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This Is The Hardest No Hit Run EVER! - 7 Souls Games 0 Hits Taken

May 05, 2024
all these things, but we actually bought them all so that he gives us


goodbye ring. I shouldn't win, yeah, these routes, these routes that I'm doing are honestly really good multiplay routes. I wouldn't necessarily suggest them for people doing single


, but for multi-


. I think it pays to be safer on some of these things and, yeah, it seemed like it was less than 10 proper tries, that's what it seemed like, but I'm actually not 100 sure what's as wild as anyone. run that fast dude on your first headless race but yeah of course witchcraft Elden Rings it's a different kind of race than a DS3 any percentage or something especially when all the strategies I found were basically staggered by God, uh, us.
this is the hardest no hit run ever   7 souls games 0 hits taken
Everything Near Vape definitely counts its head yeah so yeah


is actually the second time I'm on the fourth game or at least it's the second time I haven't beaten KIRO from Bloodborne in DS1 all in one run about the skulls, right, I'm just going to need to make sure this would be really bad if I didn't ask. I thought I usually get 30, maybe 33, here is correct. I could use my fire resin here, I like the extra fire resin. I have, I guess I'll do it. I'm not even sure if I would save a single hit, but foreigners have to do this.
this is the hardest no hit run ever   7 souls games 0 hits taken

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this is the hardest no hit run ever 7 souls games 0 hits taken...

If I did it just to run a DS3 I would n


kill the giant, but we do it with this again. safety, yes, death by manicure, friend. Welcome to Dark Souls where you can stick something in your foot for an hour and it dies, okay here we go if I go. For this I have to be careful with the guys in the back because they want to attack this, so for the God Run 3 it I do this way safer than I normally would, where I wait for each Deacon to return to the crowd before leaving. for another kill, the reason is that the way you hit this boss is by throwing a skull and going for the kill, where you know there is a deacon who is very far away and he doesn't actually go after the skull because the range is not Actually the pie mines are good, yes they are decent here, but the problem is that it kills a lot of them and you don't really want to kill a lot of them.
this is the hardest no hit run ever   7 souls games 0 hits taken
Consider making a pyromancy route for God Run 3 for DS3 as just as good and they are much more efficient so I think I can do this so there are two dead let's wait for two to channel again there is one so Let's wait for this last guy to channel, you may appear in the back. side oh there it is and I did the master run which is level one plus zero and G plus seven this fight is amazing it's so painful it's crazy dude you know with the build up you can get you really don't have enough damage. to just kill the little deacons, basically the strategies were just poison Mist through the wall and then you had to do it like five times or something and you start phase two.
this is the hardest no hit run ever   7 souls games 0 hits taken
I think that guy is back in the crowd, so we'll take them halfway. up and then we'll kill the last one, yeah this is one of those fights where


yone is always surprised with no


so honestly it's one of the least consistent bosses but after seeing it once it's like oh that It makes sense, foreign guy. of Dove directly towards the crowd while I, as I wanted, ran towards him. You actually shouldn't have done an R1 there because he could have gotten stabbed in the back, which wouldn't have been ideal because then you'd want to stab him in the back. kill the guy and then trade The Ore, but you're still stuck in that animation, so yeah, I definitely shouldn't have done R1 there, but I didn't, at least I didn't get stabbed in the back, so it's okay, foreigner , get this bonfire.
Let's see, yes, when I enter the dungeon here passing by these enemies, I am already low on health and therefore they would need to drain me for a long time to start generating my actual HP, but with this route I am getting Over here they just don't drain you. , so I might be the only one who doesn't hit, run and hit the jailer, but I think it makes more sense. Foreigner, foreigner. I'll take, yes, Reichardt, Reichardt is better. than jorm as a cinematic fight and a fight with gimmick weapons, but in all other categories i think yorm is probably better now, it's not if you think you deal 50 damage to yorm then you don't know how the fight goes, like there's a totally viable fight in some cases is even faster than the storm, really true, if I had a twin sword plus nine, the fight I just had there would actually be slower than a twin sword plus nine fight and it's not because the twin swords are super broken or something. they just designed them in a way that you can deal a ton of damage without needing the storm rule if you know what you're doing yeah for people who don't know how Yorn works though without the storm roller basically both of them arms are like weak points and his head is also a weak point and if you are fighting hand to hand then you should concentrate on his weapon arm like the worm on the arm in which he holds the weapon and if you hit him by I think it is around for 1100 damage, then he will be stunned, kneel, and then his head will be exposed, which you can repost, but you can also do this depending on the weapon for potentially even five


