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The TAME CHALLENGE!!! w/ Lizzie and Stacy!

May 02, 2024
keep going, yes, you do it perfect, let's go look for a bamboo forest, why aren't my horse and my parrot, where are they going? Oh no, I have to go back, okay? So maybe the boats are not working, I hope they are not drowning in the water. Now there is my pair, there is my horse. Hey guys, the boats are not working well. They are fine? Well, I guess we'll travel on foot. Well, I feel like I should try the. The Enderman thing, let's put them in a boat, you won't shoot my horse though, I know that for sure, okay, let's try to make you friendly, okay, you're not friendly,'re not, I think I'm being chased for the intern oh my god, I'm just going to close the door on you, how did he get out of the boat?
the tame challenge w lizzie and stacy
Oh wait, you can't be here sir, oh my god, you pervert. Don't look out the window at me like that, that's so creepy, yeah, you're mine, we'll get two just in case, perfect. I still need a chicken, a chicken, yes, I've been looking everywhere for someone like you, oh God. It took you quite a while now I think I'm a bit lost to be honest rabbit fell from a high place a rabbit oh someone is trying to bring their rabbit oh that's not right, let's cook this roast properly, can we get everyone here please? cute, very cute, thank you all, okay, the cat can't, no girl, you need where the chicken is, okay, the rabbit hit the ground too hard, oh, that's pretty unfortunate, okay, you two You can stay here now, we have to guide you there, go and then we.
the tame challenge w lizzie and stacy

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the tame challenge w lizzie and stacy...

I'm going to take you with me, let's go look for a wolf. Okay, I think everyone's fine here. I am much less stressed every time I bring things. Oh come on, she has a panda. Oh wow, she got out of the competition. She has two pants. No? only has the one who has a donkey, oh my God, oh, she also has a donkey, but none of them have a fox and none of them have a wolf, okay, oh, of course, she has a wolf, we have to go find a wolf, let's get a wolf and what.
the tame challenge w lizzie and stacy
If not, we can get maybe a donkey a llama no, we have a llama but we don't have maybe I yes it's the llama the same I don't know hello I don't have you ah that was so easy wait, could you? guys like to do something, oh, you did something, let's go back, let's go back to you guys, you made a mule, a donkey, or you just made a donkey. I don't know, they did something that someone is breaking into. Nether is Stacy or maybe it was Lizzy once I get a wolf I'll go to the Nether but I can't not have a wolf that's crazy if I could get a rabbit too and have a wolf and a rabbit. oh I'd be so happy, perfect, oh my god, the stress I've been under, come here bunny, foofoo, get your ass in here, no, I went too far, there you are, stay there, okay, I didn't get a wolf , but I'm kind.
the tame challenge w lizzie and stacy
I want to go to the Nether so I'll put you here I'll come back wish me luck we didn't get a wolf but we did get a bunny let's save some things I won't mind losing the sun is rising, you know what, while the sun rises we're going to take advantage of the daylight, probably be our last chance to have daylight. I say let's go get a wolf and anything else from the Overworld let's take a look we could get a wolf and we could get a panda she's got a hoglin oh my god wolves you'd think they'd be literally the easiest to get , since they are the only tabletop mod in regular Minecraft, it's mostly fine.
I think I pretty much got all the Overland stuff I could get on the side. of a panda, so I'll spend the rest of the time going to the Nether although I'm not sure what I can put in there, maybe like a slime and a hoglin, so we'll see what we can do. here, I think that's probably what Stacey did, she probably she went and fell straight into lava oh, there's something right there, how do I get there safely? Holy, that was just a baby, oh, now you're running away, now you're scared, okay, I accidentally made one sit down, oh lord, it will.
I have to make this wide enough for you too now maybe if I cross the portal he will come with me hello friend, I don't know where we are. Because you follow me? You are my son? I don't remember taming you. You need three. Come on, it's okay. Let's see if I can get you to sit down. Yes, sit down. Alright. Hi Stace. I think we could get a panda. Stacy. play sleep in a bed to skip users need to sleep in beds at the same time you can't rest now there are monsters nearby answer Point Set Stacy plays says Joey, can I borrow your scratched cable?
Look at me being so nice helping my competition Stacy play says time's up, time's up, we did it right oh look who decided to appear from below look at his little legs why isn't it purple it's not purple if it's not in lava look at it oh , he should be shaking right now. I guess it's because he's


