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All 25 TERMINATOR Models Explained

Jun 03, 2021
Hello and welcome back to another episode of Generation Films. My name is American Ben and I am absolutely not a robot sent here to kill you. I'm not a robot at all, but you know what robot


s are and by now with all the shitty movies they've taken down. In a once glorious franchise, there are a lot of Terminator


and it gets a little confusing, so today we're going to go through all the


and break down each one so that it's clear to you now how we're going to organize them. This video in terms of models and it was difficult to decide because the continuity of the


is a cluster truck by classification and then by numerical order so I can show my counting ability.
all 25 terminator models explained
We start with the class known as non-humanoid hunter-killers. obviously not what everyone thinks of when they think of Terminator, the usual image that pops up in people's heads is Arnold's clean, well-trained body, but there are also non-humanoid terminators in Terminator 3 Rise from the alternate timeline of the created machine. By destroying the Cyberdyne cyber research systems, the T1, a fully autonomous ground assault vehicle, was built. The T1 was designed to clear battlefields of enemy troops using its powerful offensive weaponry. The robot was mounted on a rotating platform that gave its laser beam guidance system a wide field.
all 25 terminator models explained

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all 25 terminator models explained...

In the attack, the t1 used its auditory heat and motion sensors to identify targets and eliminate them; However, the early t1 was a flawed machine, if a target simply remained silent and covered its heat signature by standing next to another hot object, the t1 could not detect it next. The t4 tank, a model in the line of hk tanks or skynet's hunter killer, was a somewhat humanoid, somewhat tanky tank and we don't have a photo of it because it only appears in a terminator novel that writes books without photos, but anyway the t4 lasted several stories high and featured double-barreled directional plasma cannons for battlefield destruction.
all 25 terminator models explained
The tank was not really a formidable opponent on the battlefield and could be destroyed quite easily with small explosives. The T7T Tetrapod, nicknamed Spider by the Resistance, was a hunter assassin robot used by Skynet to defend important points of interest. Its arms featured twin machine guns and four legs gave it efficient mobility. The T-70 was heavily armored but could be temporarily disabled with enough ease by shooting the red eye on its forehead or it could be stopped completely by shooting the battery pack on its rear, next we have the motorcycle terminator, yes, Skynet produced automated motorcycles programmed to hunt humans, a truly insidious strategy since humans They have a natural instinct to trust motorcycles even more than dogs and that's a scientific fact, back to bikes, although they could travel at super fast speeds and had optical sensors and plasma emitters on their sides.
all 25 terminator models explained
The sensors could calculate the path ahead and any obstacles or debris on it and instantly find the best path to follow, so they had agility far superior to that controlled by humans. The T1 Million Next Vehicles, also known as the Team Egg, were a giant spider-legged robot that was designed to defend Skynet's central core. Robots made of memetic polyalloy would metamorphose from a solid part of the core into their spider form and could be formed from there. all kinds of sharp weapons from their legs, then we have the hunter-killer class humanoid androids developed to be similar to the human endoskeleton, if not to completely imitate it, first the t70 which existed in the timeline created by the murder of john Connor It was built by cyberdyne systems to impress investors, it's capitalism or socialism, people with one you get cool TVs and also killer robots and with the other no killer robots but no food either, so are you a professional killer robot or do you hate the United States?
United anyway? the t70 the first The true humanoid terminator was built to protect Skynet facilities. However, they were not often in combat because by the time they were ready to be put into mass production, their technology was already outdated and they were said to be designed to be able to serve as basic infantry soldiers. They were equipped with a high-speed Gatling gun for such endeavors, however, their oversized base CPU and lack of skin meant that the T70 was easy to locate and then hit. The T400 was another of the first humanoid terminators created by Skynet. The T400 was invented as a result of Skynet's desire to create a robot that could mimic general human size, range of motion and mobility.
At the time of its creation in 2018, the T400 was considered a powerful robot with the ability to lift a thousand pounds. The robot was also the first hunter-killer to use true, albeit somewhat simple, artificial intelligence; However, compared to later models, the t400 was quite primitive as it was made of cheap and weak materials that could be produced quickly. The t400 also had much of its wiring exposed, a flaw that enemies took advantage of to target those points, the t400 also had a large red optical sensor that was basically an easy target for resistance snipers in the battlefield.
The t500, unlike the t400, featured an armored battle chassis making it much more durable than its predecessor. It was also equipped. with better weapons that were synchronized with an artificial intelligence acquisition system that turned the t500 into a capable soldier for skynet. The T-Infinity Temporal Terminator was a robot created by Skynet to keep the timelines in balance. If a timeline got out of control in T Infinity it would be sent to fix it, the robot used its onboard temporal displacement equipment to relocate to time and also to translocate enemy gun shots, shot jfk death


