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The World's Best Start In Hardcore Minecraft

Jun 12, 2024
farm is actually very easy to create, all we have to do now is put two villagers inside, so the first one is inside and the second one is also inside. I actually forgot about the carrots, the villagers won't spawn until they have food right, now they should be able to spawn and this is done. I guess while they spawn I'll go collect the items for the raid farm. This is editing mogrind. I wanted to speed this part up even faster, but I don't. Let me, then, let me do a Shameless snap during the video. Are you enjoying the video?
the world s best start in hardcore minecraft
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with the raid farm, so the farm has to be built in the middle of the ocean, but luckily we have a big one right behind from our base. I think this will be the place. Yes, I am ready to do this, thank you foreigner. The cells are made now we have to place five villagers inside the Raid Farm. I have some additional villagers here. I'm going to use these guys first and then I'll use the ones inside the Breather uh this guy has a job I can't use villagers to have a job I need normal villagers oh this guy also has a job come on brother ah there we go this one doesn't have a jump should They've closed their shelter, I left it open and I don't want them to turn into zombies and they'll probably be fine so I won't worry about them so all I have to do is push them into the water column.
the world s best start in hardcore minecraft

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the world s best start in hardcore minecraft...

Come on, oh come on, do I really have to re


my game? That bug is so annoying, so like I was saying, all I have to do is put this guy on top, just get in, and then push him into the water column. until we reach the top, now at the top we have marked these points and basically they have to fall there now, if I break the composer, he will fall in his cell, so you have to drop like four villagers in those places, but I have already done three of them and you just saw the fourth one, so I'm basically done with that part.
the world s best start in hardcore minecraft
Now I need a fifth villager at the top but I have no idea why he's there so once this guy is at the top just have him do the kill chamber and then the farm is basically done please don't fail again, failed again, now the form is basically done, we need two specific things before we can start using the farm, one of the items we need is a specific type that I need a very good sword that has looting, sweeping, edge, braking, repair and sharpness. 5. Now we can do it by combining the swords we already have and then the second thing we need is Bad Omen.
the world s best start in hardcore minecraft
Well, we have the sword. Now we need to find one. Outpost when I was looking for ships, I found an outpost and wrote down the coordinates, so now we just have to go there and kill a guy with a flag. You guys need to relax, oh my gosh, there are so many of them in there, sir. I take your bad omen. Well I've built this farm so many times but I've also filled it so many times so I hope it works oh it's working it's working wait oh no no no I forgot to sweep Edge I need to put the sweep Edge on my sword before I can start the way I got Sweeping Edge and now I have to go back to the outpost and have Bad Omen again, okay sir, thanks for the Bad Omen, let's go back to the farm, okay, so the moment . really, let's see if this is actually working well, everything looks good, is it working? is working? oh yeah it's working oh my god my ears are flying oh look bro I've built this form so many times but I still always get excited when I use it the amount of stuff this thing gives you is crazy it should be illegal on the servers, okay, I've been using a form for about five minutes, let's see how much loot we have, okay, the Moment of Truth, oh God, no. bro this is really crazy oh no no look at this guys look chat teams have been dying we got infinite toters of dying infinite emeralds oh look at this once i have access to a big amount of iron, I will extend the storage system. and it's going to be crazy.
I can officially say that phase two is complete. We have access to infinite amounts of emeralds and infinite amounts of totems upon death. Now we can start phase three now with all the materials we have and access to infinite quantities. of emeralds I think we can complete this phase very quickly, so the first thing I need is a repair villager. Yes, this is going to take a while. I think my man just gave up. He doesn't want to become Liberian. Come on. I will do that. I guess I'll have to wait, no, no, I'm not going to wait.
