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Super Mario Odyssey Glitches that STILL WORK

May 30, 2021
Hey guys, watch well in HD here and welcome back to Game Breakers. It's been a fat minute since I've done one of these, so I wanted to take a look at a game I've always wanted to cover Super Mario Odyssey since this game came out. A few years ago many bugs were found in this game, but at the same time Nintendo also released updates in an attempt to patch them. Luckily, there are plenty of surprising


that survived Nintendo's wrath and more that were just discovered anyway, from jumping past the middle of the dark side realm, it's


possible to jump in and out of bounds, as well. like faulty scooters.
super mario odyssey glitches that still work
That being said, let's dive into Super Mario Odyssey first, we have Kingdom Lake with a pretty easy out of bounds trick. main area on the left side, go near the big Palace area under the 2d pipe and you should find these three wooden pegs, use capi to take them out and then we will need to capture a cheap, bring it back to where we were. Since this is where we are going out of bounds, try to get the fish to swim against this corner and into the crack. If you get stuck and it looks like that you are on the right track, now all you have to do is hold down the control stick and press Z L to unlock the cheap cheat, if you were in the right place Mario will go through the wall and you will be Out of bounds, you are now out of the entire kingdom and free to do whatever you want. but as you can probably see, we're underwater, so Mario can't really breathe right now.
super mario odyssey glitches that still work

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super mario odyssey glitches that still work...

It took me a second to realize this and you can even see the exact point where I panicked and started swimming quickly upwards. Fortunately, it is not far away. swim to the top so you can get there easily. Well, now we are ready to explore, but what are we doing here? Well, I'm glad you asked because I don't really know what use this would be for others. than just looking neat and off the map, oh you can spend ten minutes trying to break these boxes to make a moon appear, but there's


space out of reach here so there really was no point in you being able to reach an area of cargo behind this. door where you normally have to open a section of the wall and slam the door open, not cool, seriously, while it's cool to explore the Late Kingdom from outside the normal walls and boundaries, this is personally my favorite world if you're Talking of visuals and its beautiful music, it gives me major Jolly Roger Bay vibes, so maybe that's why, but you can still see where the developers took shortcuts, as they never expect you to see certain areas from other angles, like here with the cave section. a large rock block and they added details inside.
super mario odyssey glitches that still work
You can also see this room that is way below grade. I would try to go down there, but you can't do that while you're going in, so I just suffocate. End this error. I tried to see how far I could go outside the limits. I didn't get too far and eventually swam through this wall, which I assume was just an outer texture border. I also saw the Odyssey balloon by itself, so it's just a giant golden ball floating there. I guess this is because you can usually see it from anywhere since it's so big, but anyway, when I got a little further away, I randomly died like I fell off the level, even though it's perfectly fine floating around. in the water, so that's basically all you can do, although you might be able to find one or two moons that you can collect here, but I couldn't find any to take to the Snow Kingdom on the tethered bull next to the track.
super mario odyssey glitches that still work
You will find this chiavari and the runner that you can capture, bring them to this ledge to the right of the viewing area, move him slowly so that he pushes against the edge of the glass. Now we just have to release the control stick and tap repeatedly. To do it tied up and down you don't need to go too crazy with the mashing or we'll just get out of control and it will start hitting the top wood, which is what we want once you think you have the Timing right when it's about to do contact with the ceiling, press Z L to uncover it and make sure you go out of bounds while you are in the air and want to launch towards the earth on the race track after landing on the ground again.
Congratulations. You are now out of bounds in an area that you are supposed to be able to reach since you run in it, but this is a fairly low resolution version, you can see the crowd cheering at a low frame rate with quite a bit of clutter. Faces and walls cease to exist since you are never supposed to see them. You may also have noticed that this ground here isn't really snow, as you sink if you stand still and even when you run it's a bit slow. When you're done walking through these innocent civilians, why don't you check out the race track?
Getting down there is pretty simple. All you have to do is jump this gap and land on the ledge below. You are not free to take a look. and it happens with the chiavari and the runners, but yes, you can explore this entire track with ease and, oh yes, there is one important thing I should mention: there are invisible holes scattered throughout this track that make you die instantly, effectively canceling this glitch . I ran into a lot of these holes, so I had to make the mistake at least ten times to keep trying to get further and further up the track from my testing.
The best strategy is to follow the wooden path. The best strategy is simply random. Guess where to stand and I hope you died right on the spot. I couldn't get very far from the original starting point because I kept dying. I'm sure it's possible for it to actually go full circle, but that would take hours of riding, but for what it's worth, it's still a


