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Why Lotso is a Terrifying Villain [Toy Story 3]

Jun 18, 2024
This video is sponsored by Squarespace, the ultimate all-in-one platform to help you design your own professional-looking personal website. The original Toy Story trilogy is a masterpiece among animated trilogies and a big part of why the two sequels and their excellent


s are today I would like to highlight the best


of this franchise and the second best villain of the entire catalog of Pixar in my opinion is only second to Hug-Bear Lotus Syndrome and as for the other villain I already covered Stinky Pete in my Toy Story 2 video and Toy Story 3 is a movie I haven't had the chance to voice yet. my love and I felt that making a video based primarily on lotus would be appropriate since many of the best elements of this film revolve around it. in its


and most of the other best parts are the parts of this movie that other people talk about the most, like the ending with Andy and Bonnie, which of course is great, but it's not the only reason this movie It is a masterpiece.
why lotso is a terrifying villain toy story 3
Anyway, without further ado, I present to you why Lotus is a


and outstanding villain. One of the first important things I would like to mention about Lotus that makes him so great is that he is one of the most cruel, despicable and evil characters ever put in an animated film and yet he appears as a kind pink teddy bear and He loves hugs, but I think his love of hugs might have more to do with always wanting them all within reach than actually liking one. I'm a big fan. Villains who trick people into believing they are good people or at least want to appear that way to disguise their bad actions, whether because they truly believe they are good people or simply want to trick people into believing they are, always makes them feel very sorry. further.
why lotso is a terrifying villain toy story 3

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why lotso is a terrifying villain toy story 3...

It's easier to be dismissive because you have to wonder how many people they've successfully convinced they were a good person. In this case, we don't have to guess, as we can see the large number of toys that support Loto here and talk about it. those toys, that's another reason why I love Lotus so much as a villain, since he's basically a criminal mastermind with an army of brainwashed soldiers and slaves at his command. Lot's control over the other toys is a big reason why he is so scary and intimidating. The eyes are his eyes and it's like you can't escape the sight of him.
why lotso is a terrifying villain toy story 3
He always knows what is happening at daycare and if he is bothered by you, he will know and act accordingly, probably before you have time to react. It is almost possible to escape from the place due to this factor. Just not to mention all the other traps and obstacles he's set up, one of the scariest things about many of the minions is how he's convinced all these other toys that he's right and turned them into villains too, even if they themselves aren't. they are cruel. or bad as if it were Loto's army of toys, they follow their paths because they do not want to be seen as lesser.
why lotso is a terrifying villain toy story 3
Lotus has created an elite system where you can stand next to him, but only a few can hold those positions, but he makes the other toys believe that it is possible to one day be treated with enough respect if they survive the suffering long enough. This is why many of the toys are loyal to him because they don't want to be treated that way by little children again, instead of having good children play with them and those who know the true horrors he inflicts, they are too afraid to speak because of what it might do to them, they just try to hide and accept their fates and the lottery has He did a great job of making these other toys believe that following him is really good and the best thing they can do for themselves and their way of life. life.
Lotus does this by using logic to support his flawed view of the world, making it more believable to those he meets. tries to manipulate he tells them that they are all destined to be thrown away and treated like trash and since the toys know that this has happened to others they can't exactly deny it the other toys see lotus as an intelligent leader with wisdom and he can pretend to this Heir due to his own experiences and traumas that manifest in almost everything he says, whether he intends to be kind or not, he projects his traumatic experiences onto everyone else and tries to convince them that the terrible things that happen to him will inevitably happen.
It happens to everyone and because of this he is the only one they can trust. This brings me to the source of Lotso's trauma. His abandonment and self-destructive epiphany. Lotso's back


