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"This SECRET Will DOUBLE Your Learning SPEED!" | Jim Kwik & Lewis Howes

Mar 13, 2024
I started to understand things for the first time. I mean, I would sit in class and actually, because I can't tell you when someone is talking to you and they don't understand you, it doesn't make sense that you're not making the connection. things at that moment you are also concentrating and you are also remembering things. I started reading faster and I started getting better grades and less time and that started to transform my life and the reason I teach




day because it's been two decades is after I had that kind of weight awakening, You can't help but share that greatness with other people and one of my first students, I


never forget her, she is 18 years old, she is a freshman and I teach a


reading program. teach anyone to read two or three times faster with better comprehension, but she struggled for a few days and then the same light switch turned on and she ended up reading 30 books in 30 days.
this secret will double your learning speed jim kwik lewis howes
Wow, yeah, I mean, can you imagine what books you would read? read, if you go to Amazon right now, choose 30 books and you


know that in 30 days you like it, you own that information and you also like those authors. Sure now, what is it? Know. I've always had this is my story. I've always had a It's hard to understand and stay focused on books now, half of it is probably that I'm not interested in the topic or the book or it's not well rented, but what are some things that people can do, you know immediately, to increase


understanding? and just


it up a little so they can stay focused long enough throughout the book.
this secret will double your learning speed jim kwik lewis howes

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this secret will double your learning speed jim kwik lewis howes...

It's amazing what people can do because here it is, this is part of it, it's like motivation plays a big role in the first place, like you mentioned. I like things that interest you, like this girl. I didn't want to ask how she did it, but I want to know why she read 30 books in 30 days and I found out that she paused and she finally told me it's because her mother. She was dying of terminal cancer and they gave her 60 days to live and the book she was reading were books to save her mother's life. Wow, yeah, how's the motivation?
this secret will double your learning speed jim kwik lewis howes
Wow, no, it's hard for me to even talk about it because my memory is so clear of these events and not just because I'm a memory expert, it just takes me back because at the time I was 18, I just wished him luck, I prayed and said: you know, but what do you do? then six months later I get a call from this young woman and she is crying and crying for minutes and I find out they are tears of joy and I find out that her mother not only survives but her mother is really starting to get better, the doctors don't I don't know why or how the doctors really call it a miracle, but her mother attributes it 100 to the great advice she got from her daughter, who learned it from all these books, I mean, wow and that kind of thing, that's why it really I entered my body that you know well that