I'm going to get another villager because that guy is pissing me off. Okay, now we have three villagers. You can come back? Come on brother. Okay, this guy is going to sell. my armor, yeah I just realized I already have a ton of armor so I don't know what the point of this guy is. I have a lot of emeralds, let me Flix some. I already have a ton of enchanted armors and a lot of them are good but some enchantments are missing, so I'll use the armor I just bought from the villagers and then combine all the armors to get the perfect armor, so these two will go together. and now we have a crazy helmet, these two will also go together and then we have a chest plate.
Now these two leggings together will also give me good leggings not only a chance but I still need it because my boots are falling off. I'll try. to exchange them with the villagers oh finally we have repair, come on, I need to mend my boots and mend my elytra. I'm going to lock this farmer in there too to get golden carrots. oh, we finally have feathers falling, okay, now we can combine everything. of these together to create the


boots in Minecraft, okay, or the arm is completely enchanted, we also have perfect enchanted tools, so we don't have to do that.
Now we need Netherrite. There are now many different ways to obtain Netherrite. I like it. use bits now if we want to use the bat method we are going to need a lot of wool I don't have a lot of wool and I don't plan to get many sheep well yes I have a lot of emeralds we can use the shepherd villagers to exchange emeralds for wool, the annoying thing about this is the time trade cooldown luckily there's a thing called vote trading vote trading uh what pro trading is a way to trade in Minecraft that allows you to schedule the trade cooldown?
There are many different ways to do this, but they all work the same way: interact with a villager, travel away from that villager but with your trade menu still open and when you are away from that villager, you trade with them once you return, the treaty it ends but the villager doesn't know you traded with them, so you can keep doing it over and over again. I'm going to use the enxs4 rail system, you have two villagers and yourself in the middle, basically all we do is create a filter for a while. you're going to build your filter B.
A is unloaded but the menu is still open, so once you trade with filter A, you do the same with villager B, so you continue from A to B to B to a to A to B to B a from A to A to B, I mean, you get it, shout out to enixo4, you're the


, okay, we all need to carry the villagers. This whole thing really is a railroad with two villagers and you basically just go from one side to the other while you're exchanging the hassle for a little thing beforehand, but I fixed it and now we can officially tweet with these guys easily.
I have four more emeralds left. I'll just treat them normally look at the back look at the amount of XP, oh crazy, because we're not with them when we trade, all the XP is left behind and once you're done, you have a ton, okay, we have a ton of wool, We have a ton of wood, let's start with Holland's routines. We're done, hey, first I'll turn all this into gold bar, all that gold, mix it with the Netherride scrap and create five Netherite ingots and then we'll mix it with the armor, I can't forget the swords, never, never, never and There we go, we are officially done with phase three.
We have the best armor in Minecraft. Well, at least I think this is the best armor. Is there a better armor? Now we come to the last phase. In this phase we will create all the shapes. we need in this


the first shape I will make is a shiny skeleton shape. The shiny skeleton forms will give us access to withered heads, charcoal and bones, since we have a raid form that gives us infinite amounts of emeralds and we will have a withered skeleton. way that gives us a ton of Wither heads, we can get infinite amounts of beacons.
The farm I'll be using doesn't require any spawn tests and according to legend, enxo4 bro, I've already built like three Ian farms in this


. but you don't just want to see how the farm is built, but it works, you say less. Each microstructure has a junction box. This is like the area where the structure spawns in the nether fortress. There is also an abundant box and this box is cleaned as if it were withered. Skeletons and flames only appear here. We can create our own custom platform made of Nether Bricks at the maximum height of this bounding box to replicate another Stronghold, of course, not only bitter skeletons appear here, so we use filters to get rid of the other mobs.
For example, we place walls in certain ways on top of the platform to get rid of the gas and magma cubes in the corner, we place Turtle Basically what remains are the withered skeletons and the flames. In the middle of the platform we have an iron golem that is surrounded by repeaters in this way the Golem can only be seen by the withered skeletons due to its height the withered skeletons run towards the Golem but pass through a portal in the Overworld they push themselves each other. others to another portal and that portal takes them to the lower roof where I will kill them.