, finally we come to the infiltrator class terminators, humanoid hunters, assassins built to look like humans and to hunt and kill them.
These are the terminators we know and love first. The t600 was a terminator that Skynet began mass producing in 2016 to serve as infiltrators. These robots had basic combat endoskeletons made of titanium alloy and often covered in synthetic latex, unfortunately their skin rubber. made them easy to discover by enemies, however the t600 marked the transition from skynet to extremely human-like terminators, in addition to appearing more humanoid than the t500, the t600 was also lighter than its predecessor and had an improved CPU , the robot was six feet tall and weighed 800 pounds and could lift objects five times its weight, the t600 could also drill into concrete and metal and could run on pedals, of course, at speeds up to 46 miles per hour, and if you need any of those units, convert it to the metric system.
Whether it's kilograms or kilometers per hour, just click on the top right corner, right where you see the x in the top right corner of your browser, just hit that x and you should get an instant automatic conversion. The t700 is primarily known as the bridge. Robot Between the T600 and T800, the T700 was armed with G11 shellless round submachine guns and could continue to function even after suffering serious damage; However, the robot's aiming systems could be disabled quite easily by shooting it in the back of the head and without such a feature the T700 would be rendered virtually ineffective.
The T800 is, of course, perhaps the most famous terminator, as the model 101 of the series It is the robot that appeared in the original Terminator movie. The T800 was the first model to use living tissue for skin and therefore had a human appearance and was not distinguishable as a robot, although wearing sunglasses at night. and taking the form of a giant austrian bodybuilder may not be the most discreet way to do it, but still the t800 was the first terminator that was actually a successful infiltrator unit for skynet the t800 featured a neural network processor CPU, Also known as a learning computer.
This CPU was the most powerful Cyberdyne had built to date and contained a huge database of files on everything from human anatomy to combat techniques and medical training, making the T800 a super soldier. Experienced in all areas necessary to be an efficient assassin, the robot had a triple-armored hyperalloy combat chassis and could withstand most small arms fire. Additionally, the T800's limbs were built to maneuver much faster than its predecessors and at top speed would not suffer the same. the wear and tear of its joint assemblies all this said that the t-800 had some weaknesses, its endoskeleton was still vulnerable to machine guns and sniper rifles, plasma weaponry, explosives and electrical attacks, of course, because it was made of solid material, Its biggest enemy was the hydraulic press along with the t850, another 800 series terminator had a hyperalloy chassis similar to the t800, but was a little stronger and faster than its predecessor.
The 850's skin was also more regenerative and its endoskeleton was more resistant to plasma weaponry. 850 was also scheduled. have knowledge about human psychology and behavior and could be perhaps the most valuable human power of all after the triple eight. The third terminator of the 800 series was even stronger and faster than the 850. The triple eight was capable of running further. faster than some cars in the The robot also featured armor on its back for added durability and blades on its thighs. Well, what else can you do with your blades in the 900 series? Now the t900 was built by Skynet as an anti-terminator in reaction to the resistance reprogramming their Other units, these robots were powered by plasma reactors and featured different plasma weapons depending on the type of t900.
The t900 was a flawed robot because it was programmed in a way that allowed Skynet to have more secure control over them, but this also limited their ability to I found that they were therefore less efficient robots than even the t850s. Then, the t950 was a bridge model between the 900 and the tx. It was an advanced version of the 900 that featured some new weapons and could fold back to shoot targets behind it in the novels. also an i-950 terminator model, unlike the t series terminators the eyes were created by skynet rather than manufactured, the idea here was that robots created to act like humans would be able to better imitate humans than robots built in a factory, the models would start out as genetically modified babies with organic compositions and neural network processors, the same Skynet-connected CPU introduced with the t800 model, the babies would then grow into terminator adults who were basically completely human in behavior, the i-950 were weak in the sense that their organic bodies were just as vulnerable to damage as real humans, but because they also had some cybernetic components, even if their bodies died, they could still reboot themselves after the fact, although If you want to be terminators, don't try this at home after the t-1000 is another famous terminator best known for its appearance in the skynet produced judgment day in 2029.