that if knowledge is power,


is a superpower, that's what I was going to ask you next because I saw it on


website, so can you talk more about the power of learn and not just have? knowledge but being able to learn, yes, why is it a superpower?
this secret will double your learning speed jim kwik lewis howes
I think if there's one skill to master in the 21st century it's the ability to learn quickly, you know what they call it in the military, a forced multiplier, a force multiplier it is. like the input goes in but you get an exponential output, it's like optimism is positive as a force multiplier, sure, you know that, and colin powell said that, and certain things like learning to learn like meta-learning or improving your memory improve everything that improves. your business improves like you know you can remember people's names, you can remember sales presentations, you can remember things about it, people because, for example, it's hard to show someone that the people who are watching this are entrepreneurs, do you?
TRUE? and they run a business. development, you know it's very hard to show someone that you'll care about their business, their future, their family, their health, their fitness, whatever it is you're selling them, if you don't care enough to remember things like his name, his name. you know or something or your son's name or his birthday you know so that's a memory it's a multiplier there are multiplier memories in your relationships you know like relationships just remembering those those moments you know like you know it don't even just remember anniversaries remember get the rubbish that kind of thing, but remember, you know, the first time you and your loved one took that walk, you know what I mean, those kinds of moments that make it all worth it, yes, but it's wonderful for every area , so yeah, I think two of the most expensive words in business, for example, are: I forgot, you know, I forgot to do it, I forgot to bring it, I forgot the meaning, I forgot your name, it's the worst thing you could, you could forget the someone's name and I've seen this over and over again.
It could damage a relationship. It could end with agreements. I've had people call someone by the wrong name and lose several million dollar deals just because of it. I've had people email me and use. a different name on my email, right, and it's frustrating, I'm like you don't, even if you try to contact me and you use Mark because you weren't even paying attention, you weren't there, it goes away. a bad taste in people's mouths you know, I know I'm not perfect. I've forgotten people's names and probably said the wrong name sometimes, so you know what are some things people can do to remember names.
Yeah, okay, so there are three. keys to improve your memory three keys, so if you ever forget something, you forget things, you feel distracted, like the moments of old age come a little earlier, you're in the shower, you can't remember if you washed your hair with shampoo. You know, then you end up doing it twice, you lost your wallet, your phone, your keys or your car, you know, you see people like, where did I park my car? Yes, you know these kinds of things and they also waste a lot of time and take it away from you. you know all the treasures and I'm not just talking about financial tragedies, I'm talking just about the important things that you know in our life, but there are three keys and remember mom, mom, always remember mom, so if you ever forget something, usually one of those three things. you're missing out, so let's take names because when people say I want a better memory, I hear them say, oh, I want to be better at sports, you know, because you're a great athlete, but it's like someone comes, well, What sport specifically do you want to be better at?
Because it's different techniques and different training for different things, so remembering names is different than learning languages, different PIN numbers and access codes and all the different things, everything is different, everything is different, okay. and so there are certain principles that are the same, so the m in mom is this, let's say someone has horrible names, right, but let's say there's a suitcase with a hundred thousand dollars in cash if you remember the name of the next stranger you meet, right? How many people will remember that person's name. I don't remember everyone well, and that's what the m stands for motivation, so it's interesting, suddenly everyone is an expert at memory, but it has nothing to do with their ability or their potential. everyone could do it, it's just whether they decided to do it or not, if they wanted to, that's all, it's almost like it's worth it or the consequences are, you know, that big or they're actually that big if you're going to miss out.
I'm not right, it's motivation exactly because one of the things to learn we know with human motivation because I did this presentation and Bill Gates was there and we're talking about rich people, right? So you know, he did it later. I talked to him and he was talking about the bridge between education and technology and I thought about what's missing in the future of learning and he said, Jim, you know, the key is human motivation, really understanding what motivates people. . I thought, wow, you know. that's really true because you know these people can go out and buy courses, but a lot of people never exactly open them because it has everything to do with drive and reasons, because motivation is like you know what your reason is to make sure what it is. the fuel and I think there is a success formula called h cubed that goes from the head to the heart to the hands, people could visualize, affirm and see things here all the time and think about it, but if they don't act with the hands, you know, do something about it, then usually what's missing is the second age, which is the heart, the emotion, the energy of the movement.
A martial arts instructor told me years ago that you can't drive a parked car. you know you need fuel you know where the energy is that is going to do that and so with people's motor fractures so simple when people remember people's names ask yourself why you want to remember this person's name because reasons always give results I've found that in life reasons they get results because you need a big enough push, why you sure know, like Simon Sinek's book, you know, it starts with why yes, and that's why you want to get that push first, okay, so motivation is an interesting thing, you know, I have people who do this.
Have them just shake your hand like this and I say make a fist and I say put it on your chin and then I do like this and everyone puts it here, but I said chin and this is the difference, the o means observation. And I find that a lot of people blame their memory problems and think it's like a retention problem, but I think it's actually an attention problem. Well, it's a present attention problem, you mean, or it's a big part of it, it's like you know it. Let's say everyone uses a search engine like Google every day, but many people use it 10 times a day.
