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Top 10 Healthy Foods You Must Eat

Jun 05, 2021
Hello health champions, today we are going to talk about the 10 healthiest


to eat. I'm Dr. Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and former Olympic decathlete and if you really want to master health by understanding how the body really works make sure you type and hit this notification bell so you don't miss anything and make sure everyone sees the video. because not only am I going to list different


, but I'm also going to talk about why these foods are good for you, and at the end we have a bonus for you because we all need some.
top 10 healthy foods you must eat
First of all, I tried to list the top ten healthiest foods, but then I thought it was misleading because it leaves out a lot of other foods and also gives us the wrong idea about what a food is supposed to do. Very often I see examples of superfoods where people say this is the food you have to eat, or they say something, what is the healthiest food we can eat and then people want to know what it is and what they want to eat. Otherwise, if not, it gives us the wrong idea about food, it gives us the idea that food has to do something.
top 10 healthy foods you must eat

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top 10 healthy foods you must eat...

I am often asked, because I have a headache, what foods I should eat. I have high blood pressure, what foods should I eat? To eat a variety of foods, the foods aren't supposed to do anything in terms of treating or changing the body's function, they're just supposed to provide the things the body needs, so we want to get away from the idea of ​​superfoods. , believe. There are some foods that are very close, like there are only good things about which there is nothing to say, but we don't want to think that they are about something that we want to remove from the number.
top 10 healthy foods you must eat
It is not one of the healthiest foods. What we want to understand is that it is the variety that complements each other and gives the body the different building blocks and all the different catalysts, vitamins and minerals, and another thing I want to caution is that natural foods, because something is mentioned Where an item is called a natural food doesn't mean it is necessarily a


food they are often made with better ingredients they don't use as many chemicals but very often there are still many so processed just keep in mind what and how often I see that section in a grocery store called natural foods I can't help but laugh because I wonder if there is a section that contains natural foods why they call the rest of the store unnatural foods, just because I think there are so many There are so many


