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Top 20 Greatest TV Scenes of All Time

Jun 19, 2024
Isn't that what you once said? Try to remember the


s that were good. I get it, yeah, welcome to watch Mojo. Today we're counting down our picks for the most memorable or iconic


from live-action scripted TV series, so that means no moments. from shows like The Simpsons or Saturday Night Live also spoiler alert listen, I think this number 20 Moulder meets Scully. Most X-Files shows don't have their most iconic moments in their first episode, but in the case of The X-Files there is one scene that is particularly memorable. Are you familiar with the so-called X-Files? I think they have to do with inexplicable phenomena.
top 20 greatest tv scenes of all time
Pretty much the reason you're here, Agent Scully, is because we want you to help Moulder on these X-Files. Dana Scully and Moulder the fox are related. names now after having been in the pop culture Zeitgeist for most of 9 and the scene where they meet is classic, they are FBI agents with very different traits and when they meet for the first


the setting is ready for what their relationship would be. Like throughout the show, Agent Moulder, I'm Dana Skully, I was assigned to work with you, oh, isn't it nice to suddenly be so well-liked? So who did you take to get stuck on this detail?
top 20 greatest tv scenes of all time

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top 20 greatest tv scenes of all time...

Scully Moulder entertains scully. new role trying to discredit her cases and while it's clear that they are total opposites, we know at that moment that they have real and lasting chemistry. The Anger and Heartbreak of President Bartlett #19. The West Wing with Aaron Sorin at the helm and Martin Sheen taking the stage. We know we're watching something great, but something about the scene in particular stands out from even the rest of the show in the season 2 finale. President Bartlett faces several dark moments in his life, from the death of his personal secretary to dealing with the surrounding branches. a political scandal I don't know what to say Leo is quite rich maybe you can buy tech stocks and raise the price after attending his secretary's funeral lets out his anger towards God speaks in both English and Latin passionately demands explanations for everything that happens It happened to him if I lied it was a sin I have committed many sins I have displeased you irresponsible bully 3.8 million new jobs that was not good in this scene the president of the United States becomes one of the most identifiable characters on television and that in itself is really powerful.
top 20 greatest tv scenes of all time
Tracking shot number 18 True Detective, the series didn't take long to find its footing, as one of the most incredible