If I ask you, are you willing to bet your life? You know what colors the letters are because that's an observation, I'm sure you know. there's a difference between looking at something and actually seeing it seeing it there's a difference between listening to something and actually listening you know like leaders like for example um I had this whole escapade with the x-men which was crazy but I had to leave this set because I had to go to a charity event and one of the people who I think are leaders independent of their political leanings and who has an incredible memory is President Clinton.
Every time I've met with President Clinton, he remembers my name, you know what? he does it and how many people he says, hey, how many people does Clinton meet on a regular basis? True, that's a leadership skill, though true. FDR was amazing with the names and he would also walk around the White House and point to people and say. hello to them, you greet your spouse and use by name, I mean that's because you think of the sweetest sound in a person's ears, it's their name inside, so anyway I asked you what memory do you use, don't you use no memory tricks and he tells me this, you know this amazing story, yeah, and then he tells me this amazing story about how you know his grandfather, you know, in Arkansas, he would have all the kids around tell them stories, but then I was wondering if they really needed to do it.
Listen and be present and it's funny because I realized that he is Bill Clinton, regardless of where he sits politically. An incredible communicator. Incredible charisma. An amazing connector. powerful presence and its memory comes from being powerfully present its powerful presence comes from being powerfully present and this is what happens when people network because I know many people who are entrepreneurs, they are social entrepreneurs and millennials and you are going to meet people because in Reality is what you know and who you know, but that's all memory, what you know. I'm glad that people go to a seminar two days later, they will forget everything, yes, of course, eighty percent are specific to get it. but also who you know and who knows you well, but what's the challenge, will they network and how many times do you find yourself talking to someone and then looking over their shoulder.
I hate that, yeah, I hear when people do that, it's like annoying. because you get distracted all the time or if you don't drag externally you are like talking to yourself, what exactly am I going to say next so that people won't even listen to you now? This is key when people are communicating most of the time you find that they're not even really listening to what they're thinking about how they're going to respond oh yeah you know and if you look at the word listen and you mix up the letters it becomes the word silence, no, yeah, it's not so crazy if people would just do that and I'm talking about really fundamental things.
So one of the reasons you know I love your podcast is because some of these basic concepts are the The most important things that move the needle I mean just understanding why you want to remember something and be present and pay attention and Be quiet and really listen. I mean, that's not magic, but it's like going to the gym. We think about the fundamentals that we are. talking about exercise we're talking about sleep we're talking about you know a good diet yeah, that's like That's basically, yeah, the mindset, that's 95 of that, yeah, that's amazing and then,finally, the third m is the mechanics, okay, you know, for mom, so the m is the motivation, the o is the observation and then the final m is the mechanics and these are not the person who is going to fix your car , but these are the tips, the techniques, the tricks, if you want, the strategies on how to learn a language, how to read quickly, how to remember that person's name, how to give a speech without notes, right, but the m and observation of motivation or, then, what is the mechanics?
So, you know, let's say I go to an event and there are 10 people that someone introduced me to and I'm shaking their hand. We've all done this before. It's like hello hello. Hello, what is the mechanics? Remember, I mean, we have all the experience, so the relationship is all about proximity and it's all about who you know well, yeah, and who knows you, yeah, right, and one of the most notable skills I know is walking into a room. . meet 20 strangers and leave saying goodbye to each of them with their names. Can you do that because because who because who they are they're all going to remember when you walk?
That's an outstanding skill and that's what because when you remember people's name they feel like you care because what's the opposite if you forget someone's name how they feel they don't care that you don't care that they're not important and you know this is what I've been uh you know Thinking my whole life because I never felt like I had the book smarts, yeah, but I felt like I cared more than you think, 99 people, yeah, and I feel like that's what It has been able to take me where I want. be showing people how big my heart is instead of how much I know, yeah, and I think that might be the most powerful thing, it's like remembering and just being connected to people instead of telling them what you know, and that's also huge because a lot of people, a lot of traditional networking or business advice would be like, "Oh, you have to know when you're going to tell people all these amazing stories and be really interesting to them.
I think there's a difference between interesting and interested". You know what I mean when you meet someone who's interesting and you talk about it? Oh, I could do this and then be interested too Sincerely interested people love the person when they can share Yes and you listen Yes when you just let people share their story and what excites them and you remember their name, you don't have to say anything and they feel like you're the best person in the world, completely true, yes, the late Stephen Covey, who had the opportunity to have a good time. amount of time and sharing the stage with him has that, you know, seek first to understand and then to be understood.
I mean, that's huge, that's huge, this is what you want to do every time you want to go, you're going to a wedding, you're going to a conference you go to a networking event seven tips you don't even have to use all seven any part of this will be better than nothing okay, okay, I want you to remember be kind, exchange as you are, so I live my life. I know it's you man, so when people come out and look in the mirror at their makeup and their clothes when they say I'm going to be soft, then the b means believe. because you know this better than anyone, you think you can or you think you can't, right, you're right, so this is the thing about beliefs.