is actually quite similar to Jesse's with how he was once loved by a girl, Daisy. but then forgotten and abandoned, although unlike Jesse, his abandonment was a mistake and unintentional and, worse still, Lotus tried very hard to return to his owner only to discover the hard truth that, as a toy, he is clearly not individual for a child. I can only see the outside of a toy and not who they are on the inside, although Daisy could never have known what would happen when replacing it and most likely it wasn't even her choice to replace it in the first place, her parents probably just bought her a toy . replacement lotus because he loved him very much and to her they are exactly the same, she probably didn't even know that lotus was completely lost in abandonment, assuming that her parents simply found the old man completely oblivious to the consequences that would come.
All of this, as Toy Story 2 showed us with the alternate Buzz Lightyear, one toy can look the same as another but grow to form its own distinctive personality, as Lotus has done here, so his abandonment was harsher due to his attachment. only her son that she could. I never knew it and besides, he was the only one of the three toys left behind to be replaced, which meant that Daisy's love was always shallow and fake and she never really loved him or any of the other toys like him. if I could. replace him so easily then she surely couldn't value the others she didn't even replace anymore.
One thing I love about this is how Lot's experience is shaped by how a young child treats a toy, which is very different from how an older child does. or an adult would try the same toy because eventually people develop attachments to specific toys that could never have a replacement. A toy you've had for as long as you can remember is not the same one you just bought the other day. This is part. why the dynamic between Lotus and Woody is so good because Woody knows for a fact that Andy loves his toys as more than just toys but as a personal part of his childhood and who he is and therefore Woody refuses. to give it up. this talk about lotus abandonment is very sad oh i know to cheer you all up i will tell you about a website building tool that you will never want to leave squarespace squarespace squarespace that amazing website design toolkit in line which makes it super easy to design your website with a basic drag and drop interface and you can start from scratch or use the very convenient and useful pre-made templates and that's not all Squarespace allows you to do, you can also use the interface of your online store to help you sell your own merchandise or products, which, like everything with Squarespace, is very easy to do;
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Now we return to lotus. Lotus denies the truth of what Woody claims because he was lost to his. The boy could grow attached to him, so Andy donated you, uh, well, it's his law, Sheriff, he can't hurt you anymore. Lotus truly believes that his view of the world is correct, and that's part of what makes him so dangerous, but also what makes him so dangerous. the fight between him and Andy's toys is so strong that they finally realize once again that Woody is right and that other people's twisted twisting of believing he is right must end, let me back up a bit, though as I mentioned before, Lat's backstory is similar. to Jesse and I like that for multiple reasons, first because it helps tie the entire trilogy and its themes together by showing us even more ways in which the lives of these toys can be affected in ways that we humans never consider with the actions we take in the real life.
I'm really playing with our emotions once again, but in the most interesting way and secondly, because it shows us how strong Jesse really is, that he finally managed to move on and not let his trauma define his pursuit of happiness again. with Andy and then with Bonnie while Lotus chose. instead, becoming bitter and never letting go of his bad experiences, forcing them on other people to make himself feel better, speaking of which, Lotus is not happy with how horrible his life was and that no one seems to care or feel the same as him. he doesn't want to accept that he was the only one who was replaced she replaced us she replaced you and if you couldn't have her then no one could ever believe that someone like him who was the most loved and had the closest something with a special connection could be replaced and no one else could be because he was treated like trash.
He has convinced himself that every toy will also be treated as trash and has made his followers believe that this is true, of course, this is often the case. This is the case with some toys that are genuinely loved and respected, but Lotus cannot bear the idea that his life is or has been worse than that of others, so to feed his delusional vision of the world, he forces the other toys to experience a sample of what it claims to do. As he rings the other toys in the caterpillar room, watching other toys experience pain from children who don't really love them makes him feel superior for having been played with by nice children, the kind he wished he had as an owner a long time ago. a long time. and he gets his way by claiming that it's only fair that older toys like him get an easy job while newer toys have to do the hard things for the good of our community.
We ask newer toys to be stronger. To take on the hardships that the rest of us can no longer endure, this also benefits him because it forces the other toys to experience the toughness of young children and question their potentially fragile existence. Lotus desperately wants all other toys to believe they are worthless. because it is easier to manipulate a person who cannot see his own worth or defend herself than someone who does see his own worth and can defend herself. One of my favorite things about Lotso's trash talk about Doom and Gloom is how it goes back to Stinky Pete's warnings in Toy Story 2 how long will Woody last?
Do you really think Andy will take you to college or to his honeymoon? Andy is growing up and there is nothing you can do about it. How did he warn Woody that he? If he decided to return to his child, he would not last forever and would eventually be discarded. All of this brings us to the true dark side of the lottery when his manipulation and false kindness fail, the real monster comes to light. The lottery is dangerously smart. villain, he knows when the time for forgery is up and strength is needed. Lotus's philosophy is that if you do not join him in his worldview, then you must suffer until you understand the alternative.