I collected almost all the items. The last thing I need to do is collect a bunch of Abyssal Bricks and then I can start building this thing. Well, that should be it. All I have is all the items I need to build this farm. The fort I have right next to my generator is actually perfect for its far arm, so I won't have to look for another one. Okay, let's start with her. Okay, so the spawn area. It is made enough to go to the top of the lower roof to create the extermination chamber. Okay, this should be the block and yeah, well, this is basically done.
I'm also going to create a portal in my base that connects to the lower roof so I can easily travel everywhere all I have to do now is create the overall bridge and then the form should be done well, we're done, let's try this I hope works oh yeah, here we go, it's working, let's do a little AFK session to get some skills, thanks foreigner, that brings me to the lower ceiling, as you can see. I did a little AFK session. I got a grab box full of bones and coal, but most importantly we got 25 bitter skills. 25 video skulls will basically give us 8 beacons.
I'm going to kill the winners below the final portal because why should I make it harder for myself? Aha, right now the main reason I need beacons is to clear the spawn area if you didn't know the spawn area in the vault. Actually the vault is always loaded, for example if you create an iron spawn inside the vault spawn, the iron farm will always produce iron even if you are not near the wall spawn, so all the farms that require you to AFK near it will be built in both spawn, if we have a lot of beacons , we can use haste spikes 2 and fng5 to extract everything instantly, so that's exactly what I'll do.
I've also been making a lot of glass because I need it for a lot of farms. but yes, the most important thing is that we have 8 beacons to power those beacons. I'm going to use a fee farm to get a bunch of emeralds, so see you after you AFK me for a while. Okay, we're back and we should have done it. a ton of emeralds yes we definitely have a bow omg yes we still need to fix the item sorter but we will do that later in addition to all the items this Farm also gives you a ton of XP if you stick around AFK overnight I think.
You'll get around 600 levels of XP, but I'll still head into the spawn world and clear a corner so I can start making some awesome farms. Thank you. Okay, I'm back, as you can see, I've been AFK. For some time over the last few days I've been cleaning a piece of tick at the world spawn location. I took my time with this because it was really, really boring, but yeah, as you can see, we have a completely clear corner and I built too. a villager respite now there is a big reason why I have a villager breeder in placeappearance of the wall, it's because I need a lot of them.
I'm going to make an iron form and iron farms require a group of villagers. The Iron Farm is pretty simple when a villager is in a village, Iron Golems can spawn now. Villages are defined by bits so if you have a bet with a villager in the middle of nowhere it's technically a village now when villagers panic Iron Golems tend to show up to protect villages they can . Take advantage of this mechanic, we can basically have multiple villagers hold different villagers around an area and between those villagers we can have a zombie jumping up and down using water and Soul Sand every time the zombie goes up the villagers start to panic and Golems may appear.
If we make a couple of these Villagers and zombie jumpers around each other we can have a crazy Iron Golem creator and of course when the Golem shows up they fall into a pit and burn to death and then we can have our iron . This Farm was done on day six, check them out on YouTube anyway, let's start with the main construction. Fortunately, we have light mechanics to make our lives easier, so the main construction of the form is ready. Now we have to get the zombies and the villagers inside. the farm for those of you wondering what I'm seeing on your screen.
I use a mod where I can see the spawn trunk, so those big screws over there are just the spawn chunks, but yeah, let's get some name tags for the zombies and Yeah, you see the name Tech, you see. I've also changed my shepherds to employees because these bottles here can save me when I need them, but yeah, most of the time I just use them on my eyelid trap, so if you see. in an inventory it's just for my elytra putting zombies in there should be easy. I'm going to use a trapdoor so I can trap him inside here because the mobs think trapdoors are normal blocks, oh my god no no please what's going on?