with a fast weapon before reposting. him and then you know, usually those combos, if you're talking about twin swords with a decent build, you can easily deal 16,000 damage to his head.
I think they probably wanted to make it actually, you know, simpler than they would have liked, probably because they thought some people were just going to fight him and not take the gun and they didn't want to be bombarded for hours after not finding the weapon in some way, which produced a huge point of resistance, so a thousand of us will be perfect. Awesome is definitely not necessary here, but we have plenty of extras anyway. Dark Souls foreign night, right there, the Knight teleported in an elevator, yes that will happen in a decent amount of time if you just run past them with him, angry, but we have sleeping dragon crest of course, or you can just cast a ghost, okay, foreign bodies actually have to be possibly a better version of a hidden body because you know you have something more equivalent when you enter the tower in Altis.
I'm sure they remember the name, but they also have the Assassin's Gambit, which is a war ash that makes them invisible but also gives them the silencing effect, so it's like a hidden body. Plus, sleeping in one is pretty cool, dude, yeah, unseen, yeah. I always forget that the name Dark Souls 3 is definitely not the most unpleasant in the years that that honor goes to Bloodborne and there's no way I can convince myself otherwise because I want to turn the tables on this specific enemy here. if you don't then it's not really good, getting your head wet is fine but I guess it might be fine if you're not asking for any hits if you somehow have problems with your hands because that's what wax does.
Not getting hit by those damn hands I guess that could be okay. I remember when I did it. Now all the achievements are available and there are many collections that I had to make in the archives. I'm pretty sure I like it. I had to do it, no. getting hit, uh, yeah, just running around that area like this, although there's no reason the wax head would be fun if this game had the same hidden body as Demon Souls, where you couldn't recast it while it's active, many of these strategies would not. It will be possible in the same way, yes, the Assassin game, but you can also upgrade it and it also lasts much longer.
A hidden body, I think it lasts about 15 seconds, maybe so. Gambit lasts about 30. Thanks, foreigner. Yes, with this cheese this fight. it becomes probably the


