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The Most UNBELIEVABLE 9 Letter Solves! | 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown | Channel 4

May 29, 2024
A poll recently voted Peter Sarapo as Britain's funniest comedian and that poll was his Nan Mrs Sarapen Peter, are you a fan of puns? Well to be honest Jimmy I don't think it's any of your business, apologies Peter, I'm sorry if I crossed the line. Sorry, any words you're hoping to appear tonight abdicate, this round of cards is just for Lee and John, so Lee, your turn to choose the


s, but there's no help, there's no help, oh, that's right. I mean, the last time you were, I mean, you had Ben. on your own like that you would be fine thank you very much uh can I have a consonant please F oh oh please be an M I have another name that comes with a consonant please if it's an M we are in heh oh I hope I have a g and a white and some tits I can have a consonant please t uh and a vowel I go back to the tits consonant companion so the s consonants can still do it give me that consant come on let's go with the last D okay, let's count down, so what do you have on John? uh, I have a nine, nine and John, what do you have?
the most unbelievable 9 letter solves 8 out of 10 cats does countdown channel 4
Oh, I definitely have an eight, you definitely have an eight of eights, you have a nine, which one is your? eight John, uh, the grittiest, the grittiest, like the grittiest, like we all ran aground, but it was okay, what do you have? What is your word nelter? Lee ma steadings oh amazing it's on now look my game is played a lot all in things a lot a multiple of three people doing the six be honest Julie are you as surprised as everyone else? And that's a word. I'm on the outside. I'm trying to look cool on the inside.
the most unbelievable 9 letter solves 8 out of 10 cats does countdown channel 4

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the most unbelievable 9 letter solves 8 out of 10 cats does countdown channel 4...

I can not believe it. This reminds me of the first time. I had sexual relations. Go. How the hell did that happen? What


it mean? What


it mean? Well, you put your penis inside a, you must be a little upset, John, because I'm fine with that, how many did you get four? four, you don't think that's a word, okay, Sean, how many did you get? seven, seven, John, I think I have a nine, I really think you have a nine, I think I have a nine, Jimmy, this is huge, okay, uh, Jack, I'm so confident in my part here that I have nothing, everything It's in your heart, the clouds, ladies and gentlemen, John Richardson is about to raise the sun with some words, you know what's a word I've been dealing with my whole life? dejection Jimmy yes, well done, I'm sorry John, tell me how you feel, it's the best failure of my entire life, Susie, what could they have achieved?
the most unbelievable 9 letter solves 8 out of 10 cats does countdown channel 4
He had a new girl for six. I have a nine. There is a nine-