Just come in. Oh okay there we go so the first one is rigged for some reason they come with like 100 zombies so relax bro relax okay it's your turn yeah oh we got more than one. I don't think that's a problem now. I have to put the villagers in, uh, but this setup here is a little off. I have no idea how to fix this bro, luckily I took out a villager. I missed this, oh my god, come on, how much?, oh no. I got out of this, some villagers may have died, but let's all talk about this.
Okay, so we've got the first guy here, getting him in is harder than I thought, come on, oh, he's finally in. We're going to have to do that two more times in that cell and then we have to do it seven more times in the other cells when it's done, the farm should be working fine, that's how it should be, the form should be oh, you can. I heard it, it's supposedly working. This form gives you 70 stacks of iron ingots per hour, but I don't know. Now we can go as far away as we want. This farm will continue to operate because it is in the generation chunks, so the iron.
The farm is complete now we can move on to the next farm on our list. It's already quite late. I'm going to sleep, but before I go to sleep I'll do an AFK session overnight at the pace of the farm I want to hit. 1000 before I finish this episode, okay, I have AFK overlight. I extended the storage system before AFK, so we should have a lot of things, let's see this, oh my goodness, yes, yes, yes, uh, this, uh, yes, well, what can I say about the farm? one thing works that is definitely a scan is this form of iron supposedly produced 70 batteries per hour but as you can see here there are no 70 batteries per hour well, I'm not going to complain, it's like a lot of iron, but yes 17 0 around no, no, no, I'm going to clear this area right over here and then create a shulker farm now.
The shulker farm is actually very easy to do, the most difficult thing is to take the shulker to the Overworld, to Shocker's farm. What it will build is enxo4, but this is like the fourth form of Enix so far, but yeah, on xo4. I love you, sugar. Farms come in all shapes and sizes, but their mechanics are all the same. Shulkers can hit themselves with their projectiles, well, of course. Do that by accident, when a shulker is hit it can be duplicated, but the way this farm works is by placing a bunch of portals and glass walls next to each other in the middle of the farm, we enclose a shulker with a bunch of snowmen, football.
He will try to hit the snowman, but he will hit himself, the shulker will duplicate himself, but the places where he can duplicate himself will send him through a portal. Elsewhere, we have a system where Shocker will teleport to a block, but get stuck. a ship under another block, the Shocker will die from suffocation and drop the shulkers on the underside. We also have a bank of shulkers, so when the general shulker dies, we can recover the new one very easily. This farmhouse is built by Ian Exton. 4 and again a shout out to enixo4, he is the best Minecraft Youtuber anyway.
I'm going to start doing this. I hope everything goes well and next time we will be working with shulkers. I know this won't go well. Okay, okay, the way is working, my friends, as you can hear, the shulker is getting hit and basically doubling. What the hell? No, no, no, no, no, no, I think my farm is going to break down, no, oh no, the sugar came out, right? Seriously, oh my god, yes, sometimes I hate Minecraft, to be honest, over and over, over and over again, my friends, oh my god, it's okay, I fixed it.
I have to be careful now. I don't want this to explode again. It's working just like you. look behind me, the shulker form is done, uh, to be honest, that wasn't fun, that wasn't fun, the amount of times I had to get Shockers was crazy, the next form I'm going to do is pretty simple, the farm after this farm requires a lot of strings, but the most logical thing I can do is turn a spider generator into a string farm. This mineshaft right here is literally under my spawn, as you can see, it now has a zombie spawner and a spider spawner next to each other.
To be honest, I'm only interested in the spider spawner, so I'll ignore the zombie spawner. Okay, I'm going to turn this into a spider generator. three two one, here we go, the farm is finished, we have a spotter. Farm, uh, yeah, yeah, the spiders. It can hit me sometimes, but I have to fix it, that's very fast. I'm going to make this place look a little better and then go AFK so I can get some ropes. Well, the spider farm wasn't that interesting, but next is me. I'm going to create a meat farm that will give me a lot of honey.
