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The Voice vs Steven Seagal (FULL)

Apr 24, 2024
who passed away later and, you know, he could still knock people out with one punch and kill with one punch, he used to kill bulls and do fish strikes and shave the horns off bulls and you had the incredible faith of power he was a good friend of mine was a tremendous good friend of mine you know he was in Kazakhstan I think he was somewhere crazy in the world the other day maybe 6 months ago something like that and there was a big K Kai, how do you say English like um? Meeting or convention, well, yeah, convention, something like that, they were doing all this, uh, you know, demonstrations and fights and competitions, and all the old Senai, all the old, you know, Masters K shinkai.
the voice vs steven seagal full
They were there and saw me enter. This was like creepy and they, oh, you know, he's here, he's here and they made me come and sit with the other Masters and introduced me as his Senpai. Wow, what a tremendous honor, tremendous honor, you mentioned the interviews. that the kick that you gave to Anderson is something that you like that he had in the bank that he had in the file from many, many years ago, can you explain a little more about the kick and it is your own version of an MTI of a t isn't anyway everyone can say oh it's just a myti it's not just a myti what i tried to teach him and leoto you see most people when they do myti they lift their leg and kick sure what what i'm trying to teach people to do without giving away any trade secrets is to kick like that so you don't see it coming, you don't lift up and kick, you kick like that and it's the way you hold your foot, that's not how a lot of people do it there. , you'll see it all the time, but it's like that, it's like a spear, a lot of people do this to protect their toes. there is a danger of breaking your toes well you have to lift your toes up you lift your toes up and you are kicking here ok then you know it but it is not a typical classic mayti is different and with leot masidi You've mentioned that you're helping him with his punches, can you explain a little more about what an iido stylist and mixed martial artist like you say is teaching a guy like Leoto when it comes to manual labor, for example, no?
the voice vs steven seagal full

