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The BEST Start In Ultra Hardcore Minecraft

May 31, 2024


world I make feels a little bit the same. I spawn, get a


ing base, raid farm and then wipe out infinite lives, but not today, this world is going to be different. I'm going to make it Ultra Hard which means no totems or Natural Regeneration while building a mega base to top it all off in the first episode this took forever so I hope you enjoy turning off health regeneration which will make this be very, very difficult, well, here we are in Minecraft Hardcore, I guess we will. Start like any world


s with a tree hit and we can go ahead and get some Stone and now we can set up some basic tools since there is no natural regeneration enabled anyway and I'm not going to use any either.
the best start in ultra hardcore minecraft
Totems we need to find those white flowers that allow us to have a region when we put them with mushroom stew, which means we also need to find a dark forest, so this should be really challenging and I have to be careful not to take unwanted damage just because We won't be able to regenerate at all until we get that, but for now I'll still need some food so I don't take damage from starvation. There are a lot of pigs around here, the only way I can. regenerate is a lighthouse golden apples regeneration potions sto suspicious oh there's even a village right here there are a lot of things I want to accomplish in these 100 days mainly I want to build a mega base where I can have everything set up I will have villager exchanges there and I hope to get some divine armor, so these spawn chunks probably won't be spawn chunks for long, so I guess we'll steal a bed from here.
the best start in ultra hardcore minecraft

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the best start in ultra hardcore minecraft...

I'm going to try not to sleep alone because I'm going to need this whole 100 days, oh, this is cool, there's some kind of floating blacksmith here, let's see if there's any good loot, okay, this is really, really, really cool, well, I guess as long as we're here. We're going to start smelting and while we wait for that to happen, we can do that and there are actually a lot of farmers here, which is great because we're going to need to take apples from these guys and there's a raider outpost there. This is pretty silly, now hunger won't regenerate us, but it can take away our health, so we'll have to make sure we stay full of health.
the best start in ultra hardcore minecraft
These are actually the flowers we need here when you pair them with a fishy stew. I will get regeneration for 8 seconds. I think it's just region one, but it's the


we have right now, so it's what we have to work with, but my main goal is that during these 100 days I want to build a big Mega base that houses a lot of farms and I want It will be a much larger version of my tree that I have in my world, so I hope it has all the books we need to make God Armor, it will have some wool farms and we will have some cows, but now the main thing we need to find is some red and brown mushrooms that will really help us oh no, a zombie baby stay away even though that's a little difficult because we're in a jungle there. everywhere okay yeah okay we've already lost a good chunk of our health and as you can see it's not regenerating we really need to find some red mushrooms that's why I generally don't like night time especially new and hard, but hey, we wanted to. a challenge and we're getting one oh there's a pool of lava and there's a drowned tra chasing me oh god this is the


