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THE TERMINATOR (Story + T 800 Terminator Cybernetic Organism) Explained

May 30, 2024
James Cameron's 1984 hit film Terminator is a true juggernaut, a cultural phenomenon that spawned a franchise spanning decades. Every inch of the film is filled with action intentions and rich philosophical ideas that have made people reflect on the potential of AI as our downfall while


. The franchise may take place in an alternate presence and future in the 21st century, many of its themes still impact from the overt danger of uncontrollable technologies to the more subtle nods to how technology slowly took over human life in the decade. 1980s and beyond. Terminator goes much deeper than most viewers would give credit for, the film takes place in both the present day of 1984 and the not-so-distant future of 2029, in which humanity is caught in a small fight against Skynet. after he became self-aware with his defeat he is close in an attempt to extinguish the very source of humanity's last hope.
the terminator story t 800 terminator cybernetic organism explained
Skynet sends an assassin called the Terminator back in time to kill the leader of the human resistance. More precisely, she kills his mother, Sarah Connor, before his birth, but finds out this Jon sends Kyle Reese, one of his best fighters, to the past to ensure his survival. Hey guys, what's going on here with the movie comics


and today we're exploring the Terminator legacy. James Cameron's heart is pounding. The science fiction thriller starring linda hamilton michael. Beam Lance Henriksen and Arnold Schwarzenegger as the nine unstoppable


killing machines, come with me if you want to experience the cultural impact of the Terminator franchise is enormous.
the terminator story t 800 terminator cybernetic organism explained

More Interesting Facts About,

the terminator story t 800 terminator cybernetic organism explained...

The 1984 box office hit helped solidify Cameron's career and launched an expansive world filled with movie, comic, and video sequels. games and even a television series along with movies like Code and the Barbarian, Terminator introduced the power of Arnold Schwarzenegger to the world and added the phrase I'll be back to the pop culture lexicon when I read the line I'll be back. he said to Jim Cameras, it sounds weird to me, he says look, I don't correct the acting, I don't correct my writing, that's fine and that was it. The incredible thing is that the original film still holds up decades later, combining science fiction with horror elements.
the terminator story t 800 terminator cybernetic organism explained
Indeed, it continues to excite viewers, both old and new, today, in essence, Terminator functions similarly to a slasher film. We have our seemingly invincible slasher, the Terminator himself, stalking the final girl, Sarah Connor, and there is plenty of blood and violence from the Terminator. His synthetic eyeball laid waste to numerous people with little remorse. Cameron actually signs John Carpenter's Halloween, which was made for only thirty thousand dollars, as a huge influence on him and said that Carpenter was the guy he idolized the most, those horror and low-budget film influences. The techniques are quite evident in the film's production, of course, the big difference between Terminator and the average slasher is that the killer isn't some deranged guy in a mask, he's an unstoppable cyborg on a mission. 800 was a highly effective infiltrator unit created by Skynet to aid in its quest to destroy humanity, while the supercomputer had begun its attack with nuclear armageddon, its follow-up attacks were led by humanoid constructs that had been designed to infiltrate the human resistance during the early times.
the terminator story t 800 terminator cybernetic organism explained
During the war years, Skynet went through a difficult period of testing and became close with these units primarily due to the fact that they stuck out like a sore thumb among humans, leading the AI ​​to create the T800, a



. which could imitate human behavior and display human qualities such as breathing, sweating and even bleeding, this allowed the newly built