What I mean by that is that you want to kill the ants. You know our friend Dr. Daniel. Amen, the great brain doctor talks about killing ants, automatic negative thoughts because here's something like um, you know, with the name like fast, I had to be a runner growing up, you know, I always tell people like jim fast. , fast learning how people learn quickly and they're like fast that's really my last name yeah that's really my last name because with a name like fast your life and your destiny were pretty much planned out I had to be a runner in school I have to be careful when I'm driving because it's the worst name for getting pulled over when you speed up a little faster, yeah, it's like you want to have that in your life since you're not going to talk your way with that ticket, yeah, and I can teach. fast learning, you know, fast reading, fast memory and stuff, are you a distance runner or a sprinter, uh, sprinter, so I was?
I was preparing for a marathon and I was very excited. Of course, I was reading books about it and stuff like that because I read. a book a day and I just have to learn it. I thought, oh, it's like Matrix Scott style and everything I do is like Barnes Noble, I'll pick up a book and then I'll read it, put it back on the shelf and save a lot. of money that way, but I was reading this book about running a marathon and there's a chapter on the psychology of running a marathon and that's what was really interesting, the mindset and it opened up with this paragraph word for word because I'm an expert in memory, said this your The mind is like a super computer and your internal dialogue is the program it will run, so if you tell yourself that you are not good with names, you will not remember the name of the next person you meet because you programmed your computer not to do it. powerful so b for soft b the b means believe believe that you can believe that you can't in any way you're right because this is what I've learned and here's the tweetable if you want is that your mind is always spying on yourself -Speak, your mind is always easy to slip into your internal dialogue, so you have to monitor that, so I encourage everyone to spend a week, do a 30 day fast, no negative thoughts or you have to regroup well, so that's it. b light means exercise and I don't mean physical exercise, although people who are more physically active will always do better on memory and mental acuity tests because anything that is good for the heart is really good for the head, but I I mean practice, because practice makes progress practice makes progress, it always does, so bad news remembering names takes effort.
Good news, not as much as people think, bad news requires effort, but anything that is not valuable in your life, that does not require effort, for sure. right, so there is no magic memory pill, just like there is no magic memory pill, but there is a magic memory process and that's what we're talking about. There is no magic pill for memory. There is a memory process, so the e is exercise, so it takes about 21. to 30 days, you know, we learned in psychology the law of 21 by practicing something for 21 30 days, whether it's learning to type or learning to drive a car or whatever, until you become natural with it, so do you practice and where?
Can you practice everywhere and anytime? You change the channel and they introduce you to people. You meet people all the time. You can practice all the time. Of course, it doesn't take much. Exactly, you can go to the supermarket. and see three strangers and just make up their name that's bob that's sue that's mary and then when you go like in the box and you're at the end yeah and then that's the difference right tony robbins talks about what you practice in private what you are rewarded for in public you know it so that's what you do you practice then that's the e in b so be so b is believing that e is exercise now the smooth thing is the actual mechanics okay so the s in smooth when you' I'm meeting this person for the first time the s is you say the name right, you say the name so hello my name is jim hey louis louis it's nice to meet you, nice to meet you, nice to meet you too, man, yeah it was better my my name was my name would be louis house no that's the video that's my suit um so here so I'll say the name right away and just hearing the name again helps me so now I heard it two times, one for you and one for me. suddenly I'm going to remember it better my retention is going to increase I also want to say it because I want to make sure I get back to mom he or I want to make sure I observed him correctly I'm sure sometimes you're networking A lot of things happen, you meet someone named Ted, you say goodbye from ed, you know it's better to be corrected early on than later, so you say the name, the u and exchange means to use it, you want to use the name, very simple, right?
Use it, don't abuse it, but you know, because Louis, thanks for coming, Lewis, let's talk about Lewis, he's creepy, right, he's like a science salesman, right, he's like sales, exactly, it's about try hard and it's like a Seinfeld episode where, like the close talker. you know, or actually there was an episode of Seinfeld, I haven't thought about this in years, wasn't there an episode of Seinfeld, huh, like a rerun? You may have seen that he was dating someone and was intimate with her, but he actually forgot her name and every time she left you to try to go to her bag and get her driver's license and meet Kramer and try to get him to go out. the name, but here's what rhymed with the female anatomy part and that was the famous one that was the famous episode uh, if you remember people were watching us, remember what that is, so make sure you use it three or four times in conversation, make sure the a means to ask and this is a really important question because what belongs to everyone? favorite topic it's like it's not travel it's not entrepreneurship you don't even know it it's not shopping it's themselves and you ever meet someone and their name is a little different than what you're used to like you've never heard that name before you probably know it 80 of the people you know know louis and jim, they're pretty common names, but sometimes you meet someone called afsal or ridiger or isis or whatever, so you ask about a person's name and what can you ask about a person? name of the person you know you could ask, for example, how is it spelled, what does it mean, what does it mean, what does it mean, who are you named after, related to this person, you know all these questions and you know that, for the most part, everyone receives them. very congratulated because the name and again it is a very sweet sound to the person's ears and think about why, although you like psychology, you know a child what was one of the first words he learned to write his name how much exactly how much love was given when they did well you know all that emotion tied to because I think you know one of the challenges that people have like one of the biggest fears that people have is not being good enough you know we're not good enough and If we're not good enough we won't be loved if we're not going to be loved you know we won't be we'll die or something you know and then, but that name is like our identity, right?