occurred just four episodes into the first season, the entire scene lasts 6 minutes and done in a single take, tracking Detectives Cole and Papa Nia while they go undercover at a gang compound. You know where the hiding place is. Tiger will take us there. You have an exit plan when a shootout occurs that thwarts their infiltration and nearly takes their lives. Since the scene has no cuts, we can feel the intensity that gives us the illusion of being there with the detectives in real time.
top 20 greatest tv scenes of all time
It's a masterclass in technical filmmaking, and we're not surprised that director Carrie Joji Fukunaga won Outstanding Director for a Drama Series. In the emys for this episode, she sees, sees, sees, socks and shoes number seven. Everyone in Archie's family and his son-in-law Michael, better known as Meathead, never see eye to eye on All in the Family. One of the best scenes with them is when Archie hilariously shows Michael how to put socks on his shoes, let's say there's a fire in the house and you have to live your life your way, all you have on is a shoe and a sock, my way, you put on a sock and a sock. watch your reading, he teaches him how to dress properly and although Archie is blunt and rude in his way of speaking, it really is a father-son moment that has us both in stitches and we feel like another memorable moment happens in a season so much later when Gloria and Mike say goodbye to Edith and Archie.
I know you always thought I hated you, oh shit but I love you, but this show is a comedy at its core, so the funniest moment shared between the two halves takes the cake. Number 16 on the carousel. Madmen Don Draper is one of the most iconic television characters in recent history, and his client presentations and publicity prowess provide numerous truly memorable moments throughout the show. This is the biggest advertising opportunity since the invention of cereal, from the cigarette tar in the pilot to the epiphany. of the Coca-Cola ad at the end, always impresses us; His most impressive moment of all, although it is in the finale of the first season, when he introduces Kodak to Don, takes advantage of his rarely seen sentimental side by showing his client the carousel projector with photographs of his family, this device is not a ship space, it's a time machine, this brings out the emotions of everyone in the room and all of us sitting at home in our living rooms too, how does it do it?
Number 15 Chandler and Monica open up as friends, choosing only one. The amazing friends scene isn't easy, but neither is combining the funny with the sincere, which the friends do perfectly in the scene. Oh look, there's Monica and Chandler, hey guys, hey, Monica and Chandler are keeping their romance a secret from the rest of the group. a long time and when everyone finds out that plans are in motion, Phoebe hits Chandler to try to get him to admit what's going on with Rachel Joey and Monica involved, since they know they know, you know, I'm nervous, no, no, I .
I want this to happen, me too. The moments shared between Chandler and Phoebe are hysterical and Chandler admits that his love for Monica to his friends is beautiful. His proposal is also a beautiful moment, but it doesn't get any better than this number 14. Chuck's crisis. Better Call. Saul, this entire season three episode involves tense and explosive moments between Jimmy and his older brother, Chuck. Look, if you don't tell him, then I will, no, no, you won't tell him. Jimmy is able to really show how manipulative he is as a lawyer and how no one is off the table when it comes to winning a case, including using vulnerabilities that only he would know about his brother to expose him on the witness stand. .
Chuck claims to have sensitivity to electromagnetic fields until Jimmy reveals otherwise in the courtroom and Chuck loses control and becomes a lawyer. What a bad joke. I should have stopped it when I had the chance. It's a great performance from both actors in a moment that surprises everyone and reminds us, just like in Breaking Bad, that Vince Gilligan basically can. make no mistake number 13 dinner crisis the office the office is full of episodes and scenes that fans around the world will probably never forget, although it's difficult to choose just one the dinner episode is particularly memorable michael has invited us to pam and me to dinner at least Nine times and each time we have been able to get through this, but I have to give him credit because it got me because I'm starting to suspect that there was no corporate assignment when Jan and Michael hosted Pam Jim Angela and Andy. gets some unexpected guests in the form of Dwight and his babysitter between Jan singing Michael's neon signs and a host of other awkward cases.
The night is full of embarrassing moments. It all culminates in an explosion between Jan and Michael that is both very funny and very. awkward man I'd love to burn your candles, you burn them, you buy them, oh well, I'll be your first customer, but you're not the first. Their fight involves the TV being broken and the police being called, and this scene perfectly encompasses Jan. and Michael's relationship, Michael's personality, and the essence of the entire show number 12 Avon and Stringer on the roof the cable on the third season of The Wire Avon and Stringer's relationship reaches a tumultuous peak as they disagree on how to run their illicit businesses, I mean if I dealt with that man before, he will always be a man Marlo, no, Marlo, no there is game, but you could have solved it a little sooner.
I mean, yeah, but you know what I'm saying, don't let it fall on you like that. Stringer betrays Avon and it is clear that Stringer's decision will lead to the demise of their relationship as they are on different pages, they spend their final conversation remembering the time they spent together in their youth, the conversation ends when they realize that they cannot trust each other and that in the future things will be different, man, the nuances woven throughout the discussion are powerful as they speak to where they have been and where they are now, while Omar's testimony was also a significant moment in the show, this subtle exchange simply couldn't be.
Beat number 11 Will's father leaves the fresh Prince of Belir. This series has many moments that left us rolling in the hallways, but it's one scene that left us crying that makes this list when Will's father, Lou, tries to reconcile with him after years of being together. absent, his intentions seem good, but everyone is on guard, that's not right, man, you insult my father like that, to hell with your father, Phil, for God's sake, he left us here after 15 years, 14, oh , excuse me, 14 years and acts like nothing happened. Will wakes up and Lou plans to take a trip with Will, but fails when job opportunities arise, which is at best a weak excuse when Lou leaves and realizes that his father is leaving his home. life once again, although it starts playing at the cool moment.
When he collapses into Uncle Phil's arms it will always be one of the saddest moments in sitcom history. How come he doesn't love me? Man number 10. The succession of Kendall's press conference. The dynamic between Logan and Kendall is one of the most intricate and complicated relationships. the show and in this scene Kendall tries to establish where she stands with her father, okay the ship is okay, it had to be done to this point, Logan has always been one step ahead of Kendall or was he able to use his power to hold him back. In line, when the scandal surrounding Wayar Royo Cruise Lines comes to light, it looks like Kandle is going to take the blame publicly, however, in a twist no one saw coming, he throws Logan under the bus, my father watches every centimeter. of his entire empire and the idea that he would have allowed millions of dollars in settlements and compensation to be paid without his explicit approval is completely fanciful, is a turning point in the series, left viewers speechless and is one of the best TV moments in Recent History Number Nine Robert Sees the Gremlin The Twilight Zone Although this moment may seem almost ridiculous when viewed through 21st century eyes, it was a beyond terrifying scene in the early '60s in this episode .