d your spiders. Oh, I have an extra spider. I am going to kill her. And you also have a goat. Surely Death was with you killing all your pets. I only have so many, you know? Oh no. No, why did you just kill your spider?
I have another one back there, oh I see it, I see it well, well I guess it's time to count and see who has the most. Well, should we go with you? They both have parrots, oh yeah. My parrots, aren't they so annoying? No, mine was so easy the first try. Yes, I love mine too. I saw you had some problems with some bunnies. Yes, that was me. The bunnies that kept drinking, kept falling, kept jumping crazy, oh my God. I almost died so many times it was so scary I can't believe you have a fox I know a fox, my prize a white one I was looking for one of them oh cute I know, okay let's tell how you got it. the cat, I got a cat, you have a cat too, yeah, how did he make what I know how many unique animals oh, I don't know, okay, so your goat counts each one with ours, yeah, let's do it, okay , everyone counts yours, so this is wait, this is one of my ocelots, although yes, it's in your pen, well, it's not in my pen, but it was a rule, no, it's okay, I think I have my number How about we all go to the middle and say three on the count? how many pets do we have okay okay 1 2 3 2 oh i heard teens and i heard i won you win woohoo oh my god you have so many unique 2 one did you count your llamas twice?
Maybe wait, that doesn't account for why he counts your flames twice. I don't know, let me kill one real quick so we don't get confused, you don't have to kill one, but no, okay, we have to count for Joey now, yeah, make sure one, two, wait a minute, did you do it? You count my girl in the back, oh, she just jumped up and then she was behind Stacy and the cat counted. I think I also counted 18 with the ocelot, yes, one and the bunny back here, did you bring the bunny here, maybe not? Here just write, call them Joey and I'll write I got mine all written oh the parrot I forgot about the parrot oh so you have to wait okay wait so it's a top maybe parrot wait okay uh creeper uhhuh chicken mhm Bunny wolf horse donkey mule llama Horse zombie cat goat cow spider Normal horse no, it's okay uh hoglin no, he said Zombie horse no, no, he had the horse, he said hor dony pig I see it hoglin Pig Yes, sheep bee, it's okay , ocelot, I think you missed the fox parrot Fox was the pirate at the beginning P was at the beginning yes oh okay 1 2 3 4 five 6 s 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 oh maybe 21 was the llama Bring do the Llama You definitely missed the is winning either way, you definitely win, oh well we would have tied if it was seen, another wandering trader here, get the llama right now, we get the llama.
I have a llama, no, but the commercial llama is different, right, it's different, I don't know. maybe not, no, I guess not, okay, wait, what's the most precious rare item of all you found oh ooh, I thought it was the panda The Strider yeah, I guess that's one that no one else had was your Strider , she's wearing a little headband oh no, I don't. I don't think I have anyone who isn't ready for the aerobics class that you don't have. I was so excited for my no I don't think I have a single one oh that's so Stacy I like your cat he's a cute cat yeah thank you.
I got him when he was a kitten and he sat down, yeah I don't think he has a single one unfortunately, wow wait what just happened. L calls, who is why there is a llama attacking Joey? Oh, because I hit Joey, probably, oopsy, oh, they're all there. I'm going to find Joey, oh no, everyone will come to follow you, so as the winner I can blow up everyone's pets, right? No, my pets, no, my pets, no, hey, you know what we should do, we should try to


a. no, we should call a raid or something or someone should put in a ravager because you can really tame the ravager.
I don't know, yeah, oh I don't know how, I guess you'd have to do it, I could be the first, how did you do it? How did you manage to bring a Strider and a Hoglin back from the abyss? The Hoglin was difficult, they are like allergic to balls, like they wanted to do anything but go through the portal. Oh, mine just happened on its own. G, it was like that. annoying, I have Lu, well I thought he would turn, so I guess if we had brought a hoglin through the portal, Untamed, he would have turned into a zlin, but that's harder because they aren't tamed at all, so I just don't want to go through waiting if all our pets fight for us you can wait who is this guy is he a villager why does he have like a cloak he's a cleric Cel sorry he's a he's a cleric he's a cleric a cel Joey calls him Cel Lexia that It's the best wait wait there's a raid coming where the villagers oh wherever the horn came from they release the dogs wait they should release all our pets to fight us fight for us how do we do it? oh yeah I don't I don't know the only ones that would fight would be like um a creeper they're killing the village Ste the creeper the raiders are killing the villages wait who else will fight for me?
I don't know, oh, the wolf, yes, the wolf, everyone when the villagers are dead, they're going to kill you, oh, but these guys are right, they don't have a devastating, come on, chicken, hopefully, I think that the third wave could have a devastating, come on cow, let's all fight, oh, the disgusting, oh, I spawned, oh, cute. I really sleep with a spider, oh he killed a hoglin, he's killing the pants, no the h will be remembered, oh leave him alone SL by Iron Golem. I'm going to kill the Iron Golem, now you guys are alone, hey, leave those alone, uh. -oh oh wait, who has a caller?
Does anyone have a Coller to try to tame the ravager? What spider was killed by Vindicator? Where is The Vindicator? There is a Vindicator oh yes, he is here no. I caught him, the wolf caught him. My children, why not? You're helping me, your dad needs help, why, oh God, okay, I'm going to try, who has a necklace? Splash it Splash it Joe I splashed it oh I got it the wolf was blown up by the Creeper explosion it exploded I know you could ride these the things were blown up by the Creeper explosion of course the winner would get it blown up by the explosion from Creeper no you can't you can't ride it, it's part of the mod, the mod allows you to ride it on the devastating ra, yeah that was it, you could ride a devastating.
Oh no, you're right, yeah, cool mod Stacy, thanks. Well, I guess that's it for this video. I hope you enjoyed it, if you gave it a thumbs up check out the links below. I want to play this for yourself and go see Lizzy and Stacy. Goodbye, my God, Lizzy, what a mess, they're attacking me.

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