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The Third Presidential Debate: Hillary Clinton And Donald Trump (Full Debate) | NBC News

May 01, 2020
Good evening from the Thomas & Mack Center at the University of Nevada Las Vegas. I'm Chris Wallace from Fox News and I welcome you to the


and final of the 2016



s between Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Donald J. Trump. This


is sponsored by the Commission on Presidential Debates, the Commission has designed the format of six segments of approximately 15 minutes with two-minute responses to the first question and then an open discussion for the rest of each segment. Both campaigns agreed to those rules for the record. topics and the questions on each topic none of those questions have been shared with the Commission or the two candidates the audience here in the room has promised to remain silent without applause, boos or other interruptions so that you and we can concentrate on what the candidates have to do.
the third presidential debate hillary clinton and donald trump full debate nbc news
Let's make no noise except now, when we welcome the Democratic


candidate, Secretary Clinton, and the Republican presidential candidate, Mr. Trump Secretary Clinton Mr. Trump, welcome, let's get right to the topic, the first topic is the Supreme Court. They both briefly talked about the court in the last debate, but I want to delve deeper into this because the next president will almost certainly have at least one appointment and it's likely or possible. two or three appointments, which means that you will effectively determine the balance of the court for what the next quarter century could be, first, where you want the court to take the country and, second, what your opinion on what the Constitution should be.
the third presidential debate hillary clinton and donald trump full debate nbc news

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the third presidential debate hillary clinton and donald trump full debate nbc news...

What is being interpreted is whether the founders' words mean what they say or is it a living document that must be a flexibly applied defect based on changing circumstances in this segment Secretary Clinton, you go first, you have two minutes. Thank you very much Chris and thanks to UNLV for hosting us. You know, I think when we talk about the Supreme Court it really comes up to the central question of this election, which is, what kind of country are we going to be, what kind of opportunities are we going to provide to our citizens, what kind of rights are Americans going to have, and I firmly believe that that the Supreme Court should be on the side of the American people, not on the side of powerful corporations and the rich, to me that means we need a Supreme Court that defends women's rights in the name of women's rights. of the LGBT community who will stand up and say no to Citizens United, a decision that has undermined the electoral system in our country because of the way it allows dark and irresponsible money to enter our electoral system.
the third presidential debate hillary clinton and donald trump full debate nbc news
I have major disagreements with my opponent on these issues. and others who will be before the Supreme Court but I think that at this point in the history of our country it is important that we do not reverse marriage equality that we do not reverse Roe v Wade that we rise again united citizens we defend the rights of people in the place of job that we stand up and basically say the Supreme Court should represent all of us, that's how I see the court and the type of people I would seek to nominate to the court would be in the great tradition of standing up to the powerful they stand up on behalf of our rights as Americans and I hope to have that opportunity.
the third presidential debate hillary clinton and donald trump full debate nbc news
I hope the Senate does its job and confirms the nominee that President Obama has sent them; that is the way the Constitution should fundamentally operate the president. nominates and then the Senate advises and gives its consent or not, but they continue with the process Secretary Clinton, thank you sir. Same question from Trump, where does he want the court to take the country and how does he think a constitution should be properly interpreted? First of all, it's great to be with you and thank you all, the Supreme Court, that's what our country is about. So it is so imperative that we have the right judges.
Something happened recently where Justice Ginsburg made some very, very inappropriate statements toward me and toward an enormous number of people, many millions of people that I represent, and she was forced to apologize and apologize. I did, but these were statements that should never have been made. We need a Supreme Court that, in my opinion, upholds the Second Amendment and all amendments except the Second Amendment, which is under absolute siege. I think that if my opponent were to win this race which I really don't think will happen, we will have a second amendment that will be a very, very small replica of what it is now, but I think it is absolutely important that we are shocked by the fact that it is under such trauma. that the judges that I am going to appoint and I have appointed 20 of them the judges that I am going to appoint to some extent will be pro-life they will have a conservative leaning they will protect the Second Amendment they are great scholars in all cases and they are people of great respect, they will interpret the Constitution the way the founders wanted it to be interpreted and I think that's very, very important.
I don't think we should appoint judges who decide what they want to hear, everything is a matter of the constitution and the Constitution is as important as it should be and those are the people I will appoint to Mr. Trump, thank you, we now have about ten minutes for an open discussion. I want to focus on two issues that, in fact, the judges you appointed could end up changing the existing law in the country. The first is one that you mentioned, Mr. Trump and that's gone, Secretary Clinton, you said last year, let me quote that the Supreme Court is wrong about the Second Amendment and now, in fact, in the Heller case of 2008 , the court ruled that there is a constitutional right to bear arms, but a right that is reasonably limited those were the words of Justice Antonin Scalia who wrote the decision, what is wrong with that?
Well, first of all, I support the Second Amendment. I lived in Arkansas for 18 wonderful years. I represented upstate New York. I understand and respect the tradition of weapons. Property goes back to the founding of our country, but I also believe there can and should be reasonable regulation because I support the Second Amendment doesn't mean I want people who shouldn't have guns to be able to threaten to kill you are members of your family and , so when I think about what we have to do, we have 33,000 people a year who die from firearms. I think we need thorough background checks.
We need to close the online loophole. Close the loophole at gun shows. There are other issues that I think are sensible that are the kind of reforms that would make a difference that do not conflict in any way with the Second Amendment. You mentioned the Heller decision and what you were saying that Chris was referring to was that he didn't agree with the way the court applied the Second Amendment in that case because what the District of Columbia was trying to do was protect the small children of guns and that's why they wanted people with guns to store them safely and the court did not accept that reasonable regulation, but it accepted many others, so I don't see any conflict between saving people's lives and defending the Second Amendment.
Let me get mr. Trump here, the bipartisan open debate coalition got billions of votes on questions to ask here, and in fact, this was one of the biggest questions they got: How are you going to ensure that the Second Amendment is protected? You just heard Secretary Clinton's response. Does she convince him that? While they may not agree with the regulation that he does, in fact, support the Second Amendment right to bear arms, the DC v. Heller decision was very strong and she was extremely angry about it. I saw when she was very, very angry when she was confirmed and Justice Scalia was so involved and it was a well-crafted decision, but Hillary was extremely upset, extremely angry and the people who believe in the Second Amendment and believe strongly in it were very upset. with what she had to say, let me bring in Secretary Clinton, if you were extremely upset. well I was upset because unfortunately dozens of little kids get hurt even kill people with guns because unfortunately not everyone who has loaded guns in their homes takes the proper precautions, but there is no doubt that I respect the Second Amendment and I also believe that there is an individual right to carry them. guns that are not in conflict with sensible, common sense regulation and you know, look, I understand that Donald has received strong support from the NRA, the gun lobby is on his side, they are running millions of dollars in ads on I'm against it and I'm sorry because what I would like to see is people come together and say, of course, we're going to protect and defend the Second Amendment, but we're going to do it in a way that tries to save some of these 33,000 lives that we lose. .
Sir. Trump is talking about it again because, in fact, you oppose any limits on assault weapons, any limits on high-capacity magazines, you support a national right-to-carry law, why, sir, let me tell you first. to continue in Chicago, which has the toughest situation. gun laws in the United States you could probably say by far they have more gun violence than any other city, so we have the strictest laws and there is tremendous gun violence. I am a strong supporter of the Second Amendment and I do not. I know if Hillary meant it sarcastically, but I'm very proud to have the endorsement of the NRA and it's the earliest endorsement they've given to someone running for president, so I'm very honored by everything we've done. .
We are going to appoint judges, this is the best way to help the Second Amendment, we are going to appoint judges who will feel very strongly about the Second Amendment and who will not harm the Second Amendment, well, let's return to another issue that divides you and the justice is that whoever ends up winning this election could have a dramatic effect there and that is the issue of abortion right sir. Trump, you are pro-life, but I want to ask you specifically if you want the court, including the judges you will appoint, to overturn roe v wade, which includes, in fact, establishes a woman's right to abortion, if that were to happen because I am pro-life and I will appoint pro-life judges.
I think that will come back to the individual states, but I'm asking specifically if it would be repealed. He'll go back to the states, but what I'm asking you, sir. is: do you want the court to be overturned? He just said he wants the court to protect the Second Amendment. Do you want the court overturned? If we put in another two or maybe three judges, that's really what will be accomplished. That will happen and it will happen automatically in my opinion because I am putting pro-life judges and justices on the court. I will say this will come back to the states and the states will then make a determination.
Secretary class I strongly or roe v -- wade that guarantees a constitutional right to a woman to make the most intimate decisions, the most difficult in many cases about her medical care that one can imagine and in this case it is not just about roe v -- wade but about what is happening right now In the United States, many states are imposing very strict regulations on women that prevent them from exercising that choice to the point that they are defunding Planned Parenthood, which of course provides all kinds of tests cancer detection and other benefits for women in our country.
Donald has said that he is in favor of defunding Planned Parenthood and even supported shutting down the government to defund Planned Parenthood. I will defend Planned Parenthood. I will defend Roe v Wade and defend women's rights to make their own health care decisions. I'm sorry we've come too far to have that. Go back now and in fact he said that women should be punished, that there should be some kind of punishment for women who have abortions and I couldn't be more opposed to that kind of thinking. I'm going to give them a chance to respond, but I don't want to ask you, Secretary Clinton, I want to explore how far you think abortion rights go.