start I think I've ever had oh a ruined portal my shield already has quite a bit of durability too maybe we can find some regeneration here like some golden apples or we have an iron flint and a three thorn helmet which I think I would rather not have, but we can take this gold block here and we can make the regeneration wait a minute.
the best start in ultra hardcore minecraft
There's a red mushroom up there we're in business oh no that wasn't good. I'm going to go ahead and eat my golden apple now and the forest is already burning, sweetheart, let's just pick some of these red ones. mushrooms brown mushrooms and then hopefully the adventure continues and we can find them oh no oh no Mr. Creeper, why do I need these mushrooms? Where did you go? I'm not hallucinating, there was just one Creeper there and now it's back. not ideal, we need some instant brown mushrooms ASAP oh, here's a brown mushroom, come on, give me a good drop rate four fishy stews.
Let's see, we eat one, we are in three hearts. 6 seconds of regeneration, wait, you're telling me what it gave me. a heart and a half oh, I've bitten off way more than I can chew. I think we'll actually settle here in this little town for now. It's in a nice plains biome with a meadow nearby, a mountain of meadow nonetheless. We should get a lot of these rust daisies and maybe there's even another blacksmith here, wait and there's a raider outpost right here, yeah I'm definitely setting up home here holy cow we got a lot of apples that's a big one start because Hopefully my main bitter food will end up being golden apples and now with our inventory a bit clean I think I'm going to start working on a very early game iron farm and the scared villagers spawn Iron Golem it works and I We have completed. before day five and we had a small sheep farm anyway, now I think we need to go down to the caves and get some Redstone and some more diamonds and some other little things and then we can start trying to get some trades with the villagers.
This actually looks like a really cool cave and yes, there is a pit down there so I need to get more wood, but I think I'll try to explore this. I wish there weren't so many mobs around, but what can happen? you do it, oh no, you're not a zombie baby again, skeleton, just stay there, oh no, no, ghosts, oh, I also need to go touch lightning in bed, what the hell is going on here? I forgot if I don't sleep, the ghosts will come in handy, I hope the well is not too dangerous. I'll stay away from the spider spawns, but I'll come down here.
Oh, there's already a mine cart. Okay, two diamonds, I'll take that. I like the new caves, but not when they are there. it's not when they are filled with just mobs, these you can take one at a time, okay, we have lapis lazuli, we have Redstone, everything we need and our first diamonds generate diamonds naturally, anyway, oh there are even more here, pretty and small four veins. I have 10 diamonds, that's good. I'm not going to waste them on armor because I'll only get the Smith armor armor and now it's time to start my trading empire. I've got a couple of Fletcher's here and I've got one of the armor smiths in the building over there uh I missed the old level up sound oh let's go to protection and fire protection.
I'll grab a pair of tights and I don't have enough for boots and we'll get a pair. of helmet with chest plate and boots, okay, now we only make half a heart, so I guess it's okay, you're making a heart, okay, even with Diamond Armor, this is kind of bad, like I was trying to say now that we have a full set of diamond armor this is pretty good, pretty cool and I keep going to my dark room there and eating mushrooms too, that's the only thing I can eat and now, on the night of the 13th, we have created a breeder of villagers and good for also because I'm starting to run out of villagers to trade with, but for now I need to get more emeralds so I can make the forging table and get diamond tools and after we get these diamond tools we're going to go and Hopefully I'll beat the Ender Dragon before the 20th.
Come on, diamond tools, a diamond for an emerald, it's a really attractive trade, but I'll have to go through and break two diamond axes, it's good for me, come on, show me something well, a peak, well, that. works for me now that we have our axes and tools. I think we're ready to go into the abyss. It seems that our village breeder is working very well, although it is okay, that is not good. Okay, that wasn't good either. I don't even know how they got there. No, I don't know how you guys just slept through glass, but you know, I'm not going to question it right now.
We need to block this again in my heart. it stopped now we need to get our health back, luckily I had diamond armor it wouldn't have gone that way and I barely survived anyway those guys are going to need to get back out you know what? That's a problem I'll solve. Worry about when he comes back from the Nether and here we go, we'll make sure he has everything we need. Oh no, God, it's hitting me, go away, I'm sick of zombies, let's go to Nether H, this is the worst spawn. I can ask for, oh, that's good, a straight fall to my death.
I guess we'll just explore the surroundings hopefully we can find something decent. I need to hurry up and get my salesman eyes and my elytra on because I think that's going to be my biggest downfall with


