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The WEIRDEST Mario Odyssey Glitches

Jun 07, 2021
welcome back to another video that may or may not be made with 100 real cheeses, today we're taking a look at Super Mario Odyssey on Nintendo Switch, a game that has surprising flaws given how recent it is, but you'll see Mario jumping and jumping. fall into very strange and buggy situations, some of which are quite funny and some of which are just how some of these bugs were recorded in version 1.0.0 and since the script is very old and I'm too lazy to rewrite it, They may be a bit outdated but if they work for you leave a comment or something honestly I'd love to see these still working fine without further ado let's jump in the air and jump right into these


you sometimes like. really dog, yeah I have no idea either, it looks like this dog is going to learn some new tricks and they aren't exactly the ones you should teach real doggos, so as you can see from our old soul, the lovely display of making this mistake will Have Mario and our hat-wearing canine friend perform a quick fire frenzy.
the weirdest mario odyssey glitches
Freak Out full of jumping and whatever else is happening in this picture, as far as we can tell, Mario is jumping on the dog, but as he is knocking, he is knocking on the door over there. He is immediately sent back down toward the dog. If we slow down the footage, we can see Mario making some really weird faces. Everyone can interpret that as they will now. If you want to try this for yourself, it's actually very simple. What you need to do is go to a level that not only has the dog near the Odyssey, but also has to be able to walk to the ship with flying hat, that means that places like the Sand Kingdom are not a good option for Con this problem, I found that Seaside Kingdom requires the least amount of hassle to get it up and running or in this case jumping, just have the dog follow you, just type, it stays right in front of the door and now all you need to do is to get up. up and Mario, I think you should stop doing it, luckily leaving is as easy as walking away from the door, okay, but seriously, why is this okay?
the weirdest mario odyssey glitches

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the weirdest mario odyssey glitches...

Because this bug is so easy to achieve, the difficulty rating should be a bit complicated. No brainer, we're giving this one a great rating, which means it's definitely a bug you should try, moving on to the next one. We have an error. I'll turn your world upside down, it's not too crazy, but Mario is. He doesn't exactly raise the polls like he's supposed to and even sometimes Mario just shakes very quickly when he's in a place in the game he doesn't really want him to be and, like other times, Mario just relaxes floating around in the game. tree.
the weirdest mario odyssey glitches
The reason all of this happens is because of the fact that Mario is supposed to climb to the top of the tree, but he climbs over the top and doesn't enter the top of the flagpole state, but sometimes he's still attached. to capsule form. tree trunk hitbox, that means Mario can move left and right like he's on the sides, but because he's on top things don't work exactly that way, but let's see exactly how you can Do this, first things first you'll want to. to head to the lost kingdom and find a nice tree. I like this green leaf tree near uncle amiibo, okay, quick, why is this guy called uncle amiibo?
the weirdest mario odyssey glitches
Is she Mario's mother in amiibo too? You name it, just step up to the included top and glide smoothly. move back by flicking the control stick at normal camera height. you'll want Mario's hat to be just below his bottom end at 3 and then just move up. It may take a few tries, but Mario should be hugging the top of the camera. tree like a weirdo from now on you can just move back left or right of Mario and by combining those three directions in different patterns you can get pretty funny results sometimes if you press directions like back right left right Mario can just levitate about something inside the tree, you can have Mario do things like this with a tree leaf or some other fun things like, for example, if you climb the tree, you usually enter the correct area by moving clockwise , you make the mistake and then go backwards.
Mario can flip up. down in this scrambled dilemma Mario can move down by holding the control stick and vice versa. Even more fun is that Mario can climb to the ground as if he's not even there and slide up the tree as if gravity doesn't exist. I'm sure there are combinations to get even crazier results, so try it yourself, so because this bug isn't exactly the easiest and is a little inconsistent at times, I'll give it a difficulty rating of mild first means first or not. Normally in a standard playthrough you get the first moon weld first, but if you can skip it, let's just say some things don't work so perfectly that Mario can just walk through that gold chain store and get to places he probably shouldn't.