Now honey blocks are really needed in a lot of machines I want to make after this farm, so I need to make them right now throughout this episode. I've gathered a bunch of hives for Honey Farm. I'm going to need a lot of hives filled with a lot of bees totaling about 64 hives. Raising bees is actually very easy, all you have to do is lock up a bunch of bees and then just constantly raise them while you breathe them, you should make more hives and eventually you'll have a bunch of them, so that's the first thing I'll do.
Thank you. Alright. I may have gone overboard with the amount of bees I created, but uh, you can never have more than enough Beast, all these shulker boxes are full of hives and in each hive we have three bees. I'm going to need a stack of hives for the shape I'm going to create, just like any other farm in this world The hive is from enixo4 so the bee farm is pretty easy all it is is a big loop we have dropper dispensers Hoppers and hives the droppers throw the bottles the dispensers try to use the bottles in the hives if you have honey you need the honey, if not, pass the bottle to the next, the honey bottles also pass to the next, eventually, in a hopper there will be a softer element that takes the honey bottle out of the system.
This farm is easy and compact. for inxo4 you are the best, okay the bee farm is ready, these upper chests need to be filled with glass bottles, now I placed a couple of them and the farm is really working, but we have to stack this with a bunch of bottles now you can create bottles but I have a better id the rate form we have actually produces bottles now we have an item sorter at the top so if we change the input to bottles we can capture a lot of bottles so if we clear all these chests and then go AFK at the rate company when I get back.
You should have plenty of stacks of bottles, okay, I have the kit for a couple of hours, now let's check how many bottles we have, all the chests should be full. Let's be honest, let's see, yes, perfect, we now have more than enough bottles. The good thing is that we never need to get more bottles because the system is a loop. When we use the bottles, we can simply put them back into the system to get Honey Farm up and running. basically done, we have a lot of bottles for the system, all the bottles will stay inside the system and we don't need to get more bottles.
The next farm we will bake is a slime farm I will make. a slime farm that doesn't require you to clear any chunks, the farm is designed with more things and it's actually very easy to make slime spun in two ways, one is in the swamps, slimes are generated naturally in the swamps during the night a secondary slime spawn is on slime chunks in your world you have a lot of slime chunks on these chunks slime can spawn when you use slime chunks you usually have to dig a large area. I'm going to rely on the swamps, while this farm really is a big room. with an iron golem in the middle, the slime appears in this room because of the swamp and they will head towards the iron golem.
They are dropped into a hole that is made of magma blocks and eventually burn up and die. All the player has to do is AFK. on top, I appreciate more things for this amazing farm. I'm going to have Slime AFK for a bit and then bring them back when I'm done abroad, yeah okay I had a 15 minute AFK session. look how many things we have now. I know the rates on this farm, so we should, yes, we should have a lot. There we go in 15 minutes. We have three stacks of slime boxes. This farm is ready.
The slime form is complete and I think that's it. more than enough slime for this episode the next farm on the list is your sugar cane farm, the design is from Sleeping Prince and it is very easy to create the sugar cane farm is nothing more than a large long field of sugar cane sugar on one side we have a storage system that is under a flying machine every time a redstone timer rings the flying machine goes from one side to the other above the flying machine we have mining carts with hoppers that collect the sugar cane that flying machine destroys once the flying machine reaches the other side, it is pushed back and finally docks back into the storage system.
Put down all the sugar cane and wait for the timer to go off again. Very simple and clean design again. Shout out to the Sleeping Prince, so let's get this. I'm going to thank you so far for every boot I needed for every shape. I get them with my hands and I have to change them. The next shape I will make is a tree farm. There are many different tree farms but I'm going to be making a very simple one, can you guess who designed it my friend, if you said enxo4 you are right. The tree farm is very simple.
