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Paul Rudd "Mac & Me" on Conan SUPERCUT

Mar 26, 2024
I always say you like it when you know I brought a clip and that's not true, we don't actually have clips and we don't bring them, but this time I did, I brought it to you, I brought a clip, this is a clip from the final episode and I thought how about Maybe you could show it well. I'm just going to show it because why couldn't we get into trouble here, but as long as it doesn't give anything, as long as it doesn't give anything. away, I think there is a lot of interest, let's show this clip from the final episode of friends.
paul rudd mac me on conan supercut
I didn't see it coming, I have to say, oh I know, I didn't see it that way. There are many surprises in the last episode. Wow, it was very emotional, I mean, as you could see, Matthew Perry was in a wheelchair, Julia is running after Bradley's character and Bradley's character is trying to escape and I come in at the end to see if maybe I can't. save the situation it's self explanatory cool let's take a look at this uh this is a clip of uh of your uh of your work this is cool take a look wait it's amazing actually holy la cuasto the set designer yeah, it's a is a genius who almost seemed to be outdoors, in fact they let us show a clip, so let's take a look at this clip of the four year old virgin so I will never learn with you set this up this clip from the movie the uh, the organization it's like a big brothers type organization it's called robust wings and uh, jane lynch plays uh gail sweeney, the woman who runs the organization and christopher mintz place, uh plays augie and this is the scene where he's mclovin from superbad I think most people know this. him and he's had a little crisis downtown and he's running away and she's trying to catch him and then I come along, near the end, all right, let's take a look at this role models clip, wait, thanks, that's it .
paul rudd mac me on conan supercut

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paul rudd mac me on conan supercut...

You said something strange, you wrote it down, you found the page and there it is in the movie and I never get used to it. This is maybe the tenth time you've done this to us. This seems to be what you like the most. What I do is I set up a clip from one of your movies and then we show that clip which by the way is unforgettable from the 80's movie Mac and I'm that right yeah so actually last time no I showed it because, uh, I. I was here because I was pregnant and Judd Apatow said you're not going to show that he flew across the country and stood here to make sure they came to the show to make sure I made it.
paul rudd mac me on conan supercut
He knows that every time you come on our show, you show. that clip, yeah, and the studio called, they don't like it, they don't like it, very seriously, they yelled at me and the only way they would let me do it is if I had to show a clip from the movie, yeah, I did. I want it, let's not get you in trouble with the movie studio here now, a real role models clip, the movies starts where I'm selling marijuana to a uniformed police officer, so it's a very funny scene. I think we have a clip, I think we have that clip, oh that's right, we have a clip here, yeah, this is, well, I guess I explained what it was, but I mean, I work at a, yeah, I'm an organic farmer. and I'm selling, let's continue with this clip of our idiot brother.
paul rudd mac me on conan supercut
Wow, every time you come here and you're supposed to show the actual clip, they take it. Show that clip of the e.t scam. They have yelled at me. I bet The studio is really mad because they want you to show the real clip. I know they are fine. Well, let's show the actual clip now so you don't get in trouble, okay, let's take a look at this clip of our idiot brother, um, listen, Ned. You wouldn't happen to know where I can get it. You know what I mean? I was going to say, well, a lot of people are just used to it, that's the guy that makes it, how many times have you shown that clip on this show over the years?
Well, we just filmed that. I got a little clip of something we filmed in The First Week and thought maybe we could show it. You're going to show that right now this is crazy. Okay, this is going to go crazy and viral. Let's take a look at this clip of the presenter. Presenter two. You've been showing that stupid clip. on my show thank you thank you for I think 15 years thank you of a movie called mac and I oh and you always convince me that you're not going to show it again I know and you promise me that you're not going to show it again and you show it again , but I actually had the egg, you have one, okay, let's take a look, okay, come out, yeah, you do this consistently, I mean, let's watch a clip and then I throw it into what I think is a clip and it turns out to be a clip of this terrible E.T. rip-off.
And you have done this to me. I think you've been in great movies about 30 times, but this is a wonderful movie, right? and this is something that Seriously, yes and that's why I feel like I'm glad you said it because I have to address it, obviously I can't and it kills me and I feel stupid for not being able to show it this time, but obviously. Marvel and this whole machine get pretty mad if you don't do it. This is you learning from Michael Douglas. Let's take a look. You've learned about the suit, but you still have to learn about your best allies.
The loyal, brave ants and you. partners on this job, wow, sorry, as you can see, it's not going according to plan. I have a lot to learn if you've seen the trailer. The original version of me in this program says and it is closed, but it was. I'm supposed to die and I don't and I come out of a grave and have to travel through the forest to get back to my house. It's in the first episode, but this is a clip of me. to come to your senses and try to come back to find out what's going on, it's a great scene, let's take a look at this clip of living with yourselves so you know how many people in the audience were like, here we go, wow, you guys are surprised.
Guys, clearly a lot of people have seen the trailer because, as you can see, there you see a little bit of the cloning process. Yeah, that was a nice surprise after all these years. It was nice to see that there was something different, you know? show a real clip, motherfucker, well that was a real clip, okay, dude, suit, suit a yeah, we can move on to the real, married, you don't have time to watch Game of Thrones, but you have time to do it right, It wasn't really a long shoot, so we wrote this sketch when Paul Rudd had been the host and it was a sketch where I was, it was called Ed Burns Grill Boys and it was us grilling now that they weren't doing well, so and we thought, hey, We went out to make a dress and I did the voice, but Paul, for some reason, didn't want to do the voice and I don't understand why Paul decided not to do it.
How dare you? Why do you dare? Didn't you do that? I was able to do the voice. I did the voice well. What happened? That you know? You don't agree that this guy's memory is very fuzzy. I remember correctly. I did the voice. The reason the sketch didn't work is because it was terrible luckily they actually film the dress rehearsals they do if you want to do it no no no no no no no no you're serious yes yes oh and you'll see what I'm talking about play the sketch yes

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