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Bloodborne: Worlds First All Bosses+DLC 0 Hit Run

Jun 07, 2021
that's cool, it actually looks like a face but it's also a fish from far away it looks like a head like a fish person but it's also like a fish at the same time, uh, which is scarier at the end of a hitless career in your experience, Cinder's soul or these two


, uh, this race is much scarier, this race has to be so specific that you don't have to do very different things, like you can have the same time and execution, but the location of your attack or where you're standing, like literal steps, could ruin an entire race, like I got hit in the other race because I scraped the guy's kneecap for half a second, so basically you have to be very precise. whereas in DS3 there's wiggle room for little mistakes like that, you don't have to be identical with things all the time or within this very tight margin of error, you know it's like you really have to be really specific.
bloodborne worlds first all bosses dlc 0 hit run
This race and that makes it worse because it feels a lot harder when you fail, like it feels harder, but I think that's actually a good thing because then you realize I need to be perfect, whereas in DS3 you probably could. you get lazy because of a mistake and you don't do it, you don't put as much effort into making it again, maybe but you really feel the mistakes in this a lot more, um, I think there have been more people than me who have said that, even the people Speedrun will say that you can feel failure a lot more, it will kick your ass a lot more that way.
bloodborne worlds first all bosses dlc 0 hit run

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bloodborne worlds first all bosses dlc 0 hit run...

Okay, the winner of the character giveaway is on Trend. I hope you get over BSB, man. I hope your BSB training went well and we can do well. You know, I want to make a new character, but I don't. Let's go with Pepe. I guess we'll do Pepe. Stay. Also, yeah, man, if you want to talk, maybe tonight we could do it tonight or another day, me and I, and she already talked a little bit, but we have an idea, we have a rough plan, so if you want to participate in that . conversation then we can figure it out yeah buddy welcome back you're just going to say punish BSB for you.
bloodborne worlds first all bosses dlc 0 hit run
I'll do my best, but you have to give me the powers, man, you've got all that knowledge stored there. That recent success, all signed and sealed. When I complete this race, will this be my greatest achievement? It will be my greatest achievement, it will be my favorite career, but I don't know if that depends, that is subjective for the person. that's looking at it, some people maybe don't even think this matters, like you know there are people that do sprint races that maybe don't even care about this race, there are people that don't do challenges that might be like, wow !, this is really difficult and then there are people who also do this race to understand that it is more fun to play as Faraz, I can even admit that this race is more fun than DS3, but it is a different type of challenge so I don't know how you can compare them so much.
bloodborne worlds first all bosses dlc 0 hit run
I feel like this is so much worse, like I said if you make a mistake it can be so subtle compared to DS3. DS3 is more like your reaction time is bad, but this doesn't even factor into that trying other things. Also, there isn't much particular setup or execution that has to be specific to many things in DS3, it's more like you have all the space in the world to do whatever you want all the time, there's no time pressure or anything like that. I just have to be very, very, very good, I mean some things like halflight, obviously, there is a very particular execution, uh, halflight is more like a blood fight, uh, there is a type of fight like maybe like princes hell where you can get a quick fight. kill them if you have everything in place if you've done it right but if you don't it's not like the race ends like there's nothing you can deal with instantly like it's not the presence of the moon where you screw up a part of the setup and any of those mistakes you can make messing up the build will inevitably end the race, it doesn't matter if you're good at the whole fight, on the third path you're screwed if you don't kill him right away. at 30%, so things like that, like Amelia, you only have one try that you can't go back to on a second try, even if you could hunt down Mark, you can't do this and kill the same way, so it's very particular, It's very Specific, I will feel better with it than the DS3, but I think I think I will like it a little more, but that's up to you, if you think it's easier than the DS3, maybe it's just because of what you've seen . and that's perfectly fine, I like challenges more than speedruns, especially if speedruns use glitches, yeah, I think there's a misconception, like some of the best speedruns, that have glitches and stuff like that, are actually harder to make you play.
I play normally and people would think it's cheating because it saves a lot of time, but it's not as expected, but a lot of the settings for uh run like even other games, not just Souls, but especially the old school stuff like if they were very difficult to achieve. out, it takes years of practice to be that fast it's not even something as easy as uh like um you know, any kind of challenge is very different it's like a legitimate job like just learning those things like or like um, the career that Hop are trying to learn is legit, you should have a certification to run that game efficiently and within the world record.