The internal progression of the levels, you can call it, is frozen at its first date, which is when you haven't collected the first moon and bridges on this day, the boss trigger is not loaded, but some moons can actually be collected. Many secret doors and bugs are locked, so there really isn't much to do right now. I also don't think there are enough moons that you can collect like this to start the Odyssey, so the most you can do is go back and get the first moon at least the dinosaur works, but enough about that, let's talk about how to do it, so pass that First Moon is much more difficult than simply getting the Moon itself, although it is quite simple, the bottom line is that you have to get in. the water behind the first move and swim to the spot on the rocks.
You have to throw Cappy and when she comes back you have to jump right then and there to get a good boost out of the water and then throw Cappy again and dive into her wall. jump off the wall in front and then pull and dive to the right, it's not easy with a good amount of tries, you can do it, but honestly with the amount afterward and the small reward I give this bug a Hot rating. It's definitely a mess to try, but if you're feeling spicy, then you might as well do it by flying back to the Cap Kingdom.
We got a bit of oversight on Nintendo's part, nothing major, but you can casually fly through this. wall so clearly with this bug or more specifically supervision, you can have this model multiply directly on this wall and from there you can explore the bottom of Bonita. There are some cool things you can do here, like swimming in the underground pool before you. unplugs the plug, which looks especially fun since it looks like Mario is swimming in the air, even the fog knows Mario is there. It's quite strange, but don't go too low, otherwise you won't live to tell a story, of course, to achieve it.
It's brain dead, just grab a Goomba and fly through the corner of the wall. Here you know you'd think they test the log cases, but I guess not the corner ones because you'll just slip through this glitch, it wasn't very hard to do. It's not like that either, so I give it a good rating, it's not a Galaxy, but Mario won't follow the rules of gravity and with dives like these, Mario could be in the Olympic Games, well, maybe next year he'll be champion if You haven't noticed that Mario dives infinitely. in the air, something that clearly isn't supposed to happen normally when Mario does his cap-tossing and diving routine, he can't do it again at standard fare, but with this bug, Mario can fly first class at least until to realize that this was a mistake on someone else's part, there's not much depth to this and that's not just because you can only really move in two directions, gaining altitude isn't exactly something you can do with this either, so instead of flying it will be more like falling in style, what you see is what you get, so let's figure out how to fix this problem.
The first thing you'll want to do is go to Chevaria to where the Odyssey is, see the typhoon guy here, he's the only one. who can make this possible so watch carefully and don't let your eyes get blurry jump into his Windstream throw Cappy and dive at this point normally you would say that Mario can no longer dive or throw gappy but today you can't keep throwing Cappy and diving as much as you want now, this glitch works with all Thai foods, but the one near Odyssey gives you the most leeway when it comes to plummeting into the icy waters below and, speaking of frostbite, in terms of difficulty, this glitch gets a great rating now in most Mario games Mario runs into a wall and that's like that, well maybe this wasn't the best example anyway, in this case the walls and the collision are both for Mario and the realistic physics features the roll cancellation clip glitch in the tongue We're talking about tornadoes and a thumb tornado to perform what this glitch does is that it allows you to go through basically any wall you want, although the most What you want probably isn't on the other side, of course, the few times you have something. on the solid wall you want, it's super cool, like in the Kingdom of Sand, you can reach the treasure of the Sphinx without even talking to him again, you can make your doom fall in the Kingdom of Snow or you can form a small pause in the sequence in the Sand Kingdom.
While it's true that Mario will go through these walls, you'll be one of the ones who will bang your head on one after I show you how to do this glitch, so there is a specific move that you'll need Mario to do in order to get through the walls. As seen here to break it down, Mario simply hits the ground and starts rolling in a square, then Mario slides forward with a cap toss. You can do this in two ways, one being a little easier than the other. The first method that uses snapshot mode is as follows: jump.
Ground slam don't let go of DL or ZR and when you're on the ground press Shockwave Effect Now what you want to do is release ZL or ZR, turn off snapshot mode and on the next frame press X and A if everything went well. Mario will slide forward with this cap toss. Now the other method is actually the same as the first. one but you don't use Snapshot mode for me this is actually a bit easier but you have to be really quick now that you have the movement down just do this next to the wall and you could go through it I don't think. this works with all walls, but if anyone knows how to handle some interesting lore in the comments and speaking of hot, this glitch gets a Hot difficulty rating, it's not easy, but if you like


with a bit of excitement, definitely try this one.
