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Tom and Jerry: Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory – Nostalgia Critic

May 10, 2020
of boring madness prevails again, as we see Tom and Jerry in the background of other famous Wonka scenes. Get the Gobstoppers, lick the wallpaper and turn Violet into a blueberry. Oh come on, you couldn't even make her look blue, it still looks like she has a faint light on her face. How is that done in animation? The only difference is that Slugworth and the dog are chasing Tom and Jerry while all of this is happening. It doesn't even make sense. Why is he obsessed with getting them? It happens during the Fizzy Lifting Drink scene, the goose scene, and, yes, even during the reprise of the song we already heard. ♫ Give it to me now! ♫ ♫ Oh, I want today! ♫ ♫ I want tomorrow ♫ Oh, now it's a duet!
tom and jerry willy wonka the chocolate factory nostalgia critic
This adds a totally different angle that I had never considered before. Wait, it's just stupid. Why does he even sing it? He doesn't need to, he conveys that he is evil to a cat, a mouse and Oompa-Loompa! In fact, why doesn't the Oompa-Loompa know? He has the strange tunnel trick! How come he doesn't know that Slugworth isn't a bad guy? Oh, he waits, maybe it's because he's doing everything a bad guy would do, and for no literal good reason! He even steals the Gobstopper. Excellent. What are you going to do with that? Mr. Vonka, I stole the Everlasting Gobst... what was my job?
tom and jerry willy wonka the chocolate factory nostalgia critic

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tom and jerry willy wonka the chocolate factory nostalgia critic...

Tom and Jerry are trapped when Veruca is sent to the oven. We are in the oven! Shit! They go to Toy Story 3 in our evaluation! Get out of my way, cat! No, no, no, it doesn't end there. Get this over with! Wooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! No, no, not there either. They're Tom and Jerry, they just ignore it and occasionally make a joke about blackface. None in this one? Phew. It would have been difficult to explain it to his children. Although it's not as difficult as this: Waaaaaaaaaaaaah! Good luck with that, parents! Mike Teevee is up next to be eliminated, which means we're probably nearing the traditional ending of the movie.
tom and jerry willy wonka the chocolate factory nostalgia critic
To say the least, this movie takes some... liberties. They're leaving the


! Daaah! Of course, Wonka knew that they would discover his technology and transport him back, changing their sizes, having a battle to the death, which would result in everyone's insides changing! I mean, he's in every manual, y'all! My offer still stands, Charlie Bucket. With 2 Gobstoppers, you could rule the candy world! Does 911 no longer exist? Now you and I can be partners. Our Gobstopper will make us the kings of the candy world! What's with Tom and Jerry and the smiling predators slowly walking towards the camera?
tom and jerry willy wonka the chocolate factory nostalgia critic
So after Charlie's confidence is tested, it is tested again in the classic scene where Wonka goes crazy on him. We didn't see any rules! Bad, sir! Mistaken! According to article 37 of the contract signed by him... which we never saw signed. Oops. You stole soda to lift weights, so you get nothing! You lose! Good day sir! Wow. That was surprisingly tame by this movie's standards. I would have expected at least 3 soul sucking faces in that scene. Of course, Charlie leaves the Gobstopper, although...honestly, he should, he's more than earned his trust, Wonka is just being a jerk now!
But he reveals again that it was all a test. Let me introduce you to Mr. Wilkinson. My master plan was to help Wonka find an heir. I was worried that you, Tom and Jerry would interfere with that plan. Of course, 99.9% of this made no sense, but look, Tom and Jerry are farting bubbles. Why question something? Wonka, naturally, gives Charlie the


and says the last line with easily the creepiest face in the entire movie. Do you know what happened to the boy who suddenly got everything he ever wanted? He lived happily ever after. Tom and Jerry!
So, yeah, it's as bad as you might think. I'll give him some credit for the animation that at least tries, even if it doesn't always work. From time to time, the slapstick can lead to laughs and, oh my goodness, that tunnel scene! But other than that, it's a combination that doesn't go together, causing attention to always be focused on the wrong thing. Willy Wonka fans won't enjoy Tom and Jerry getting distracted from the emotional moments, and Tom and Jerry fans won't enjoy Willy Wonka getting in the way of his chaotic mayhem. What can I say but it's a bad egg.
I am the Critic of Nostalgia and, once again! Wooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I think we're all going to remember that. Are the fires of hell shining? Hi, Doug Walker here, doing the charity recognition, and this week we'll be doing Red partners with the world's most iconic brands who contribute up to fifty percent of profits from Red brand goods and services to the Global Fund. Red has generated more than four hundred and sixty-five million dollars for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS. One hundred percent of that money goes to work in the field, with no overhead costs. The Global Fund grants that Red supports have impacted more than ninety million people with HIV prevention, treatment, counseling, testing, and care services.
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