Pacing is like a talent that's not just being good, it's like there's so much information there, it's like a 5 hour race, so many almost perfect tricks that you have to do, you know, and then also deal with failure, hack , thanks for the good luck, by the way, sweat, no, wait, what are we saying? I won't cough. Let the races be Dandy. today good luck have fun IU I2 times two hello my shoe how's it going nephew what's up man you see me look at me killing these crows right now buddy that's for you man how long is it gonna be short VB, yes, haven't you?
I haven't been here for that long. Why are you trying? Obviously, if you haven't followed me for 2 years. There's no point in even talking in the chat. There is a minimum time you must follow before you can say something. That doesn't matter, even if you are, you become a pretty instrumental part of this operation. You are very, very, very Val in this master plan to take over the universe. AK, welcome back, grar, what's going on, how are you? hello in PO poten potenuse what's up considering this game versus Dark Souls? What do you think? Whatever you think is hotter, man, you want more hours of gameplay and variety.
Go to Souls if you want, you like the concept of it and you think that. that's more valuable than having more playtime and variety, so choose this, you definitely have access to both. I guess technically price could be important too. I think it's actually cheaper than DS3, so if you're comparing. this vs DS3 this is actually less expensive might be a better deal oh you're secretly going to take over my channel. I think everyone here is trying to take over my channel in their own way, they just don't want to say anything about it. I think everyone is trying to take over there, what is that Sweet Blood smell?
Oh, I think that's enough to make a man sick. Hector, what's wrong? Do you think you should relax with some blood today? having a good day Hector welcome too day trip I'm back I missed your broadcast for a few days it feels like years Cosmo, you were here two days ago, right? Thanks for the snippets, man, I think you were here. Like two days ago, I want to make this channel about milk bags, that's your ultimate plan. St is also trying to implement his milk bag strategies here to make everyone aware of milk bags to fuel his business elsewhere and profit from it. in other shenanigans instead of just the channel he doesn't want to take over the channel he wants to control it he wants to control it subliminally the power of milk uh Resolute Merk I haven't seen you in forever man welcome back.
You've done pretty well, how are you? What's life like and things and stuff? Hot sauce is just as difficult as DS3. I would say yes. I would definitely say that, especially if you're super new. You probably won't buy much if you're really good with souls in general, but it's very different and the differences I think make it harder to get started. I miss you Tanny, welcome back, how are you doing? It's been a long time since you saw me fight Gascoin. It's so exciting, so explosively intense, though really. That was a very good fight with Gascoin, although we saved two molotovs, it's pretty perfect, there's no bad RNG, um, it was very nice, Solid Snake, what's up, wait every time someone says rip with a question mark and I don't think they're directing. to someone else I think we failed and I always check OBS and then say, oh yeah, OBS Studio probably wouldn't tell me if that were the case unless it wasn't encoded at all, but still B.
May, thanks. For the 250 bits, man, thank you, thank you very much for leaving your Bitties, man, I'll take good care of them. I'll make sure to lock up all the cyanide and barbed wire. I'll make sure to take care of Bitties, man, while you're, while you're busy, don't worry, don't worry, man, uh, thanks a lot, how's your day going? Maya knocks, welcome back every time I see that gesture. I listen to the Stein. skate theme song every time uh burn what's up how's it going Danny boy I'm pretty good how are you? I've been really busy uh things are starting to calm down so you're trying to get back you're going to go back around and visit some streams again.
I can understand that it is very kind of you to choose me. I'm glad to be on your list. I'm on the good list for now, at least I hope to always have that luck, okay? I'm going to try to get it, oh, hello, not today, My Zaki, not today, see you later. I love how that dog has been talking to me on such a high frequency and I'm not doing anything wrong, it's like it's such an unlikely thing to happen like that. Many times of all the attempts we've had on that staircase, let's say the last 10 times, more than half of them, one of the two dogs instantly went around the stairs.
I love it, I love it, it's very unfortunate and no. It doesn't happen for that many races, dozens of races in a row and then it starts happening like half the time and then it probably won't happen again for a while, but something else will start to feel strange, you know, like the Miaki dogs are chasing me. Pushing milk bags with a stick is not illegal, you can't get in trouble with that, won't the milk police come after you? My game is already two strokes PB, you're so fast it was like 4. Days ago, I think the 2pb was a while ago, at this point it's sitting still, it's going to get to the point where people are going, "Well, Hurry up and run now because there are three, there is a three-way demographic on average.” I mean, maybe there are little outliers in the middle, but there's a three-way demographic.
