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Eating ONLY Military Food for 24 HOURS!! **shocking**

Jun 09, 2021
Well, okay, I want you to guess how long this


can be packaged for three years, good guys, five to ten years, so I'm curious. I'm curious how long this


we have is packaged, I mean. Either way, it tastes good. I'm going to try my protein bar. To be honest, I'm not a big fan of chocolate because it breaks easily, but it's a happy bite. It's a protein bar. Look how weak these bones are, honestly, not bad. I just don't like chocolate in general and I think it's dark chocolate. I'm going to try the fruit.
eating only military food for 24 hours shocking
I think it's apricot. Is it called apricot or apricot or is it a personal preference? Tomato. It's good, awesome. I mean, it's fruit. You can't go wrong with fruit, no. It's good, I'm going to try more of this stuff, chili, now that we've taken a bite of everything, what's your overall rating of your food? Oh, when he puts his hands together, hands together under his chin, junior is a meal. critical, so let's see what he gives to this rating. I'd give it a solid eight oh eight okay, okay, that's good. The vegetable crackers could have a little more flavor. gelatin with beans.
eating only military food for 24 hours shocking

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eating only military food for 24 hours shocking...

It was spicy. It could have been spicier. So minus two points eight out of ten overall that's good I would eat it again I like that for my meal the stew was really good the pretzels were good I personally wasn't a fan of the chocolate bar and the fruit It's fruit, so I think I'm going to go with the same rating as an eight because the chocolate bar took two points off it. I'm saying there's a solid junior eight. Would you eat this again? I definitely would, come on babies, these ladies are really good. Thank you very much for reaching the End of my video, if you really watched it from beginning to end, comment on the word toast and confuse all the people who just skipped the video.
eating only military food for 24 hours shocking
I want to see how many people actually watch my videos. This was a very fun day. I respect everyone. We people in the


who serve our country really respect and appreciate that, but other than that, it's been a rug and I'm out of peace because I know it.
eating only military food for 24 hours shocking

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