William Shatner's character sees a gremlin on the wing of an airplane. Considering his character has recently suffered a nervous breakdown and no one else on the plane can see the gremlin, it's a Hamlet-esque scene that leaves us wondering if he's gone mad, the entire episode is tied together by an excellent performance from Shatner, who eventually says he's done everything he can to get rid of the gremlin, but it's the scene where he first sees the terrifying creature that has stayed with viewers decades later. Number eight, sorry, we're closed. Greetings. Greetings gave us many laughs and tears throughout its 11 seasons.
It's always fun to see between the characters and we always knew that this group of customers were more like family than friends. Oh, and I just want to tell you that the days I had here at Cheers were the best. of my life really what are you saying you're not going to see each other again I won't and from time to time you know in the final scene of the final episode only Sam recognizes how important the bar is to him a surprisingly moving conversation with Norm and rejects to a customer while closing for the night.
Sorry, we are closed. It's a simple scene that perfectly sums up the atmosphere of the comedy and doesn't shed a tear when Sam proclaims that he's in it. luckiest motherfucker alive number seven the sea was angry that day my friends Seinfeld This iconic sitcom is known for being endlessly quotable with moments that have impacted pop culture years after its final episode aired from the sopanazi to parking and the contest, there are almost too many options to choose from, but George's daunting story about saving a whale is one we won't soon forget. What is happening here. There is a beached whale.
It's dying. Someone here? A marine biologist after lying about being a marine biologist. George is forced to retire. A clogging of the fish, mammal, hole, George's animated narration is already incredible, but when the golf ball is introduced into the story, the hilarity takes it to the next level. George, as a marine biologist, is truly the latter. He fake it until you make it. I knew something was happening. there, so I reached my hand in, he felt and pulled out obstruction number six. Desmond and Penny's phone call was missed. The episode in which we see the infamous call between Desmond and Penny is without a doubt one of the most memorable andemotional of the series that I know.
This doesn't make any sense because it doesn't make any sense to me, but in 8 years I need to call you and I can't call you if I don't have your number, and needless to say the scene shared between It's tragically beautiful. Desmond is experiencing intense flashbacks and flash forwards while he can't anchor himself to any moment no matter where he is, he's trying to find Penny and when he finally does we are so desperate for him to keep in touch with her like he is oh my god , penny, is that really you, yes, yes, it's me, believe me, you still care about me, he's lost in his most emotional moment and we're practically holding our breath through his entire call number five, the Red Wedding, Game of Thrones , this Landmark series. delivers one shocking moment after another, so having one stand out to this extent is notable during Edmir Tully and Roslin Fry's wedding party.
Rob and TSA Stark are surprisingly and brutally murdered by Phrase along with Bannerman and Catlyn Stark is also a victim of this betrayal. It's one of the most unexpected television moments ever and viewers were absolutely beside themselves after watching the scene, L and Recards, the meaning of the scene may not be either. It's a stretch since this means a shift in power dynamics and Fallout would be felt for many seasons after Hank number four's death. Breaking Bad Speaking of shows with endlessly shocking moments, particularly around character deaths, we'd be pretty remiss if we didn't include this one.
While Gustavo Fring's death at the hands of Hector is mind-blowing, the complexities surrounding Hank's death are definitely noteworthy. Sparky Hank spends most of the series tracking down Heisenberg and Chaos, then realizes that he has actually been searching for his brother. -politician all the time, Hank tries to defeat him, which instead leads to this scene where Hank is killed by Jack even after Walt offers him millions not to do it and the death is ultimately a catalyst for the Walt's fall. You want me to beg you. You're the smartest guy I've ever met and you're too stupid to see that he made a decision 10 ago.
Did we mention this episode has a whopping 10 out of 10 on IMDb? The iconic number three Candy Factory I Love Lucy that we couldn't talk about. the best television scenes of all time without talking about the OG comedy Queen Lucille Ball in her role as Lucy Ricardo broke barriers on the small screen and always left us with a laugh GE, I'm glad you're home, how are you? a big big? See you later, come here. What is the problem? This scene perfectly encompasses his character. The irrepressible Lucy recruits her best friend Ethel to work with her in a candy factory while her husbands take care of the housework, but on the conveyor belt the women just can't do it. keep working at a very fast pace and end up resorting to throwing chocolate in your mouth to avoid making mistakes.
I think we are fighting a lost game. It's a testament to Lucille Ball's impeccable physical comedy and an innovatively funny scene number two. Diner The Sopranos, this legendary show is widely considered one of, if not the best television series of all time, and its finale has become particularly iconic. What looks good tonight, I don't know, just as we felt for most of the episode, the final scene is. full of tension and uncertainty as Tony sits alone in the restaurant watching people come and go from the restaurant, although he is waiting for his family to finally start arriving one by one, you are never sure who will show up or what might happen next. with the soundtrack of Journeys Don't Stop Believing we hear the doorbell ring from the door opening before everything goes to Black, it's great, it's maddening, it's The Sopranos before we continue, make sure to subscribe to our channel and play the ring to receive a notification. about our latest videos, you have the option to receive notifications about one or all of the videos, if you are on your phone make sure you go into your settings and turn on notifications number one, bye bye Mash, this show may be a comedy drama, but it's the most famous scenes are definitely not comical.
One of the most shocking moments came in the final episode of the third season, when Colonel Henry Blake's plane is shot down. Lieutenant Colonel Henry Blake's interpretation, now they are shooting at us, is over the Sea of ​​Japan, but nothing beats the record. -breakup ending as the Korean War comes to an end. Hawkeye's Reveal leads to a crisis that leads him to confront his demon before returning home, seeing all the characters saying goodbye to each other and ultimately to us is heartbreaking, maybe you're right. Maybe we'll meet again, but in case we don't, I want you to know how much you meant to me as Hawkeye says goodbye and boards the helicopter as he sees the word goodbye written on the rocks, not even once.
Be careful among 125 million viewers It's hard to top a moment like that. Is your favorite TV scene on the list? Let us know in the comments and I guess this is my last chance to say it. Rose Tyler. Did you enjoy this video? Check out these other clips from Watch. Mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to receive notifications about our latest videos.

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