Or you're super impressed by how quickly executions happen. You're happy no matter what because you're just supporting the content in the middle ground and then like the top tier, the upper echelon will say, the super super critics will say, wow, you haven't done this race yet, expecting it to be done in 24 hours. , anyone can do it, so everyone here for the most part falls into one of those three and I think the people who are super surprised probably had missed some of the races, probably had missed, like certain days I was live, they don't feel the duration of how I've been really looking forward to this for a long time, but if it continues, let's say another week passes and we still have two hits like PB, we've probably gotten too close in the process or I'm playing very badly.
They pass. a couple more weeks and it's still the same case. I'd be happy with a one right now, but after a while it'll be a one zero and now that we haven't released the DLC twice, I think it's time to give it a try. go for zero um or at least you know if I get one I'll be happy but I'm really trying to get some good DLC in this run because there are some notices of notable improvements yeah I think they were like 4 a few days ago I'm wondering if Miyazaki really has a dog maybe it would give him some perspective maybe he has one.
Don't know. I always picture Miyazaki as someone who has one of those uh, those little cats with weird faces like that. L has like he had one of those weird cats and he would be on his shoulder and he would pet him while he was on his desk, then he would walk over and press the big red button and he would restart the races. and its gigantic display of many screens appeared uh chungus welcome back what's up where do you find it easier to hit the


or the levels between them um at this point I think it's more likely uh it's always been the case where I think for Anyone is more likely to get hit in the movement sections, there are more variables just where there are more variables, more chances for something to go wrong, so I wouldn't be surprised if I got hit with a boss, but it's much more likely to get hit on a boss. hit one of these things right here, your grandma would do this race in two hours, SMH family, okay, they just roasted me, oh man, the Scottish Fold cats, yeah, I.
I don't remember their names in particular, maybe that is what they are, um, but they have facesIt will always be the same unless it's some kind of weird science experiment with a bunch of creepy things, like that orange ball that will remain. orange, next time you see it reflecting one color, it won't reflect a different color, fluffy kello, what's going on man, you and your summit? Damn, that gesture is really funny, although I could replace the guy for the


time just to get that he's pretty good uh zimply what's up? chinchilla is adorable too. I like the one with the wizard hat, which is my favorite.
There are some good combos with that one. Okay, this should be pretty late. Yeah, sorry, where did you get that from? from the freezer that's a lot of Ice Dude, holy shit, okay, that was some kind of sketchy bitch right there, um, how's it going? I run it, this is the


race of the day, uh, believe it or not, it's going pretty well, okay, wait, I just want to make sure I'm in the right division, okay, this time we're going to Cathedral no Blue Man Group Tunes, she was a very, very, very irritable bitch, although like she was making me work for that, he's an incomplete man.
You can easily make something even by smelling the R2 I just had. I would have to determine if she is starting an EC. Do I have to like the space before going for another or if I go for another, will they interrupt me and change with it? It's just that the second one is so scary compared to the first two. The witch fight seems satisfying, it is satisfying, yes, but if it were harder than that, I think the witches would actually take a lot of hits. We, um, like they had to respawn in a different place and then everything was random.
I think it would become a chore anyway. Let's get the Rune quickly or a Blue Man Group. oh it's like Blue Man Group broke up and then I put on the song sometimes called I'm Blue by Eiffel, my mind is clear, I watch Run be the Run, well we did it, we had a good practice before, but that's not It means nothing, man. like we had amazing RNG on Maria, if anything, the best I could play. I still feel like Maria can surpass me. There are some things in that that are beyond the world, it's like it's like a completely different skill limit, congratulations on everything. bosses and what's next could I have a school? a shear if I could squ squills I don't know, good question that's a very good question, okay I want to level up again, I want to, but I don't know if I can, I think we could possibly squeeze one more, maybe yes, we have one more 47 not bad is after this solid challenge let's go for uh DS2 no hits after that any percentage uh after that will be a variety of potentially absolving memes I have a surprise idea that I'm not talking about yet because I'm not sure if I'm going to continue with it and then, uh, Blasphemous, whenever it is released, it will be a first game of Shadow the Colossus, the first game and possible speeduns on those if they are good, if they are replayable and stuff.
I feel like yeah, there are a lot of things that aren't even worth mentioning, but they're just ideas that I've had for a long time that I'm really excited to try, but we're already full, like everyone else. of the year until there are other new things like Shadow the Colossus, I think it will be early next year, so we should be fine until then and after that, from soft we will probably have at least three other things that I am obviously going to release. Being playing even if it's a strange thing, I'm sure I'll play it and there will be a lot of other things that will be announced as well, so uh P clone, what's up?