I must go, my planet needs me. I guess we have to upgrade this Hammer brother to paragupa because we've seen him fly, so what's going on here? Well, this Hammer brother seems to have not gotten the memo that the rule book says about what goes up. must go down, I guess it's the special Tanuki variant, okay, it goes very far, very, very far, since it doesn't look like it's going to come down again anytime soon, let's learn how to do this so we can prevent our Hammer brothers from being sent to the cosmos, you'll obviously want to go with the Lunch Kingdom and go to this area with the Hammer Bros.
They climbed a nearby mountain and grabbed two turnips and threw them alternately until you can get them to the coin blocks here. Throw one of them nearby. the wall here and then, with a precise throw, have the other turnip land about a block away from the coin block, making sure it is roughly centered with the middle coin block. Also, during this time, be sure to hit the turnips several times with Cappy. just so they don't disappear, kill the hammer brother who is near you and when you respawn on top of the block of coins, immediately take off his hat and make it fall on the turnip and it should start floating towards the other turnip and when you hit it. one just floats away, it's certainly strange, but I'm not thinking about how strange they are, but if he gave it a difficulty rating, I'd give it a mild rating, but we should at least check to see if he's still going up. and I don't think he'll come back Hello everyone, what's going on?
I don't even regret that. There's something going on with this poke and it doesn't matter if I look at it from left to right or the other way around, I can't seem to figure it out. find out what went wrong, all jokes aside, this is the flipped poke glitch that really doesn't need any more explanation than that poke Mario got stuck looking up and even shoots his pickaxe upwards, the sky appears or at leasttry to try it, it's a little embarrassing. Since you can't really climb things with this, it would be really fun to see Pokeo Mario like he's running up a wall while you can be flipped around like an apple pie if you don't want your bird's butt turning into a bulletin board.
I recommend not having this bug active near other pokios. They are a little jealous and very aggressive. If you want to disable this glitch, all you have to do is walk in the direction you want now if you want to activate it. this bug first of all you will need to take a pokeo and Bowser's Kingdom and get on one of these roofs, they are roofs, whatever, first get on this roof and pull yourself up with this little ledge, now push as hard and fast as you can , just mash him while occasionally changing direction and then it just works, you can use a Spin Attack to move a little bit, but once you stop pushing Mario he will slowly spin back to normal.
Now that we've twisted her and Mario's life upside down, I'm giving this glitch a new lease of life, okay, this glitch is cool, imagine the Floating Hammer broke before, but this time with a rock, there's no much to say beyond that. You can grab this stone and when you throw it, it just stays in place and spins. I'm not saying it's strange for a rock to just be floating, they are spinning. I mean, look at this planet we're on. I can tell you that the Earth itself is not a glitch, but this rock is. Even when you kick her, she really doesn't care in the slightest.
I guess it's a magic rock for a reason, since normal rocks don't float like that, only shiny ones. Now the rock, like the Hammer Bros, isn't exactly a good guy. Put them on top of any NPC and they don't look like they're having a good time and you know, I don't think they sound like that either, they can all also kick the Rock in the air which is cool but I doubt it. I also said you're welcome, that's all I can say, so it's time to explain how this is done. What you'll want to do is go to the Woodland Kingdom and then grab those rocks near Odyssey, grab that rock every time. walk here, at the entrance to the iron road, stand at the place where the flowers meet the grass and throw the stone onto the platform, stand on the platform and as it falls pick up the rock and if everything went well , grind a rocking chair ready to float.
Of course, when all is said and done, this bug gets a great rating, let's revisit our doggy friend who will take us out of this world with the next bug, as you can see, or maybe not, there's a dog up there, but maybe we'll change it. That g for t because our puppy is no bigger than a pinpoint, but he didn't get there alone, but this time Mario is his partner and this dream team will reach the edge of the cosmos, you can even see the Earth well . also or whatever Planet Mario lives in and you can see that this level takes place inside a giant crater, which is a little weird since the rest of the Moon makes it look like a giant donut, but enough desserts, let's get into it to the main course.
