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Throwing Darts at a Map and Eating Whatever Hot Sauce it Lands on!! *6 MILLION SCOVILLE*

Jun 04, 2021
Oh Filioque hmm I'm immune Kristen oh that's a dead end what's wrong with everyone today? We're



at a map and


number you land on that's the hot


you have to eat. We have a ton of different hot


s ranging from 100,000. Scoville units to six


Scoville units this video is going to turn out very well she I'm your host Robert let's meet the contestants I'm here on the scene with our first contestant Geoffrey how do you feel about what you're going to do? Today my name is Jeff, that's all I have to say.
throwing darts at a map and eating whatever hot sauce it lands on 6 million scoville
My name is Jeff. His name is Jeff. You heard it directly from Jeff. Well, you know the competition is fierce. You know we've both been preparing for this for a year. you know, the constant, you know, a lot of practice, a lot of tears and sweat going into the competition, you know we both loved it, we loved this game with our hearts and we hope for a nice and fair fair, a fair game, incredibles, great jobs, we have our second contender, oh. How do you feel? I'm actually really nervous because I haven't tried six


Scoville hot sauce before, so yeah, I'm really worried here, yeah, I'd be really worried here too, how are you?
throwing darts at a map and eating whatever hot sauce it lands on 6 million scoville

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throwing darts at a map and eating whatever hot sauce it lands on 6 million scoville...

Thanks, damn, I have ice on my face. Now it's time to get to know the hot sauces, how are they? I guess cooking here. Smokey Chris is the first. Much good luck. Well, guys, there's the number on the map and Robert has the hot sauce that corresponds to the number. Look I hope I don't like this and just one from my neighbor yeah that wouldn't be a good drum roll please 1 million Scoville right off the bat we got a hot one. I was expecting some ice cream because there are some punishments there. also and I didn't buy ice cream, so this is the million, this is over a million school units, okay guys, ribs,