percentage to be like a total joke like that, which is why everyone chooses them. It would actually be interesting to see consistency in DS3 for the multi-game Runners, if that cheese didn't exist I probably would. being significantly lower, I imagine that for me it would still be the same direction, friend, that I fought against the princes for, as if I had fought against them a lot. This is the first race where I really started making that cheese.
I guess I've done other cheeses in the past, depending on the race, but most of the time I spend fighting princes is fighting them directly, so it would be the same for me, yeah, DS3 is really unpleasant now because you're like princess and then Cinder as two final bosses okay alien here we go yeah 121 is average on this route because of how slow we deacons do well so the thing that scares me the most about DS2 is probably the beginning yeah I switched to the controller settings for this game because this game actually has a dedicated auto-spread button which is really cool, honestly I haven't used Auto mi like the makeshift Auto Sprint in the other games because when we're in a race Really, I think the risk is too high.
You know I accidentally leave it on for a boss fight and then try to roll but die because I have my Sprint on. You can tell how many times I play this game by how fast character creation goes. It's true, as if you wanted to. to make a complicated character then you'd probably want a macro curse on you enough of this. I forgot I was actually supposed to do this first. We started this class because it has the greatest agility. Agility is what controls your iframes in this game so we'd like a decent amount if you're good you don't need it obviously when you're doing SL1 you just have to be good at this game which is much harder than the others Souls. games okay this little run segment scares me oh my gosh yeah look this Stratocaster really just outlines me dude I have to do it because since we're in Vanilla the way this ladder works is different and we need to make sure they don't chase us here so I can take my time and make sure this guy doesn't attack himself.
Yeah, one of the negatives of running a basic DS2, so we had a situation with this guy last time, so I'm going to rest before I go get the ax and again, this is another example of a segment like this one that's not scary when you only know how to play this game, but when you know that five hours after running you have to do it. doing this again is a little scary obviously it's not safe at all and I actually lost a race while doing all the achievements I couldn't get into this game in game or not not in game in uh NG plus two like the final NG cycle, I lost a race because That's not because it's fast, but because the old Stratocaster is just trying to be foreign.
This fight is usually scripted, but I ruined the opening. Thank you. Foreign people wonder about that exploding wall like me. Just the reason I don't count it as a hit. using a shortcut and I see it as self-inflicted damage, right, that's what I see, yes, you could see it as environmental, but I see it more as a self-inflicted hit, but in the event that an enemy explodes. a barrel and then I was hit by that barrel. I would count it as a hit, reset it, that never happens, but it's just yeah, I guess I just follow the rules that I think make the most sense for a no hit.
I run and I don't think some of the Atlas team reels make perfect sense or I just don't agree with them or whatever so I just do what I want is like using it's like using supaku and Elden ring is the way I do it. I see okay using an ash of consciousness that causes you to take a blow as if it were clearly a blow, just self-inflicted, they usually don't count, at least I wouldn't count them, so I see that kind of this as something similar, yeah, obviously. uh under a no damage run that would count because we're taking damage the no damage run rulesets are much more intuitive because you're literally doing what the title of the run says you're doing a no damage run but what a success . actually means it's not very obvious sometimes right yeah no there's no damage it's all damage if you take a single instance of damage and then it overflows no matter what it comes from there are still some considerations though there are certain upgrades that can lower your HP in strange ways true, yashi is a good example of the sugar yashi in sakuro, but it doesn't actually deal damage, but unknown damage is executed, yashi is not allowed, which I agree with to be honest, because it is decreasing your health abroad, yes.
The reason we kill her, yes, is because she invades you later in the undead crypt, if you don't, and that's why we kill her so she won't be foreign, foreign, foreign, thank you. I still think it's not a comment because there's no face camera, yeah I guess. that's true I'm just paying attention to the game which can be hard to do sometimes honestly it can be hard not to race while it's streaming it's so easy when you run these games to just not pay attention to thingsand you know in some of the games I can get away with it, but in others I really can't.
This is part of the reason we played the original version of DS2 and it's also because you immediately get the key to enter this DLC from the beginning of the game and you don't have to let it go to find it in the world or Kill The Gulch Giants to this. It's so funny man, when I started I couldn't run DS2. I can't even imagine that a no-hitter run in the Souls game is easier than this, but now that I'm getting back into it after quite a while without doing DS2 runs, I look at all the strategies and compare them to Demon Souls and Dark Souls. 1 and Elden sounds and stuff, it's just wow, this race is a lot harder than I was giving it credit for in the past, there's all these really specific strategies we're doing here, very precise execution, yeah, we get into DLC, although we have Flynn's Ring, which is one of the most damaging rings in the game, and then we also have a bonfire setup.
I'll be on little frog boy, let me kill you, yeah, I guess it's just that I did what I did. so many races on DS2 I don't know, a little bit less I guess I just forgot, this is definitely a little tricky I think, especially using this route, a lot of the older runners they go with, you know, older runners. and they run like scholar, they follow the route that takes them through uh seldora and then they don't get, they don't get Flynn's ring, but then they would get a rapier plus 10 and what kind of offsets was I flying, dude.
It wasn't actually that scary, but it is because I mishandled my stamina and he was able to catch up. Honestly, he's in a good place, but let's wait for him to move, honey, he's going in the wrong direction, was the academic version of that. game of this game that in I don't know I don't feature the attractive trees so you can't do that in this version the trees make noise but they just don't I don't think they'll do anything honestly trying it for Vermont the difficulty is so overrated dude it's just that people like to go through all the areas in the game like they do in DS1 or something, and yes if you try to go through the area it sucks again, but just go through methodically, it's also one of the most easy to run in the game, dude, yeah, I guess specifically with range, but you don't even need range, dude, if you just know what you're doing. doing foreign foreign bro, okay, that slam attack has tricky range, so you know, I don't like to cut it close if I think I'm just getting over it, I'd rather just roll.
I think on rtsr it's honestly not worth trying to set it up again, probably the worst of the rotten ones is not having red tears, not setting it up, yeah it's because on this one we use the shiny bug so it reduces some. of the NG scale plus three and on that one we didn't use a shiny bug so it's relatively the most tanky and then I missed the rtsr so it's okay in this game I think I had to kill 20 rotters on that route , Yeah. Basically what we are killing the rotten is to prevent you from having to do all the old