fun bug to play with until you meet your inevitable fate. The next step is one of my favorites. It takes place at Lunch Aeon Kingdom and is really easy to achieve.
There are two things we need to change before heading to the location, although first we need to switch to two player mode to grab another controller or joy con, but don't worry, we don't actually need another person or friend to help, luckily once we is on, we must do it. press pause again and enter assist mode via the options menu and now we are ready to start heading into this area with the two PO taboos, we need to time your jumps for the reason you will see in a second, so capture one of they. and while the other one lands back on the lava jump he shouldn't jump very similarly now we just have to walk off the ledge and into the lava and since we are in assist mode they put us back in the bubble and it comes back to go up, this is when you should put down your first controller and grab the one cathy is assigned to while


is still blinking, capture one of PO's taboos, and quickly switch the capture back and forth after the third one.
The Mario model will just be floating there. on top of the enemy and we have solved the error. The reason we need both players with the synchronized potagooos jump is because Cathy can quickly switch between captures by simply pointing the control stick in any direction and pressing Y, this allows us to capture. These guys jump three times, all in one jump, which triggers the bug, so now we have Mario floating on a squid boot while he is captured, meaning you can navigate around in this strange looking state. You can go back to being a player now if you don't.
I want all the extra clutter on the screen, which is what I did anyway, now we're free to enjoy this little visual glitch and watch Mario have the time of his life with this little guy every time you jump or... Mario's model simply adapts to that. angle using these cannons we can launch ourselves throughout the kingdom, you can basically reach any lava section of the map besides the one in the back left corner. I had a lot of fun with this one as is. It's very easy to achieve and gives you some fun results. Next we have a cool one with the scooter, hop on it and take it up any steep ramp or incline.
I'm going to start by using the castle railings in the Mushroom Kingdom, accelerate carefully and jump so that your front wheel is on the slope and the other wheel is still on the ground. The mark should be at a fairly skewed angle like this. Once you're in a position like this, tap B to jump and then hold Y and B on the slope. The same timestamp should fly much higher than usual, as if it had a moonsault cheat code or something you can still move while in the air, which creates some buggy results, such as clipping the ground and camera paints strangely, you can get various results.
Depending on how much you move and the timing of pressing B over and over again, mashing B wouldn't really


for me, so I had to time the button press to hit the ground, it may be difficult to reduce the time, but it won't. It won't be long until you're a pro at bunny hopping, as I mentioned before you can do this mistake basically anywhere, just find a steep slope while on a B scooter and then Y and B together and you'll be bouncing like Louis Armstrong on the Luna, wait, no, Neil Armstrong anyway, while we're on this scooter and Metro Kingdom, there's another bug we can fix.
We're going to need the scooter to the top of the town hall roof, so once you're on it, jump. in this direction and hold, accelerate, land on the top of this building and go down to the back of this sign, try to climb the support beam, which causes you to fall off the sign, hold the control stick and , if you're lucky, Mario crashes through the floor and falls into the building. Now you are out of bounds once again, this time in Metro Kingdom you can go through the other buildings around here, but be careful as the loading zones for the crazy hat shop are also there.
The first time I made this mistake, I accidentally stumbled upon it and had to start over, but it wasn't a big deal since there isn't much to do here anyway. I enjoyed taking a look because the area looks very strange from in here, as you can see floating water towers and on the other side of the doors you can never access it, but there are a couple of buildings that you can run around freely in here and it's pretty easy Do it if you want to enter a building and Metro. Kingdom, here you go, you go to a section and there are


that revolve around a trick known as role cancellation normally after performing a ground slam, pressing Y or X will make Mario roll and if you were to press a or B while he rolls to Mario. would do a long jump, but if you combine three buttons pressed one after another very quickly, you can immediately roll and throw the copy, these three buttons are y x and a or you can also do X Y and B in those orders respectively.
I personally use Y X as is. It's easier for me, you can press all of them quickly using three fingers, so yes, you have to press any of these combinations very quickly to perform a roll cancel. Once you have the basics down, we can use it to get through a lot of walls. Throughout the game, starting in the Sand Kingdom, when you first enter the world, the inverted pyramid will be on the ground with the door closed. Normally you have to collect a moon in the moai's habitat to open the door, but with the cancel roll you don't You don't have to stand against the door and have his right ear touch this line on his face.
Now perform the canceling role that we have been practicing. If you hit the wall, you didn't press the YX a or YX B buttons fast enough. If you throw away your cap and you're still knocking on the door you're on the right track after a good 10 minutes of trying I finally got through the wall and now you can go up the stairs and enter the pyramid after some 2d sections and Riding Bullet Bill , you can go up and face Harriet in the boss battle. By collecting the multimoon, you will return to the night section in the level.
Now you can make the hole in the desert boss fight and bring peace to the kingdom. faster, well this trick is used in many speed races, it is a


