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These Episodes Will Make You HATE Mordecai

Jun 19, 2024
I think it's pretty clear that Regular Show has one of the best casts of any animated show in history. I remember when I started watching this show thinking that the characters not only had unique designs but also had interesting personalities that made them stand out. and as I got older I started to feel like I really resonated with a lot of the characters more than when I watched them as a kid, but while I love a lot of these characters on this show, there's always been one character that I've always had. a strange relationship with and that was morai because if i'm honest when i started watching this show morai was one of my favorite characters especially in the earlier seasons but i remember the show would start making it to the later seasons despite I couldn't identify exactly what it was.
these episodes will make you hate mordecai
I would start to really dislike Morai as a character and it was only after revisiting Regular Show again now that I'm 20 that I was able to realize something that was so obvious Morai sucks and after realizing this, you wouldn't believe my surprise when I discovered that I'm not the only one who feels this way, since a large portion of the Regular Show fanbase really


s Mory and while he still has his fans, it seems that many of them, besides casual observers, don't understand the


train from Mortal, so in this video I'm going to go over a couple of


that really made me and




you hate Morai now.
these episodes will make you hate mordecai

More Interesting Facts About,

these episodes will make you hate mordecai...

What gets overlooked a lot when people talk about Mory's character is how disgusting of a friend he actually was and look, don't get me wrong, Morai has moments where he's actually a good friend, for example when he won the excellent challenge so he could win the RI trucker cap to bring him out of his coma, but even though Morai does important things like this that


him seem like a good friend, a lot of people ignore his day-to-day trashy behavior. Here, let's take a look at how he treats R for example and no, I'm not going to use the infamous I'll kill you scene from the episode It's Time as a swipe at him because what a lot of people forget about that scene is while Morai was pushing.
these episodes will make you hate mordecai
RI out of the microwave RI pushed morai first and riby was the reason they were even in the microwave when riby jumped on mory's back while the microwave warped on top of that morai screaming "I'll kill you" he wasn't supposed to. they