s to better fool humans and led to the destruction of many bases through infiltration. Over time, the resistance was forced to adopt methods to better detect infiltrating units, but even if they were able to detect one, the t-800s were forced to rely on superior strength, durability, and the ability to learn new ways. to destroy their desired targets, while the units featuring living skin were used for infiltrations, the rest of the t800s were reduced. to their mechanical skeleton before being deployed as foot soldiers during important engagements.
I think it should be noted that this was a deliberate ploy by Skynet, who knew how terrifying terminators seemed to humans, and we caught glimpses of this shock-and-awe tactic throughout the series. The t800 terminators featured a neural network processor contained within the endocranium and protected by inertial shock absorbers developed by Cyberdyne Systems. This CPU was one of the most powerful microprocessors ever built as part of its fast internal databases. The T800 contained numerous files on human anatomy. and psychology that allowed them to become more efficient killers. This CPU could also be updated with multiple database files related to advanced infiltration techniques, training for soldiers, tactical strategies, and detailed files from other terminators connected to Skynet, making each unit a combat veteran directly after exiting. .
On the assembly line, the t800 CPU was also capable of learning on its own; However, all units that were sent on solo infiltration missions during the entire time shift had their CPU set to read-only, reducing the risk of a unit becoming self-aware and going rogue. In the excellent sequel to Terminator 2, Doomsday, we can see this in practice with Sarah and John activating the learning ability of the t800 that had been sent to protect Jon and, as the film progressed, the Terminator showed curiosity and began to understand and imitate human behavior and with his sacrifice at the end of the film, he even began to understand the value of human life.
Can you learn things that you have not been programmed to be able to be? You know more human. My CPU is enrolling that processor into a learning computer, but Skynet. preset the switch to read only when we send the loan doesn't want you to think too much, eh, no, the metal endoskeleton is a controlled triple armored hyperalloy combat chassis built with frictionless bearings in its joints, its limbs were controlled by axial drive motors and trailing links that allowed them to maneuver faster than their T600 counterparts, which were also heavier and weaker. This endoskeleton was powered by a powerful network of hydraulic servomechanisms that gave the terminator superior resistance, which in turn allowed them to withstand heavy loads without impeding progress. its speed or functionality since its structure is made of a high-density titanium steel alloy, this reinforced structure was easily capable of resisting conventional firearms, making them difficult to destroy in the movies we see, the units resist 20th century gun explosions and many strong impacts that damage their lives. tissue but leaves the endoskeleton relatively unscathed.
I should also point out that while firearms were relatively useless against the terminators, they were actually quite vulnerable to the plasma weapons that were used by both the resistance and the skynets in future wars, as they were designed to be the more The top infiltrator units to date Skynet used replicated human tissue that had been harvested from human prisoners and grew this living skin onto the endoskeleton of the T800 models. This was a big change to Skynet's gameplay that began to blur the lines between man and machine and we see numerous modifications to this approach since the series progressed, such as the creation of markets, who was a human who had been grafted consciousness into a cybernetic structure, what is it, it is real flesh and blood, although it seems to heal itself quickly, the heart is human, the brain is very powerful. too, but with a chip interface, I've actually covered this in the general trajectory of Skynet throughout the movies continuity and we'll leave a link to these videos below.