How's it going? You made the DLC first, uh, right? I haven't done DLC on this run yet, we're going to do DLC once I get there, I should spend this inside though, although I almost went there without spending the inside. I need more. I think we have the races, yeah, okay, a cathedral. time kazakus welcome back what's up with dkin what is dkin are you talking about Demon Souls demon souls if it's remade I won't but if it's not remade I have no interest in playing it other than casual stuff uh Monty Shadow the Colossus you'll enjoy I definitely might see you spending a lot of time mastering it thoroughly, yeah, like Shadow the Colossus would be good to not hit or not, uh, well, it would be nice to speed up from what I've already seen their quick runs like Lobos and Distortion did quick runs, um, but I don't know, it doesn't necessarily have to be like what I reproduce.
I definitely wanted to make a match, though like it was This is going to happen. I haven't even tried it, but it looks great. I wanted to play it before I even streamed it for a long time, but it was on PS2 and then they made the remake on PS3, I think when I already had a channel but I didn't want to stream it because the setup was so weird, so this is a good opportunity to play it. . Well, I have a decent idea for this split right here that I want to try. I already tried it. before he should be fine, but I think he is a little better as a strategist with drawn from his container, yes, I played so safe, he gave the counterattack towards the pillar, which is really risky, I played very safe, that's good, there is when you get Miak. but counter uh simply thank you for the subman thank you very much for the first time in your weak damn life you have simply discovered the secret circle of aul minati using the power of extreme dank memes edges srch u otes and your hood . from EDG sir, thank you, thank you very much too, um, yes, give Zim some secondary enthusiasm, also welcome to Lev, that's it, look, I did the strap correctly, but he counterattacked, uh, the second swing, unfortunately, so this is going to be a little strange.
I want to say it's the same thing, but I just have to make sure they don't cut me off while I'm rounding them into a slightly different formation. I think so, if your back looks like the center of a pillow, there's just no way that "I'm going to be able to do the Stratocaster, there's no way I'll screw you. I've never had that happen to me before, but it was very, very particular, here." come on, so I would die in one hit, but I had a small amount of damage left, which means I had to do another R1, but the R1 was confirmed to work, so I don't have to use L1 anymore.
You just have to make sure. Make sure your meter burns enough so that the second R1 on a step behind the counter doesn't go halfway or near the middle for phase two to be confirmed and then you'll be fine, but I can't dictate that. , although there's no way to know he's going to do that before he does it, you'd understand it instantly while you're swinging. By the way, that's why I had to fix the first one that comes with the live stream, by the way. right, welcome. Thank you very much. How were your runs? Coming from Love Stream, welcome to do something similar, but it's not a speedrun, eh, but we are trying to make all the bosses more DLC in this retired Soul of the Lost. your ship, let's Train to Grant so the world can be mended right.
Down Beach had some big bad tentacle RNG in the first part, but I know there's some kind of alternate timing where I think that when I get pushed at the beginning, it's basically instantly after you recover and return to the reference on the floor . but that baffles me, although you have to like the way you think about it when you start it to not like, I guess, a sandbag or noodles in the first arm where you don't get the health. bar um you have to think about a different time when you get pushed, if you get pushed or when you don't get pushed, but yeah, it's very unfortunate that she even pushed me in the first place, but at least we got it done, okay, okay, Loki G. time, come on, what's a Brutus macaron like?
The little tubes on his face look like macaroni of the same color too. Lev, thanks for three months in a row, keep enjoying your otas and your rim hoodie, buddy, getting that bronze. even though I think you got on more than three times in total, everyone left some of the sub hype Aldridge died twice got Rusty, you need to practice with him, it could just be a coincidence, sometimes I have things like that too as if they had hit me. four times in igdal and Flawless, all bosses without DLC recently and this, I mean, was just leaning man, so you might lean, but I wouldn't think too much about it, although I think you're fine.
I've seen you kill Aldrich many times, it's been a display of greatness, in fact the things you do in that race, some of the strategies you do in that race are scary, in my opinion I wouldn't even trust them. You're so aggressive like especially Slayer, seeing that when you play he's like the craziest man ever, it actually scares me. Which boss is the girl with the sword who moves super fast towards the pillars? You're probably thinking of Maria if you're talking about this game Elvin ID welcome back what's up man it's rust what's up well done with your Twitter in chat I hope all the best games you can play on your phone what's up loot what's going on lwig best wife uh spawner the things on his face are like a beige man just look you can even look at like concept art you can see the actual fight I mean maybe it looks different depending on the lighting but it's the same color it's exactly the same, looks identical, seems to postpone I feel like that's not even something you can argue, it looks exactly the same, but maybe just maybe maybe just maybe I'm wrong and all the political correctness in the entire universe won't fix that It's okay, I think we're fine.