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I turn my hand? When I hit you, no, you're screwing with your hand. No, when I hit, I hit like that because it's faster and it comes from here. It doesn't come here. It doesn't come from here. It comes from down here. How do you mean if you're hitting, say that if you're hitting my hand, it's here, okay, yeah, and I drop my hand down and it's coming from my body, it's not coming from my shoulder or my hips, my whole body flies to the right, so my punches are very different. They're very different and they're fast, you know, uh and um, I mean, you know, like I said, Leo's dad and I are the same, yeah, but we're also a little bit different because some of my teachers were different than his. and in some ways he is envious of me and who I had to study with and vice versa, but you know he has two great teachers in his father and I and I think there are some unique things that I am teaching Leoda that he I wouldn't learn. nowhere else I don't think now this intrigues me there are many techniques do you think there are throughout the world of martial arts that the public has not yet seen shown in MMA thousands, hundreds of thousands, there are so many, I mean what about me?
the voice vs steven seagal full
I don't want to say I know a lot because I really don't know anything, but I have forgotten more techniques than most people have learned. Wow, if you could choose to work with any other mixed martial artist you haven't worked with yet. Who would you choose? Who are you a fan of? I mean, who am I working with? I'm working with who I want to work with. You know, those are two of my favorite guys. There are many other great fighters that you know and for me. Anyone who enters the ring and the octagon is a great warrior and I automatically respect them.
the voice vs steven seagal full
I don't like the concept of people doing interviews and speaking badly about others and I'm going to do this to them. I'm going to do that to him and he's this and he's that and I think that's a disgrace to martial arts and I don't like that at all and maybe some people are being incited to do that for publicity, but I don't like that, well , a question comes up that I've asked before in interviews: are most mixed martial artists actually martial artists or are they fighters? I mean, most of them are fighters, they don't embody the true spirit of martial arts.
Bushido Spirit Well, I mean you know, but earlier you talked about speed, particularly in relation to Leota Masida, how fast are you still at 60 years old? And when you're training with guys like Leoto and Anderson, how fast are you still? You should ask them that. I don't want to answer if you think you're still as fast as you were 10 years ago, maybe faster in another life you would have chosen to be a mixed martial arts fighter in the cage. I mean, no, it's not for you. We just believe in keeping all of this as secret as possible and you know there are a lot of things we don't teach on The Voice versus Steven.
We spoke with Steven about his work in law enforcement, particularly on the Mexico-Arizona border welcome back to The Voice versus Steven Sagal in Scotdale Arizona Although he has been a movie star for the better part of a quarter century, he is a little known fact that for over 20 years Steven Seagal has been involved in the police industry, so I ask him why a movie star like him, who could sit back and enjoy a lifestyle of parties, beautiful women, cocktails By the pool, he decides to commit himself and put his life in danger by working in the border patrol between Mexico and the United States.
The states move on to another topic. You do a lot of legal work, particularly on the border here in Arizona, which makes a movie star like you, who could sit back and live the movie star lifestyle, relax. life at stake against you know, drug dealers, human traffickers, rapists and the like who protect the border, why do that? I am a warrior and that is in my blood. I also like to protect my country and I do that on the border as best I can. I also like to do what little I can to get the bad guys off the streets, murderers, rapists, armed robbers, people who are terrible to society.
You know, it's terrible for your wife and your kids to have to live on the same planet. I hope all those guys can be locked up so they can't victimize any more people. You come up against some of the most dangerous and depraved people in the world when you do this line of work. What is the most dangerous situation? Have you ever found yourself doing this job well, I mean, I think you get shot at and you know, kick around inside where you know there are bad guys with guns that will try to shoot you if they can do things like that, have you ever?
Yes, they shot you, yes, they stabbed you, they cut you, they didn't stab you. Yes, are you always armed? Yeah, right now, if I looked around this room, I'd find an arm of some kind that you brought with you. Yes, once you got stung and you feel more Asian than American it's still like that, well, I grew up in Asia in really impressionable times for me because I was there very young and the most formative moments of my life were there with great teachers, so that's where I got my culture. To the best of my knowledge, my wisdom, you know most of the way I think it was learned.
Is it true that you also have a grandmother in your lineage who is Mongolian? It's true, well, no, it's probably from my father's side because, uh, all me. I have a photo of my father's family and they have quite maligned eyes and Asian clothes, so they look like Russian Mongols, but I don't know what they are, but they are kind of Asian talking about Russia. You were in Russia last week. with uh Vladimir Putin with Fed Mileno tell me about that experience because you were personally invited by Putin. I think going to Russia, what was that like?
Well, I think what I love is Vladimir Putin and I think he is a wonderful, great human being. World leader, a real man and I think he loves martial arts. The first time I went to his house many years ago, he had a LIF siiz statue of Kano Jigoro. Wow, the founder of Judo. Amazing, he's just a great guy. I have great respect for him. and I love what he has done for martial arts in Russia and around the world so I want to go there and participate in that and we went to an event together and it was an honor for me to be with him comes when we return to The Voice versus Steven Sagal.
I asked him step by step if he is on the spiritual side of him and also what legacy he would like to leave to the world. Welcome back to The Voice versus Steven Sagal. It's no secret that Steven Sagal is a Buddhist. and apparently it was once declared a tool call that is a reincarnation of a 17th century Buddhist monk. Let's now get into the spiritual side of Steven Sagal. Ask him about his Buddhist life and what legacy he would like to leave behind. In 1997 you were recognized as a Tibetan llama or a tuku that you were The reincarnation of a 17th century Buddhist monk called chundra do can you tell me more about that and what it means without going into great detail?
I've been a Buddhist since I was a child, I started being around Japanese Buddhists and I kind of gravitated towards Tibetan Buddhism. My teachers recognized me as that person, but it never meant much to me in the sense that we don't believe you are who you were. who you are in this life and if I can learn something from you, you know, past life memories or any of the great things that CH did, that would be great, but I think I like to keep my shoulder to the wheel and, you know. learn everything I can about Buddhism and how to help others how to have compassion how to make the world a better place and for me Buddhism is more about altruism and compassion and how you live your life and try to make the world a better place than a religion, have you ever thought about branching out into comedy roles in acting?
I mean, I saw, I remember, I saw a mountain that you had that you were absolutely hilarious on. I think I can be very funny. Everyone who knows me thinks I can be one. very funny I would love to do a comedy if the right one came along if you could go back in time and change anything in your life in any period of your life what would you choose if you chose something well without being too personal? I would just say that my biggest flaw is that I want to believe that not all people are bad and I want to be able to trust people and I have trusted the wrong people many times and it has been extremely expensive, extremely expensive because there are scams. artists, liars, thieves and criminals who will say anything you want to hear and can cause the most damage you know can be inflicted, you know, when you leave this world, as we all will someday, what legacy do you hope you leave behind? leave, I mean, you know I've worked really hard to try to make the world a better place with the way I've helped people, just by being kind and giving everything I had to give and trying to work to improve the environment atmosphere. to fight against those who are destroying the environment.
I have done everything I can to be all I can be and help others and help make the world a better place in my own small way. I am a small person and what I have done is minuscule in the grand scheme of things, however under God under Lord Buddha under all the things I believe in and all the things I hold sacred, I have tried very hard. to be a good man and to help others and I will continue to try. Anything from your work in law enforcement? Any of your performances? Have any of your martial arts ever contradicted your spiritual beliefs?
I mean, you know it in other people's minds. I'm sure I could do it because people tend to You know, you should always be very critical and, uh, not always, but you know, a lot of times and it's very difficult for people to really understand the essence of others, where they come from, what they're actually doing, for example, I get the feeling that one of the things you're saying is, for example, well, if you're a Buddhist, how could you be a police officer? Well, I became a police officer to try to help others. I became a police officer to try to get bad guys off the street.
I became a police officer. To save lives many times in my life I had to take someone who is a murderer or rapist and get them off the street. I have saved many people's lives during Katrina in Louisiana. I was there, you know, I had to save lives there as a police officer. official so to me it's more important than sitting on a throne and a robe and you know, preaching the gospel uh, I don't mind diving into the water to save a life. I don't mind getting my hands dirty to help someone in need. It helps if you had to choose the most rewarding experience besides family, of course, which is very rewarding for all of us, would it be the job of helping people add Katrina in situations like that that you've done beyond your accomplishments in martial arts or your film achievements or anything yes, those are the things that matter most, saving lives and helping people Stephen, thank you very much for your time, as I said, I have always been a big fan of yours as a martial artist of your many charities. and you know we're not talking about helping animals around the world either.
You are a great dog lover, you help save animal lives in several countries. Your work on the border and keeps us all safe and one of the most legitimate. martial artists martial artistsold school and a man who was the first Westerner to operate his own iido dojo in Japan, which I think is also a great achievement and I just want to thank you for joining us on the show today and it has been an absolute pleasure, thank you Mr. Czy, He's out of control here, he can't be stopped, everyone knows he's on top.

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