She has been quoted as saying that the fetus has no constitutional rights. She also voted against the ban on late-term partial-birth abortions. Because? Because Roe v Wade is very clear that there can be regulations on abortion as long as the life and health of the mother are taken into account and when I voted as a senator I didn't think that was the case, the kind of cases that fall at the end Pregnancy are often the most heartbreaking and painful decisions families must make. I have met with women who toward the end of their pregnancy receive the worst


one could receive, that their health is in danger if they continue to carry it to term or that something terrible has happened or has just been discovered about the pregnancy.
I don't think the US government should step in and make those more personal decisions for you to regulate if you do it with the mother's life and health in mind, sir. Trump his reaction and particularly on this issue of late partial birth, well it's terrible if you follow what Hillary says in the ninth month, she can take the baby and rip it out of the mother's womb right before the birth of the baby now you can say that It's okay and Hillary can say it's okay but it's not okay for me because based on what she's saying and based on where she's going.and where it's been you can take the baby and rip it out of the womb in the ninth month on the last day and that's not acceptable, well that's not what happens in these cases and using that kind of scary rhetoric is terribly unfortunate, you should meet up with some of the women I've met with women.
I have known throughout my life that this is one of the worst possible decisions any woman and her family has to make and I do not believe the government should make it. You know, I've had the great honor of traveling all over the world. On behalf of our country, I have been to countries where governments forced women to have abortions, like they used to do in China, or forced women to have children like they used to do in Romania and I can tell you that the government has nothing to do with it. with the decisions that women make with their families in accordance with their faith with medical advice and I will defend that right. but briefly I want to move on, nobody has to do what I just said, do it until one, two, three or four days before the birth, nobody has that, okay, let's move on to the topic of immigration and there is almost no topic that separates you two more than the issue of immigration, in reality there are many issues that separate you two, mr.
Trump wants to build a wall. Kotori Clinton has not offered any specific plans for how he wants to secure our southern border. Trump is calling for major deportations. Secretary Clinton says that within his first hundred days as president he will offer a package that includes a path to citizenship. The question really is why you are right and your opponent is wrong, Mr. Trump, you go first in this segment, you have two minutes. Well, first of all, she wants to grant an amnesty, which is a disaster and very unfair to all the people who have been waiting in line for many years.
We need strong boundaries in the audience tonight. For the mothers, I mean, these are incredible people that I have gotten to know over the years, whose children have been brutally murdered by people who entered the country illegally. You have thousands of mothers, fathers and relatives throughout the country. drugs are coming in illegally they are coming across the border we don't have a country if we don't have a border Hillary wants to give amnesty she wants to have open borders the border is secure as you know the Border Patrol agent 16,500 more ice last week he endorsed me first The time have endorsed a candidate means that their job is more difficult, but they know what is happening, they know it better than anyone, they want strong borders, they feel that we have to have strong borders.
I was in New Hampshire the other day. The biggest complaint they have is with all the problems going on in the world, a lot of the problems caused by Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, all the problems, their biggest problem is the heroin spilling across our southern borders. , spilling and destroying his youth. poisoning the blood of their young people and many other people we have to have strong borders we have to keep drugs out of our country we are right now we are getting the drugs they are getting the money we need strong borders we need absolute we cannot give amnesty now I want to build the wall we need the wall and the border patrol ice everyone wants the wall let's stop the drugs shore up the border one of my first acts will be to take out all the bad drug dealers, we have some bad people in this country that have to get out, the we'll take out, we're going to secure the border and once the border is secured at a later date, we'll make a determination on the rest, but we've got some bad Umbra here and we're going to take it out, mr. trunk, thank you, same question for you, Secretary Clinton, basically, why are you right, sir?
Trump is wrong, well, as he was talking, I was thinking about a young woman that I met here in Las Vegas, Carla, who was very worried that her parents might be deported because she was born in this country, but no, they work hard, they do everything that they can. I can give him a good life and you're right. I don't want to destroy families. I don't want to alienate the parents from the children. I don't want to see the deportation force that Donald has talked about in action. In our country we have 11 million undocumented people, we have 4 million American citizen children, 15 million people, he said as recently as a few weeks ago in Phoenix that every undocumented person would be subject to deportation.
Now here's what that means, it means you would have to have a massive police presence where law enforcement officers would go from school to school, house to house, business to business, arresting undocumented people and then we would have to put them on trains or buses to take them out of our country. I think it's an idea that is not in line with who we are as a nation. I think it's an idea that would destroy our country. I have been in favor of border security for years. I voted for border security in the United States Senate and my comprehensive immigration reform.
The plan, of course, includes border security, but I want to put our resources where I think they are most needed, get rid of any violent people, anyone who should be deported, we should deport them when it comes to the wall that Donald talks about building and to which was. Mexico had a meeting with the Mexican president didn't even mention it, got choked up and then got into a Twitter war because the Mexican president said we're not going to pay for that wall so I think we're both a nation of immigrants and a nation of laws and that we can act accordingly and that is why I am introducing comprehensive immigration reform within the first hundred days with a path to citizenship.
Thank you, Secretary Clinton, I want to continue, I think I should respond to you first of all. I had a very good meeting with the President of Mexico, a very kind man, we will do much better with Mexico in terms of trade agreements, believe me, the NAFTA agreement signed by your husband is one of the worst agreements ever made, signed by anyone, It is a disaster. Hillary Clinton wanted the wall Hillary Clinton fought for the wall in 2006 or so now she never gets anything done so naturally the wall wasn't built but Hillary Clinton wanted the wall.
I would like to hear from Secretary Clinton. I voted for border security. And there are some limited places where that was appropriate, there will also necessarily be new technology and how best to implement it, but it's clear when you look at what Donald has been proposing: He started his campaign by attacking immigrants, calling Mexican immigrants rapists. . and criminals and drug traffickers who have a very different vision about what we should do to deal with immigrants. Now what I'm also arguing is that bringing undocumented immigrants out of the shadows and putting them into the formal economy will be good because then employers will be able to do it.
I don't exploit them and undermine Americans' wages and Donald knows a lot about this, he used undocumented labor to build Trump Tower, he underpaid undocumented workers and when they complained he basically said what are many employers complaining about? I will have them deported. get everyone out of the shadows make the economy work and not allow employers like Donald to exploit undocumented workers, which hurts them but also hurts American workers that's a straw president obama has expelled millions of people no one You know, nobody talks about it but under Obama, millions of people have been removed from this country, they have been deported, applause, I want to say that, but that's what happened and that's what happened in the big leagues in terms of removing these people and move, either we have a country or we don't.
We are a country of laws, we either have a border or we don't, now you can go back and become a citizen, but it is very unfair, we have millions of people who did it the right way, when they are online. They're waiting, let's speed up the process in the big leagues because it's very inefficient, but they're online and they're waiting to become citizens. It is very unfair for someone to cross the border and become a citizen according to his plan. You have open borders. would have a disaster in trade and you will have a disaster with your open border what we do not say is that President Obama has deported millions and millions of people in the same way that Katara Clinton I will not have open borders, that is, it will have secure borders but we will also have reforms and this used to be a bipartisan issue Ronald Reagan and George W.
Bush also supported immigration reform Secretary Clinton I want to clarify your position on this issue because in a speech you gave before a Brazilian bank For which you were paid two hundred twenty-five thousand dollars, we have learned from WikiLeaks that you said this and I want to quote that my dream is a hemispheric common market with open trade and open borders, so thank you, that's Jenna, that's the question. Please everyone be quiet, their dream is to open the borders. Well, if you were to continue reading the rest of the sentence, I was talking about energy. They know that we exchange more energy with our neighbors than with the rest of the world combined and yes I love them. having a power grid and an energy system that crosses borders, I think that will be a great benefit for us, but you are very clearly citing WikiLeaks and the really important thing about WikiLeaks is that the Russian government has engaged in espionage against the Americans to the that he hacked.
American websites, American accounts of private individuals of institutions have provided that information to WikiLeaks for the purpose of publishing it on the Internet. This comes from the highest levels of the Russian government, clearly from Putin himself in an effort as 17 of our intelligence agencies have done. It's been confirmed that he influences our elections, so I think the biggest question tonight, Kris, is whether Donald Trump will finally admit and condemn that the Russians are doing this and make it clear that he won't have Putin's help in this. choices he rejects. Russian espionage against Americans, which they actually encouraged in the past, those are the questions we need answers to.
Nothing like this has ever happened before in any of our elections. That was a big pivot from the fact that she wants open borders. because we could, this is going to end up getting out of control, let's try to keep it quiet for the candidates and for the American people, so just to end the borders, yes, she wants open borders, people are going to come to our country. "To come from Syria, she wants five hundred and fifty percent more people than Barack Obama and he has thousands and thousands of people who have no idea where they come from and you see, we are going to stop radical Islamic terrorism in this country, she won" .
She didn't even mention the words and neither will President Obama, so I just want to tell you that she wants open borders, now we can talk about Putin. I don't know, Putin, he said good things about me. If we got along, it would be good if Russia and the United States got along and went after Isis, that would be good, you don't respect it, you don't respect our president and I will tell you that we are in very serious trouble because we have a country with tremendous numbers. of nuclear warheads 1,800 by the way where they expanded and we did not make 1,800 nuclear warheads and she is playing look like chicken from everything I see she has no respect for this person well, that's because she would prefer to have a puppet as president and that's fine , It's not pretty.
Sure, it's pretty clear that you will not admit that the Russians have engaged in cyber attacks against the United States of America, that you encouraged espionage against our people, that you are willing to drop Putin's line, sign up for his wish list, dissolve NATO, do whatever you want. wants to do and that they continue to get help from him because he has a clear favorite in this race, so I think this is an unprecedented situation, we have never had a foreign government trying to interfere in our elections, we have 17 17 civilian intelligence agencies and military who have concluded that these espionage attacks, these cyber attacks come from the highest levels of the Kremlin and are designed to influence our elections.