useful tool that we can use and other glitches that we have ahead of us, so let's take a look at a little more in the snow kingdom, there is a way to reach the bulbous ounce circuits. Early on, you'd normally need to complete these four mini stages to unlock Bowser's door, but thanks to a roll canceling clip, you don't have to. Start by going up to the upper balcony, either by walking a normal long path or by doing this cool strategy anyway run towards this corner which is where we are cutting out of the line Mario oops whose feet are just before this little corner in the snow, turn them slightly to the left towards the wall and then perform the role, cancels must be cut and as soon as you hold down the control stick immediately after Cappy returns with Mario, throw them in the directionFrom this out of bounds snow platform, bounce off it and jump to land on this out of bounds ledge.
Landing here may take a bit of practice, as I died a good 10 times after leaving here once, although you can take a look at the city from new angles before taking the final leap of faith. We want to aim for the icy ramp that descends below the Bowser door jump from the top left corner of this ledge and start spinning towards the ramp, jump, bounce on capi and you should have covered enough distance to land on the ramp and reach the loading zone of the racing circuit, now you are free. To continue with the goal of the kingdom and bring peace to the Shiv area, the next step is one you can do at the beginning of the game and complete the Kingdom after the Frog part of the level, you will end up at the top of the tower. in the battle against hopper instead of doing that, although head right outside the door, there is a small stone here next to this cap, we must stand on it and push ourselves against the wall, do a backflip, hit the ground what as soon as possible and then cancel the roll if done correctly.
Marv will go through the wall and inside the tower we are now on a small out of bounds platform. Take a look around for a second, but we are aiming for this section with the platforms and a door. Long jump, bounce and jump over this gap which isn't too bad and you should land here now out of bounds again so take it. the view before the next step, we need to get to this area behind the door, so slam Jone into the ground, which will give you enough height to land inside. Congratulations, you have now locked the game.
There is absolutely nothing to do here and no way to leave, so yes it's good, in all seriousness, although this is the first way to crash the game, there is even an entire speedrunning category dedicated to it, it's called percentage soft lock and the current world record is 1 minute in 44 seconds, the speedrun is kind of a joke, but it's still okay since this is the only bug you have to solve to get a time on the leaderboards. Technically I could submit my run and get 20th on a fixed time deal and that was even with me watching part of the scene and the slow motion okay let's take a break from those hard fails you always wanted to do Mario cap ulis is that word, anyway, this glitch does exactly that in a coastal kingdom, head to the volleyball minigame, this trick can be a little difficult to pull off. off but once you understand what to do it's not so bad, you want to hit the volleyball up and if the shell man places the ball you want to do a ground jump with him and spike the ball with Cappy if you have the right moment. you should hit the ball in overtime and now Cappy just disappears somehow the extra hit just makes Cappy cease to exist and this glitch is now activated.
Now you can run with Mario without any hats. Cappy is still with you but just invisible as you can see when I stay still his eyes still pop out from time to time you can do whatever you want just don't throw Cappy or he will respawn and everything will be back to normal like I once said May you obtain the Reduce time, it is not a difficult wish to achieve. I got it on my first try. On my second try. This reminds me of the moons you collect. You're putting Caffey in a scarecrow because you can't use Cappy.
You or the shine will be corrected thinking that with Seaside Kingdom there is a way to get out of bounds with a cheep cheep the police we are cutting down from so far back in the kingdom, so catch a cheep cheep in your way and then return to In this ridge, near the sand mounds, there is a small crevice between these cliffs that you may be able to see swimming down, so the peep is trapped between the two. Now follow the path directly back to the edge of the level once you close it. to the fall attack to be safe and then jump, the cheep cheeps should fall into the small space we now want to recover, but if Mario stands too close to it while you are going to throw the cap, it will cause a cheap trick. teleport once you jump you want to get a little bit away from the fish and then turn around and cast the copy as soon as you start catching it it starts holding why trying to swim down and out of bounds for me.