foods, I didn't want to just talk about individual items, I'm going to talk about categories and according to me, the first category of healthy foods is non-starchy vegetables, but I'm not asking for them specifically because they are the variety that provides nutrition, so non-starchy vegetables Starches include green leafy vegetables, so lettuce, spinach and kale have many leaves and many nutrients in minerals and vitamins in fiber. be very low in carbohydrates, starch and sugar, so pretty much any rich green tree just eat as much as you can, then there are things like broccoli, cauliflower and brussels sprouts, which are not rich in trees, but still have a low starch content, so those are also things you can eat, so learn as you go which vegetables are less than 5% carbs, 5% net carbs, so you take the total carbs and take out the fiber because some things They have like 15 grams of carbs, but that's almost all the fiber, so it's still totally. good things, learn which ones have less than 5% net ARAII and which ones can be eaten in abundance, and these vegetables provide enormous amounts of nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, especially berries number two, there is a lot of talk about fruits. and berries and vegetables.
top 10 healthy foods you must eat
Here's my little caveat: I think you can eat berries, but I don't think more is better and I think berries are the best fruit to eat, because most fruits changed our ancestors. The Ors can have access to the fruits they had. , but the fruit was small and thirty and was in season, so people have never had access to sweet fruit 365 days a year, large fruit we have now, so it provides a lot of sugar, contains many nutrients, provides more sugar that people should probably consume in the long run, so eat some berries and some fruit, but eat it in moderation and don't feel like you have to eat them all the time.
Berries are the best because they have the lowest level of sugar and contain the most fiber and berries full of vitamins, the best berries, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and cranberries, the lowest in sugar and the highest in nutrients of category number three. animal meat proteins, provides a complete spectrum of essential amino acids; It is one of the few food groups that humans can live a long time on and survive most of the other things we would eat well. If we died for a short time, we would suffer deficiencies or simply not get enough fuel or nutrients to survive, but animal proteins, especially fats, provide enough nutrients to keep us alive for years.
Optimally, even a few carnivores do very well with beef, pork, chicken, lamb and any form of wild animals such as rabbit, venison, buffalo, etc. and then of course they will include fish, salmon, sardines, mackerel, clean fatty fish, tons and tons too. provided with good omega-3s is the best option now. The thing to remember here is that if you eat an animal you will only get food as healthy as what the animal ate and if the animal ate a diet good for the species then I would do my best to avoid grain fed beef , because It is very unnatural for a cow to eat grains, because it makes the meat softer, makes it fat, and can If the cow grows, it has a growing season.
They get twice as much meat from the cow to feed it wheat for a few months, so they do it for money and cuteness and for all the wrong reasons, except that a cow is supposed to eat grass and only grass, and yes, it's a healthy cow, the ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 will be in good balance if you feed it with grains, you are playing with nature and throwing them away. So if you think grass feeding is too expensive, then don't do it. the best you can so you can start with one thing, and if you learn and maybe if you develop some habits that can save you money, you can get by, but do the best you can and eat foods that have been raised. naturally, so in the case of fish, it is absolutely desirable that they be caught in the wild just because they are raised on farms, just like cows, which are given food that they should not eat and then Aren't they very healthy if we mess with nature, if you try to change the rules, you have never done it and, in a good way, eggs number 4, so there are all kinds of healthy eggs if they come from healthy animals , there are duck eggs and ostrich eggs, etc., but for practical purposes most people are?
I'm going to talk about chicken eggs and what are you looking for with higher quality? If the animal like the chicken has lived a natural and healthy life, it will produce natural and healthy eggs if we feed the chicken with sand, hormones and food. The pellets, and we keep them inside and squeeze them, stress them, then the eggs become pale and devoid of nutrients, if not toxic, then what we are looking for is a standard called grass raised in the United States, which is a new standard , and that means that even in commercial production, a way to make healthy eggs, and that means that basically every chicken lives outside and that they have at least one hundred and eight square feet per animal per chicken, which gives them they have a lot of room to run , they eat insects, they eat grass, they eat seeds and sometimes they supplement a little with different grains, but it's not a terrible thing for a chicken, but the main thing is that they have to run and choose what to eat, and it can't be crowded when you look at the eggs , then you open them, then the deep orange egg yolk, the well-produced eggs of the sick hens are pale yellow, you can barely see that it is yellow, sometimes it is very pale, while the grass breed is a deep orange and what you can also often notice is that the yolk will be larger, even like a medium sized egg, it looks like the yolk has really caught my attention now. , I didn't even know it, but I looked and saw in the stores that what you want is pastured, not well pasteurized, that just means they take the cheap eggs from sick chickens, steam them, sterilize them. with steam or something like that, so that they pasteurize everything well.
That's not what your category number five is not looking for, it's fats and oils, they demonize a fat because they don't understand that body fat doesn't come out of fat. we eat. hormone called insulin, which is a result of fructose, sucrose, starch, and processed foods, but if you're on a non-insulin-promoting diet, fat is perfectly fine, and that's the key to fats and oils . a natural state in a relatively natural state, so it's great if the fat is obtained from the foods themselves, but it is perfectly fine to eat fats and oils, such as isolated refined fats and oils, as long as it is done the right way, which means it's minimally processed, it's not heated, just like grass-fed butter is a great organic grass-fed butter is a great food.
I go through a lot that organic olive oil, organic coconut oil and recently MCT can become more regular and affordable. medium chain oil medium I find triglycerides and Some other fats that people don't understand are actually pretty good: lard and tallow, which again means lard and beef fat if it comes from a healthy animal then it's totally fine so if I do a beef broth, a bone broth from healthy organic grass-fed animals, if you make a big pot you may have four or five kilos of tallow left over so you can put it out, save it and use it for cooking, and if we know where it comes from, it's a healthy fat and something we should keep in mind about these concentrated fats is that most pesticides, most toxins and most hormones are fat soluble, which means that if you concentrate the fat in these products , you're also going to concentrate toxins, so it's worth spending a few extra dollars if you get organic, clean products, because if you don't, you're buying a product that concentrates toxins, and category number six is ​​crazy, and they can be an incredibly healthy food, which you don't want to overdo because they contain some Omega 6, which you don't want to do, but it's a very healthy food. and you want to focus on nuts that meet three criteria, the ones that taste raw raw, because raw they keep more nutrients alive once you fry them or process them, then they lose nutrients and you can change some of the fats in them, you also want something that is low carb and you want something high in fat because the highest fat content means it has the least amount of carbs, and in that order we have macadamia nuts, pecans, and almonds, so it meets all the criteria.