I find it deeply disturbing. I think it's Evan Teen until you doubt 17 agencies. then the military and civilian intelligence professionals who are sworn to protect us, I think just because Putin has outwitted her every step of the way, some questions yes, and I would like to ask you this direct question, it is asked by the top national security officials of this country. I think Russia has been behind these attacks, even if you don't know for sure if they are. You condemn any Russian interference in US elections by Russia or anyone else. You condemn their interference. Of course I condemn it, of course I can.
I don't know Putin, I have no idea, I never met him and this is not my best friend. What if the United States got along with him? It wouldn't be so bad. Let me tell you. He has outsmarted her and Obama every step of the way. it's Syria, whatever, missiles, take a look at the startup they signed, the Russians have said, according to many reports, I can't believe they let us do this, they create warheads andWe can't, the Russians can't believe it. Putin has deceived her and all you have to do is look at the Middle East, they have taken over her.
We have spent six billion dollars. They have taken over the Middle East. She has been deceived and outwitted worse than anyone. seen in no government we are very far from her immigration but I will let you finish this you have about 45 seconds and she always will be I find it ironic that she is raising nuclear weapons this is a person who has been very arrogant and even casual about the use of weapons nuclear. She has advocated for more countries to acquire them. Japan, Korea, even Saudi Arabia. She said, well, if we have them, why don't we use them?
Which I think is scary, but here's the deal. The final result in nuclear matters. nuclear weapons is that when the president gives the order that must be followed, about four minutes pass between the order being given and the people responsible for launching nuclear weapons doing so and that is why ten people who have had that tremendous responsibility have came out and in an unprecedented way said that they would not trust Donald Trump with the nuclear codes nor that he would have his finger on the nuclear button. I have 200 generals and 21 admirals supporting me 21 Congressional Medal of Honor winners as far as Japan and other countries we are being scammed by everyone there we are defending other countries we are spending a fortune on it they have the deal of the century the only thing I said is that we have We have to renegotiate these agreements because our country cannot afford to defend Saudi Arabia Japan Germany South Korea and many other places that we cannot continue to afford.
She took it as some professional weapons. She has been shown to be a liar in many different ways. This is just another lie. Well, I'm just quoting you when there's no quote, you're not going to find a quote from a nuclear nuclear competition in Asia, you said you know, go ahead, have fun, friends like that, and hold your own. The United States has kept the peace through our alliances. Donald wants to break our alliances. I think he makes the world safer and, frankly, he makes America safer. He would work with our allies in Asia, Europe, the Middle East and elsewhere;
That's the only way we'll know we're going to move forward. to the next issue, which is the economy, and I hope we handle it as well as we did with immigration, you also have very different ideas about how to make the economy grow quickly, as Secretary Clinton in her plan, the government plays an important role, sees more government spending. more rights more tax credits more tax penalties mr. Trump, you want to take out the government with lower taxes and less regulation, let's get a little deeper into this, but in this overview, explain to me why you think your plan will create more jobs and growth for this country and Your plan opponents will not do so in this round, you opt for a secretary, states well, I believe that when the middle class prospers, America prospers, so my plan is based on growing the economy by giving middle class families many more opportunities .
I want us to have the biggest jobs. program since World War II jobs and infrastructure and advanced manufacturing I think we can compete with high wage countries and I think we should create new jobs and clean energy not only to fight climate change, which is a serious problem, but also to create new opportunities and new businesses. I want us to do more to help small businesses, that's where 2/3 of new jobs will come from. I want us to raise the national minimum wage because people living in poverty who work


time should not remain poor. and I want to make sure that women receive equal pay for the work we do.
I firmly believe that we have to have an educational system that starts with preschool and continues through college. That's why I want more technical education in high schools and real community colleges. apprenticeships to prepare young people for the jobs of the future I want college to be debt-free and for families earning less than one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars they will not receive a tuition bill from a public college or university if the plan I have worked with Bernie Sanders is enacted and we are going to work hard to make sure that is because we are going to go where the money is.
Most profits in the last year since the Great Recession have peaked, so we're going to make the rich pay their fair share. We're going to make corporations make a bigger contribution than they do now to our country; That's a plan that has been analyzed by independent experts who said it could create 10 million new jobs. On the contrary, Donald's plan has been analyzed and it has been concluded that he could lose three and a half million jobs, because his entire plan consists of cutting taxes to give the biggest tax breaks ever seen to the rich and corporations, adding $20 trillion to our death and causing the kind of dislocation that we've seen before because it's really going to be a trickle-down economy on steroids, so I think the plan that I have will actually produce greater opportunities.
The plan you have will cost us jobs and possibly lead to another Great Recession. . Trump, why will his plan create more jobs and growth? And Secretary Clinton, first of all, before I start my plan, his plan will raise taxes and even double taxes. His tax plan is a disaster and he can say whatever he wants about college. tuition and I am a big advocate that we are going to do a lot of things for college tuition but the rest of the public is going to pay for it we will have a huge tax increase under Hillary Clinton's plan but I would like to start where we left off because when I said Japan and Germany and I'm not going to point them out, but South Korea is a very rich and powerful country.
Saudi Arabia nothing but money we protect Saudi Arabia why don't they pay you immediately when she heard this I questioned it and I questioned the data, wasn't it NATO that questioned why they aren't paying? because they weren't paying since I did this, this was a year ago, all of a sudden they're paying and I've been. They've been given a lot of credit for it, all of a sudden they're starting to pay, they have to pay, we're protecting people, they have have to pay and I am a big fan of NATO, but they have to pay. She comes out and says: We love our allies.
We think our allies are great. Well, it's aw


y hard to get them to pay when someone says, We think how cool you are. We have to tell Japan in a very nice way. tell Germany all these countries South Korea we have to say that you have to help us we have done it during your regime during President Obama's regime we have doubled our national debt we are up to 20 trillion dollars so my plan we are going to renegotiate merchants we are going to have a lot of free trade we are going to have free trade more free trade than we have now but we have horrible agreements our jobs are being eliminated by the agreement your husband signed NAFTA one of the worst agreements I have ever heard that your jobs are being sucked out of our economy .
Look at all the places I just left. Go to Pennsylvania. Go to Ohio. Go to Florida. Go to any of them. Go upstate New York. Our jobs are gone. In Mexico and other places we are going to recover our jobs. I'm going to renegotiate NAFTA and if I can't come to a great deal, then we're going to terminate NAFTA and we're going to create new agreements, we're going to have trade. what we're going to change, we're going to finish it, we're going to sign a big trade deal and if we can't, we will, we're going to go our separate ways because it's been a disaster we're going to massively cut taxes we're going to massively reduce corporate taxes they're going to start hire people we are going to bring the two and a half trillion dollars that are abroad to the country that we are going to start the engine running again because right now, if our country is dying with a GDP of 1%, well, let me translate that yes I can, Chris, because it can't be practiced, advocate for the biggest tax cuts we have ever seen, three times the tax cuts under the Bush administration.
I have said repeatedly throughout this campaign that I will not raise taxes on anyone making $250.50 or less. Nor will I add a penny to the debt. I have paid what I am going to do. His huge tax cuts add $20 trillion to the debt. Well, he mentioned debt. We know how to control debt. When my husband was president, we went from a $300 billion deficit to a $200 billion surplus, and we were actually on the path to eliminating the national debt. When President Obama took office, he inherited the worst economic disaster. since the Great Depression, reduced the deficit by two-


s, so yes, one of the ways to chase debt, one of the ways to create jobs is by investing in people, so I have investments, investments in new jobs, investments in education, training and opportunities for people to get ahead and stay ahead, that's the kind of product lawyer that will work cutting taxes for the rich, we've tried. he hasn't worked out the way he's been dripping.
I want to stick with his plan because in many ways it is similar to Obama's 2009 stimulus plan, which has led to the slowest GDP growth since 1949. Right, thank you sir, he told me that. back in July when we talked about the problem is that President Obama failed to do enough of what he was trying to do with this stimulus so his plan is basically more Obama stimulus well it's a combination Chris and let me tell you . that when you inherit the level of economic catastrophe that President Obama inherited, it was a real push-pull situation. I was in the Senate before I became Secretary of State.
I have never seen people as physically distraught as the Bush administration team was because of what was happening with the economy, I personally believe that the actions that President Obama took saved the economy; doesn't get the credit it deserves for taking some very tough positions, but it was a terrible recession, so now we're out of We're strong but we're not working yet, so what I'm proposing is that we invest from the middle out and from zero up, not top down, that's not going to work, that's why what I've proposed doesn't add anything. a penny to the debt, but it's the kind of approach that will allow more people to take those new jobs better paying jobs we're starting to see some increase in income and we've certainly had a long run of jobs growing that we've had to do more to get the whole economy going and that's what I think I'll be able to do, mr.
Trump, even conservative economists who have analyzed your plans say that the numbers don't add up, that your idea and you have talked about 25 million jobs created, four percent growth in ten years is not realistic and they say that you talk a lot to grow the energy industry they say that with oil prices as good as they are now that is not realistic either their answer so I just left some senior representatives of India are growing at 8% China is growing at 7% and that for them it's a catastrophic alena A low number, we're growing, our last report came out and it's around the 1 percent level and I think it's going down last week, as you know, at the end of last week they released an anemic employment report, A terrible employment report, in fact, I said. is that the last jobs report before the election because of that I should win easily it was so bad the report was so bad look our country is stagnant we have lost our jobs we have lost our businesses we are not doing things anymore Relatively speaking, our product is coming from China, coming from Vietnam, coming from all over the world.