I had to get out and recaptured it as it was halfway between the collision wall and the cliff, then after swimming again I finally jumped out of bounds, that was pretty self explanatory but I promise the problem is not very difficult and it only took Anyway, I have about five minutes to go down the first time, now that we're here, there's a lot to explore. There is a fairly large 2D section in this realm, so that was my first area of ​​interest. I'm sure you can see it below. here and it gives you a very good view.
I was even able to place the camera perfectly between the real earth and this section allows me to see all the sprites very closely, unfortunately you can't collect the moon from here while In fact, to get into the pipes and do all that, in this deep section with the moon pieces, there is an outer layer of textures that Mario can swim through, you can still stay out of bounds and it's also a bit strange, my personal favorite was behind in this area of ​​the world as you can see very good all the sections from an angle you were never supposed to see, you can also see where the skybox fails a little, as well as the underside of the Odyssey.
It seems like another thing I immediately thought about when I got out of bounds was how far I could swim, surprisingly not that deep as you hit an invisible floor pretty early on, you can even see a good part of the level once you're on it. tourism, there is actually something of use that we can get out of this too and that is collecting moons. Speedrunners actually use this bug to grab two moons there. Any percentage of races will grab space on the ocean trench moon while staying out of bounds. spinning right next to the wall, which somehow allows them to pick it up and then they'll swim here under the Sphinx because the loading zone is still here anyway, which will allow them to open the chest and grab the moon here, in the forest.
Realm, there's a big speed bug we can make in the 2d section. Go up this steep ramp using a rocket flower and find these bricks. Hit these middle two twice so we have a clear opening to pipe 2d. Now it's back completely. Go down to the flowers and do a spin throw so you can grab them for now. I have Mario going up the ramp and try to maneuver towards the 2d section while keeping the speed boosts active, just going through the motions and jumping across the gap in the hole once you are in the pipe, stay to the right and keep jumping.
Mario will fly out of the pipe and shoot across the section with incredible speed. You can cover a good amount of ground before reaching this section with the platform. Where the fun ends is hitting a wall or turning around makes you lose all your speed. Getting into the pipe can be tricky because if you hit something or miss the jump you have to go all the way back, but it's still kind of interesting. trick you can achieve and bring the rocket flower effect to the 2d section for a short time oh boy the next one is difficult at least it was for me anyway now that I understand what to do to fix this problem it should be easier Anyway, for you guys, I should probably show you what I'm actually talking about, so this bug involves two things: this Typhoo and the wooden block in the distance, capture it and float towards the block, now we need to push it a little.
Through the ice, what I didn't realize at first is that different gusts of wind will push it at different distances, so as you can see here, I'll go back and forth to just barely touch the block and push it a little further away from the ice. wall. There is some wiggle room with the space we need, but if it looks similar to what I have on the screen now, everything will be fine. We need to get a big burst, which basically means holding Y the entire time until the block goes out of range. of the Typhoo, so this logically means that if you do the same full breath from this side, it will rest in the same place we were originally in.
To achieve this error, the typhoon must be within that small space from before, but how do you do it? We do well, as the great Sir Isaac Newton once said in Super Mario Odyssey, a moving object will stay in motion unless it's out of the camera's view or something, basically all we have to do now is perform a complete exhalation. the block and then rotate the camera quickly, but rotating the camera normally doesn't


