's a shame because they don't even eat algae, they only eat algae when the young fish fry, once they grow up they become carnivores and will wreak havoc on your aquarium and kill anything they can catch.
7 terrible fish for your community aquarium
They also grow between 6 and 6 years. and 10 inches is just not a good option if you are looking for something similar, get the Siamese algae eater, which actually eats algae and is not as aggressive, however it still gets quite large, around six inches. Siamese algae eater yes Chinese algae eater next is not the pea balloon probably one of the most common questions I get asked is what can I put with my pea balloon and the answer is nothing. These little anger machines are very territorial and are quite aggressive so you shouldn't put them with anything except They themselves love to be in large groups, the more the merrier and that's what's more adorable than a giant school or a bench of pea balloons, as you can see, everyone is just peeing doing pea balloon things and that's how it should be.
Don't, uh, don't add them to your community aquariums because they'll destroy anything at any time and they're not like one of those fish that as soon as you put them in there they'll go on a rampage at everything you might have. fish well in your community aquarium for a year and then one day it's like you know what I'm going to kill everything because I'm bored so stay away from puffer fish in your community aquarium. Make a tank just for species with a lot of them and you won't regret it now next step I want to talk about Oscar fish we need to talk about that I can't tell you how many times I've been to a petco or petsmart and seen someone buying some A nice Two to three inch baby Oscar fish for your community aquarium and the next thing you know, six months later, it's the size of a football, there are no other fish in the aquarium, it's eating your plants and now it's wreaking havoc on everything if I've been in the hobby for a while you know this is true but hopefully we can stop some new hobbyists from buying this for their 55 or 75 gallon or small community aquarium I mean I've seen them At even smaller sizes, these fish become huge.
I'm talking about 16 18 inches, get angry, but don't buy them. Duplicate this tank you're looking at right now from kg tropicals. You sent me this amazing, beautiful Oscar video. Thanks John, but that's how they should be kept, not in your community. aquariums, no matter what the person at petco or petsmart tells you, don't do it, these are monsters and look at this guy here, he looks like a couch cushion from the 70s, oh, this one is really cool, this orange one, I must admit it's pretty. There are some very nice fish here, so I want to talk about the tiger barb.
This is going to be a little more controversial as they are amazing fish for community aquariums, but you have to do them right, so if you look at this aquarium here, all the other fish in the aquarium are a little bigger than the Tiger Barb and the reason why The reason you want it that way is because Tiger Barbs are some of the biggest bullies in the aquarium hobby, especially when it comes to fish that people think are good for community aquariums. Bullies, they cut fins, even each other, they can bully non-stop, so it's very important with tiger quills if you want to be a successful species only or a species that can handle a bit of bullying and fin biting, so , again, nothing with long fins. or fish that are just bigger and aren't going to chase them now if you want something that is similar to a tiger barb in body size and shape and isn't an aggressive fin-clipping bully, I highly suggest the ruby black. barb, super peaceful fish, not a bully, doesn't clip fins and they just look amazing, a much better alternative if you're looking for something peaceful, so the next fish I want to talk about are scissor fighting cyclists, whatever you want to call them . a very easy fish to catch for someone who is new to the hobby if you are looking at this fish you know it is about three to four inches long they move slow they are kind of blind you think this would be an amazing little eel like fish .
For my aquarium though, outside of Senegal, the cyclists, most of these fish get huge and although they move slowly, they are quite blind, they don't have the best eyesight at night, they find it very easy to catch fish that just They are sleeping floating. and if it fits in their mouth they will eat it, but again I made the mistake of buying one of these as a beginner because when you see I mean it's a beautiful fish, how can you not want this fish? It will be 12 14 even 24 inches longer, depending on the species, so it's best left to monster fish keepers and not your community aquarium.
There goes, part one of my bad fish for your community aquarium series. Let's do a part. two in one part three so make sure you are subscribed, if not give me some suggestions below on what you think is a fish that is commonly sold for community aquariums, however it just doesn't do well in community aquariums, look at these others. videos hit the subscribe button and see you all next time

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