I have visited so many communities. This has been an incredible education for me. Chris. I have met so many. I have developed so much. many friends over the last year and they cry when they see what happened. I pass by factories that were thriving 20 or 25 years ago and because of the bill that her husband signed and she blessed one hundred percent, it's just horrible what happened to these people in these communities now she can say that her husband They did well, but they suffered when NAFTA came into effect because it didn't really have much of an effect, but after they left, they suffered, it was one of the worst things that ever happened.
It has been signed by our country now he wants to sign the trans-Pacific agreement and he wants it he lied when he said he did not call it a gold standard in one of the debates he totally lied, he did call it a gold standard and in reality The facts were verified and they said he was right. I want to give you a chance to talk briefly about that. I want to give it to someone who cares, but go ahead, first let me say number one when I saw the final agreement. In favor of the TPP I said I was against it, it didn't pass my tests.
I have had the same test. Does it create jobs, increase income and promote our national security? I'm against it now. I will be against it after the elections. I will be against it when I am president, justThere is one of us on this stage who actually sent jobs to Mexico because that's Donald. He has sent jobs to 12 countries, including Mexico, but he mentioned China and you know one of the biggest problems we have with China. is the illegal dumping of steel and aluminum in our markets. I have fought against that as a senator. I have opposed it as Secretary of State.
Donald has bought Chinese steel and aluminum. In fact, the Trump Hotel here in Las Vegas was made with Chinese steel, so he's running around with crocodile tears about how terrible it is, but he's given jobs to Chinese steel workers, not American steel, we're drunk, that's the kind of thing that's just not going to work, let's unite the country. "We're going to have trade agreements that we're going to enforce, so I'm going to have a trade prosecutor for the first time in history and we're going to enforce those agreements and we're going to pursue deals that involve buying American products." products I ask a simple question she has been doing this for 30 years why the hell didn't you do it for the last 15 20 years you were very involved excuse my turn you were very involved in all aspects of this country a lot and you do have experience I say the only thing What you have about me is experience but it is bad experience because what you have done has gone wrong for 30 years, you have been a position to hell and if you say that I would scream or use something else.
I find it impossible to do that. I do not care. The problem is that you talk but you don't do anything. Hillary, you don't like it when you ran the State Department. Six billion dollars were missing. How can you possibly miss six billion dollars? You ran the State Department. Or they stole six billion dollars from you. They don't know they're gone. What he said about the State Department is not only false, it's been debunked numerous times, but I think it's a really important point that he raised. 30 years of experience, so let me talk briefly about that, you know, back in the 1970s, I worked for the Children's Defense Fund, dealing with discrimination against African American children and schools.
The Justice Department was suing him for racial discrimination. their apartment buildings in the 1980s I was working to reform schools in Arkansas I was borrowing fourteen million dollars from their father to start their businesses in the 1990s I went to Beijing and said women's rights are human rights insulted a former Miss Universe Alicia Machado called her an eating machine and the day I was in the Situation Room monitoring the raid that brought Osama bin Laden to justice, he was hosting Celebrity Apprentice, so I'm happy to compare my 30 years of experience with what I have. done for this country, trying to help in any way I can, especially children and families, to get ahead and move forward during their 30 years and I will let the American people make that decision.
I think I did a much better job. I built a huge company. a large company, one of the largest assets and the only one in the world worth many billions of dollars. I started with a $1 million loan. I agree that it is a $1 million loan, but I built a phenomenal company and if we could run our country, the way I have run my company, we would have a country that you would be so proud of that you would even be proud of it. and, frankly, when you look at their actual record, take a look at Syria, take a look at migration. a look at Libya, a look at Iraq, she gave us Isis because she and Obama created this huge vacuum and a small group came out of that huge vacuum because when they said we should never have been in Iraq, but once we were there we should having been in Iraq. it never came out the way they wanted to go out she gave us Isis claims you're sitting there and what happened is now Isis is in 32 countries and now I hear how she's going to get rid of Isis, she's going to get rid of nobody, okay, We're going to get to foreign hotspots in a moment, but the next segment is fitness to be President of the United States, Mr.
Trump in the last debate said that his talk about grabbing women was just that talk and that he never actually did it. had done and since then, as we all know, nine women have come forward and said that he groped them or kissed them without their consent. Why so many different women from so many different circumstances for so many different years? Why did all of them in these last weeks invent what you have denied us? Why did they all make up these stories? And since this is a question for both of you, Secretary Clinton, mr. Trump says what her husband did that you defended was even worse, Mr.
Trump, you go first, well, first of all, those stories have been largely debunked, those people, I don't know those people, I have a feeling how they got there, I think it was his campaign that did it, just like If you look at what came out today or in the clips where I was wondering what happened to my rally in Chicago and other rallies where we had such violence, she is the Obama one who caused the violence, they hired people, they paid them $1500 and they are on tape saying to be violent because fights are not bad things I would say the only way because those stories are all totally false.
I have to say that and I didn't even apologize to my wife that she's sitting here because I didn't do anything. I didn't know any of these women. I didn't see these women these women the woman on the plane the woman I think they want fame or their campaign did it and I think it's their campaign because what I saw what they did, which is a criminal act by the way, where we are telling you people to go out and start fist fights and start violence and I'll tell you what in particular in Chicago people got hurt and people could have died in that riot and that was now all on tape initiated by her, I think Chris she made these people step forward if it wasn't for them getting their ten minutes of fame, but they were all totally, it was all fiction, it was lies and it was fiction, well, it's not rhetorical.
I'm in the last debate where we heard Donald speak. about what he did to women and after that several women have come forward saying that's exactly what he did to them now, what was your response? Well, he made a series of big demonstrations in which he said that he couldn't have done those things to those women because they weren't attractive enough because he didn't say that in fact he went on to say or impertinently serve her two minutes two minutes he went on to say look at her I don't. I think another woman said that. It wouldn't be my first choice.
He attacked the reporter who wrote the story and called her disgusting, since she has called out several women during this campaign. You know, Donald thinks putting down women makes him bigger. He's after his dignity, his self-esteem and I'm not. I don't think there is a woman anywhere who doesn't know how she feels, so now we know what Donald thinks, what she says and how she acts towards women. That's what Donald is. I think it's really up to all of us to prove who she is. who we are and who our country is and stand up and be very clear about what we expect from our next president, how we want to unite our country, where we don't want to have the kind of pitting people against each other where instead, we celebrate our diversity, We elevate people and make our country even greater.
America is great because America is good and it's really up to all of us to make that a reality now and in the future and particularly for our children and grandchildren, sir. Trump, no one has more respect for women than me, no one has more education to go around, and frankly, those sewers have been largely debunked and I really want to talk about something slightly different. She mentions this is all fiction or fictitious, probably or possibly initiated by her. and her very sleazy campaign, but I will tell you what is not fictional or her emails where she criminally destroyed 33,000 emails after receiving a subpoena from the United States Congress.
What happened to the FBI? I don't know, we have four great generals. -star general today you read in all the


papers that she will potentially serve five years in prison for lying to the FBI a lie, she has lied hundreds of times to the people to Congress and the FBI, she will probably go to jail this is a four-year general stars and gets his way and can run for president of the United States, that's what we should really be talking about, not fiction where someone wants fame or where they get out of their crooked campaign. Secretary Clinton, well, every day.
Every time Donald pushes something that is obviously uncomfortable, like what these women say, he immediately denies responsibility and it's not just about women, he never apologizes or says he regrets anything, so we know what he said and what he said. has done to women, but he also went after a disabled journalist who mocked him and imitated him on national television. he chased mr. and Mrs. Kahn the parents of a young man who died serving our country a gold star family because of their religion persecuted John McCain a prisoner of war said he prefers people who are not captured persecuted a federal judge born in Indiana but who Donald said he couldn't be trusted to judge the fraud and extortion case against Trump University because his parents were Mexican, so it's not a thing, this is a pattern, a pattern of division, not severe enough, a dark vision and in many ways dangerous of our country where he incites violence where he applauds people who push, pull and hit at his rallies, that is not what America is about and I hope that as we move through the final weeks of this campaign, more and more more people understand what is at stake in these elections.
Let's see what kind of country we are going to have, it's so sad when she talks about violence at my rallies and she caused the violence on the tapes. The other things are false, but I would honestly love to talk about getting rid of Isis and me. I'd love to talk about other things, okay, but those other positions, as she knows, there's a lot in this bucket about fitness to be president. There have been many developments in the last 10 days such as the latest debate I would like to ask you about. These are questions the American people have.
Secretary Clinton during her 2009 Senate confirmation hearing, you promised to avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest with your dealings with the Clinton Foundation while Secretary of State, but emails show donors were given special access . To you, those seeking grants for aid to Haiti were considered separately from non-donors and some of those donors obtained government contracts with taxpayer money. Can you really say that you kept your promise to that committee and why isn't that what happened and what happened between you and the Clinton Foundation, why isn't that what mr. Trump calls that hate applies well, everything I did as Secretary of State was to advance the interests of our country and our values, the State Department has said I think that has been proven, but I'm happy, in fact, I'm excited to talk about the Clinton Foundation because it's a world-renowned charity and I'm so proud of the work it does.
You know I could talk for the rest of the debate. I know I don't have time to do this, but briefly the Clinton Foundation made it possible for 11 million people around the world with HIV AIDS to afford treatment and that's about half of all the people in the world who receive treatment in partnership with the American Health Association we have made environments and schools healthier with respect this is an open discussion question what to pay to play saudi arabia gives 25 million dollars guitar in all these countries they talk about women and women's rights women then there are people who expel gays from office buildings there are people who kill women and treat them horribly and you still take their money, so I would like to ask you right now why don't you return the money you have taken from certain countries that treat certain groups of people so horribly.
