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Top 10 Most HARMFUL Foods People Keep EATING

Jun 08, 2021
0 trans fat" if you define your serving size as 5 grams, now your product can still contain 10% trans fat and it is toxic and very low, if you define a serving as 10 grams, you can have 5%, and in this case one tablespoon is 12 grams, but you can still have 4.2% trans fat and it is 0 grams mention trans fat per serving, don't fall for these tricks that lie, and come up with a clever solution trick that is named after the other, like " I can't believe it's not butter", you better believe it's not butter. And on a completely unrelated note, if you have a bunch of cute guys in your garden and you're trying to grow something, you know that whatever you're trying to grow cultivate is known as I can't believe it's not a number of lettuce.
top 10 most harmful foods people keep eating
Eight Energy Drinks People drink them because they feel like they give you energy, but that's a fallacy, they don't give you, they borrow energy, so you take it. borrowed from somewhere, so you can get it temporarily, but what these drinks actually do is they are stimulants, and stimulants are things like caffeine in coffee, they excite you, so you think you have more energy than you do temporarily , but the more often you do it, the more you'll have to give it back later, and it also contains guarana, which is just another name for caffeine; Guarana is another plant besides the coffee bean that contains caffeine.
top 10 most harmful foods people keep eating

More Interesting Facts About,

top 10 most harmful foods people keep eating...

They also add some synthetic B vitamins, which act as stimulants in large doses, and they add a lot of sugar or worse, and the sugar can give the impression that you are raising your blood sugar, you get a little spike and you If you feel a little peppy for a short time or worse, they call it sugar-free, and they just prepare the caffeine and give you some artificial sweeteners, but realize that even though it looks like it's giving you energy, it's actually a credit card. that is, the more you use the more you have to give back later, it gives you the impression that you have a resource in the short term, but in the long term it costs you much more than fruit juice and fruit juice is made from fruits. , which may have an advantage. in fruits you concentrate the nutrients that theoretically can be beneficial that there are some nutrients, you concentrate the nutrients, you can get more at once, but the problem is that you also concentrate the sugar, while you get a li If you want more of something you want, you get a lot more of something you don't want, and then the biggest problem is that everything you buy at the store will be pasteurized by law and therefore they will kill every form of enzyme, everything that ever lived and destroy virtually all the nutrients that it contains, for what they call juice is actually just sugar water, it's the same as soda, you could argue it's a little better, there are more nutrients and yes it's true, but basically consider it a number 10 soda on the list: meat , lunch or cold cups and ham, sausage, prosciutto salami, very popular if it can be made with pork or beef or chicken or turkey, and what is the biggest objection that is raised is that it contains a lot of salt, and that It's not the reason you want to worry.
top 10 most harmful foods people keep eating
The next objection that often arises is that there is a link to the cancer that


discovered. Eating a lot of this has a high level of cancer, but we want to understand that it is a difference between the raw material and the final product, we want to start asking how it was raised, and more importantly what was added, because you can have a good raw material, but if you add a bunch of chemicals and junk, it's poison, so some of the things that are added are sodium nitrite, it's a preservative that enhances the red color and but there are also a lot of products that are perfect without it they also add sugar, they add different chemicals, preservatives, BHT-butylated hydroxytoluene and many other things with equally strange names, they add MSG that we talked about, it's an excitotoxin, it makes things taste better, it makes your brain think they taste better than they really do and so on. you eat more. than you would normally put, and here they put things like corn flour, and they put a little more artificial coloring, aspartame, and a little bit of sucralose. because


are addicted to the sweet taste, but fortunately nowadays there are many alternatives on the counter, especially if you find the good word that health-oriented people mean, so that you have all this without any of these chemicals or artificial ingredients . and then it's a great meal, if you like this video, you'll love the next one and if you really want to know more about how the body works and how to master it, we help you subscribe to the account and activate all notifications, so you can never miss out. lose a video that saves lives
top 10 most harmful foods people keep eating

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