You always want to be able to refer to us, you ask about a person's name and they congratulate them, for example, I was speaking at the largest life insurance company in the country. There were about 100 people in the room. The training director was there and her name was Nankita. Ninkita and I thought, wow, that's a really beautiful name, honestly, right, yeah, and then I thought, you know, you know, what is she like, where is she from?, and I said what does it mean and she paused and looked at all of our co-workers and her. She says it means gracefully falling waters and I was like whoa and I got chills and then you know half the audience was like making these sounds and that made me spontaneously ask do you know how long you've worked here?
You know she was like about four years I was with all these people she said yeah, you know, like a lot of people, my good friends are at my wedding, it's good, how many people in this room knew that that meant her name out of a hundred people, how many people raised their hands zero none none and that was one of my most important clients because it wasn't me as a training director and that brought me to everything, but that name was a link, so it was a sincere interest, so questions about the name of a person. okay and finally the v and the e and soft the v is visualize visualize and this is a really simple memory tip where we tend to remember more what we see than what we hear, right, you go up to someone it's like their face, you know? remember your face but I forgot your name you never go with someone say hey I remember your name but I forgot your face so you remember what you see in fact there is a Chinese proverb that says what I hear I forget what I see I remember and what I do I understand what I hear I forget I heard the name I forgot the name what I see I remember I saw the face I remember the face what I do by going back to exercising and practicing I understand it well and so if you tend to remember what you see, then try to see what you want to remember, like this So here's the trick: you meet someone, you take their name and turn it into an image, so let's say you meet someone named Mike and then for a split second you imagine him grabbing a microphone singing karaoke on the table, You meet someone named Carol and you imagine watching carols sing, you meet someone named Mary and you imagine she's carrying these little lambs that you know and you do this in the privacy of your own mind, right, and people say, well, that's so childish, right?
Who are the fastest learners on the planet? kids kids, how quickly can you learn a musical instrument compared to that, how quickly can you learn languages ​​like that? So the kids who do, who are playful, make fun of them. the names ofpeople, you know, they could, you know, kids could be in therapy for 10 years because their name was maybe funny and they don't even know it, so that's what you want to do, you want to turn someone's name into a image so that the name of the person is david he used a slingshot for david and goliath do you know someone named bob I imagine him fishing for apples just something very seen because here is the thing there is something that I call six second syndrome the six syndrome seconds is that someone tells you their name you have six seconds to do something with it, otherwise it will disappear, it will disappear, that's all, and if you don't practice it daily correctly, you will have to lose it exactly, so here at least you are focusing in the person and in your focus name, so The person's name is John, you could imagine whatever.
Do you remember what you used for me when we met? When we met, so here it is yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, so to each their own. It's really fun because I use OK, so you show up. with an image that works for you, so when we met, I actually use it, it's a slinky and I don't ask why because it doesn't sound like that or anything, but one of my best friends when I was a kid. Lewis was fine and all he did was play with this sneaky like this little toy, this iron man all the time so I just think about him every time I think about it so I saw I just imagine him and remember him now after. you remember the person then the images just disappear but you need something just to hold it for six seconds and then you get it right.
It's using the other part of the reason it works is that the left part of your brain makes logic and words and sounds and we'll talk about this with speed reading which only uses one part of your brain, but your right brain is like pictures, imagination, visualization and emotion that activates more of your brain. People say we use like 10 of our brain's potential, we use our entire brain, but in terms of its potential, you know, but no one shows us how to activate the rest, but part of it is just using your imagination, because imagination It is more powerful than knowledge.
Wow, yes, Einstein said that and that's why you want it becomes an image and finally e and soft mean end and that is to say goodbye again using his name go to a room meet 10 strangers leave say goodbye to each one so that everyone remembers wow, okay, let me see if I can remember this because I was trying to be present but also remember so be gentle uh the b means belief please e exercise exercise practice s is to say it say it uh what is very soft you is use it use the name um a is ask about the name ask about the name b is displayed and e ends okay yeah man yeah I'm picking it up as we go all right and this is what I'm saying when people experience this and practice this.
You'll see a big boost and that's what I love about it and then all of a sudden you have the competition, it boosts your confidence, you show up differently when you're out with other people, yeah, you probably don't have to use all of them, of course, you can just say "I don't want to say it", maybe just say it and visualize it and then voila, yeah, you know, any part is better than most people, which is nothing, because if I say uh, tell me Your name is Jim, I'm not going to say it's an interesting name, right?
Do you know exactly? Tell me more about who exactly called you if you imagine like me doing something funny with my you know, like barbells or whatever like gym magic or whatever, yeah, and if people are motivated, they're asked like They will ask why they want to remember a person's name, as if I ask myself for motivation why I remember this person's name, maybe it is because I want to get some business or I will show respect to this person or maybe I just want to practice these tips that I learned, you know, on this podcast, that's great.
I will have a couple of questions left for this interview and here we are. I'm going to have some additional videos, some more rote tips for people to tell them where to go for the show notes. After this interview, but I want to ask you what are some daily habits or rituals that should sharpen your mind. every day others can apply, okay, so I think this is what happens when it comes to your memory: two thirds of this is for people to be worried because they are getting older, but I can say that you can improve your memory without matter your age. your background your career your nutrition level education your financial situation your gender your health situation your IQ anything that can be improved this is what a third of your memory is predetermined by biology and genetics, but that's so exciting which means two-thirds of the majority of the