Why don't you return the money? I think it would be a great gesture, because she takes a huge amount of money and you look at the people of Haiti. I was in a little Haiti the other day in Florida and I want to tell you that you hate the Clintons because what happened in Haiti with the Clinton Foundation is a shame and you know it and they know it and everyone knows it, secretary, very quickly we at the Clinton Foundation spend 90%, 90% of all the money that is donated on behalf of people around the world and in our own country.
I'm very proud to have the highest rating from the watchdogs that follow foundations, and I'd love to compare what we do to the Trump Foundation, which took other people's money and bought a six-foot portrait of Donald. I mean, who does it? which was just amazing, but when it comes to Haiti, Haiti is the poorest country in our hemisphere, the earthquake and hurricanes that have devastated Haiti Bill and I have been involved intrying to help Haiti for many years, the Clinton Foundation raised thirty million dollars to help Haiti after the catastrophic earthquake and all the terrible problems that the people there had, we have done things to help small businesses, agriculture and much more, and we will continue to work to help Haiti because it is an important part of the United States.
I know they don't want to help them anymore. I would like to mention one thing. People at the Trump Foundation's small foundation contribute. I contribute. The money goes one hundred percent. 100 percent goes to differentiating the facility, including many military members. I do not receive anything. don't buy ships, don't buy planes, what happens was not part of the money used to settle your lawsuit, sir, no, it was that we raised the American flag and that's it, they raised the American flag for the right that we fought for. Palm Beach to put the United States there was a fine that was imposed by Fisher House of Palm Beach County, where they build houses, the money that you are talking about went to Fisher, where they build houses for veterans and the disabled.
I want to get into one. there is no way we can know if any of that is true because he hasn't released his tax returns. He's the first presidential candidate in the last 40+ years who hasn't released his tax returns, so anything he says about charity or anything else, we can't prove it, you can look at our tax returns, we have them all. there, but what's really concerning is that we learned in the last debate that he hasn't paid a cent in federal income taxes and we We were talking about immigrants a few minutes ago, Chris, do you know that half of all immigrants in our country actually pays federal income taxes, so we have undocumented immigrants in America who pay more federal income taxes than a billionaire iy5 yw' leave me alone?
I'm telling you in verse, we are entitled because of the laws that people like her pass to receive massive amounts of depreciation and other charges. We do it and all your donors, almost all of them. I know Buffett took hundreds of millions of dollars. Soros George Soros took hundreds of millions of dollars. Let me explain to most of his donors, Mr. Trump did the same thing, folks, we know Hillary, what they should have done. They should have changed the law when he was a United States Senator because his donors and his special interests are doing the same thing I am, except even more, so changing one a little bit won't change the law because you get a lot of money.
I mean, today I sat in my apartment in a very beautiful hotel on the street known as paté with the Chinese state, but I will tell you, I sat there, I sat there, I sat there watching. Announcement after announcement after announcement, crash, all paid for by your friends on Wall Street who gave so much money because they know you're going to protect them and, frankly, you should have joined this if you don't like what I did to you. I should have changed the law. Mr. Trump, I want to ask you one last question on this topic.
You have been warning at rallies recently that this election is rigged and that Hillary Clinton is in the process of trying to steal it from you. Her running mate, Governor Pence, promised Sunday that he and you, in her words, will absolutely accept the outcome of this election today. His daughter Ivanka said the same thing. I want to ask you here on this stage tonight. Do you make the same commitment that you will absolutely accept, sir, that you will absolutely accept the outcome of this election. election I will look at it at the moment I am not looking at anything now I will look at it at the moment what I have seen what I have seen is so bad first of all the media is so dishonest and so corrupt and the build up is so astonishing that the New York Times of They actually wrote an article that they don't even care about, it's very dishonest and they have poisoned the minds of the voters, but unfortunately for them, I think the voters are realizing it, I think.
They'll find out on November 8, but I think you'll see, sir, there's a look, excuse me, because if you look at your voter rolls you'll see millions of people who are registered to vote. Millions This is not coming from me, this is coming from the Pew report and other places, millions of people who are registered to vote who should not be registered to vote, so let me give you another thing I talked about, the corrupt media of the speak. the millions of people tell you otherwise: he should not be allowed to run, he is crooked, he is guilty of a very, very serious crime, he should not be allowed to run, and in that sense alone I say it is rigged because you should never trust she.
You should never have been allowed to run for president based on what you did with the emails and so many other things, sir, there is a tradition in this country, in fact, one of the prizes of this country is the peaceful transition of power and That doesn't matter how difficult the campaign is, at the end of the campaign the loser concedes to the winner, not saying that you are necessarily going to be a loser or a winner, but that the loser concedes to the winner and that the country comes together in part for the good of the country. saying that you are not ready now two countries that I will tell you in due course I will keep them in suspense well let me answer that because that is horrible you know every time Donald thinks that things are not going in his direction he claims that everything is rigged against him the FBI conducted a year-long investigation into my emails and concluded there was no case said the FBI was rigged lost the Iowa caucus lost the Wisconsin primary said the Republican The primaries were rigged in his against, then Trump University is sued for fraud and extortion.
He claims that the judicial system and the federal judge are rigged against him. There was even a time when he didn't get an Emmy for his TV show for three years in a row and "He started tweeting that the Emmys were rigged. I should have understood this, this is a way of thinking, this is how Donald thinks and "It's funny, but it's also really worrying, well that's not the way our democracy works, we've been around for 240 years." "We've had free and fair elections, we've accepted the results when maybe we wouldn't have liked them and that's what you should expect from anyone who's on a debate stage during a general election, you know," President Obama said the other. day when you complained.
Wait, just show that you're not prepared to do the job and let us know, let's be clear about what he's saying and what that means, he's denigrating, he's belittling our democracy and I for one am appalled that someone who is the the candidate of one of our two major parties would take that kind of position. I think what the FBI and the Department of Justice did, including meeting her husband, the Attorney General, in the back of a plane on the tarmac in Arizona, I think is shameful. I think it's a shame. I don't think we've ever had such a perfect situation.
This doesn't benefit anyone. Please let us continue the debate and move on to the issue of hotspots abroad. The Iraqi offensive to recapture Mosul has begun. If they succeed in driving ISIS out of that city and all of Iraq, the question then becomes what happens the next day and that is something that whoever ends up president will have to deal with. put American troops in that void to make sure Isis doesn't come back or be replaced by something even worse Secretary Clinton, you go first in this segment, you have two minutes. I am encouraged that there is an Iraqi-led effort. army supported by Kurdish forces and also received help and advice from several Special Forces and other Americans on the ground, but will not support sending American soldiers to Iraq as an occupation force.
I don't think that's in our interest and I don't actually think it would be wise to do that, Chris. I think it would be a big red flag waving for Isis to reconstitute itself. The goal here is to recapture Mosul. It's going to be a tough fight. I have no illusions about it. and then continue to push into Syria to begin to recapture and advance on Raqqa, which is the headquarters of ISIS. I am hopeful that the hard work that American military advisors have done will bear fruit and that we will see a truly successful military operation, but we know that we have a lot of work to do.
Syria will remain a hotbed of terrorism as long as the civil war aided and abetted by the Iranians and Russians continues. So I said, "Look, we have to keep our eyes on Isis." have an intelligence surge that protects us here at home why we have to chase them from the air on the ground online why we have to make sure here at home we don't allow terrorists to buy weapons if they are too dangerous to fly You are too dangerous to buy a weapon and I will continue to push for a no-fly zone and safe havens inside Syria not only to help protect Syrians and prevent the constant outflow of refugees but to, frankly, gain some leverage with both the Syrian government and with the Russians so that perhaps we can have the kind of serious negotiation necessary to end the conflict and move forward on a political path, mr.
Same question from Trump: If we are able to drive Isis out of Mosul and Iraq, would you be willing to send American troops there to prevent their return or something else? Let me tell you she also said we had Mosul but when she left when she eliminated everyone we lost Mosul now we are fighting again to solve the Mosul problem with Mosul and what they wanted to do is capture the Isis leaders who they believed were in Mosul about three months ago. I started reading that. They want to catch the leaders and they are good, they are going to attack too, whatever happens with the element of surprise, okay, we announce that we are going after the majority.
I've been reading about going after muscles for about how long now. Held here three months all these people are gone, they've all left the element of surprise Douglas MacArthur George Patton spinning in their graves when they see the stupidity of our country, so now we're fighting for the strength we had or everything she had What we should do is stay there now that we're going to get it, but you know who's going to be the big winner in Mosul after we finally get it and the only reason they did it is because she's running for president if They want to appear tough.
They want to look good, he violated the red line in the sand and made so many mistakes, he made all the mistakes, that's why we have the Great Migration, but she wanted to look good for the election, so they're going in, but who's going to get that? By the way, they will eventually take Mosul if you look at what is happening. It's much harder than they thought. Much more difficult. Much more dangerous. There will be more deaths than they thought. But the leaders we wanted to have are gone because they are smart. She said why do we need this, so Mosul is going to be a wonderful thing and Iran should write us a thank you letter, just as they are really stupid, these stupidest dealers turned to a deal that will give Iran absolutely nuclear weapons.
