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These Kids Shamed At Birthday Parties | Dhar Mann

May 16, 2024
to Annie, have a good day, I can't wait for my


party, it's so much fun, hey, I want to come to my


party, okay, stop it, like I say, yeah, so look, okay, class, all finished, change. questionnaires with your neighbors and collect your Red Pins don't bother checking mine. I already know that I answered 100% of the questions. Question one correct. The correct answer is question two. The correct answer is C. Question three. The correct answer is Mara. your brain broke you got most of this quiz wrong you don't have to be so rude I'm not being rude G I'm being honest it's not my fault she's stupid Annie if the shoe fits wear it these questions are so simple this I don't even It's worth giving back to you what the hell I'm putting in the trash where your work belongs.
these kids shamed at birthday parties dhar mann
Enough in the principal's office. Whatever. Beast with me in class. I mean, this girl is just impossible. I don't even know what to do. Have you tried telling her mother? Yeah, and she's no help at all. I honestly think she's part of the problem. If only there was someone in her class who was smarter than her, how would she do well? It would give you an idea of ​​her. own medicine, then maybe she would know what it feels like when someone makes her feel stupid, yes, girls class, we have a new student joining us, this is Malik Foster, he just transferred from a private school, let's all give a warm Welcome to Bookside Middle.
these kids shamed at birthday parties dhar mann

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these kids shamed at birthday parties dhar mann...

Hi mik, welcome to class, why don't you sit next to Annie? Everyone cleans your desks. It's time for a multiplication test. You know the drill. The first to complete it and answer all the questions correctly will receive a Riz from the candy jar now our current record is held by Annie with 2057 seconds, let's see if anyone can beat it. You are unlikely to hit your mark. Get ready, do what there is no way. Wow, great job, Malik. All of these are correct. We have a new record of 10 seconds. It's half Annie's time, which means I'm twice as smart as her.
these kids shamed at birthday parties dhar mann
By the way, 10 seconds is pretty slow for me. Your supposed record is pretty pathetic, so the math bowl is just around the corner, which means we have to select. our team starting with the team leader who is interested in me. Obviously I'm the perfect choice for team leader. I would also like to be considerate after all. I just broke a record. No team leader is supposed to be my thing. I know. Why don't we do a mock math bowl to see who will be the leader of the class team? How about we add some alarm to it just to make it a little more challenging?
these kids shamed at birthday parties dhar mann
Algebra, but you don't learn that until exactly eighth grade. or we can add trigonometry, statistics, calculus, um, okay, algebra okay, cool, next class we will choose the team leader for the math bowl, next question we will solve for x in the equation 2x + 5 equals 30 um 10 incorrect 12.5, that's right, come on Wrong come on, you're making this too easy for me, I'm Annie, this question is worth two points, what is 3x + 5 = 2x + 10? five, that's right, let's go now, what you can't go on. I thought you were the smartest kid. school I'm were I guess you don't know grammar either, oh Annie, listen, leave me alone, you're upset because you lost, hey, look about Malik, it's not about him, it's about my mom, what does she have to do with anything You don't understand what it's like?
I'm going to react when I tell him that I lost and that I'm not the team captain for the math arc. She will be very angry with me. Does she get angry with you often? Oh, all the time you see since I can remember. My mom has always been very competitive, she wanted me to be the best at everything, ready, come on Annie, that's not fast enough, you're not going to win the competition, well, let's try it again, you have to do it faster, it's okay, ready. she made me practice a lot and not just school everything had to be a competition D how are you doing I got a 99 100% give me a five very proud of you 100 get ice cream come on come on but as I became more friends You started to avoid playing with me Hey , you're just sad because you earn a lot and that's super cool.
I'm proud of you, so you see, she's going to be really angry when she finds out that Malik beat me and I didn't. Team captain, look, I have a confession to make. Malik already had the answers to all the problems. Do you mean he cheated? I mean, I gave it to him. Why I didn't mean for you to be so hurt and I'm sorry. I wanted you to see what you've been putting all the students through every day, but now that I understand your story I realize it's not your fault Annie. I'm not sure if your mom has ever told you this, but life isn't about winning. or losing the trip is as important as the destination but my mom always told me if I'm not first place I'm nothing in life because what's the point of first place if you're not even happy or if no one likes me uh 55, that that's right, it looks like we have a tie, which means the next question will determine which team wins, honey, we each choose a player to answer the final question, you should say Annie, yes, it has to be you, actually Mara, why not?
Whoa, no, what if we lose, don't worry, you're going to crush it, just remember what we've been practicing. Looks like we've got Mara and we're here to answer the final question, which is if each slice of pizza costs $125, how? How much does the whole pizza cost if there are four slices? uh $4.80 that's wrong, is it $5 that's right? let the


win the competition, okay mom, since Miss Michaels helped me realize that it's not about winning or losing, the journey is as important as the destination, you are the one who fills my head daughter with this garbage.
She knew she should have moved it. outside your class, please explain to me what's so good about losing Annie, thanks for letting me come up and do the math B, yeah, if you're free this weekend, I want to come to my birthday party, I actually don't remember the last one . time I've been invited to a birthday let's go

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