totems is the fall damage and stuff, and apparently I picked the worst place in the world to spawn, hey, and our first gold is a nether fortress, oh, that was something easy only on the 15th and we are in a terrible Fortress, oh, we already have a nether wart, okay, we will take, we will take two diamonds and two gold, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, we're getting out of here, can you get poison?
Actually, I'm hearing quite a bit There are a few withered skeletons around here and a flare sounds like there are a lot of flames near me. This is getting very hairy. Oh hey, skull, are you kidding me? What is that hook? These poison arrows are really helping me, okay? I shouldn't have been left without them. so Blaze and I will always be sorry for starting to run a little worryingly low on stew, there are only 12 left in the heart of the Nether and I really have nothing to smell, okay, okay, okay, we're out of here. leaving here okay eat some stew oh my heart I don't know how two other skeletons came after me but I don't even have any cobblestone left to make an oven to melt this and it's like stepping on eggshells around here with all these piglins it's a one wrong move and I'm in big trouble with them, okay, and we're leaving this place, I swear, you better give me the trade I want, I want Ender Pearls or else you're going to end up there with the villagers. that they didn't give me the trades in the meantime why does everyone want to murder me a zombie baby with a trident oh god those do a lot of damage oh so Trident does a lot of sh I think I think I'm I'm just going to sit here for a while.
Not Ender Pearls. Look away, little boy, and you'll go to the wall. Remember that little baby. Look up and remember to sell me Ender Pearls. Ah, I see you didn't want to end up on my wall. alright, alright and we're going to need tons of fireworks rockets when we get to the end because once you get a pro tip from elytra, if you actually bring fireworks with you, you can use the elytra to go to the next place. Me too Bring an anvil and an Unbreaking Fre book, usually just because then I can repair it and then break it, but for now we're going to walk around trying to get some vines every night.
Oh, luckily the volume on my headphones is turned up. That guy would do it. I have been eliminated, oh, I barely turned around and protected myself in time. I need to make a gunpowder farm. I'm tired of killing Creepers the old way, it's too dangerous and now, in three on the 25th, I'm ready to go fight. the Ender Dragon would normally have done it this way before, but while I'm at the end I want to go ahead and break three to repair an elytra, get a second elytra with repair and then I'll have some fireworks to go. a I wish it had more vines, although we're going to go ahead and make some Eyes of Ender and finally we're going to go, oh my goodness, I think we're as ready as we can be, lots of arrows, bow, Anvil. 9 whole yards, okay, this is the best case scenario, here in the box, there she is.
I love the old XP sounds. I think maybe I've prepared too much. I didn't use a single apple or a single stew, I don't think, but I guess we'll stop by the Portal and see if we can get some boxes of shulker and ayra. Well, this address looks good like any other. I flinch every time, even if I know it's going to land, that also deals a lot of damage from the ender pearls. I never sweat harder than when I walk like this over the void my pinky never lets go of this keyboard I think I'm finally going to break the keyboard oh my god I thought I was never going to find one this is like the smallest thing I have I've seen this is the only one time I've been glad for instant Health 2 potions.
I'll tell you a lot ooh curse bonding, luckily I'm not going to dump that on my head and I'll finally take My elytra instantly repaired and then three broke and now the real work can begin good. I think we're going to start building our base somewhere there, maybe or on top of that mountain. I don't know, I haven't decided. However, first we need to get a tree farm up and running and then get a good source of bone meal to feed our tree farm. I also need 73 adhesive pistons for this machine,so I hope I can get them all in one night, but the problem here is, I don't have loot from all the enchantments I could have gotten.
Where are you in the slimes? Oh, no zombie babies. Three of them leave. I don't even have my chest plate on. Oh, I needed the slime more than I needed my sacred cow health. I don't know why everything around here has enchanted tools and stuff anyway. I'm going to kill more slimes anyway. I think I'm going to clear out this little area here and build a tree farm. I'm going to need a ton of wood, this tree is like five times bigger than my other treehouse. I built my first hardcore series, so I'm definitely going to need a lot of wood and a lot of bone meal, well we have it.
It's built now. I really really hope this works. I don't know what these chains are for or anything like that, but all I know is that I trust the design everything turned out well. You should be able to move this lever. Oh yeah, now we're just going to grow trees. The most fun thing is to do in Minecraft. I don't know. I will return to all of you when we are ready to begin construction of the tree. I guess since dawn is on day 82, I think it's time for us to start our construction. I mean, hopefully.
I'll be able to do this in time. I've terraformed myself a little. I moved some of my wood here. This will be an absolutely massive build. Enjoy the time lapse. w oh oh, so I guess during this lightning. storm uh somehow it got hit ooh I almost died there somehow it hit my tree and it's going to burn I'm pretty sure I can't remove all these flames How the fire spreads it's so fast Why did I save it somehow like that maybe maybe? In fact, I did, oh hi creeper, that was pretty tense, although no, I don't want to do that again, let's just keep it there in the hope that it never needs to be used.