We have the player station here. We spam bone meal and saplings on a patch of land. The player is fed bone meal. by a dispenser at the top of the tree we have a TNT duper once the tree explodes all the drops go down below the farm and return through a stream of water the player is on top of the stream because of this we can collect the saplings the rest of the items go inside the chest and that's it. This farm is very simple. Greetings to enixo4. I'm going to create this farm and then update the Wither Skeleton Farm storage system because I need a lot of bones later. that I have to AFK the Wither Skeleton Farm first to get a lot of bone meal and then I will AFK the foreign form.
This tree farm is crazy. We did a 15 minute AFK session. Let's take a look at how much wood we have. oh we have a lot of wood, now the disadvantage of three farms is the uses of bone meal, we need a lot of bone meal, the sugar cane farm is also running, as you can see we have a lot of sugar cane and the honey farm is also producing. very fun, as you can see, I already made a lot of Honey blocks. I've also been converting all my ingots into blocks and as you can see we have a ton of iron and of course the shulker farm is up and running too. lots of shulker shells now we're almost readyWe have two farms left or less.
The next farm I will make is a gold farm. The way I will build is not difficult to make but it is annoying because we are going to use magma blocks, but the good thing about this farm is that it will produce a lot of gold with the amount of gold we will get, we cannot use normal chests, we will have to use shulker chargers, the gold farm. It's not that difficult, we have platforms made of magma on those platforms only zombie fighting piglets can appear in the middle. We have a tower that is made of trap doors and turtle eggs.
The zombie fighting piglets will try to go there, but they will. Through a portal in the Overworld is a bridge that takes them back to the abyss. There, in the abyss, they will be instantly placed in pots because of this, new piglinks will appear instantly using the pot method. A ton of piglets will appear every second. The farm was made by Dash Bump 4. You are a legend my friend, thank you. This form is crazy. I have used it for 20 minutes and my ears hurt. Let's stay, oh my God. The shulker boxes are already full. Oh okay so I think Ashoka's box is broken but brother look at the quantity Shocker router is probably broken because in the first chest we should have normal ingots yeah I can't understand it and this is just an English Normal, it should be there, but yes. whatever it is, I have no idea how to fix this.
I'll have to jump into the creative world later to try to understand this shape, but for now it should be fine. I think the ingots go in the last chest here, oh yeah. I noticed that the ingots went to the last chest, while they were supposed to go to the first chest. I probably wasn't focused when I was watching the tutorial, but it's okay bro, I made at least 8 stacks of gold blocks in 20 minutes. crazy right now i'm collecting every color in


that's because i'm going to make every color of concrete the last shape on my list is a concrete bar sand duper this is not a normal concrete bar sand duper this is a two in one shape, this is a very complex shape, but all you need to know is that at the end of this Farm we will have each type of concrete, each type of powdered concrete and each type of sand.
Well there are only two types of sand but you know what I mean, the last form is the most complex overall, we have a gravity sucker, it basically takes elements and throws them at the end, but generally those elements still exist, so basically it drops blocks, we can trick everything. From sand to concrete, in the end we have a concrete making machine. We can activate a lever that will take all the concrete dust and turn it into concrete. This is achieved using a complex machine that makes concrete fly through a stream of water and destroys it with a TNT. bro, this is too complex to explain, we can also leave the lever off and I'll just pick up the items that are duped.
The duper is set up so we can dupe each color of concrete and sand. All items fall through a hole and pass through a stream of water into a large automatic classifier and yes, that was the gravity concrete maker, the duper is designed by Scorpio, the converter is assigned by Mont and the classifier for myself, I greet you all as soon as this Cactus is Melted, we should have all the colors in the game. Well, that's all. Now we have to convert all these colors into concrete red sand. Let me take you and in this chest we have every type of concrete and every type of sand, and now we can.
Go ahead and start making this Farm brother. I'm very happy. I don't want to make any more farms in this Vault, but let's not lie to each other, we probably know that I'll make more Farms later.

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