They comply with what we talked about. Walnuts and almonds contain some carbohydrates, but you don't eat many nuts because they are so dense that they generally work well with a low-carb or ketogenic diet. The good thing about nuts is that they are also high in fiber and protein so they pack a lot of nutrients into one small food category, number seven being the seeds and they are often lump-like with nuts but I like to separate them because they are very different and you don't usually use them in the same way, and even less so the ones I emphasize, that's why my favorite seeds are chia, flax, hemp and pumpkin.
Although nuts are things you usually find in a snack bag and you can only have a few, you can make them crunchy and they taste good, but you probably won't like flax seeds and chia seeds. it sits there in your mouth and you have to chew it forever, and it doesn't taste bad, but it's not the way you normally eat it, but it's great for slow cooking, you can make oatmeal with it and bake bread with it. As long as you keep the heat low they are great for smoothies. If you eat something like yogurt instead of grains you can just grind some up and put yogurt in place of grains and what the seeds tell you is that it's usually very cheap, especially As it becomes more popular, you can find it in the United States.
United, you can find it at Costco, and it's like they're almost giving it away and it's packed with healthy fats, fiber, and protein, like it's there and that. It contains virtually no carbohydrates, although the total carbohydrates may seem high, it is almost fiber, so the net carbohydrates are very low, about three percent and it is not advisable to rely solely on plant foods for Omega-3, but it can be a good base and chia and flax have the highest omega-3 fatty acids of any plant, but you still want to get omega-3s from fish because the omega-3s in chia and flax are just the precursor and the conversion is not applies the way it's supposed to and doesn't bother you.It happens at a very large percentage and some people say you can eat these omega-3s and make fish oil, but it doesn't work that way. less than 1% of the omega-3 implants of the actual omega-3 that we get from fish number 8 is avocado and I don't think it's necessarily a superfood because like I said, I don't want food, I don't think so, but I think it's so good in so many ways that I've turned it into its own category, it's delicious, it's creamy, it has a lot of natural fats, you can eat it raw, you can just open it and spoon it, or you can cook with it, put it on plates, you can make guacamole with it, and It is so filling that it is almost a meal in itself; you can talk about everything like who can argue with avocado, another thing I talked about recently was the fasting mimicking diet and avocado would be the perfect food because it is high in fat and carbohydrates and very low in protein , so it's like it's really the perfect meal, don't think of it as a super, just think of it as a big stack that goes with everything.
Category number nine is something called tubers or tubers that grow underground and are generally good, starchy foods. as an energy reserve for the plant and some examples would be yams or sweet potatoes, potatoes, rutabagas, turnips, carrots and something called celery, a central celery root and it's very starchy so some people want to avoid it if they are trying to lose weight if they are on a low carb diet If you are on a ketogenic diet or if you are insulin resistant then you won't want to eat it at all, but if you are insulin sensitive are you reaching your ideal weight or are you doing some carb cycling, maybe so?
If you do keto during the week and consume a little more carbs on the weekend, this is the perfect food to get quality carb foods without ending up in grains. However, the things that cause inflammation are very starchy, so I don't want to eat too much, but it's great, you can use it instead of potatoes to make mashed potatoes, or you can use several to mix it up a little. a little more variety and a deeper flavor, it's also great for dicing if you're making a vegetable soup or a meat soup, or something like category number 10 is herbs and spices, so garlic, ginger and turmeric cinnamon cloves cardamom coriander parsley dill rosemary, all of these are very nutritious, they provide micronutrients, you don't get a lot of macronutrients, from which you don't get protein, fat or carbohydrates, but you get a lot of minerals, you get a lot of vitamins. , and you get some things with medicinal properties, but on a natural level I don't want to think of them as medicines, there are supplements that you can use and they have some wonderful benefits, but again think of them primarily as things that make food taste delicious, but turmeric with garlic, ginger has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties, turmeric is anti-inflammatory, helps heal the intestines and cinnamon has some benefits. blood sugar, so it has great benefits: don't go crazy and start using it because the medications don't think that they are taking something for a reason, but that you take it regularly in a healthy diet.
Here's a little bonus for you and it's something that's not necessarily a food, but we have to have some treats in life, I think it makes life a little sweeter, but we want to understand what we get, that's why chocolate is something that attracts people. Really excited about people saying, I'll give up anything, but I won't give up chocolate, but there's a big difference between milk chocolate and dark chocolate, so when people talk about the benefits of chocolate they say, well, dark. . Chocolate has all these benefits. The reason for this is that cocoa contains nutrients, the cocoa bean is a plant with some nutrients that can be very beneficial, but milk chocolate contains a lot of sugar that ruins and more ruins. benefits, so the darker the chocolate, the less sugar it contains, and the way you can get a rough idea is that if you get 78% cocoa content in the chocolate, then the rest is sugar, so just what it is.
Cocoa is sugar, if it's 85% cocoa it's 15% sugar, then chocolate has a lot of carbs, but most of the carbs are fiber, so you can subtract that, so I like chocolate that has between 78 and 85, sometimes I think 78 is the only one I think 78 is too sweet and I prefer 85, but the darker it is, the more satiating, less need to overeat and with a piece of 78 percent chocolate , if you have. something like a lint bar that one has. They are pieces in a bar, so if you have one piece, it is 1/8 of a bar which gives you about 1.5 grams of sugar, so if you want to keep absolutely zero sugar, you should not eat chocolate. but if you add one or two pieces, you're not adding much, and if you get to 85%, you'll get about a gram of sugar per piece, a lot of my patients will tell me you know I can tolerate dark chocolate. but I can't get more than 50% cocoa content, everything else is too bitter, don't fear, you can change it, take a little time, but the more you eliminate sweets and sugar from your diet, the more your diet changes. taste buds, most of our tastes are learned and the further you get away from sugar, the more you will find many things that you normally thought were sweet, are disgustingly sweet and as you work, the more you adapt to reality. food and you eliminate the sugar, you will start to appreciate it after all this, you will learn what it really tastes like and then you will not have problems with very bitter chocolate, so 75 78 85 even 90% chocolate will be very tasty and not so bitter.
You don't like chocolate, don't worry; you don't have to learn; It's not something you have to have; It's not a staple food group with the other ten we've talked about and you'll be fine if you enjoy this video, then watch the first one. Thank you very much for watching and I'll see you in the next video.

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