First of all, you'll want to head to the Moon because it's the easiest place and honestly the only one I bother to record footage of finding the dog near the Star room and doing what you would normally do: start jumping over his head, make sure you're facing him. in the same direction the dog is facing and then at the top of your bounce throw a Cappy, the more you do this the more you realize the dog is slowly rising. You can keep doing this for as long as you want or even take a little. pretty good screenshots Just beautiful, this isn't the hardest glitch in the world so I'm giving it a difficulty rating of great.
The next glitch we have is definitely very strange. You see, find out who is the smartest marksman in the west. a little easier with this bug, we can make the tank bullets curve harder than the koi veer and serve normally, the tanks throw one straight towards the line, but it seems that the curved ball can also hit the target. Now I'm not a tank expert, but yeah. It's a good thing tanks aren't supposed to do that, maybe it's Mario putting a twist on things, but it's not Mario Galaxy so I'm not too sure about that. Well, I would say that it is enough to think about it, so let's see how to do it. this head to the forest kingdom on the upper level and take control of Mr Tank for a quick second.
Make sure motion controls are on and turn on snapshot mode. Turn the controllers like you're aiming somewhere really far away on the screen and when you come out of snapshot mode like As soon as you can shoot, the bullet will curve to where you were looking before, where you're looking now, it's pretty clean, no It's hot so the difficulty cools down, these are not your average gnarly waves, this lava is lethal sold for surfing. In these magma seas we're going to need a special surfboard, yeah, forget blooper surfing, portable surfing is where it's at, so from the looks of it we have Mario standing inside the drinking water, which is a bit strange considering which I thought most people wouldn't want.
Standing inside a molten fireball is a little strange, but if you look at Mario he seems completely fine with it, even if it means he's sinking face first into the lava, there's a neat little flow, he too It's like a dolphin. so the laptop has Mario's hat I guess we know who wears the hat in this little relationship here Mario Mario has the hat and when it comes to separating these two, death is the only salvation as long as there is freedom and fire, find out how to do it . This glitch is just as good, the first thing you'll want to do is go to the pause menu and turn on two player mode and optionally assist mode, because you'll be doing a lot of dying things if you don't pause. this place near the starting point of the world with the pile of goombas right above you, there should be two photo Boos jumping out of the lava in a sort of odd and even pattern, capture one of them and release it just when the other one is on the interlava. when they come out of the lava, they should do so at about the same time, so when one hits the Pickaxe to jump, capture with a second player, and capture back and forth between them until Mario is the only one left standing , while Mario's diet could be I'm feeling super spicy.
Maybe I'll give this problem a light touch. It's far from great, but not too difficult for me. You know what they say. When you have to go. You have to go if you are in a hurry to send the letter faster. Your airmail. I get your point, it's a lot better than walking the letters yourself, but if you want to personally take the alphabet to the streets, these glyphs can escape their cage and take a walk down Radley Street. I think I finally understand what people meant when they said that Mario really stands out compared to the new donkers, unlike normal humans, Mario can go through walls at crazy speeds, I would really give Sonic a run for his money, a Sometimes speed is not enough to overcome some problems, you really need to overcome them. or you can run away to visit, either works, but to run you must learn to walk and to walk you must learn to crawl and although this glitch has nothing to do with either of those things, it's time to give it to you. show. how to actually do it what you're going to want to do is first take this R and move it to this corner making sure the color side is facing out, then take the A and move it right behind the r and push it to the left.
In a few steps you should be able to place a sideways M in that space, which is exactly what you're going to do. Put the m right here and get on the scooter. Now what you will have to do is tighten the screw towards the m. and just before you hit him, you will have to jump and dismount. The scooter should be facing the m, so now enter the m and stay upright to bring it closer to the r. Now just capture the r and leave the park. limits and fall into oncoming traffic, don't try this at home kids, when a taxi hits the r, go back to the letter and run away, it's a one time problem, die or go somewhere else area that puts a Stop on the fun, fun is finite and so is this video link, so I'm going to move on to Chase and give this mistake a mile rating.
Now these errors were quite strange. I apologize for being so out of date too, but I'll see you back. here next week, uh, for another video and you may or may not like it, but also, if you liked it, like the video. I'll be streaming on Twitter right now, so go there, but if I don't see you there, make it a great day, stay golden.

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