It's basically the fastest way to cultivate soul memory so we can go through the Shrine of Winter and yeah. I'm pretty sure I had to kill like 20, at least 20 rotters on that rung because the million soul memory requirement increases on NG cycles. I think it increases by a million every time or something, if I'm not mis


. all the Soul memory you get has to be in that NG The Shrine of Winter for it to actually open, so it was like you knew it was for the first NG cycle and then the next NG cycle was like eight and the last It was like 10, I don't remember exactly, but there are a lot of rotten guys, here we reach 99 agility, yes, personally, I go with a pretty low agility throughout this race if you wanted to be safer, if you wanted to do this route and be safer.
You'll probably just sacrifice a bit of resistance to make more iframes disappear, so I'll improve it soon to be on the safe side. I don't remember if I'm supposed to be pretty sure I'm not okay. One of the negative aspects of running vanilla is Now, should we do this correctly? Oh, what a big mistake. I just wasn't sure why I tried to rush to make sure I got the headshot. Yes, fortunately, Knight didn't hide in the corner, which he sometimes did. What happens when you miss that foreign shot like that RNG, boss, it's the bus, the RNG is scarier in this game.
I probably immediately think of Throne Duo and guess that probably the path to Giant Lord is honestly very sketchy, so those two are probably fine, foreigner. Be honest, well, this game has a lot of positional dodging. You know, if you're looking at someone who has thousands of hours in the game, it's probably going to look easy, not that that particular strep is super hard to execute, but it's like a specific Stratocaster that we make, it's not just his move set. normal. I get those comments all the time on YouTube videos, it's like, oh yeah, I watch you kill this boss and it's like, man, this looks so easy and then they do it themselves and it's like what just happened, dude. , a lot of people also say that the game seems to be in slow motion when they watch it, which makes sense to be fair, yes the ship doesn't say damage and the funny thing is that I do too.
I haven't even updated it, it's not that it's more zero, it's that we picked up, we picked up this pre-updated arc in the first DLC, so that's another benefit of doing the Shelva route. He's got a longbow plus seven, that's what I am. Saying these areas are crazy, if you come here with the right idea and just go methodical, it's just trivial to get through these guys, as long as you don't try to shoot every enemy like in every other Souls game you can. Yes, Rapier is good in DS2 because he attacks quickly and also has a counterattack rating of 140.
Did you know that previous Souls games are all about counterattacks? Many weapons have very good counterattack, so it's not just the Rapier, there are many. of other weapons that could do the same thing there, but we don't actually use rape for the rest of this run, although we use one or the weapon we just got. You see 150 bucks is something speedrunners do. a lot, but honestly I haven't seen many unsuccessful runners doing this type of route where you switch from the Rapier, but it makes sense because now we're only in plus four on the Rapier and you know you can't update the key which, besides, you are the key definitely does a lot more damage than the Rapier, it's bad to use the Rapier for the rest of the run, it just gets better, yeah some of the gray Lancers are at 160.
Which I guess I don't. I don't know for sure, but probably what 160 means is that it's the damage multiplier on counterattacks, although I'm not 100 sure about that. Go too far here Ed wait for the D to grow and that's why I killed Lysia earlier in the race because she invades around here and if you ruined this Stratocaster like I just did unless he's chasing you then that is a serious problem, you couldn't just sit here and wait until we kill this guy and spawn the Wizards, this is another section that is significantly worse than the vanilla scholar, you just run past the boss here and just grab the campfire and That's it, vanilla, there are a million enemies here, foreign spear.
I really like the segment of DS2 where you go from, you know, I drank the leg the whole Road to Valstadt because when you think about it, I use the same rtsr setup all the time like it's the same damage I took from the hammer when we went in first time in the drag leg entry, we take it all the way, it's always nice. when you know there's not a big pause in the segments of a race, like you're constantly rushing through things, oh my gosh, dude, I basically talked about that right there, in fact, I framed his uh, his flight there because he has a hitbox. when he flies into the wall, so I actually frame that kind of attack, that's crazy.
I've never done that before, that's what it was, yeah, I said I'd talk about it because earlier we were talking about the fights where it's like the scariest RNG and yeah, Guardian Dragon, you know, it could be trivial or it could be so yeah this is an area that if you're doing speedruns this area is better in vanilla but if there's no hit it's probably worse because we only have to kill a lot more enemies here you normally would in a scholar , you only have to kill two enemies, but here we have to kill like everyone.
One thing that's good about this area is that it's like bs2's relaxing area without hitting, since you're like you know there's not much danger here, you just shoot everyone getting ready for the final three bosses project, it's all over here , I guess so, but when you think about it again, we're in six hours. in this run it's about 10 hours, so we're still a little over halfway through, even though it may seem like, yeah, we're on the fifth game and, you know, all this cool stuff, we still have a significant amount of time left in this. run so magical for these Giants, that's exactly what scares me so much about this area, man, exactly what he did, he did well, even though it wasn't that good, yeah, that's scary, man, because the problem with when he did it does is if it doesn't.
I don't hide like I do it weirdly with the explosion thing, so like you can get killed, you know, you just try to run away and then, well, you're not going anywhere because this thing is coming at you, yeah, luckily. The timing worked out fine, but I actually intended to go back there and test the strategies for that section. I guess I never did it because yeah, that every run I've done in that section has been just terrifying, yeah, not my cleanest DS2 run. At this point you guys like it, I think I might like the game S2 or better, there have been at least two times where I could have easily died so far, obviously we still have the