Iran should still write to us. Another letter saying thank you very much because Iran, as I said many years ago, Iran is taking over Iraq, something they have always wanted to do, but we have made it very easy for them, so now we are going to take Mosul and you know. Who will be the beneficiary? Iran, I mean, they're smarter. It looks like you're not there. You may have been involved in that decision, but you were there when you got everyone out of Mosul and out of Iraq. You shouldn't have been. Iraq, but you voted for it, you shouldn't have been in Iraq, but once you were in Iraq, you should never have left, the point is that your destination will be Iran, well you know, once again Donald is implying that he doesn't supported the invasion of Iraq I said it was a mistake he said years ago he has constantly denied what is a very clear fact that before the invasion he supported it and you know I just want everyone to Google Google Donald Trump Iraq and you'll see the dozens of sources verifying that he was wrong in favor of the invasion of Iraq and you can actually hear audio of him saying: Why does that matter?
Well, it matters because he hasn't told the truth about that position. I guess he thinks it makes him look better now to contrast with me because I voted for it, but what's really important here is to understand the whole interaction Mosul is a Sunni city Mosul is on the border with Syria and yes, we have to go after it. Baghdad II and just like we went after Bin Laden while you were doing Celebrity Apprentice and brought him to justice, we have to go after the leaders, but we have to get rid of them, get rid of their fighters, their thousands or so fighters in Mosul. "They have been digging underground, they have been prepared to defend themselves, it will be a tough fight, but I think we can take back Mosul and then we can move into Syria and take back Raqqa, this is what we have to do." I'm surprised that you seem to think that the Iraqi government and our allies and everyone else launched the attack on Mosul to help me in this election, but that's how Donald thinks, you know I always mean, looking for Chris, hewe show every time that you're the one that's childish, you know, WikiLeaks just came out.
John Podesta said some horrible things about you and, boy, he was right, he said some beauties, and you know, Bernie Sanders, he said you have bad judgment, and if you think that, he goes into Mosul. after we let the world know that we're going in and all the people that we really wanted, the leaders, they're all gone if you think that was good, then John Podesta said you have terrible instincts Bernie Sanders said you have bad judgment. I agree with both of them, well you should ask Bernie Sanders who he supports for president and he has said, which hurts me across the country.
You are the most dangerous person to run for president in modern American history. I think he is right, let's turn to Aleppo sir. Trump, in the last debate, you were both asked about the situation in the Syrian city of Aleppo and I want to continue with that because you said several things in that debate that were not true, sir, you said that Aleppo had basically fallen there in in fact there was a catastrophe it is a catastrophe that there is have you seen it have you seen it sir did you think what happened to 11 I finished my ok so it hasn't fallen take a look well there are a quarter of a million people who still live there and are being massacred, that's right, who are also being massacred, yes, due to bad decisions, if you allow me to finish here, and you also said that ISIS, that Syria and Russia are busy fighting ISIS, in fact, they have been the ones who have been bombing and bombing eastern Aleppo and they have just announced a humanitarian pause, in effect admitting that they have been bombing and bombing Aleppo.
Would you like to clarify that as well? Aleppo is a disaster, it is a humanitarian nightmare, but it has fallen from personnel from any point of view, I mean, what do you need a signed document? Take a look at Aleppo. It's very sad when you see what happened and a lot of this is due to Hillary Clinton because what happened was fighting Assad which turned out to be a lot tougher than she thought and now she's going to say oh he loves Assad she's just he is much tougher and much smarter than her and Obama and everyone thought he was gone two years ago three years ago he aligned himself aligned with Russia now he also aligned himself with Iran who us became very powerful, he gave them back a hundred and fifty thousand million dollars, we give them 1.7 billion in cash, that is, packages of cash as big as a stage, we gave them 1.7 billion dollars, now they have aligned themselves, they have aligned themselves with Russia and with Iran.
They don't want Isis but they have other things because we support we support the rebels we don't know who the rebels are we are giving them a lot of money a lot of everything we don't know who the rebels are and when, yes and it won't happen because now you have Russia and Iran , but if Assad were ever overthrown, you might end up being as bad as the Saudis, he's a bad guy, but you might very well end up with something worse than a son. if she did nothing we would be in much better shape and this is what caused the great migration in which she has taken in tens of thousands of Syrian refugees who are probably in many cases not probably definitely aligned in many cases with Isis and now we have them . in our country and how he sees where the great Trojan horse will be and how he saw what will happen in the coming years.
Good luck. Hillary, thank you so much for doing a great job. Secretary Clinton, who you talked about in the last debate and again today that a no-fly zone would be imposed to try to protect the people of Aleppo and stop the killings there, President Obama has refused to do it because he fears that it will brings us closer or sinks us deeper into the conflict. conflict and General Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, says that if a no-fly zone is imposed, we are likely to go to war, his words with Syria and Russia, so the question I have is if a No. -No fly zone first, how do you respond to his concerns?
Second, if he imposes a no-fly zone and a Russian plane violates it, does President Clinton shoot down that plane? Well, Chris, first of all, I think a no-fly zone could save lives. and could accelerate the end of the conflict. I'm very aware of the really legitimate concerns that you've expressed from both the president and the general. This wouldn't just be done on the first day. This would require a lot of negotiations and also making it clear to the Russians and the Syrians that our purpose here was to provide safe zones on the ground, we have had millions of people leaving Syria and those millions of people inside Syria who have been dislocated, so I think that we could reach an agreement. and make it very clear to the Russians and the Syrians that this was something that we believed was best for the people on the ground in Syria;
It would help us in our fight against Isis, but I want to respond to what Donald said about refugees, he has made these claims repeatedly. I am NOT going to let anyone into this country who has not been vetted and whom we do not trust, but I am NOT going to close the door to women and children. In that photo of that four-year-old little boy. An old man in Aleppo with blood running down his face while sitting in an ambulance is disturbing and that is why we are going to do a thorough and very careful investigation that does not resolve our internal challenges with Isis and our need to stop radicalization to work with the American Muslims. communities that are on the front lines of identifying and preventing attacks, in fact, the killer of dozens of people at the Orlando nightclub, the Pulse nightclub, was born in Queens, the same place Donald was born, so let's be clear about which one he is the threat and how we better be able to confront it and yes, part of that threat emanates from Syria and Iraq and we have to keep fighting and I will defeat ISIS and part of that is we have to up our game and be much smarter here, I want going into our final segment, but I have to say it's so ridiculous that she will defeat Isis.
We should have never let Isis happen in the first place and right now they are in 32 countries. Wait a second. a ceasefire three weeks ago a ceasefire United States Russia Syria and during the ceasefire Russia seized vast tracts of land and then they said we don't want the ceasefire anymore we are so outnumbered in missiles in the ceasefires They're over the fact that she wasn't there? I guess she had nothing to do with it. Our country is so overtaken by Putin and Assad and by the way, and by Iran, no one can believe how stupid our leadership is, Mr.
Secretary Clinton, no, we have to move on to our final segment and that is the national debt, which It hasn't been discussed until tonight. Our national debt is a part of the economy. Our GDP is now 77 percent, the highest since just after World War II. But the nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget says that under its plan, Secretary Clinton would increase the debt to 86 percent of GDP over the next ten years, Mr. Trump, according to her plan, they say it would increase to one hundred and five percent of GDP in the next ten years. The question is why are you both ignoring this problem, sir.
Trump, you go first, well I say they're wrong because I'm going to create tremendous jobs and we're raising the GDP from really 1%, which is what it is now, and if she came in it'll be less than zero, but we're raising it. from one percent to four percent and, in fact, I think we can get to more than four percent. I think you can get to five or six percent and, if we do it, you don't have to bother asking your question because we have a tremendous machine we will have created a tremendous economic machine once again to do that we are recovering jobs we are not going to allow our companies are rated by other countries where we lose all our jobs we no longer manufacture our product that is very sad, but I am going to create the type of country that we were from an industry point of view, we used to be there, we have abandoned it, we we have become very, very careless, we have had people who are political politicians. making the biggest deals and there were companies bigger than these big companies, these trade deals are much bigger than these companies and yet we didn't use our great leaders, many of whom support me and many of whom support Hillary, I must say, but we don't use those people those are the people these are the best negotiators in the world we have the best businessmen in the world we have to use them to negotiate our trade agreements we use political tricks we use people who get the job because Since they did Payne's contribution and his dealing with China and people who are much smarter than them, so we have to use our great people, but that being said, we will create an economic machine like we have not seen in many decades and the Kris people will again work and they will make a lot of money and we will have companies that will grow and expand and start with the new Secretary Clinton, well, first when I hear Donald talk like that and I know that his motto is to make America great again.
I wonder when he thought America was great and before you jump in and say you know, before you and President Obama were there, I think it's important to recognize that he's been criticizing our government for decades, you know, back in 1987. took out a $100,000 ad in the New York Times during the time when President Reagan was president and basically said exactly what he just said now that we were the laughing stock of the world. He was criticizing President Reagan. This is the way Donald thinks of himself. He gets in the middle and says you know only I can fix it like he said on stage at the convention, but if you look at the debt, which is the issue you asked about Chris, I pay everything I propose, I don't add a cent to the debt nationally, I take it very seriously because I think it's one of the issues that we need to address, so when I talk about how we're going to pay for education, how we're going to invest in infrastructure, how we're going to reduce the cost of prescription drugs and many other topics that people talk to me about all the time.
I have made it very clear where the money is going. We are going to ask the rich and corporations to pay their fair share and there is no evidence that that will slow or diminish our growth. In fact, I think the opposite: we will have what economists call average growth. We have to rebuild the environment again. rank America's families that's where the growth will come from that's why I want to invest in you I want to invest in your family and I think that's the smartest way to grow the economy to make it fairer and we just have a big disagreement. about This may be due to our experiences.