The living tissue covering the t800 was similar to that of humans with the ability. sweat and produce odors and, although their flesh contained blood, only showed a minimal amount of bleeding when damaged, their skin could also heal itself over time at a much faster rate than humans; However, if too much flesh was damaged, their skin would begin to decompose into a waxy, corpse-like texture, the machines would use radio receivers and infrared optics to hunt their programmed targets, and they all possessed an advanced vocal processor that allowed them to imitate the people's voices to trick their targets into coming out of hiding. if you hurry home we can sit down and have dinner together something's wrong she's never that nice what's the dog's name max hey janelle what's wrong with wolfie i can hear him barking it's okay wolf it's okay honey wolf it's okay the undercover units were each powered by two hydrogen cells that allowed them to operate for more than a century.
With that in mind, I don't think Skynet intended their units to last more than a few decades, as over time the chances of one becoming self-aware and going rogue increases. increased significantly because the hydrogen fuel was very volatile these power cells became unstable when they ruptured and exploded with the force of a large bomb here, take the wheel, what are you doing? I am powered by two hydrogen fuel cells, my main cell was damaged by a plasma attack. Using their advanced hud, infiltrated units were able to run system checks and calculate the distance of objects relative to themselves, making detailed kinetic studies of trajectory sampling and analysis possible in a fraction of a second.
This was also very useful in assessing human emotional and bodily states. Language and units would rarely perform a function or move without checking this screen to make sure they have determined the best course of action. Bullets have little to no effect on them. They throw people around like rag dolls with their superior strength and have absolutely no morals. compass, suffice it to say that he can't be negotiated with, he can't be reasoned with, he absolutely won't stop until you're dead, Terminator's phenomenal entertainment and production value is matched by its narrative paradoxes that come first in two flavors clue. we have the grandfather paradox whereby skynet aims to change the events of the future by going into the past and ensuring that its greatest threat never existed.
Secondly, we have the paradox of predestination whereby Kyle from the future turns out to be John Connor's father. However, here the only reason Carl went back in time was to ensure that Jon Connor lived, which required Jon to be alive regardless of Kyle's actions in the first place for Kyle to go back in time and complete his mission while I discussed these paradoxes in detail. in the past, links at the beginning and predestination below, what's fascinating is how the film uses them to interrogate destiny and determinism when we first meet sarah connor, she is incredibly distant from the battle-hardened woman who tells her has been described to kyle by the future jon, she is just an average woman who works in a service in the busy metropolis of the 80s and enjoys the thrills of nightlife and turn of the century technology, but in the end , after being pursued by the Terminator, we see glimpses of the fearless and unyielding killer and protector of the Terminator that she will become.
This raises a huge question: Would Sarah have become this woman if Kyle and the Terminator hadn't gone back in time to change everything? I mean, Kyle needs to go back in time to change Sarah and become Jon's father, but to do so, the future war between humanity and Skynet. It must have taken place and Jon must have existed for Kyle and the Terminator to be sent back, but while this is evidently contradictory, the first film subscribes to the determinism of the heart, suggesting that time is pre-written - in other words, Sarah is bound. a Become the battle-hardened woman and don't die in the end, otherwise Jon would never have been born to trick Skynet and send the Terminator back in time.
I guess you know who the father is so I won't tell him to get lost. When I met him and John never said much about him, I know that he dies before the wait. I don't want to know that the movie presents a future where humanity fights against the machines it created, leading to a binary conflict between man and machine. This division presents. a number of other binaries between man and machine that are more easily seen when comparingthe way Kyle and the Terminator interact with the world, while Kyle is careful to preserve human life, the Terminator shows complete disregard for it, while Kyle is entangled in emotions, the Terminator lacks and while love interrupts the mission of kyle, the terminator focuses exclusively on one target, this is reminiscent of the ridiculous apocalypse in the clip.