, so we have to press the d-pad to enter snapshot mode, this will freeze the game completely and allow us to move the camera freely, just look towards He moves the camera away from the block so it's no longer in frame and resumes the pause now, I'm just glad the Typhoo comes out and circles this section.
If we get too close to the block, we'll risk moving again, so make sure you go far enough before going around me again. To target that original wall where the block originally spawned the sin, I would recommend going over it so that you push against this wall and then can slowly make your way back to the right once inside this gap. I go into photo mode again to show you that the block. it's still here, but you can just move the camera with the block back into the camera view; will finish the move it was supposed to do before and stop again at this point on the ice if you have reached this point then congratulations you are basically done all you have to do now is move towards the corner carefully and eventually you will go out of bounds.
Yes, we did all this just to get out of bounds in the Snow Kingdom. Well, this. The trick may seem complicated, I promise you it is not. I think it's worth it since you can explore it here while you're still on the Typhoo, so you don't have to worry about dying or anything. You can see the big drop in objects in the city of Shibuya. inside and outside, as well as this view where the only thing visible is the frozen water. I made a full circle around the level and then tried to get very far away, but there's a big collision wall preventing us from getting anywhere other than that, although there's not much else to do, either backing up within the boundaries or falling and die now I want a really cool glitch with our friend glide, it allows us to gain infinite height so we can fly as high as we want, we can do this glitch on a bunch of realms.
I want to start with the easiest place, which is this pillar in the sand kingdom, get off the edge without jumping and start sliding as soon as possible. Once you are in the air, you should start shaking your controller repeatedly. and slowly turns to the side, but I don't want to start flying higher and higher with each shake. You can turn as much as you want, but don't go beyond 90 degrees from the original direction that we left outside the pillar. You can use the compass. in the corner to determine this with everything done we can fly up and above the kingdom, their invisible wall surrounds the entire kingdom so once you hit them you won't be able to gain any more height, you should also make sure you don't. turn in the opposite direction to the initial terminus we did or the same thing will happen using this glitch in the same realm it gives us a cool view but also allows us to land on the floating platform with the painting as I said before there are other realms We can do this, but first Of that, there is one more place we can use, it's on these stairs and it may be more difficult to achieve, so I recommend using the pillar from before, so just a quick summary, all you need is a slide and a steep slope. to fall once you fall, press B to start sliding and shake the controller repeatedly, tap gently a few times to turn in one direction, but make sure not to go past 90 degrees or turn in the other direction.
With this in mind, we can head to the wooden kingdom for the next place find this deep slope walk along the leafy part and plan perfectly so that you barely pass this railing and you are home free from turning and flying I decided to go as far as possible and then return to get a Strange View of the level as the air charges again in the Lost Kingdom, slide down these stairs and repeat the process. This is probably the second easiest place to accomplish this, since you don't have any terrain beneath you or anything. To find ourselves in Seaside we have to climb up the side of the Crystal Palace, which can be annoying in itself, then when you start to fall you slide down and we're off.
I couldn't get too high in this level since there isn't much. of the room, although finally the darkest side, which is definitely the most useful place for this bug, you have to go a good way through the level and go up tothe sliding section to take him back to the Sphinx, walk from the top of his head and do. your turn left when you're high enough, we can simply turn and glide past the underground pipe section, which is where I died the most in this level, as well as Bowser's section, we can simply land on this platform beyond these sections. and head towards the spark pylon to the end of the level.
This is a really useful bug for this stage, but it also skips a lot of the work you have to do to beat this level, so I'd say only try this if you've done this stage before or you really can't beat it, so I already did a video on this next glitch, but it's too good not to cover again. I won't go into as much detail as the weather, so check it out. That video later, if you want it anyway, as you can clearly see, allows us to take the Metro Kingdom lyrics out of their bounds and terrorize the city with them.
Capture any letters besides them, since we need that one specifically for the error. this corner and align it so that it faces the RC section now take the letter M and align it perpendicularly so that it faces City Hall now get on the scooter and bring it here so we can drive towards the end as you get closer jump and then jump off the scooter to let it land on the letter, it should swing back and then almost stand up if it looks like this, you're in good shape, catch the M again and let me tap left on the control stick, the amp should move forward and enter the another letter, just switch to the other letter and keep walking, now it's very easy for you to walk around the city looking as ridiculous as everyone else, this is great on its own, there are two side effects that I want to show. leaving first is hyperspeed which can be done by placing the letter in the taxi's path, once it is inside the letter capture it and start leaving once you leave they will send you.
I didn't spot the speeds, it can be difficult. to control this as you go around and you will most likely end up flying off the map if you manage to jump at the right time you may end up inside out of bounds buildings. I managed to get into City Hall by wandering around Brantley and choosing a time to leave. One useful thing you can do with this is to cheat at the surprisingly difficult jump rope minigame, just walk up to it and stand on top of the letter you can. Rack up the highest score you want and in the following two months you can also take out all the letters using them, but what if you want everything to be well organized?
It's a little harder to click on the a and then position it. here, so hang on this little ladder facing this direction, then place them here as far as possible on the corner going towards City Hall, get back on the scooter and do the same as before, aiming for the center of the side, capture the M. and with a little luck you'll get it out too, so there you have it, now you have an army of capital letters ready to unleash on New Dog City, have fun, so there were a lot of glitches in Super Mario Odyssey that never happened , and will probably never be patched since the last update was over a year ago.
I had a lot of fun with this episode and I'm not really sure why I didn't make a big video about this game sooner, but I hope you enjoyed it anyway. and you might want to try some of these for yourself, but for now I'll get out of here. Thank you all very much for watching us and, as always, we will see you.

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