is completely under your control, that's great, so the things that move the needle, for example, are like 10 things that I'm thinking of that are going to completely move the needle, of those two thirds, so it's a good diet.
Okay, so a good diet because you are what you eat well and there are certain brain foods that we know are good for your muscles, they are good for your mind. Dr. Amon talked about that too, a lot of you know everything from blueberries to walnuts and everything well, so there's a good diet and number two, killing ants, killing automatic negative thoughts, which is important for a lot of people. People, remember that your mind is always calm and is carried away by your internal dialogue and it is a practice, you want it that way. to be able to eliminate negative talk and you can't just eliminate something, you just have to replace it with something else, exactly, you can't just quit, you have to start doing something else, so, because this is what you want to prevent a lot of People start to take pride in how bad certain things are in their life, they give it a lot of importance, so you guessed it right.
You know, people start to get proud because they are, they are, they are, my memory is so. bad, if I don't write down my shopping lists and triple them, I won't remember it and I'm like, oh, you think you're forgetful, that's how forgetful I am, or this is the bad thing, and people have this thing with busyness too, it's so bad nowadays. everyone has to be busy because that means oh that person must be very important, so we have to stop that cult of being busy, congratulations for being the busiest person, exactly like that, everyone has to do exactly, but if people start To become proud, they start to design their life around being busy and wonder why they are stressed all the time, so automatic negative thoughts kill those ants.
Number three, the good thing you have to do every day is exercise, yes, of course, because you know your body. and your brain is wired and there are actually certain exercises you can do to develop your brain power, for example, juggling is extremely good for your brain. It was demonstrated at Oxford last year. There was a study that said jugglers actually have bigger brains and could actually develop more. white matter, it's also a great tip for speed reading because while you're juggling three balls, your eyes only have two and you can't focus on all three, so you have to soften your gaze and take in more, like peripheral vision and trains . that way so you can take in more words as you read, but it actually generates more white matter as you do.
There are certain exercises and we also teach people. This is a field called educational kinesiology where certain body movements actually help build. your brain power, which is these crossed laterals and these kind of fun things, even something simple like, you know, we're always on the computer all the time, so it's very important to keep your hands and fingers a little bit stretched, but you know that you can you do one twice as fast, literally like this, oh, that's it, you know, something like that, you know or something like that, yeah, or like you're absorbing energy this way, but what if you had to do one forward and one back, but have there been so many? exercises for people like eating with the opposite hand is really good for the brain brushing your teeth with the opposite hand very very good exercise actually strengthens brain power so exercise is really good but I mean just being in Good physical fitness is good for the brain.
It is good to avoid many brain challenges. Well, the fourth thing that people incorporate is brain nutrients because a lot of people don't get them from the soil or maybe from food, so maybe a supplement in certain things. Number five. This is a big one and I know you're big in this positive peer group because you are what you eat, you know it and you are, but you're also who you spend time with of course, so if you want a bigger brain, you want your Your mind must be active and everything must be surrounded by people who challenge you, who support you, who teach you things that encourage you, who are positive because we are the average of five people, as you know, we spend most of the time with a group of so positive colleagues.
It's good for your brain number six, that's good for your brain is a clean environment, they find it and you know it, like when people start cleaning their desk, their external world starts to reflect their internal world and vice versa, like this that a clean environment helps you be more. organized and inside too number seven that's good for your brain in terms of lifestyle what I do every day are things like sleep sleep is so important people that's where you're rebuilding you're rejuvenating restoring but we live there's this whole epidemic of insomnia and people don't get enough sleep and I'm going over this list that people should follow and this is common sense, yes, but it's not common practice, yes, that's the difference, people on the right say there are some areas here where people like you.
I know I'm not spending time with the right people or maybe you know I'm not really getting much sleep or maybe my diet or my negative self-talk, there's one or two things that if you fix them and put energy into them. Your business could just