I also like that Loto uses Woody's hat to make the other toys. I think he's even more dangerous than he is and he's already very dangerous. Another disturbingly realistic side to all of this comes in the form of Barbie and how Kin essentially saves her from all the initial suffering at many hands and then from prison by showing the unfair nature of reality is that some people are spared suffering because of prejudices and personal connections that most people do not have, unfortunately for those who do not have such luxuries, they are put through some of the worst things a person must endure, first and most obviously, the terrible playing time and when you're not suffering the worst gaming time of your existence, you're locked inside a cage and guarded with virtually no freedom, even the ability to speak is taken away from you, the worst part of all of this.
It's just that Lotto hasn't really changed their situation, they still have to be played by the children who treat them terribly on a daily basis, only now they have no freedom whatsoever unless they convert to Lot's way of life or destroy themselves so much that they are small. . More than an empty shell or simply trash and discarded, but Lotus could easily change the toy's situation for the worse, as he does with Mr. Potato Head by putting him in what is essentially supportive confinement. This method isdesigned for those particularly opposed to his views, toys he can label as disturbers of the peace to justify his cruel actions.
This is a tactic you use only if necessary. Doing so could make you seem less well-intentioned than you want to appear. This is part of the reason why his Minion toys do most of his dirty work for him so he can use them as a scapegoat if someone says he is cruel he will just blame the other toys for being tougher than he intended. Lotso's methods are strong but intelligent toys like Buzz. and the phone managed to get around his security or strict control, unfortunately, even then, Lotus manages to get to them both by using tactics inspired by his low valuation of others to manipulate Buzz, forcefully treating him as a tool instead of a person and doing something else.
He's probably not talkable to the phone so he can learn about the escape route and stop Andy's toys at all costs, considering this phone has been through Terri's stuff before and is only broken in the end by Loto. I can only imagine what the real Terror Lotus is capable of. when he really gets angryAll this, of course, is to say that even if you're smart or strong, Lotus can still get to you in the end, making it that much scarier. Furthermore, Lot's extremely high security setup and system is just another branch of his extremely coded belief in his worldview that he wants people to see the world the way he sees it, so badly that he refuses. to allow them to escape or see his existence in any way other than how he allows it, although, unfortunately, for Loto, Woody and the others, the influence on the place would eventually lead them. to his downfall as the cruel Kindergarten Master, as Woody's genuine and sincere belief in what is right and love for all toys and their owners is able to convince many of Lot's most loyal followers to abandon his trust in him and Lot's bitter rage at this moment.
It's one of the film's most chilling and ultimately satisfying moments when the baby turns on him and throws him to the very fate he claims they were destined for. This is what happens when you fools try to think we're all trash waiting to be. Thrown away, that's all a toy. I love how this shows that no matter how much someone else tells you that you have no value, you will always have value, even if they can't see it. The baby's rebellion here is very satisfying because he has been living as a slave to the lottery and treated as worthless his entire life and finally decides to reject that lie once and for all when the lottery disrespects the memory of good people. moments he once had acting like they meant nothing.
However, the lottery is not over yet. and decides to drag Woody along with him. What I like most about Lot's part here at the end is how he pretends to be helpless and needy when they are on the road to his downfall. He manipulates Woody's kindness to save himself and when the time comes to repay that kindness and he leaves the toys for dead deliberately lying that he would help them just to save himself once again but it's more than just that he didn't leave them for dead just to save their own cotton but because saving their lives would validate Woody's worldview that toys have value and meaning leaving them for dead, however, supports his own view that toys are trash and were always meant to be thrown away. and die and nothing of value arises from its existence.
His meanness is incomparable. in that he values ​​his own false view of the world above the lives of all his other toys and it is because of all this that his final punishment is one of the most satisfying espionage of all, as he is found by a man who simultaneously values ​​him and wishes. to keep him forever but also treats him like trash without even realizing it and thus he got exactly what he wanted: the love of an owner and the ability to live the rest of his life in his firmly believed worldview, suffering like a piece of trash in the front of a truck without any value or freedoms granted, but loved too much to let go.
Simply put, don't treat people like trash and they probably won't treat you like trash in return and we need to learn to accept that too. Sometimes bad things happen and we have to move on so that in this way we don't end up like lotus in the end hey, I see you there, it's not time to hang around yet first I need to know what you think about lotus in the comments. below, oh and while you're doing that, I should take this moment to thank all my amazing sponsors and channel members who support me in a very special way.
Plus, if you do, you can get access to the first videos and your name here like well, and for only $1 a month, and hey, I'm not done promoting myself yet. Why don't you also check out my gaming channel, where I upload gaming videos whenever I have time. You know, I put a lot of work into them. I try to make them pretty fun so you know it would be nice if more people saw them. Additionally, I'm also on several social media sites that I have links to in the description below, some of them like letterboxes. The serialized and backward ones have various reviews of movies, TV shows and video games, if you want to check them out, hey, while you're still on my channel, why don't you check out some of my other videos if you haven't already?
I made a video about Toy Story 1 explaining why I think the friendship that grows between Woody and Buzz is incredibly well crafted and one of the best friendships in film history or you can also watch my video about Toy Story 2 and why I think which is a perfect sequel, maybe even the best sequel ever made, but most important of all is to always remember to be iconic.

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