some stuff on top, it's not your chicken wing, oh no, don't kill me , brother. don't put too much in there oh that's a lot 1 million Scoville units of hot sauce no I'm happy because normally we have to go in to get snacks but with this video we have snacks yeah oh oh oh oh oh how does it feel? be in the red Oh, always too much, oh dude, that's really sexy, he knows too much, really, oh dude, he's in pain, oh, he's in pain, oh, okay, come on, my turn number seven is now crossed out with Delana, you have to throw another dart, so that helped.
throwing darts at a map and eating whatever hot sauce it lands on 6 million scoville
Me, the shadows of Fate, right, Jeff, dogs are fates, lies, Lee, the number one we did, Jeffrey got the 600,000, oh okay, Jeff got 600,000, it's not as bad as 1 million, but still go ahead and put a small trough there. You know, you know, but that's a lot, excuse them, it's still a little pill, you know, this is a lot, I'm not expecting this one bit, whoa, you got, oh, you got hot sauce on your left lip, Jenner is still very hot, no, oh. oh oh, that's still hot, good, time number one has been chosen to mark it Rob, you're a great host.
throwing darts at a map and eating whatever hot sauce it lands on 6 million scoville
Thanks, we should hire you as a host more often. I appreciate it so you don't have to eat the hot sauce. open it, I appreciate it, vibe, so something happened, so I think you're supposed to shake it good, yeah, we did. I think all that heat is hot, very hot, I went up to the top because my direction is much worse in case this is so. bad, yeah, they're stealing it, there was a bunch of this like the dark one on top and then all, I think all of this, all of the extract in the chicken nugget, yeah, we'll try it and you know, stick, it's the hot sauce.
Better this time my belly is so hot, let me know I got number 10, no, no, don't give me that funny thing, you got a million, I'm not sorry, buddy, crossing out the ten guys like the graph I made, I made this , the writing is done. I did that, I made the map, so this is the Mad Dog midnight special, no more putting in as much as we did, that was too much, yeah, I don't want to die today. I still have pain. This looks like blood, man. I just filtered into this guy, it's melting through the chicken, I try it already second.
Oh Filioque, I'm immune, oh oh, that's a dead end, oh, there's no ticket, it's hot, isn't it? You try to run away from him, but I only know. It catches you close, you grow, oh god, it just follows you, friend, so you need a hug, yes please, because your Kris is not healthy, rape, feel loved. Oh, at least you know you're already loved. Well, honestly, that's what I went through a moment ago. It wasn't fun I don't like to see him suffer he is my brother I love him and I had to go through the pain and I know that's how it is, thank you very much for him I hope first to be delicious ice cream yes Get the ice cream.
I can save it for later when my mouth is warm. If I get another hug. Give him that ice cream when we shoot. Say it's a cup of ice. You know I'm going to save the ice because it could be. getting these six million units is holy, hot sauce, no garbage, man, I could use this, the ice right now. I know, Jay, can you press it against me? art please no six million Oh number three Chris Chris gets the scoop ice cream yes, yes, I wanted the bowl of ice cream to look like a couple of ice, you can eat it now or save it for later.
I'll keep it, why is my mouth? Still burning, but I'm going to save it in case I get a six mile decision. There's Jeffrey Stern. The art of destiny is more like the destiny part. Oh, okay, then we'll go for number nine. Oh, let's go for that one. Jeffrey, yes. Are you ready to hear what you guys expect some nice and cool punishments? Jeffrey has the cup of milk, two delicious cold treats from my mouth if I reach six million, Jeff has two or three punishments, no more punishments. the board just hurts, I only have a 25% chance right now of getting the six million Scoville hot sauce, may the odds be always in your favor.
Oh, number two, number two, number two, yeah, let's hear it 100,000 skulls, might be good 1 million and two. A million things are not good, Rob, so what is good? A nice crunchy bite, it's hot. Mm-hmm, okay, I mean, my mouse is on fire, so, wow, there's nothing like that like the two million, no one, though. Chris, you have it easy this time. It wasn't bad, yes, this about my truth: Goss is hot, which one are you going to use? I'm going to aim for the force five minutes later, you just hit the poor thing, thank you, thank you, yes, yes, number four is next. three 57,000 sorry 357,000 oh, that's almost good, you know, hot sauce, oh, it'll be tasty, it'll be good, oh, let's be a little more conservative here because I won't go through Death Valley again, this kick of lava, this was this I should give it a little kick only it's 400K so I almost see Justin kick one, nothing as bad as why does one do better with my delicious milk and ice?
Wait, why would you do that? There are still six million left, I mean, only one. of them I'm still a good ice oh she's pretty hot why do I need so much there wow that's really high so now my chances don't look good it's a 50/50 percent chance of getting these six million Scoville hot sauce. Jeffrey said that before. We should stay away from Texas, he always gets bad punishments so I think he is wrong. I'm just going to go for a Texas, sorry, Texas number eight, weak sauce, weak sauce, yeah, it's the curse Jeffrey always has to give to bad guys like me.
I was going through Texas but as if it slipped through my finger it went up to eight it's the curse Jeff you have a curse oh I enjoy our dish well we just found this in our refrigerator Chris is soaking it soaking everything I don't know what I'm doing they want to stop her, Dude, oh that's good, mmm, say my taste buds on an adventure guys, we don't know why, how many skull diseases, but it's probably less, like 50,000, it's probably 3-3 Scoville units, so Guys, You know it's nettle black, as you can see, I'm not that worried because I have a chance, no, no, I'll get it, so it's good, I won the prize, I passed my hand, so Chris, I'm using my The shepherd me punish because you know so I'm going to have some milk real quick and then Chris will have these six really let's go home man uh sighs Chris put down your ice cream any spoon if I didn't have my screen now same.
I'd be so worried that this is called the end that it's so much that she won't drop here this is six million Scoville hot sauce chicken we, oh no, my name is Chris, just put something nice on my grave, no, Chris, not even you will receive it.


reaction you put on your tongue, you're taking a bite out of it, come on, that's it, come on, come on, come on, right now, before the season, did you put your tongue directly on it? mm-hmm, buddy, I think I'll be new and hot here. follow my finger it's not as bad as two million maybe maybe this will do it Oh Oh, those too long that were too long oh good ice cream I don't want it yet it's not bad it will still work oh oh I can call this a cyclists, come get your ice cream, yeah, oh no, I can see it in space, dude, it's bad, we're early, it's like you got pepper sprayed, bro, yeah, you actually use this like pepper spray, oh shit, oh, here with me , I owe you more ice cream. than any other ice cream you have your spoon in the grass Oh use this spoon weird no your eyes getting in your eyes you know good, it burns my throat that's how I felt that's types of cones well guys, it's been real, hasn't it been fun for you buddy well hating is even cold holding this ice cream that's not cool he doesn't care about getting better hope you enjoy this video guys click here to watch the previous video we dry it put on the path that youtube recommends . click the middle to subscribe and see you later keep the donut spicy about this I see how it starts

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