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Mar 07, 2024
oh I'll tell you I'm really excited today, we're not doing a burger


, we're not doing a breakfast


, we're doing a rib


challenge and I'm pretty sure I've never done a repeat challenge. before the ship enters Surf Fleet, that's where we're going, we're really in the middle of nowhere, here, proposition deduction, tell me,


probably gives us a big ship on the outside,


is the obstacle before us us in today's episode. I didn't manage to find any photos of the actual food, which always fills me with a bit of suspicion, but if you win not


is the food free, you get a framed photo on their champions wall and not a winner's t-shirt, but a polo from the winners custom embroidery I don't have many winners' pieces that fit into a smart casual category.
this rib eating challenge has only been beaten twice beardmeatsfood


place I'm lucky enough to use that is probably a golf course and I don't play golf, but maybe when I retire. I'll take it back, that's what people do when they retire, they play golf, but I still want the shirt, so I hope I can do it. This is what we try, it's a strange thing that once in a while they just don't do it. work oh look that might be useful creepy what's not up the stairs I guess hello I'm the guy I was talking to someone about on Facebook about you have a rib


challenge that was me.
this rib eating challenge has only been beaten twice beardmeatsfood

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this rib eating challenge has only been beaten twice beardmeatsfood...

I mention YouTube videos. I know who you are, oh you know. Just go ahead and take it, no, no, I have to earn it, I have to earn it, okay, this is it, so only two people have done it. Yes two people, I love that they have a framed photo on the wall, not just like a Polaroid, a full framed photo, this is lovely, no more of a pleasure than a crackling fire in a local tavern, the other chef, yes , Alright. Great, yeah, so no, I know who you are, but I want to guarantee you one thing: What I will say is that I probably won't make it up to you to beat you or anything because I've seen people do that.
this rib eating challenge has only been beaten twice beardmeatsfood
In two years I heard you tell someone that you had to ban anyone from trying this because they've failed so many times. Yes, how many times do you think it has


tried? I actually reviewed this the other day in the last three months, try it, yeah, only one of those better ones did it about six months ago. Okay, now we have the young people who come and think I have this and go home crying. I can not believe it. Ban someone, how many times did he try? He was a resident here, he used to because he lived in North Yorkshire, yes, but he was working here, so he stayed here three nights a week for at least a year. once a week and he's like, "I'm going to try it," he tried it five times and then he had this feeling like okay, I'm going to do half the trip, I couldn't do that and then we'd do this, um, we'd grind the rib meat and make the barbecue with a lot of fries, yeah, oh here we go, challenge, please don't drop the fries, look at the glaze, delicious, okay.
this rib eating challenge has only been beaten twice beardmeatsfood
The summit place is called uh the ship Inn in Lord Fleet. I will be, you might like it. The music will play again in I don't know 15 seconds if I hear it on the first take. I'm having a party at the ribs challenge. It doesn't have a fancy name or anything like that. It's the sprinkles bread challenge. about Game of Bones or Apocalypse Now or something like that, you can, you can have those two for free, thank you and how long does it take you to finish 45 minutes, 45 minutes, right, uh, let's get started, you can make this bold talk, yeah, sure you could.
I'm sure you could if I had a pound for every time I heard that, what's up? Everyone, welcome back to another episode where we'll hopefully have a ridiculously good time. Well, it's hot, now there's a surprise, the food is too hot. I could prepare it. a slightly varied food bingo card with common components so you can mark them however you want. Did you say delicious? Yeah, you didn't complain about the fries. Yes, have you ordered the dessert menu? Bingo, you get the idea. I actually left out the ribs. to cool for a good 20 minutes, but to no avail.
I feel like they should serve this on a bigger plate. You know, you don't have much space to work here. I mean I waited 20 minutes but it's still ringing yeah but enough complaining. Look at that polish, it's worth burning off your fingerprints just to get caught in this stuff, you could do this, you think it's cool, the deal is that the deal, ah, that Old Chestnut, I could do it, but subliminally I'm not quite there sure I can do it. Make it so you have to pay for them. I have a bone ball here. It's complicated to eat.
You know there aren't many bones there. You know that almost everything is foreign meat. She has my number there. That's the kind of thing the lady offers. I would say if she was here at the restaurant, I mean, it's not like, I mean, she hasn't left the small world, she's already at home getting ready for a night on the town, so you can see Havoc's cause, just put some garlic bread. under her nose this is delicious this is really delicious my choice to use my fingers was probably a rookie move and delicious you can't really eat ribs with a knife before, right?
That's why they give you the bowl of water with lemon for what came next you finally found a bone which is the first one I've ever seen. I'm starting to think these baby back ribs are old. Yes, they advertised the weight of five pounds of ribs plus the French fries salad and I guess the technical sauce on top. You want to count that and it would be born in weight, so you assume it won't be five pounds of pure meat, but there aren't many bones, so most of the weight is actually me, it's not a sweat, you see. okay yeah 30 minutes left but there's still a minute left it may not seem like it probably because there's a bit of depth to roll out a top down view actually it would have


good here but the ribs were hitting sweet, smoky, tender, juicy, all the things you want on a rack this big oh 50 I've been out like 14 minutes I think I'm finding more bones now I don't know you're supposed to eat ribs yeah, I'm working on it, apparently I'm working on that It was a phrase, it was the only thought of people making fools of themselves on a dance floor or a catwalk or something, but I guess it applies just as well to food.
We are now eating some of the more substantial bones, but they don't require much. cleanliness, which is always a sign that you know that you know that well-cooked and sweaty ribs are not like the sweaty arms that those women on the other side of the road show trying to enjoy their lunch and peace, they will really appreciate that image , Yes you are. turning lazy, we're almost done, although hardly anyone would love a Diet Coke if that's okay, this is harder than it looks when this at the table I was thinking, oh, this will take 10 minutes tops, there's a lot meat here, yes, to be. fair, it's misleading.
I can understand why only two people have done it, as long as it's moist and fizzy. I'm, I'm happy, thank you, let's get this over with now almost almost there, pity in his eyes, someone looking at a little boy trying to tie up. his shoes for the first time oh, they have a dessert menu. I need something sweet after this. I'm sure they will. What kind of self-respecting Riverside gas field club wouldn't have a dessert menu? I need something fruity. It's taking me forever. more than I thought yes you can watch that again but after 23 minutes we're almost there normally if you win they print a personalized winning t-shirt with your name on it but I'll try to hang the display model by the bar if I hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you next Vicky ring the bell oh a bell rings thank you thank you oh that wasn't a joke the most important question I would ask you Do you have a dessert menu? oh, you brought it, thank you very much, oh, it's just my rhubarb crumble, thank you very much, mmm, 25 a day there too.
What size is it? I think it's a medium XL, oh it's a medium, yeah, perfect, I have to take it now, it's supposed to. leave Mrs. Beard for a night out in about 90 minutes. I'm sure the problem should know it was worth it if I go in the middle or whatever. Yes, absolutely, can you touch me?

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