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Timothy Olyphant Full Interview - CONAN on TBS

May 30, 2021
It's not even that good of an anecdote, it was a good anecdote, but you know what I did, I put a little cherry on the level, you know what I'm going to start over, no, there's no time. for that listen, there is no transition, we cannot afford those now they confuse you a lot with the actor josh duhamel. okay, in fact, today I was pretty sure we hired josh dumel, we were excited and that's why I'm here again. to promote something, uh, something on netflix, that's why I'm here, isn't it amazing, amazing how much he looks like josh dumoul, yeah, here's a picture of both of them, side by side, not even I know, I can't tell which one you are, you know he did it, I think even though Dumel is like the big version and he is the medium version because Dumel is a big and tall man, yes this is true, I can attest, you I mean you know he made my um, God bless you.
timothy olyphant full interview   conan on tbs
He, he, he made my family's Christmas card, he posed, he posed with my family and we sent it, because yeah, that's right, that's absolutely wait, so you got Josh Dumel to pose with your wife and kids, and he didn't you are. in the photo yeah no I have it on my phone I'll show you so for years I've been hearing this goes back to the early 2000's like I've been hearing it you know this guy Josh Duamel was saying that No. He said you guys look a lot alike, you know, and we had friends in common and then they would mistake me for him and, my wife would love to poke me, you know, oh, it's just a windmill, you know? and I would often say um she loved it, yeah, and then we would just have friends and comments, so I knew that he often had this mutual thing where they would mistake us for each other, so we're in this, uh, we're at Dodger Stadium and um and for a charity event that Clayton Kershaw was organizing for my friend Aj Ellis at the time he was playing for the Dodgers, there are a lot of names involved, let me, do you want me to tell you about all my people, Professor academic?
timothy olyphant full interview   conan on tbs

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timothy olyphant full interview conan on tbs...

I'll pay you not to thank you so anyway help me stay the course I'm here I'm here with you you're playing this charity event we're the Dodgers and there's Josh Duamel yeah and we have We never met and as soon as we met We see, only laughter, only laughter, only years of him, what we both are and anyway, to summarize, if that is still possible, I say: Hello, friend, my family, the whole family is here. Could you take a photo with them and, uh, him? uh, very kindly grateful and it was wonderful, but we sent this as happy holidays from all the elephants and josh, here's the picture, here where I'm putting it, look at that, so all I know is that, around vacation, my brother calls me. uh from my mom's house he says I'm here at mom's house and your Christmas card is on the refrigerator uh with all the Christmas cards and mom saying no, no, no, they all look great and my brother says mom, you I know it's not Tim, she says, What are you talking about?
timothy olyphant full interview   conan on tbs
She says, That's not Tim in the card your mom didn't show, he's an actor named Josh Duhamel and I swear, according to my brother, he said mom peeks out and says. I thought he seemed taller, I sent him that we should now extend the Christmas card exchange. He is on the Christmas card mailing list. That year he got a card from us and I got a card from him and the only difference was he was on both cards, yeah, yeah. you know what he can't do wrong as far as I'm concerned everyone should watch his show on netflix yeah it's like a superhero thing I think it's cool yeah and he'll be watching your show the guest starring Timothy, I guess I could come. and be a host, yeah, you're not taking that mug with you, we'll keep those, those are collectibles, um, tim, you're a wonderful guy, go ahead, I was just going to wrap it, someone needs to do it, I mean, it seemed like that there was a lot of pressure.
timothy olyphant full interview   conan on tbs
This is our last


on this particular show, so there have been so many versions of shows. No matter what you know, you shouldn't feel any pressure, but this is the last one as I read. I read and we haven't even talked about this. What did the doctors say? What do you have and how long have they been there? Let's start with that rumor. They said it's too talented and yes, it's actually destroying my immune system. I'm very talented, right, and they said you have to stop for a while. I know it hurts to be so close to that.
Believe me, you know, I mean, I can feel it, yeah, yeah, you know, when I first read it. You and you know this because I called you because I read that this version of this show was ending. I have to say it because you know we've been friends for a long time and when I read it, my gosh, I thought immediately as soon as I saw it, I thought what does this mean to me, you know, and then, but then, of course, I thought oh and Andy and then and then I thought I should call Conan, yeah, several weeks later, I heard from you. because no, yes, but whatever it is, they will always be in some version doing something romantic with each other.
I feel like before I go I should say something valuable about how important this show and this friendship is and we met on this show, is it true, yes, no. You came to the show and you came to the show and we became friends and I knew right away that this is a guy who is going to be a friend of mine and he's going to interrupt me in my personal life and my professional life you're never going to let me finish a sentence like that. is a guy who can do that for me for the rest of my life I think I said something, you know, that part of what we did we should get together and we actually talked about this little idea and I remember saying we should get together and and um and actually Do that and you said you know or we could just get together and go to dinner for drinks or something and not do the part that crushed my dreams in show business, but because I think the part could have been great, but uh . but I really appreciated it and then it was like, give me your number, give me a we exchanged, we exchanged text numbers, boom, boom, done, you know, a lot of times in show business someone says, hey, so we should have dinner.
The next thing I know, someone's assistant contacts my agent, who contacts me, and then I never see that person. I can not do this. I'm not interested. My assistant does nothing. I ask him to do it right to be fair, you would have ruined it if he had said can you call tim


? you would have ruined it that's not true it's true you would have called him and set up dinner with you and tim oh yeah actually yeah no he's really cool yeah listen whatever you know listen I know you told me about the problems, yes, with Sona, that they are legendary, he said that you know them and then you don't.
It doesn't matter, yeah, it doesn't matter anymore, I don't know what he's talking about, okay, but you'll know over the years, I don't know how many years it's been, no, no, no, no. It's never like I never thought that oh Conan wants to have dinner at this restaurant because he just takes care of everything himself, yeah, that's me. I see a sign of this is the way we can stop the cameras, oh them. they ran out of tape tim they ran out of tape about 40 minutes ago frank how are we by the way i tried i had it we have it we feel like we have something we want we don't have Hear more about your teacher that you haven't seen.
I'm finishing this. We have it in abundance. Ruth Weisberg. First of all, she is a wonderful woman. A wonderful job. We have to return the theater to the people who own it. We, uh, we have a high school graduation coming up, yeah, we have to get out of here, but listen, you've been fantastic, you're a fantastic guest, you're a really good friend and whatever I do next, you're going to be a part of it. . I promise even if you don't want to be, oh, that's great, but yeah, yeah, it's going to be great. So is there money involved?
No, there's not a lot of money involved, just friendship and loyalty and not even friendship. Hey, thank you very much for coming. you know what


oliphant there is no one else like you and we thank the good lord every day you are the best you are the best

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