You know, he started out with his father as a millionaire businessman. We've heard this before. I think it's a difference that affects how we see the world and what we want to do with the economy. at that time Thanks Hilary, could you just say no well? No, because Ronald Reagan was very strong on trade. I didn't agree with him. We should have been much tougher on trade even then. I've been waiting four years. No cop does it well, and frankly, not now. We will do it well, very well. The last area I want to address with you in this debate is the fact that the biggest driver of our debt is entitlements, which represent 60 percent of all federal spending, now the federal accountability committee The federal budget has analyzed its two plans and says that none of you have a serious plan that is going to solve the fact that Medicare will run out of money in the 2020s.
Social Security will run out of money in the 2030s. and at that time the beneficiaries They are going to have huge cuts in their benefits, so in effect, the last question I want to ask you in this regard is: let me start with you, sir. Trump would have the president make a deal to save Medicare and Social Security that included tax increases and benefit cuts — in effect, a grand deal on entitlements. I'm cutting taxes, we're going to grow the economy, it's going to grow at a record pace. No, it will totally help you and one thing we have to do is repeal and replace the disaster known as Obamacare.
It is destroying our country. It is destroying our companies. Our small and large companies. We must repeal and replace Obamacare. kind of numbers that's going to cost us in year 17 it's a disaster if we don't repeal and replace it now it's probably going to die of its own weight what Obamacare has to go is premiums are going to go up 60 70 80% next year they're going to go up over a hundred percent and I'm so glad the premiums have started at least people see what's going on because she wants to keep Obamacare and she wants to make it even worse and she can't get any worse bad health care at the more expensive price we have to repeal and replace Obamacare and the same question from Secretary Clinton because at this point Social Security and Medicare are going to run out the trust funds are going to run out of money, could you as president entertain yourself?
Would you consider a deal that includes tax increases and benefit cuts to try to save bothprograms? Chris. I know we need to put more money into the Social Security trust fund, which is part of my commitment to raising taxes. For the rich, my Social Security payroll contribution will also increase. Donald assumes he doesn't know how to get out of this, but what we want to do is replenish that mess we want to have fun with by making sure we have enough. resources and that will come from increasing the limit or finding other ways to get more money.
I won't cut benefits. I want to improve benefits for low-income workers and women who have been disadvantaged by the current Social Security system, but what Donald is proposing with these massive tax cuts will result in an additional $20 trillion in national debt. It will have dire consequences for Social Security and Medicare and I will say something about the Affordable Care Act that he wants to repeal. the solvency of the Medicare trust fund, so if he repeals it, our Medicare problem gets worse, what we need to do is leave, how are your disagreements? The drivers of long-term health care have to reduce costs increase value emphasize well-being I have a plan for doing that and I believe that we will be able to control spending on social benefits with more resources as a smarter decision.
This is the last time, probably to the delight of both, that they will be together on stage in this campaign. I would like to end on a positive note: you had not accepted the closing statements, but it seems to be in a fun way that could make it more interesting because you have not prepared the closing statements, so I would like each of you to take it. We're going to set the clock forward one minute as the final question in the final debate to tell the American people why they should elect you as their next president.
This is another new mini segment. Secretary Clinton, it's your turn to go first. Well, I'd like to tell everyone watching tonight that I'm reaching out to all Americans, Democrats, Republicans and Independents, because we need everyone to help make our country what it should be, to grow the economy, to grow the economy. be fairer, so that it works for everyone. We need your talents. skills your commitment your energy your ambition you know I have had the privilege of seeing the presidency up close and I know the enormous responsibility of protecting our country and the incredible opportunity to work to try to improve the lives of all of you.
I have made the The cause of Children and Families truly is my life's work, that will be my mission in the presidency. I will defend families against powerful interests against corporations. I will do everything I can to make sure you have good jobs with increasing incomes for your children. have a good education from preschool to university. I hope you will give me the opportunity to serve as your president, Secretary Clinton, thank you sir. Trump, she is raising money from the people she wants to control, it doesn't work that way, but when I started this campaign, I started it very strong, it's called make America great again, we're going to make America great , we have an exhausted army.
To get help you have to fix it with the best people in the world in our military, we don't take care of our veterans, we take care of illegal immigrants, people who come to the country illegally, better than our veterans who can't. This happens, our police officers and women are not respected. We need law and order, but we need justice for our urban centers. They are a disaster. They shoot you when you walk to the store. They do not have education. They don't have work. I will do more for African Americans and Latinos than she did. can do in ten lifetimes the only thing he has done is talk to African Americans and Latinos but they get the vote and then they come back and say: see you in four years, we are going to make America strong again and they are going to make great to America again and it has to start now we can't take four more years of Barack Obama and that's what you get when you get it, thank you both, Secretary Clinton, wait a minute, folks, Secretary Clinton, mr.
Trump, I want to thank you both for participating in these three debates that conclude this year's debate sponsored by the Commission on Presidential Debates. We want to thank the University of Nevada Las Vegas and its students for inviting us now the decision is up to you, while millions already have voted Election day, November 8, is only 20 days away, something everyone here can agree on, we hope you will go vote, it is one of the honors and obligations of living in this great country , thank you and good evening, well it was announced as the final debates, but there could have been two debates here tonight, there was the first 30 minutes that could almost have been. described as moderate then there was the next hour not so moderate this is Lester Holt along with Chuck Todd Savannah Guthrie Guthrie Tom Brokaw when we started to discuss what just happened there especially in the last hour of the debate Chuck look overall this was it closer What we had for a normal debate, well, there were questions on topics, they were re-aired, so there were times where it almost felt like a normal presidential election and the first 30 minutes in many ways if you're a Republican running on the ballot, you were excited because it was the Supreme Court and it was kind of a gamble of why it's important for Republicans to get out the vote, so if you're a Republican on the down ballot, you would really leave Trump.
No, she didn't have a bad first 30 minutes, she had a pretty good first 30 minutes, but I have to tell you that throughout this whole false flurry, Clinton substantially everyone you know had substance in every response hand, detailed policy proposals that she she spoke. he would answer every question, ten percent of the answer would sound right in the moment. I think it won't go over well with the fact checkers and it won't do well the next day because I'd almost say a pretty good line and then I'd repeat it over and over and it didn't seem to have much substance, so I think it might look good and feel good at the moment and may not survive Sabathia Day and Savannah's forehand.
One of the most memorable lines was that nasty one. The woman we heard near the end was mean, she was in the middle of an answer, he intervenes, he leans into the microphone and says twice, such a nasty woman, such a nasty woman, and I think that's going to be a moment in which let people look back at this. debate, I mean, look, if you don't like Hillary Clinton, if you were in Donald Trump's base, you were probably saying amen on TV and applauding at the time, but this is a candidate who has a deficit with the women he needs Let moderate Republican women come. in his corner and it was so surprising to see him go there, it's not a substance, by the way, in a strange abandonment of all the questions to do it, it was like in Social Security and Medicare, what do you say, it was a strange energy there was another moment in this debate that people will talk about and we had over the last week and a half or so your Donald Trump spoke about the legitimacy of voter fraud in the election and he was asked if he would accept the result This is not the first time this question has been asked and let me play how we put a couple of those moments together, let's play and then we'll talk about whether you make the same commitment that absolutely, sir, that you will absolutely accept the outcome. of this election I will look at it in the moment I do not look at anything now I look at it in the moment you are saying that you are not prepared now two questions that I will tell you in the moment I will keep it in suspense, well Chris, let me answer that because it is horrible, You know, every time Donald thinks things aren't going his way, he claims that whatever it is, it's rigged against him, let's put that little perspective now, in the first debate the same question was asked and Trump's .
The answer was that if she wins, I will absolutely support her a few hours before the debate. His running mate, Mike Pence, Governor Pence said on CNN that he will certainly accept the outcome of this election. Marvin let me call Wallace right now, who worked with the government. The White House and the McCain campaign, Nicole, when you heard that, what did you think about November 8 and 9 and the days afterward? Well, if anyone who has been involved in the presidential debate prepared, my stomach sank for all the people who have actually improved. on Trump's performance in the first debate tremendously, this was by far his best performance, unfortunately for him, it was also his best performance, but by refusing to say he would accept the results of the November 8th election, he might as well having done it to his own coffin with a hammer and a nail and hit it inside himself no voter wants to hear that a contestant who has been very 61 in the primaries, how could the primaries not have been rigged against him if he won so overwhelming that you say you won't accept? the result of a strong, close election in which he has been pretty even in the polls until very recently is really just a disqualifying statement in the opinion of many voters and, in reality, a tragedy for his support base, which is very agitated and is very friendly. of eager to see him do better is that they got that improved performance from him on issues like trade, they'll like what they heard from him on the economy and they'll like some of his other answers, but in saying he won't accept the election results It was just a light moment in American politics.
Very good, Nicole, thank you. I want to turn now to John Podesta's campaign chairman, Hillary Clinton, Mr. Podesta, good night. Thank you very much for joining us in the spinning room. I don't hear it. Can you help mr. Podesta will be here yeah we have you know I apologize so give me your idea of ​​what we just talked about here to love the low times and the high months for you well look I think Hillary came in unprepared for play safe. She got two things right, one is defending what she wanted to do for the economy and immigration in those sections that dealt with issues.
I think she really scored tonight and also wanted to make the case that he was unprepared and unfit and I think that response that Nicole was talking about when she said she wouldn't accept the outcome of the election or she would wait and see if she did. would accept was really a low moment for Donald Trump. I have to ask you first. half an hour of the debate Donald Trump came out quite subdued, what did you think at that moment? Did you think you had a very different debate than what you had planned? Well, I think maybe because Chris started with topics like this, the Supreme Court.