This absurd but chilling thought experiment proposed by Nick Bostrom in 2014 addresses this same divide between the way humans and machines understand and interact. With the world, its configuration is very simple. Imagine a future where a super intelligent AI was given a simple task to make clips. At first, the AI ​​will start by copying the human process of making clips by taking the usual raw materials to do so. as many as possible, but will continually want to expand by taking in more and more resources without worrying about other purposes or industries, soon the vast majority of the world's resources will be diverted towards this crazy clip AI and the world will be flooded with clips.
It would likely result in humanity attempting to shut down the machine, but the threat posed to humanity would mean that the AI ​​would no longer be able to fulfill its purpose of making paperclips, meaning that the AI ​​would want to fight humans in order to continue its goal. to generate the great paperclip war after winning the battle against humanity he would eventually develop intergalactic travel to strip the universe of all resources so that it can continue manufacturing paperclips no matter how absurd it may seem. This thought experiment taps into fears about how a single-minded AI may fail to take into account factors outside of its own goals.
Seen a lot in Terminator, where Skynet, designed to be evaded by humanity, has turned against us for exactly the same reason. He did the AI ​​clip because he realized that humans were an existential threat to him, but instead out of pessimism despite the inevitability of what's to come. Future War, this series offers a different option, whereas the first film can seem incredibly deterministic, almost to the point of helplessness. Terminator 2 Judgment Day taps into the idea that the future is not predetermined, but rather changing, suggesting that we have destinies, but those destinies can. be altered or avoided, leading John Connor to exclaim that there is no destiny for what we do, a mantra that has become the resistance's rallying cry, hence the foot chase down an alley where the boy and the girl run away from uh Arnold's character.
The Terminator jumps through the fire and hits the windshield to catch the girl while he talks about the first movie. Cameron tells how the initial idea of ​​combining science fiction and horror came to him in a feverish nightmare during his work on the production of Piranha. In Italy he dreamed of a creature with a metal torso with kitchen knives engulfed in flames and went on to write the script while staying with his friend, science fiction author Randall Frakes, who incidentally would go on to write the Terminator novelization and Terminator 2. On Judgment Day that nightmarish element is present in the film, the setting is dark and desolate, which adds an unsettling atmosphere to the chase scenes and even to the more grounded moments when Sarah and Reese are together in the tunnel, the people at Orion Pictures had actually asked.
Cameron filmed more scenes in daylight due to budget constraints, but Cameron refused believing it was stylistically and thematically crucial to keep most of the film set at night, aside from the dark streets, things always feel eerily outside of synchronization, there is the literal sense that sarah and reese are literally out of sync with time due to reese's time travel, but there is also an aesthetic side to this feeling, the way the terminator moves slowly and disjointedly has a dreamy touch. Cameron described his thought process for these moves during the making of the Terminator retrospective in 1992, where he stated that what I found effective in Terminator was doing a build-up in slow motion or subtly going into slow motion where you almost don't realize it and it stops.
It becomes a dreamlike rhythm or that time dilation when you experience a traffic accident and it's happening and you can't stop it and time seems to stretch out. This effect makes the viewer feel the same disorientation and terror that Sarah is experiencing in the gym. I really believe we can create the full size root canal. and getting a great interpretation of reality by doing it with puppets and animatronics, the effects performances and AI themes ahead of their time make Terminator horrible, but I can't forget to mention that the pulsing synth soundtrack, the score of the Composer Brad Fiedel gives the film a sinister and disorienting undercurrent, the main theme has these deranged beats that are like a heartbeat.