The t-1000 was completely composed of a liquid metal known as a memetic polyalloy and could therefore be reformed into any shape of similar size to the one it touched. that the robot was extremely difficult to track and could blend in anywhere or even after being identified once, of course, it could also use its liquid metal composition to turn its limbs into sharp weapons and regenerate damaged parts. The t-1000 also had a liquid molecular brain. This gave him advanced abilities of reasoning, emotions and self-awareness. The downside to this is obviously that they were a threat to go rogue on Skynet or disobey orders, so Skynet never mass produced them.
The T-1001 was a 1000 series terminator introduced in the form of Catherine Weaver and the Sarah Connor Chronicles Catherine was a bit more advanced but similar to the T-1000 although it seemed to have more trouble imitating human emotions the T-1002 It was a robot designed by Skynet for heavy combat. The T-1002 had greater control over its structure than the 1000 model and could form stabbing weapons all over its body. The Txa, which only appeared in novels, was the final terminator of the 1000 series. Another version. slightly more advanced than the t-1000 the txa could split into several parts for camouflage, in other words it could imitate an entire group of humans instead of just one, the txa could also implant elements of itself inside other humans and so gain some control over that person then the tx constructed an alternate timeline created by the first assassination attempt. by john connor was the terminator model that succeeded the t-1000 series the tx likeThe T-1000 series models had a liquid metal composition but combined this composition with an advanced endoskeleton based on that of the T900 series.
The TX was stronger, faster and more intelligent than all previous models, the robot housed several weapons. advanced, particularly a plasma cannon, the tx could also move its joints in a way that humans and its predecessor models could not, making it the most agile terminator to date, the ts-300 was a stealth infiltrator . Designed by Mir or Mir The Russian version of Skynet The TS-300 was made of a ceramic endoskeleton that mimicked human weight and structure and had a complete human organ system and human pheromones that could pass animal detection robots as well. They had em sensor masking units which allowed them to override electronic detection systems, although their best technology was their stealth infiltrator personality transfer software which could be used to map captured humans and create copies of them.
The T3000 was another advanced terminator model built by Skynet in 2029. The T3000 were actually former humans who were transformed into terminators through exposure to machine phase matter that would infect a target and then rewrite its code. genetic that said that the only model of this series that survived the infection phase was John Connor, who was infected by the machine phase matter and the terminator genesis, furthermore, this Machine phase matter that made up the thousands of t3 was held together by a magnetic field that could be transformed into different stabbing weapons similar to those of liquid metal terminators and could also be used to change shape and regenerate;
However, the T3000 could absorb damage better than a T-1000 could and was capable of momentarily dissipating into fog, allowing it to phase during combat or even through solid objects. The biggest weakness of the 3000 was its high performance. magnetic sources such as MRI machines finally the t5000 was another terminator model created by skynet in 2029 the t5000 also known in terminator genesis as alex was the physical incarnation of skynet not much is known about the t5000 since we have only seen it once, but we know that it is capable of transforming humans into t3000 terminators. Well, that's the video.
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