boss plus another boss a bit complicated that ended in foreign foreign.
Foreign G when Chandra just runs straight at me, a lot of runners don't like it like just taking her out of the arc, but I definitely prefer the faster RNG like that, here we go, hey, that was definitely one of my most worn DS2's probably once, but he couldn't do it now. Demon Souls is definitely the outlier game for me as the final four because, you know, ES3 DS2 and other rings, I have thousands of hours on each of them, but Demon. Souls I don't have that many, so we'll see, uh, we'll see what happens here, yeah, I think so.
I'm probably like 160 hours into Demon Souls at this point, yeah, so this is the longest run in the divine run. for us it's an hour, it's about an hour and 50 minutes, oh okay here we go, we'll just wait until this guy kills everyone. I guess having two spices is normal now, but it doesn't seem like much. I guess thanks, oops! I'm going to come back here, it doesn't look scary, but it's another one of those cases like the deacon boss where, oh man, this boss is so easy except there are a hundred projectiles flying around the room and it makes it a little sketchy. pretty well played i hit most of my firebombs there overseas we got seven of these and then the elixir demands repentance okay this is where i lost races before it was because i was using a bad strap but then i just roll there, what the hell?
I'm going to be patient on this part, wait for the guy to cross here. I really want to mess with them, probably for anything in Demon Souls. I'm the most afraid of this in the boss fight, luckily it's pure execution, like if anything goes wrong it'll be yours. It's your fault, but you know it's not the simplest run, okay, we're not going to lie when I actually get the god Run 3, man, it's going to be so boring, it's going to be such a boring YouTube video, whether it's right now or you know in the future it's just because when we get to this point in the race I'm just concentrating like I'm not really talking, that's just not necessarily the best content, but that's okay oh my god thank you oh yeah London. special friend, that's basically what this area is, we run around sending everyone, okay, we're past Fool's Idol, we're at 29.
Oh, I must have forgotten to blow up some


or something, there's no way that's okay 29 or 30 years old, but we are supposed to achieve magical sharpness, deep ring, thank you, foreigner, now this career section is also a little scary. 20 and 32. Alright, here we go, thank you, thank you, before we do anything, let's make sure they pass me the poison, I learned it and we have enough. magic to handle it I think we have everything Jesus dude I look away for a second and then this guy lunges at me we're going to be oops I'm going to be doing a strategy up here that I haven't done Many times we use the solar grid to the Garg here is hopefully a good hit because I've only done it three times and it worked perfectly every time, but free isn't many times for something strange that crashes, but we have the slow running rats.
I'm sure there is a faster way

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