I think maybe he threw Donald Trump out of his game plan, obviously that was an area that Hillary was familiar with and I think she scored big on standing up for reproductive rights and standing up for LGBT rights, but I think he was a little nervous. . that section because I didn't really know what he wanted to talk about, but it was definitely a different Donald Trump, but he really got angry at the end when Chris gave him that last minute to give a closing argument and he kind of ended up where this campaign started in a very place. dark.
I just think that from a general standpoint, starting with his debate and at the end of three debates, we now have a very good idea of ​​who these candidates are, what they represent and what. their feelings are how they would behave. I think that's very important. There would be a lot of Republicans out there tonight and we will be with our hands over our heads saying that he didn't say again that he would have to do it. Look back at the election because everyone moved away from that and you had a real sense of where they were in terms of details on a lot of complicated issues, tax reform, for example, what are you going to do about Obamacare? about the Supreme Court I saw that Donald Trump Victor.
I have a question about taking money from the Saudi Arabian foundation and some other issues, but in general, if you look at the two candidates, one had a very strong and very argued agenda and the other. one was doing what we've been seeing from him for a long time, generally going off the lines, I don't know how that's going to change the equation, mr. beard, now I say a question from Chuck Todd, hey Jon, I know it's probably disconcerting to see all your private emails suddenly become public, but let me ask you this question that the public is going to digest.
This is reading these emails that you see. the sausage of seeing a campaign decide, okay? Shall we run? to confirm them, but there's a general sense that they're learning that okay, what is she if she's a centrist? Is she progressive? Is she figuring out what voters should learn from this? You know, the last time we were in Las Vegas for a debate. It was in the primaries and they asked him where you are on the political spectrum, then he said he was progressive, he likes to get results and that's what I admire so much about Hillary, that's what she's always been, what she's always fought for. women's rights children's rights for families across the country but she is a person who delivers results who gets results she operates in prose I guess but she is a personwho really studies the issues he prepared for this debate took this seriously I think to some extent in contrast to his opponent and when he is in office he will do the same, he will work on behalf of the American people and he will get results.
John Podesta, it's a pleasure talking to you, thank you for taking some time, we appreciate it, we will continue our coverage of this third and final debate from Las Vegas after the short break I have to get ready I'll be a doctor I guess I'll save people, not them I will kill I want you to meet Private Desmond Dobbs Private Doss does not believe in violence, prepare to give my life for my men but I'm sorry I will not carry weapons I fell in love with you because you were like no one else I don't know how I will live with myself if I die was so rude that I Think I'm Sorry, rated R in theaters November 4th before it became a medicine, it was a crazy idea and yes, so scientists got to work, they examined 87 different protein structures and worked for 12 long years, there were thousands of volunteer patients and the hope of millions and so after it became a medicine someone who couldn't be cured could it be me someone created a plague if I can crack the code we can stop this on October 28th Florence meets Venice look at this Clues all over the world and what is the message so you can find the mystery only he can solve everything I can't stop this the worldwide phenomenon of The Da Vinci Code and the angels and demons continues how long do we have 48 hours to stop an event Extinction Level Inferno Rated pg -13 What's New on SNL with Tom Hanks and Musical Guest Lady Gaga This Weekend NBC Decision Night in America NBC News brings you unparalleled coverage of this unprecedented election Join Westerhof Savannah Capri and Chuck Todd live November 8 for America's Decision Night on NBC Watch it all Look, he has no respect for this person, well that's because he'd rather have a puppet as president and that's okay today, no, he's quite clear.
Vladimir Putin and Russia, the first of many flashpoints in tonight's 90-minute debate, the last debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald. Trump, you want to go to the spin room now NBC's Katy tur is there Katy after every two debates Trump has declared himself the winner what's the feeling you're getting from the campaign right now about the performance? Kim, the campaign is happy with its performance today. especially in the beginning when he was able to make decisions about who SCOTUS would choose for supreme court appointment. However, I will point out that what didn't come up and what we were hoping to see come up more was Benghazi, as we noted earlier that it did.
The campaign invited Pat Smith, the mother of a Benghazi victim, there was supposedly supposed to be a confrontation that forced Hillary Clinton to come on stage and hit her over her foreign policy, which didn't happen. There were also a number of bad-tempered traditions that Donald Trump gave during this debate a performance that won his stance on the Iraq war, another on the deliberation saying that he believes North Korea, South Korea, excuse me, Japan and Saudi Arabia with nuclear weapons, said that in the past, generally, although he had a better debate performance than Trump. has had in the past Katy, thank you and that brings me directly to my question to the panel right here, if you take this as a whole, how did Donald Trump realize that the pressure was on him tonight?
How did he do compared to your previous debates? Overall, it was his best performance, but as Nicole pointed out, she was as good as ever, it was also his best performance, but you know, he stepped on himself. I mean, I was just watching, I mean every new newspaper headline and debate is breaking news. Donald Trump says you won't do it, he's not ready to accept the results and remember you're like wait and guess what everyone enjoys about you and this is what Tom, every Republican on tomorrow's ballot will get as a candidate for the caucus as a senator, why? you're going to accept the results in November because of the way it comes after he said and he was in the second debate or in your debate that he would jail her if he could if she became the person we would put her in jail the second debate the first debate said he was going to support her second debate, put her in jail this time, not give in on an island on that issue and contradict not only himself but also his daughter, but also his running mate, but also the Republican secretaries of state across the country who say run this election and we tell them there is no voter fraud that could jeopardize the outcome of an election, so I think that's part of the problem you have: you're swimming against the current here .With that argument, let me go to Andrew Mitchell also in the spin room that she has been following the Clinton campaign and we talked about that there was certainly a lot of pressure for Donald Trump to get here as the underdog in the polls, but a fair amount of pressure like Well, Secretary Clinton cutting off a home, what she has, how do your parents feel right now?
Well, of course, they say that they feel very confident, and in fact they do, that their performance was solid and they managed to pivot Wikileaks towards what they have. I wanted her to talk about what it was like to try to get Donald Trump to disown Vitomir Putin and accuse him of supporting someone who supports Russian espionage, saying that 17 different intelligence agencies have concluded that Russia is very likely behind it. of this theft of the emails and the hacking that then made their way to WikiLeaks and he refused to back down from what he has done all along, which is not criticizing Vladimir Putin on nuclear weapons as well.
I think they feel they are on very solid ground, this was the first debate. who questioned both candidates on their budget and tax proposals, named the committee for a responsible federal budget, which is the best-known arbiter of these things, and said they're both wrong, but he's much worse than she is, so It was a substantial debate. I think they also feel that he was very weak with the women she was, especially when she chastised him for what she had said about women accusing him of sexual advances and accused Clinton of inciting them, which was a first.
In fact, she has said that Lester Andrew Mitchell in this spin room is going to take another break and be back with more of our post-debate coverage on NBC, the election coverage that stresses you out and that you could hide away for the next month. The world can be very dark and disturbing. place or I could enjoy the perfect movie here for me when I try on lingerie, something like that, we do it very quickly in case the kids come running into our room this Friday, it's a snake restaurant and I express no, sir. panda keeping up with the neighbors rated pg-13 we build our factories here because of a huge natural resource, not the land, water or energy sources, it's the people, the American workers, they build world class products and that builds communities in a better future for all. from us because making something in America means a lot to so many people WeatherTech is proud to make in America you're not a cook if you don't cook you're not a firefighter if you don't put out fires you're not a coach if you're not a coach and you can't be our leader if you're not leading our next president needs to take action on Social Security where future generations could lose up to $10,000 a year we are working hard what about you?
Hello candidates, keep up your work. Strong Social Security after tonight's debate wakes up with everything that happens today. Me and the polls will tell you that you have to write to the club, but what about the idea that you won't? He says he's going to investigate the election results. Does that make me think? I don't get it because you remember in the year 2000, no one is saying that they had to try, that they are not Kellyanne Conway, the campaign manager of the Trump campaign, talking to our Hallie Jackson about one of the big headlines tonight and that is to say , mirroring marang Donald Trump on the question of whether he would accept the election result, let me bring Tom Brokaw on the air now.
Tom 3. debates usually don't move the needle, right? They don't and the way they move the needle would be if he had been someone else tonight, if he had played at his level, fully prepared, more attractive, in a personal way, she appeared as she always has, returning to her mock court days, which everyone already knows. school extremely well prepared with details about all the proposals that she wanted to approve and she did it very, very well and returning to the issue of whether he will accept them or not, you have to remember that Al Gore got 7 million more votes. that George Bush and look at the Supreme Court and what ended he wasn't happy with it restarted.
I accept it and the same thing happened with John Kerry that he thought his votes had been stolen and oh no, and Ohio has a long tradition no matter how bitter it may be. You may accept it, including Richard Nixon against John Kennedy, but I'm sure that went down well with his fan base. I know, I think so, but you know this is a case where it can survive debate night and then post-debate. The next few days are not going to go well because of that and because of how he handles it and because of the way in which other Republicans are simply going to criticize them for this subtext in which they say that the system is rigged and that we cannot trust the results, that is not It's an argument about how to win It's an argument in our explanation of why you lost and that's not where you want to be while we finish I know next time we'll meet at a desk together Yes, we remember 8:00 We don't want to go tonight, that will be enough for our primetime coverage of the third and final presidential debate, much more reaction and analysis of the debate throughout the night on MSNBC cable and on and all the aftermath tomorrow morning in today a reminder again the next time we will be together election night decision night in the United States in 20 days for Chuck Todd Savannah Guthrie Tom Brokaw and our entire team I'm Lester Holt saying good night from Las Vegas decision night in the United States United NBC News brings you unparalleled coverage of this unprecedented election join Lester Holt Savannah Guthrie and Chuck Todd live in November, a night of bad decisions in America on NBC

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