take seriously. as RI had said that to Morai several times throughout season 1 and clearly the instant of regret Morai had on her face when she saw RI fade into nothingness proved that she wasn't intentionally trying to hurt RI or at least I wasn't at that time. because if we go to the season 1 episode death punchies it tells a completely different story the episode starts with RI B and morai getting a new video game and obviously after getting the new game they want to boot it up and start playing and immediately.
these episodes will make you hate mordecai
The two go to choose their characters and start arguing about who will be player one. They both want to be player one because player one has a shovel while player two has a quote unquote disgusting pickaxe to decide who will be player one. Morai suggests that they both play hitting, a game where whoever hits the other the hardest wins. RI goes first by throwing his punch which doesn't even eliminate the morai morai phase then takes his turn punching RI along the couch with the biggest smile. to his face, RI then complains about how unfair that every time they have to decide something, Morai makes them play with punches because he knows there's no way he can beat Morai.
The episode then follows the manipulation as he tries to find a way to be Morai. then he learns a dewond do technique called Death Punch and prepares for a rematch with morai, but morai learns about ri's plan and goes to the same dojo def quondo to learn a technique to prevent RI from defeating him in punches, the two then They have a definition. quondo Showdown as RI uses deathblow and morai uses deathblock and as you can guess mory's deathblock cancels out rg's deathblow leaving them both out of stalemate but R doesn't give up and continues to apply the fatal blow again and again. the point where he and Mory are in an underground crater with lava flowing again and while morai tells RI to stop, riby refuses until he beats morai with punches, that's when we get a montage of morai punching R a over the years through several games of punchies and when morai realizes that RI won't stop until he wins a game of punchies morai lets him win and they both escape well now so let's take a look at how morai deals to his friend in this episode so we know from this episode that Morai openly acknowledges that RI is the weakest person in the park because when RI says that he can never beat Morai in punches, Morai says that this guy doesn't beat anyone in the beatings, now in this clip it is obvious that Morai not only knows that his friend is physically weaker than him, but also takes advantage of the fact that he can physically intimidate RI around Morai.
He deliberately picks a game that he knows RI could never beat him in so he can get his way consistently, but he doesn't just beat RI in punches. he takes joy in the fact that he can physically beat RI. I mean, he watches this clip. Does it look like someone who is just playing with his friend? We see in this episode that Morai constantly hits R to the point where RI would. I'd rather die burned by lava and then let Morai win another game of beatings and the craziest part is that this isn't even the worst moment when Morai was a complete idiot to RI in the season 6 episode live with his back turned , we see that Morai and RI are working when CJ stops to pick up Morai early, Morai then asks RI if he can cover for him so he can go to his girlfriend and R, trying to be a good friend, says yes, then we cut to another day where Morai and R are working. and morai suddenly asks R if he can cover for him so he can take CJ to see a movie.
RI, being a little more reluctant this time, still agrees and says yes, then we cut to another day of morai asking RI if he can cover for him again so he can go do something with CJ and RI even though he doesn't. he wants to keep trying to be a good friend, he says yes, then we cut to a meeting in the park where Benson is handing out homework to everyone and Benson tells Morai. He tells him that he needs him to help RI change the light bulbs, to which RI says that he can do it himself.
Then everyone laughs at RI and tells him that without Morai he would be completely useless and RI looks for his best friend to back him up. and saying you're helpful has to sit in front of everyone and listen to this, you're basically the opposite of helpful almost every time we do something, but that's not even the craziest part of this moment. The craziest part is when RI mentions how he's been covering. for morai for almost a week now morai says this well i mean it's the least you can do like there's really no way i could be friends with someone after i'm told this riby ends up quitting his job at the park and ends up getting a job at a moving company where you have to lift everything with your bag and even though RI hates the job, he sticks with it so he can get his first paycheck to rub it in Mory's face and prove that in the end It is useful.
From the episode, RI has to move an entire truck by himself to get his first paycheck and Eileene, who has been supporting RI all this time, brings Morai in because she wants them to make up RI and then starts arguing with Morai saying that morai only uses him and treats him like trash R help me get a girlfriend let me tilt your time machine RI RI I found a stupid sweater and I have to return it all you do is wear me man but I never asked you to do those things and the craziest The part about Morai saying this is that if you've seen the entire Regular Show you know she's lying.
Morai constantly asks R for favors and R often tries to be a good friend and tries to help Morai, but Morai is so self-centered that even when someone constantly does them favors, she looks them in the eyes and tells them that's what they do. least they can do and I think what I hate most about this episode is that even though Eileene had good intentions, she says this, Eileene, why did you do it? Bring that guy here because you are friends and always support each other, but the problem with this statement is that it is not true.
Morai almost never supports RI when it's actually a big deal. Let's skip ahead to the end of season 7, Ri's graduation day special. One of the many plot points of season 7 was that RI returned to school so she could finally graduate and this episode follows RI as she prepares to give a Graduation Day speech and to the rest of the park members preparing for Ry's graduation day party and throughout this In the episode you see that everyone is excited for r b, everyone is doing their best to make sure that RI B has the best graduation party.
Everyone is very happy except Morai Morai. Throughout this episode she constantly ignores RI and constantly acts like she doesn't want to help. with Ri's graduation party and when RI approaches Morai several times asking for help with her graduation day speech, Morai tells RI that he needs to learn to do things on his own and rejects him even though RI had been doing things on your own. own for almost the entire season and it's only after RI completely fails to give his speech the first time, almost embarrassing himself in front of everyone, that he knows that Morai actually appears on the r and tells him why he's been acting the way he does. in which he has been acting. and this was Mori's entire justification for why she's been ignoring her best friend on one of the most important days of her life.
It's hard to see you do it so well. I guess I always liked that I was doing better than you before Morai liked it. the fact that he was better than RI and when it looked like RI was going to be on the same level as morai morai couldn't stand it now tell me, does that really sound like a real friend, someone you would like to have around you? Or does he just sound like an enemy disguised as a friend? Ri's graduation day shouldn't have had anything to do with Morai, it should have been a celebration of Ri's hard work and achievements, but all Morai could think about is how she makes him look worse in comparison. but I promise you, this isn't even the best example of how Morai will take something that has nothing to do with him and try to make it completely revolve around him in the season 6 finale thrown at the altar.
The episode begins with Morai confus. confused about what to do after finding out Margaret has feelings for him even though she's with CJ, of course, while Morai focuses on a love triangle, everyone is preparing for Muscle Man's wedding, then we fast forward to the actual day of the wedding and Morai still caught up with her love triangle even though she's supposed to help prepare for the wedding, fast forward again in the episode and the muscle guy is freaking out because he says he won't get married until he reads the letter that that muscular dad Morai wrote to him.
R and are then assigned to go to Muscle Man's trailer and find the real letter and while searching for the letter, Mory talks to RI about their relationship problems and RI tells Morai that she just needs to trust her instincts, the two They end up finding the letter and rushes back to the ceremony to give it to Musclean to read, but Musclean is so excited that he says that Morai has to be the one to read it out loud to him and Morai reads the letter, which he then tells him. gives Musclean the strength to start the wedding. again, but before they can continue the ceremony, Morai hijacks The Wedding by grabbing a microphone and ranting about finding her true love and not knowing if her soulmate is even in the audience, note that her bride is literally in the audience. audience listening and watching.
This all happens and as you can imagine, CJ gets up and walks out crying and Musclean yells at Morai for hijacking his wedding while everyone looks at Morai like the idiot he is because this guy didn't even know what girl he wanted to be with. Although he already had a girlfriend and his best friend, RI, told him to trust his instincts, he thought the best thing to do was hijack the wedding of one of his closest friends after reading the emotional message his late father wrote him on your wedding day. I don't know about you, but I don't think he's any more self-centered than that.
Yes, I'm not going to lie to you. I can't even understand how I liked Morai as a character. and what i think the worst part about mory's character is that he never has any real repercussions for the things he likes, even after hijacking a muslim man's wedding, no one told him anything and it's like morai acts like an idiot one and again and he just says, I'm sorry and the audience is supposed to look at it. All I can say is that we're Team RI here, but if you've made it to the end of the video, hit the like button while it's down. the content for more people and be sure to subscribe and hit the notification bell to be notified when I upload my next video and until then it's been your boy cor XV and I come out of this like a Flo to let me show that I don't don't need h

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