, yeah, because you're doubling, that's number seven, number eight is brain protection, it's very important to protect your brain because you know people who are prone to accidents or who are doing a lot. sports, you know they're active, you want to make sure you wear helmets and you just know how to do it because your brain is resilient, but you know this controls if you crush it, you're done.
My father 10 years ago was in a car accident and he's still recovering, he's not the same person, yeah, he can't work anymore, you know, he forgets a lot, it's a challenge, and he sees that's why I do what I do. I do, because I never want people to suffer that way. I was fighting every day for 15 years straight, yeah, you know, and just because it reflects on you, you know, when I was in that hospital bed going through all that and then it was so funny like not not funny like in haha, funny , but when this when this young woman who read all 30 books in 30 days and saved her mother's life gave me one of those books within the book it was this photograph and she was using it as a bookmark and it was her mother in the hospital and it reminded me when I was in the hospital, so yeah, take care of your brain, yeah, number nine is new learnings, learn something new every day, never let your head hit the pillow being the same as when I woke up, so listen. to the podcasts listening to the podcast exactly watch your talks you know take care of my course or any new learning because this is what we have learned the most about your brain in the last 20 years in the previous 2000 years and you know it according to science Neurogenesis says that Your brain can create new brain cells even as it ages and neuroplasticity means you can make new brains like plastic, it's so malleable, but just having a new thought creates more connections, which is why Einstein's brain wasn't bigger. than anyone else's. but I had more connections than people than most people in certain areas and those connections come from new learning and that's all learning is connecting something you don't know to something you know and making new connections like that, so I always There are new learnings and always challenges. yourself and that's probably the best thing you can take advantage of and finally number 10, what I try to practice every day is stress management, you know this, so if you want to know what is the biggest obstacle for the brain of the people, stress creates adrenal cortisol in your body it's really good for fight or flight it's not really good if you need to take an exam it's not really good if you need to study you really don't need to read reports and magazines and learn something new or learn a language, sure because that's all going to turn off parts of your brain.
Wow, those are the 10 things I focus on every day. That's what will move the needle more than anything else. It's really powerful information. Thanks for that. We have two questions left, but I want to ask you before those last two questions, tell me about the whole X-Men experience you had.when you trained the entire group of X-Men. Yeah, so we have that photograph that's there with me in the cast and the backstory. which in terms of like a school of greatness talking about school of greatness is this is um um one on one last year one of the ones I had the privilege of going and training the president of 20th Century Fox and his senior staff about 20 people. and uh and when I was walking down the hallway I was lighting up because I saw all these movie posters, you know, because I was a kid again, you know, you know titanic and star wars and aliens and avatar I'm like and I'm going on and I and I'm really cool as I am I like I like to be humble but it was incredible as I mean I have like Everyone doubled their reading speed and drew their attention and all their memory.
Amazing, amazing things as a thank you. The president took me around the studio. It's a closed lot, but show me on film and television sets. He enlightened me like a child. because I'm still so excited and I think I was really cool at the time because I was like a kid that was playful, it was fun, I think that was the stage where you want to learn it anyway as we were walking around the studio that I saw. this movie poster for the upcoming wolverine movie with hugh jackman and i'm a big fan and he said "i can't wait to see that movie" and he said because it was coming out in a few weeks.
He chose I pick up the phone and five minutes later I'm at the Fox Theater with 3D glasses and popcorn. I watch Hugh Jackman take out all these super ninjas and that was amazing and I'm the only one. I'm just thinking this is amazing. I have the control panel here and everything I'm thinking about and then we're done and he picks me up and asks me: what's the movie like? You know, there is such a thing as market research. I thought this was amazing and because I'm still like a seven. years, I go back and tell them, you know, you don't know this, but I grew up with these learning challenges that I don't tell a lot of people and I couldn't read for two years, but I learned to read. reading comics because something about the images and the stories really made sense to me and my favorite comic as a kid was X-Men, in which Wolverine is an X-Men and I thought because the X-Men weren't necessarily the -Men.
The most powerful ones, but they didn't fit in, they were mutants, they were different and I felt like at school I didn't fit in and the highlight I'm telling the CEO and the president was when I was reading this comic. I found out that they had a school for all these x-men and it was in Westchester, New York, and that's where they all trained. You know the school of greatness, if you will, and I grew up in Westchester, New York. Wow, so I told him. him this and this is a true story when I was seven and eight years old on the weekends I was riding my little bike around my neighborhood trying to find that school because I wanted to run away, leave my school, which I didn't like, enjoy because dear because they are different and I'm different and I want to learn my superpowers and what my right superpowers are and what other people's superpowers are and I tell them this like I'm a little kid like I'm eight years old and he says Jim, I didn't know you liked kids. superheroes, do you want to go to Comic-Con?
