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The Worst Christmas Special EVER! - Nostalgia Critic

Jun 05, 2021
so much effort to raise me. Because they are so amazing that way. This guy joined the Navy so he could help us support ourselves and raise us, and my mom...she was going to be an opera singer! But she had two kids and she said, "You know what? I'm going to spend my life dedicated to that." And that's so awesome and it's Christmas! That's so good! There is so much goodness in these people. Dad, you have so many people looking at you right now. Is there anything you want to say to the audience of "That Guy with Glasses" on Christmas Eve?
the worst christmas special ever   nostalgia critic
Merry Christmas to all of you. And most importantly, remember... We have lots of merchandise at the Channel Awesome Country Store! 15% off if your name rhymes with Walker! -Cute cute cute! It's going to be really... yeah, yeah, okay. That's the kind of ham he is! That's the kind of person my dad is and you can see where I got my terrible sense of humor from. But still, he has spent... Come on. But still, he has worked very hard to raise us and he has been very positive, very optimistic and I love my dad. And mom... I have a question for you, it's a question I really wanted to keep from you because you're so loving and sincere and all that.
the worst christmas special ever   nostalgia critic

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the worst christmas special ever nostalgia critic...

There are many people who do not associate Christmas with the best things. Maybe they don't have friends or much family and maybe they spend it alone or maybe they associate it with a bad time, there are so many bad things that happen out there and Christmas is such a good time! I know you feel it, you feel it like I feel it. What can you say to people who aren't having such a good Christmas? You know, this is the time of year to reach out to someone who is feeling alone or going through a tough time.
the worst christmas special ever   nostalgia critic
And do something good for them, because when you do, you will also feel less alone within yourself. It's the perfect time of year to do something for someone else and think about others. That's very nice, mom. Thank you so much. This movie sucks... but I love you. Merry


. Merry


! -Merry christmas. Thank you so much guys. Merry christmas to you. Who the hell was that? I don't know. Mrs. Mavilda: YOU'RE FIRE!
the worst christmas special ever   nostalgia critic

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