word. The nine-letter word abdicates. Sean. how many seven Vic seven Lee uh nine oh very cool nine uh Sarah I'm G to go seven Sarah what are your seven ringia? louder um You need two RS uhoh um but it's not on I don't know if that helps or not, so doubly wrong, Vic, you have seven, can I have two? One of them isn't convinced, but I know I have one, I'm sure we'd let you, but Sean is very strict with the I have rent, rent, rent, but I'd like a stud ring, so Ren rents what you're looking for, but the nut ring is a nut ring there, by chance, it is not. no there it surprises me that you turn turn as you turn you need when you need to change the direction of a turn I mean turn we have already received a brilliant explanation as if we were retired it is turning, let's go to the nine Lee, you are nine letters A word that comes together, yeah, I imagine Sean is fine with that because it's part of the rules, yeah, it's just a game, okay, it's an awesome investment from Fortune, this is Fantastics, which makes this game so addictive.
the most unbelievable 9 letter solves 8 out of 10 cats does countdown channel 4
How many did you get John? I think I have a nine. Be quiet. I think I have a nine too. Wow, just sitting near that mustache has changed my life. This is a powerful beard. Josh. How many of you got the mustache? It may have infected my mind too, how many did you get five? Oh, that's fair and Sean, how did you make eight eight? Well, Josh, let's listen to your five stone, of course, one of the leading pieces of technology that you're on. you're cutting edge um Sean, you have eight restrictions, is anyone else stuck with a rock? okay, uh, John, you've got nine great reactions, I mean, on the letter N, so Alan, how many I only have five?
Catherine, how many for the sake of argument I'm going to say four four do you think I could actually have a six do you have a six do you think no no I don't have no oh I have six now what can I go for six yes go for six no he can't, ha declared telling him all the damn leave it all he won't let me have the points Harry, your dad, I take this game very seriously, you need to calm down, think about what mom would say, ha, what I have is that. the question yeah, yeah, how many different Facebook uploads, okay Sean, how many sixes, okay, unlike Alan who only got five, no, but now I have a seven, haven't you, because it's in the 302, oh okay, okay, can I do my five six and seven just show off, come on, we actually have Catherine F Catherine, what was your fa? stab stab lovely lovely okay Harry you have five uh I have beans okay I have a nine oh Alan let's eat your five six and seven my five is Beast my six is ​​stable but my seven is beacons Alan car thank you all sh you have nine and it I'll allow if it's a comfortable nine yes oh yes yes yes no sure good luck to everyone, but I don't I think you did it in the 30 seconds.
Could they have done it better? Well, we think we can have a nine. Can? Che, yes, abdicate to John, how many letters. Well, I definitely have an eight, but I think I might have a. nine but I wrote it wrong, what are you going to choose for an eight or a nine? I'm going to try nine. It's okay, Victoria. I think there may be nines, but I'm going to play it safe with the eight, but if you take a nine, go for nine, not eight, why do you have, why wouldn't you have eight. I'll be back Henning, I'm not going to win this, I've got six, okay Sean, six, Victoria, I'll ask again, I thought there was a nine, but then I needed two eyes to do it, you've got four, man, I mean Victoria, how many eights or nine, eight, okay, Henning walks well, Sean dirty, uh, Victoria, isolated, isolated, excellent, that's a word, oh, you have, you have an excellent Susie, uh, John.
Is there a nine there Susie yeah, they're enough that's G to really piss me off? I have brilliant idolaters no, you have oh, come on, come on more, John Richardson, what does Susie idoli mean? Do you have people who adore others? people like John, well, you got a nine and it's double the points for a nine, so it's 18 points. Angela informs me that she has a phobia of fish and your tongue, okay, he's dead now Paul, how many, oh well, I have a lot of nine letter words, a lot of them Sean, how many letters eight, eight, okay, John , how many yes, just an eight, Angela, how many I have an eight, I'm not sure, but I'll stay safe with a seven, stay safe, yeah.
Oh my god, you don't like fish, no, I really don't know, something's repulsive when someone turns to me, Angela, you're seven, uh, listening to Sean, grating, grating, grating, yeah, yeah, use the G twice, just run, okay, turn. Okay, piss off John, your um, your eight Earth things, all right, Paul, your nine-letter word, one of your nine-letter words, just one of them would be fine, the night is fantastic, oh, wow, 18 points for Paul, double points, could they have done better? I have a nine I think it's a word but I'm not sure how to pronounce it abdicate double points for the stress round I did now 10 98 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 oh that's horrible how many letters five five okay John , how many nines, no, maybe, maybe a nine, that would be double points, that would be 18 points, this is huge, well, it's NE points anyway, so it'll be 36, but hey, who Do you care about It's On Again?
Yeah, Sean boom, that L Rico probably. not even a real hot tub, okay, so 36 points on the line, right, uh Michelle, how many, um, I think I have seven, but I don't think that's a word, so the breaks Sean, six, six, okay , Rob, let's listen to your five names, yes. but it was like a laser search in it is a word yes Michelle what is your opinion unmetal what yes unmetal oh when something is not metal like wood very American no no like when they take away a metal like you had the gold medal, but then you got, you took steroids and they found out, so now they demetalized, uh, Susie D, well the medal is there as a verb, but the UNM medal is not very nice, all those letters are in that book, but unfortunately in that. order Sean, you're mailed, yeah, either done or undone or done or undone, okay, lovely, okay, John, for 36 points, do you have an unclaimed nine-letter word?
It's well done, oh, I mean, in your all in your, I mean, it seems like a shame. that there's no confetti left to drop, so you have a nine letter word with double the points for that, so 18 double because it was the detention around 36 points Michelle and Sean, yeah, I think it would be silly to continue now, Yeah. I mean you can't really stop that, right? I have to admit that we cheated too. What do you mean you cheated? He told me the numbers when I got into the meth problem. Oh, he wasn't going to admit it if we won. but we lost, that would really make me angry, but why just water under the biffin bridge?
Do you know the prize you mentioned before? the jacuzzi, you probably won't get the jacuzzi, but if it's okay with Michelle, I think tonight's winners should get it. a tarantula to go, I think it may go unclaimed, well no, we could just put it on John's head at the end of the game, it would help you in the back, to be honest, your 30 seconds start now, come on, Jimmy , go Go. Jimmy, you ain't no piece of scum on Jimmy, I do better than that press up position, get down, get down, Jimmy, come on, take them out you little worm, absolute shame, get up Jimmy, you numbered what you call that score pie absolutely useless, he took the right words. from my mouth her mom has in Star jumps is she how many letters eight eight John I'll try a nine John Richardson every man is a legend Sean seven Bob six okay what's your six Bob my six is ​​detour detour look at the speed Claudia is moving , uh mted, you mted, I got, I mted, you have to be pretty quick, so yeah, Susie, is it there?
No, I think people use it to mean drunk, but it's, uh, it's not on Sean, I'm seven, which is tuned, oh that. yeah, reset, I like it, we'll see if John's nine really works. I think well, I don't know. traced, yes, well done, excellent, you said we need a n. I'm so tempted to eat pork like a tree, sorry, I'll eat. another vegetarian sausage I've earned it uh Joe brand how many letters uh seven John how many letters I'm going to try a nine but I'm pretty sure it's not a word okay brave man uh Joe Wilkinson seven okay seven jamali I'm trying a nine, but I don't know if Joe will come down, you have seven per station, uh Joe wilin and I suggest yours might be similar, yeah, station, station, okay, uh, John, your nine letter word.
I got a salute, but I think I just had the word salute in my head, okay, I'd be in desktop publishing if I had my laptop, it's there, it's just not PR, so saltation is a real job, yeah , we are what we mean Susie dent. I think it has to do with biological evolutionary change. I think John just got an nlet word, all the ones he did, this is, uh, I mean, you get double, that could be 18 points, but Jamali also got an n letter word. Let's find out that I also had saltation. and you thought it was, it's, it's the evolution of the biological, okay, so, 18 points for both teams, two and words left, Peter Su, they could have done better, well, we have a couple of sevens, ReSound, uh, devours Sounder and an eight abdicates. wait no no no abdicate abdicate

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