And I'm like, oh, Comic-Con is the biggest conference in the country, right, and I'm like, oh, when is it? It's like it's happening now. weekend and I was like suddenly I went from 88 eight I went from eight years old to an 88 year old I'm thinking oh I have all these meetings how many times do you get there I don't have clothes I have to wait In the lines there will be traffic to get to San Diego from Los Angels and I just make all these excuses, which is that I think adults come with criticism and we become, you know, crushers of our own dreams sometimes and he looks at me and says.
Jim, do you want to go or not? I am going tomorrow. I was like, "Oh, the president of Fox Studio is going, yeah, I want to go with you, yeah, yeah, so he's picking me up the next morning, Saturday at eight o'clock, and we're not doing it." We drove down, we got on the Fox plane and, um, sweet, yeah, and I get on the plane, you're flying like a superhero, literally, and when I got on the plane, Lewis, there was the whole cast of X-Men on that plane, I'm kidding, no, and like Patrick Stewart and Hugh Jackman, did he tell you that they were going to be in oh and I'm sitting between Halle Berry and Jennifer Lawrence right and and uh you know and I you know I want to put these pictures on Instagram like because I have like half of my photos are like superhero photos and stuff, but it's like and I can't even believe it and we go there and we spend the whole day with the cast at Comic Con, we go back to Los Angeles that night on the plane and he He said: How was your day?
I said, "This is the best day ever." I thought, "Oh my God, this is amazing." He said: Well, I have something else for you. I said, uh, no, what can I do for you? You don't need anything else, you're not going to get through this, he says, well, the cast really loved you, how would you like to go to the set? I was like, what do you mean? It's like we have another month of filming for the new x-men. movie and I said, oh yeah, I really want to do that and he said, well, I said, what can I do for you?
I thought, oh, just share these tips, teach them how to read scripts quickly, memorize their lines, and focus. in oh, I thought, oh yeah, I could do that, so the next morning we're on the fox they called the x-jet and I'm doing it, I'm answering your questions about the brain and brain performance, concentration, memory , reading and I can spend an entire week with them on set, 12 hours a day eating with them, exercising with them and watching my childhood heroes come to life. Oh my gosh, it was like I couldn't even describe it because it was like a seven. -years all the time like I'm sitting here and the director Brian Singer was here the whole time, I was like here and when I get home and this is a class act, I get home and there's a package waiting for me. about how the plasma television and I open it and it's this picture of me and the entire cast of but here's something even better than that: a note from the president and the note said this word for word and it said Jim, thank you so much for sharing your superpowers with us, it said I know you've been looking for your school here's your class photo oh Oh my gosh, that's amazing, I just want to cry, that's great, so just, that's the story, but the lesson there is twofold, I would say it came from being Um, to tap, I think there's a kid like a learning genius within all of us and because I was so authentic, I kind of let it out, that led me to that, so in what areas of our life can we be more playful and more authentic? us, especially when we're, you know, because I don't think age really isn't a chronological age, it's more of an age where you know our mind and our heart, you know, I'm friends with Stan Lee and he's like I live. disney spider-man and I'm in the backseat with Stanley and I ask him who your favorite superhero is and he says you know it's Iron Man.
I say, "Oh, I love Iron Man," of course, and he said, "Who's your favorite?" ? I was like Spider-Man and I said Spider-Man, he says that with great power comes great responsibility, like you know I was like you know the opposite is also true Stan, with great responsibility comes great power, you know that when we take responsibility we have the power. really change things, but Stan has two passions, he's 92 years old, he's 92 years old and he still goes to work here down the street, nine to five Monday through Friday, he loves to tell stories and the other passion is his wife , who is a year older and that.
That's a role model and you find out that he is one of the youngest and oldest people I know at 92 years old and that's what I mean by state of mind so I want to end this interview with two final questions and the first is what are you? grateful for recently what am I most grateful for in your life? What do you mean there is nothing more important to me? My values ​​are love, contribution to growth and adventure. I think the people you spend time with are what makes life worth living, yeah, and then I think.


of life is to grow and give grow because I used to give and give and you and I share some of the same pursuits in terms of how we give, but I find that if we're not growing, then I don't have as much to give and you know there's a lot of people out there who martyred themselves and are always there for everyone, you know they are there for their friends, their family, their clients and their businesses. but they don't take care of themselves so I think that's important so yeah my friends and my family are amazing amazing so the last question is the one I ask all my guests and what is their definition of greatness.
That's a great question. I would define greatness as people becoming the superhero they were meant to be, I call it the superhero, you and a superhero have two things that you have developed and you have discovered your own strengths and everyone has a unique power, you know, a talent unique and a unique gift that no one else has, but not only do they have a superpower, they use their power for some kind of purpose, they use it to be able to save the world and to be able to add value to our community, so I would say: be that superhero , be that superhero.
You're great, Jim, quick, thanks man for coming, thanks, I appreciate it.

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