that what he was trying to convey with the score was the idea of ​​this mechanical man and the beating of his heart, in particular, the time signature is at 1310, which is "In a rhythm that appears very often, it turns out that this The strange notation was largely caused by accident due to budget constraints, Federal was using various synths and sequences which he had to record by hand, as a result he ended up with this slightly strange beat that had a distinctly unsettling feel, especially the work of. endoskeleton that was done in stop-motion animation. I wanted it to look as real as possible.
I always struggled with how I was going to achieve what I wanted. The effects used in the film by Fantasy 2 hold up incredibly well to this day. Modeler Doug Beswick created a two-foot-tall puppet for the stop-motion sequences. It was important to Cameron that the audience believe that this robot exoskeleton was actually Schwarzenegger. So he ordered the actor to limp through the scene before the exoskeleton was revealed. His lip perfectly matched the animated models' door and this sold the experience, but it's Stan Winston's innovative use of stop motion puppetry and special effects makeup that should be appreciated.
The film's fantastic visuals Cameron initially assumed that most of the film's action would be made up of stop-motion shots, but Winston showed him that desirable effects could be achieved using life-size puppets. Instead, his studio created a full-size, portable T-800. Puppet that puppeteer Shane Mahan had strapped to his back while other operators controlled the characteristic glowing red eyes via remote control. When you're making your first film, there's no way you can have any objectivity about what you've captured. Never really knowing how a movie will do until it gets in front of an audience, interestingly, this iconic and baffling film was really difficult to get off the ground.
All of these behind-the-scenes tidbits make it obvious that Cameron had a clear vision and a good eye. for the detail that makes the horror of Terminator sell, but at the time Cameron only had one film credit to his name, Piranha 2, a film he tried to distance himself from and his own agent didn't believe he would ever get the project. The desperate Cameron ended up selling the right to Terminator to producer Gail and heard for just a dollar years before their marriage, even the Terminator himself wasn't totally sold on the film, although Schwarzenegger eventually fell in love with the iconic villain while reading. script, he and Orion Pictures didn't really believe the film was that important, they essentially saw it as little more than a b-movie and the actor admitted as much in a recent interview with gq.
I think they treated her as such. a b movie but jim cameron showed me some of the footage, i said to myself, this is really intense, it wasn't until he saw the first cut of the movie that he realized he was part of something big, while stan Winston and his team brought it to life, the t800 design was actually created by Cameron Winston and Cameron went back and forth on the designs and the director encouraged the team to make whatever modifications they saw fit, but ultimately Winston and company were left with the first design Cameron came up with from there.
Winston and seven other artists worked together to make a Terminator puppet out of clay and then cemented it in steel-reinforced plaster to create the exterior of the exoskeleton. Shane Mahan says they would create plastic parts and then put them through an electrostatic process to apply a metallic finish, however he and the team quickly discovered that this method resulted in a lot of paint chipping during action scenes, which which forced them to repair various pieces of the puppet with tin foil and paint when t2 came out. a more durable chrome plating process and I read the script and immediately could identify much more with the Terminator character than the heroic character initially, this was not a gym idea and frankly I was not happy with it, it's hard to imagine anyone more like a terminator. but believe it or not, Annie wasn't the first choice.
Orion Pictures had actually suggested that O.J Simpson be the lead, but Cameron rejected it because he didn't think he was a credible killer. It's kind of ironic because you know that's what Cameron had worked for. He had previously worked with Lance Henriksen and was actually determined to have him play the Terminator. He initially imagined the villain as someone who would blend in with the crowd hiding in the camouflage of synthetic flesh. However, once Arnie had signed up for the role, it became clear that the T800 was not going to attack secretly nor hide this six foot bodybuilder was not going to blend in, so the character became this beast.
Indestructible which is ultimately scarier, of course, Henriksen would later go on to play the role of Detective Vukovic, What Happens When It Hit? through the windshield she was probably on pcp she broke every bone in her hand and wouldn't feel it for hours linda hamilton is incredible as sarah connor and as the audience surrogate is possibly the lynchpin that sells the credibility of the movie hamilton was cast shortly after film Children of the Corn beating actresses Gina Davis and Patricia Arquette. Her performance as Sarah Connor in the film is truly impressive once you realize the full scope of the character she plays, although the 19-year-old we see running around Los Angeles is not a full-blown, badass Resistance Leader, She's still not your average damsel in distress.
Conor is written in the script as if she has a vulnerable quality that masks strength she doesn't know exists. Hamilton essentially had to play this unassuming young waitress, but still be strong. enough to make it believable that she would later become the gun-toting heroine we would see in later films. Watching her grow throughout the franchise is incredibly rewarding and this movie sets up her character development perfectly. Arnold read the script and said okay. I want to play this Terminator guy and then Jim went from almost ready to fight him to it's a good idea. Interestingly, Schwarzenegger was initially auditioning for the role of Kyle Reese, who would actually end up being played by Michael Beam.
They first met. over lunch and Arnie kept talking about how he thought the Terminator should act, he wrote in his 2013 memoir, Total Remember, that he became obsessed with the villain while reading the script, telling Cameron that there should be no joy, no gratification, no victory in the return. The Terminator's purpose is to complete the mission and nothing more and the director immediately turned to him and said well since you've analyzed it better than the way I wrote it, why don't you play the Terminator? The rest is hi


at the beginning. Arnie wasn't very interested after all, The Terminator only has 17 lines and a total of 65 spoken words, yet the villain is a powerful presence and Schwarzenegger's performance would define the tone and become the backbone of the film series. to come.
Terminator was cold. violent, ruthless and had no emotional range or connection to his words or actions and almost never showed a facial expression beyond his cold, flat face, speaking only when he intended to attract others for information or as a form of distraction almost four decades Afterwards, The Terminator is still definitely one of the most incredible sci-fi horror movies of all time. This is crazy. I mean, I don't think we've seen anything like this before. The way it was shot, the way it was lit, the way it was directed, everything. it was really very very special well that's all for today guys if you enjoyed the video don't forget to like and subscribe to stay updated on all my content and yeah if you have any other suggestions feel free to leave them. comments below as always it's been a pleasure niath here with movie comicsexplained, thanks for stopping by and you won't tell me what's going on, I'm worried, okay, okay, here's the number, I love you too, baby.

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