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$1,000,000 VIRTUAL REALITY HOUSE TOUR (HTC Vive Virtual Reality)

May 30, 2021
oh boy, do I have a gift for you today? I bought my own multi-million dollar



apartment. The man may not be true, but today I have access to one that I can show you right now and here's a little sneak peek look how beautiful it is we have a fireplace a kitchen a random statue old pots and things like that it's the aunt is a sofa a chair and I just realized I'm floating around a little strange and a view that rivals any other apartment in



real estate so without further ado let me take you into my multi-million dollar lifestyle hey see this look at this scratchy floor 19 oh wait wait wait wait what is that is the pent


right the ten hey hey hey hey are you kidding me um this is my apartment I swear why can't we bring it?
1 000 000 virtual reality house tour htc vive virtual reality
On the first day they are worried about the initial problems. Everything will be fine. It's or let me in, please, hello, oh, oh, oh, this


comes from laser pens, come on, let's go in before this decides. to close me, yeah, what happens next, you know, Punk, welcome because the square meters are absolutely incredible. Actually, I don't know what's inside this room here, let's close it, close it, the shots in my apartment, what's good guys, a furry shouldn't do it? the ice, that's not a good idea, but wow, sharks, one is cool, Bruce, the other one's name is Monty, they're friendly, really, I promise, let's open this door.
1 000 000 virtual reality house tour htc vive virtual reality

More Interesting Facts About,

1 000 000 virtual reality house tour htc vive virtual reality...

Hello, go away, I'm good, Sugarland man, the room is full of cats, no. t the cats cardia he's crazy she probably lives next door anyway what do we have now? Well, this is a little disappointing. I have sharks in that room over there. What are you doing? I'm in, ha ha, I have a sub. Wow, I didn't realize this thing in this apartment came with magical powers. I feel like I have good luck that you found Nemo. You know what I mean? Oh no, whatever, no aggression will crash. I mean, although this seems to be when they have to do it. go through the filter to scare Nemo this is crazy I'm a fish I'd like to go out now even though I don't want to be here I'm crashing into the rocks it was nice to be one with the fish with their treasure nah no that's fake well that's how small I was , sure, let's continue the