You may also need to glue a couple more closer to the corners, but for now at least our tree isn't burning well. It's time to start placing the leaves. The construction of the tree is going quite well. I still have about, I would say a fifth of it. once the leaves are placed I need to go around them and put some more lanterns on top but for now that was pretty boring so I'm going to put some of the stuff together to make the buildings that surround the edges here and the hanging lanterns so to start We are going to need some spruce ladders, we are going to need some moss blocks that we can easily get on our farm.
I never thought in my life that I would actively search for andesite and diorite, but here, here. We need dry mud and compact mud. I'm not really sure how this packed sludge is made. The packed mud is wheat and mud. I need to make a wheat farm for this well since I need the wheat anyway. I'm thinking about putting a circle around the tree and then a slightly wider circle and then just filling the entire ring with wheat. I think it will look great and will also give me the wheat I really need for the packed clay because it is expensive for holy wheat. cow, oh that was a lot of terraforming, if you don't realize, I had to clean up like most of the mountain, I had to tear this down, cover the ravine, this tree will probably be removed and this will come to light. a little bit, but for now I guess everything will be fine and I finally think it's time we can start our wheat ring over here, not only will it look great but it will give us a bunch of wheat that we need for the packed mud.
For the houses I have to add all this water. I'm just going to put a ring of pavers around the outside end. I guess it will still look good. I've been having all these problems with my farm plots, I don't like them. I guess keeping it, and even if I mine underneath and put in water source blocks, for some reason they don't hold up, so I guess I'm just going to resort to putting in a water ring which, if I'd known this, I wouldn't have done. Had to have flashlights in the middle, but I guess it's working fine anyway.
I finally got it done, it looks great and in fact it looks so good I don't think my OCD would let me not do it in this. side so here goes another 45 minutes to an hour of my life to make a cobblestone ring. I think this looks a lot better now, so now I'm going to start planting wheat seeds. At first, I will plant them in rows if you didn't know that if you leave a space between the wheat seeds, they will actually grow much faster. I don't know exactly how much, but I think 25% 10% because those kind of shows, I guess they made it real.
In real life, if you plant crops in different rows, in real life they will grow faster, if you don't like it, they will destroy them all together. I didn't use as many hoses as I think I would. I made more than six, but that's okay, we'll use them. Later, but this is coming together slowly, very slowly. I'm also going to leave this little ruined portal here. I like a lot. The main thing is to make the leaves and the little cabins that are supposed to surround it, but those are going to take. so many different little blocks of little components they're going to take wheat they're going to take clay they're going to take calite they're going to take I mean just a million different things I need so many watermelons but I think I'm going to have to make a big farm of three or four Road Farm only for melons.
I need that many, so I guess we'll just dig trenches for the water and put some slabs over the water sources and now we'll plant as many melon seeds as we can. I ended up remembering why we put the slabs in the middle and that is to make sure that the melon doesn't grow because if this melon grows here, the stem and this All the stems will be attached to that melon, so it will be kind of useless now that the we have all planted, we'll take some of our bone blocks, make bone meal and just walk around and bone. eat them now I just need to keep harvesting wheat and I need to keep going go away zombie babies wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute how weird is this a full leather spider jockey oh no I could die and a gold spider jockey Okay that's got it It has to be something strange, right, I mean, unfortunately I can't keep them, oh God, no, my shield, but that has to be strange, right, God, No, no, no, my goal in life is to pit wheat flour , my wheat, play.
Sweet, I live a very interesting life so about 50 days later I have a little day counter in the corner so you can see how long these projects really take. I have all my materials to start on the houses around here first. I am going to start. With the main one, the one who looks, I guess the best way is to put a small walkway up and then we will build the first little house right there. He and I definitely thought this tree turned out amazing, but this thing. It was a ton of work, it took me almost 200 days of Minecraft 158, so there's definitely no way I would have done it in 100 if you want to leave a like, you know, I'd appreciate it, leave a comment and let me know what I should do. build below and like I said this tree will be linked in the description below to the website, it's called god tree and you can tell why I modified it a little bit, but it's still the same premise, hope I can understand it.
My inventory is organized and I hope you enjoy the build. This thing looks amazing.

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