You can go to Larus, let's do it with fries, what's up? Why do you kill the doll? It saves a little bit of time, so if you think about every restart I'll have to do and all the races, the timing of the races, the amount. of visits I have will be reduced by at least a minute or more during the entire tour in the end, I will save some time by doing that, what I mean is that it is not necessary, but I am just quite impatient. so I prefer to hurry and not have to listen to the dialogue.
This is the race. It also reduces the chances of you doing a gesture where you sit in front of her and then you still have to listen to the Dialogue which is very very good uh Atris thanks for the bits man this is the race don't say that, don't say that, man, you know, you know what's good with the whole race thing, don't say that, political correctness, yeah, uh. You don't want your work to go to waste love, okay, sounds good buddy, I'll see you soon, fuck your food, this ain't a game, that's why I kill her, yeah, this isn't such a casual percentage, though no so casual cool clipping percentage what's going on this is not the race it says it's a time saver but this is a no hitter race not a fast race yeah but I'm impatient buddy if I can run faster without any effort, actually with less. effort, so I'm going to do that, like if you played this race and you knew how many restarts it would take to get the race, wouldn't you want to save as many seconds as you can?
It adds up to about a minute. or more and if it avoids the possibility of you doing a gesture where you sit and it takes twice as long, you will save about 2-3 minutes if you are going to do a buffoon in each instance, right? It's just great man, whatever is most optimal or efficient I'll do, but yeah, I mean, there are some things like cutscenes that I'll leave if I want to catch up on chat, but that's not always the case, this could be interesting for you. You're already a race killer huh, being a hut, race killer, I wonder if that works without punches, just maybe the fact that you're a submarine could even increase the strength of your powers too, your race killing abilities, you never know. , the soul of the Lost withdrew from its vessel. strength be granted so that the world can be mended so that the world can be mended by five or the boss loves blood races uh Paulie, thanks for the five months in a row, man, continue enjoying your emotes and your advantage hood, all to give Paulie some. subhype and I'm glad you're enjoying them, it's really nice, in fact I'm glad I didn't think people would like Bloodborne as much as they do and I know it's less popular, it will never be as popular as DS3. but that's because of its relevance and it's older, but it's really cool that you like it, that makes me very happy.
I remember the time when airing this at launch was not even good for the channel as it was very detrimental to it. I lost a lot of potential by switching from DS2 to this at launch, but I did it because I really like the game and now being able to stream it to sometimes, in some cases, 100 times the amount of people like that is pretty crazy. so that was pretty good, okay, let's see if we can do this without the darts. I have dart RNG. It's pretty easy if it gives you darts, but it's still sketchy, although it really sucks because I don't know what triggers it, it's so weird. may strength be granted so that the world can be repaired so that the world can be repaired super hype for 9mon Kappa's love child uh more thank you for the N9 months in a row you have to tell me what the secondary child's name is continue enjoying your your emoticons and your hood edge also come that closeeight months in a row friend, you have a sub son next month if you dare to take one more step in the sub hype uh and sloth no resub with five months too uh Highlander and noctua with two new subs thank you very much Genji with the new sub um inand wait Army was that other one wait a second I forget where I was uh Mike with 250 with the G the G GF I hate Dex uh GG fat fat Princess next with 100 thanks man Atrius GG fat Princess is not a gules with the army of congratulations with the way forward and I'm with 2K thanks for entertaining you and your wife thanks man thanks for enjoying the content enough to have it as your priority for entertainment man that's amazing, time is a big investment and it's very important . and everyone who put their time into this has been conrat on dsen no hit run Kappa um there was wait a second just GG oh man uh nup thanks for the bits too man DS3 no hit run gappa Jack with just GG I like how they're keeping it simple, seriously, guys, thank you all and for all those who, for the first time in their weak lives, discover the secret circle of the scho imati, enjoy their gestures in their brim hoods, Allan ran for the first time gason laun , so Mone gas goon. for lunch, that's amazing, my goodness, thank you friend, I'm telling you, I'm GNA, I'm telling you one more time.
I'm going to thank you the same way I did before because that's really how anyone is. that core group of people who would stay even if the racing wasn't the best who will always watch whatever I do. I really like it, I love you, seriously, that's right, that's the truth, you guys are absolutely out of place, crazy, you have like eyeballs. jumping out of outlets with shoes like rocket scooters and faces and fur like squirrels like they're crazy, thanks, I'm not.

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