, welcome to the main area, I know it's beautiful, right, we have a tweet playing a toy car, I'm not really sure why they are there, we have a house of cards, which literally took me .
1 000 000 virtual reality house tour htc vive virtual reality
It's a long time to put together, so one rule in this apartment is not to touch the house of cards, aah, if I per se, what are these, the world is home, these are tarot cards, they are like cards of divination, so yes, I am a magician I am a magician I can spin the small and I can explode and recreate a house of cards exactly bow before me what else we have we have a plane a car an elephant what does the elephant do it changes into a dolphin and I dare to come from Indore, I will definitely stay, even if we never touch that again.
1 000 000 virtual reality house tour htc vive virtual reality
That ended in the kitchen. Do we look absolutely flawless? There is also an attack helicopter there. Okay, your plugs. Oh, Griffin theme. Can you get one, two, three, one, two, three, one, two? three just make them all big okay I have a gardener you can clean this bigger the better you look like this giant TV ah that is absolutely monstrous omg this water is the way we touch the t-rex I want to touch the t-rex oh no oh no what's going on oh did you hear we're on the balcony look this view is absolutely beautiful oh no no he's not back Godzilla said just be careful with that construction down there oh shut up everything's fine this guy I got scared I can't ladies , opinion, that's all I got, where are you going, buddy, huh, what are you passing by the building?
Yeah, through the building, okay, bye, that was interesting and also literally on the same thing, so that's what the view normally looks like. It's great right, I was going to say we're in New York, but I actually don't know if that's the case, this seems like a completely different place hmm, I probably should know because I bought the apartment, but hey, never mind. What should we try next? We have some vehicles we could test. What is this? Okay, dragon Doug, if I touch this and a dragon appears, just pray for me, please, no, it will just growl.
Okay, okay, any food up there, no, no food. you are a useless useless statue next we have a picture of a cat okay a classic jukebox an absolute classic why do these old pots make such strange sounds? I think because, ah, fruit, get off my table, you know who really spent on that, escape, escape, take. Back at the table I was at it, the magic of Gotham, one of these books can fly, what are you doing? Hey, he's gone, literally gone. Wow, okay, cheers, oh, I'm very, very confused about where you're coming from. You don't have anything down here, goodbye.
I'm never leaving there again Wow, but what else could there be in this haunted apartment that I wouldn't want to try, guys, okay, okay, I can see where this is going. Can I go into a side that you might not know is science fiction despite the movie probably? To be honest, it works pretty well for this apartment, apart from the demonetized stop that was close, which was a real plus one, how do I know again? But for a lot of people there right now, great, oh no, no, no, no, no, we. Actually let's stop some terrified television, okay, that gives us a little light, but no, I'm afraid of what, of what, let's go back to normal, please, oh, that could have been.
I could have done it. I think I could have done it. been murdered then Wow, where are you? you're going to become a real woman no, you're just going to do that I'm going to be good to them, get out of here you turned my apartment into an aquarium, that's not why having mines is kind of cool, although we've done it with reptile vehicles or vehicles, it must be something you can do with those cars. The way you could draw the graph is going to move left and right, just on the triggers, speed up, thumbs snap, hold the Alcorn receiver, hey, we can actually.
Drive around this thing, yeah, aah, oh my God, this is a very pretty wind. I'm driving around my upper apartment like an Australian god. This is actually sick. I'm going to crash. Well, he was an interesting director. We could do this or the attack helicopter I think I'm going to go to the attack helicopter no way this is crazy there should be someone in front but it's okay it's okay it doesn't matter if there isn't it has cool buttons the kettle behind us the plants whoa This is crazy, grab, grab, grab, collective, I have no idea what's connected, oh why do I get out to start a lean invasion, wait, how do I get up, how do I get out?
I want to go down, oh, that, so much, what are you doing, brother? I'll bring you pudding. I'm stuck up here, but how do I get down? Okay, here we go look oh no, this is not okay, this is not okay. My mouth comes out, let me out, let me out and stabilize. This is scary, it's so hard to control. Also, oh man, I'm definitely going to feel bad after this, oh, now I want to go out, stop. I guess we should try the cooking, right? It will be rude not to just make some tea. Oh, music to my ears, oh, you could change. the time of day, well, let's have our tea, the tea is not going to brew very well.
Another terrible feature of this department is that you can't actually make tea during the seconds. It seems like I'm transported to space. I'm in a galaxy. There literally no longer exists a city with my own space-time continuum. I am a magician after all. Can we get Godzilla at night? It seems we can, my friends it seems we can. This will be a once in a lifetime opportunity, but you. and I see Godzilla in person in a sky full of stars. I think I see them all. One thing I haven't tried yet is VR horror and I know what they are for.
Oh, no, no, no, me. I don't like this I don't like this at all we belong I'm going to follow you okay I'll follow you here we go we go here and what you just disappear into the cosmos my dear friend then I'll write to you or I don't know what else to do right now I have a multi-million dollar apartment and what I'm doing is choosing the right switch this turns it into food, let's do it just make some food touch again again on Back, oh, I don't know what I just did. I know I'm microwaving myself.
I don't even know what to say. This is crazy. I'm a chicken, I just dance with myself and heat my own apartment in the microwave. This is like the craziest space attempt ever. in my life, see what I mean, I don't think there's much else we can play with, you know, can we do something with the lights, maybe nothing with our lights, we're not making this grow, it's the blueprint, of course, why not? let's try the plane grab the yoke okay grab the throttle it's much easier to fly than that stupid helicopter ah the mirror doesn't do anything that's a missed opportunity I'm invisible I'm a vampire I don't even exist that's because this isn't even no, no , that's because, truth be told, this isn't even my apartment.
It does not belong to me. The truth is, I just stole this for a day, so before Godzilla returns or the owner returns, I'm going to have to love you and leave you. Thank you so much for joining me to see this multi-million dollar virtual reality apartment. I think you will agree that it is beautiful, if you liked it then please leave a comment as if it were very much appreciated, I can't approve this, I will leave a like if you enjoyed it, subscribe if you are new for many more reality adventures virtual and I'll see you next time.
I need to get out of here. because this apartment is not mine, see you later guys, bye, most of it is our swing cart, canvas with sails, super full elastic band

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