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Jun 04, 2021
later in this video falling what's up your majesty wait where is your majesty? Isn't she always like right there? Yes, our rings shine. We bid ourselves in majesties in front of us. I don't understand it and then she always goes, ladies. Her shapeshifting powers shapeshift into me then, well, your majesty, why did they scare us like that? Sorry ladies, we wanted to get ready, get ready for what I'm sending you all to the county fair. celeste has detected botched activity and cheshire and I suspect it could be the crazy jester, it could be nothing but we want you there to keep an eye out for the covert things of course that sounds amazing but what does that have to do with scaring us ?
the super pops date night and boyfriend challenge totally tv originals
Well, we think the jester might go to the Fez fun house, whatever you want, your majesty, um, but we were actually hoping to go to the school dance to


, yeah, the boys even bought matching outfits to match my dresses and I even have a


, this time I don't feel like a seventh wheel. To clarify, they go with their


s, I'm going alone well why don't we all go to the fair first to see him and then we all go to the dance oh yes great idea oh wait glue who are you going with oh there this cute boy in my science class we are doing a project together oh perfect oh I can't wait to meet him I guess that leaves just me and you flash I have the perfect suit to match your dress aha everyone have fun and destiny will always be on your side, this fair is huge, It's a bounce house, I love it, it's county fairs, an American tradition, yes, we love any excuse to eat popcorn, win prizes and ride roller coasters, I love roller coasters, what do you want to do?
the super pops date night and boyfriend challenge totally tv originals

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the super pops date night and boyfriend challenge totally tv originals...

Kai, well, I definitely want to go to the dance later, but how about some bumper cars? Wait guys, the jester, she's here, ah, bad news, Kai, we need to split up for a while and just take care of some official business. kind of business uh, official school paper, business, right, girls, right, oh, let us know if you need help with that, no, I mean, no, it's no big deal, it's just fun, but let's split up, y'all, Girls, you take care of that and we'll take care of the tornado. Doesn't that go very, very high? Hey, you'll be fine, come on guys, it's pitch black here, how are we supposed to see the jester's shadow?
the super pops date night and boyfriend challenge totally tv originals
I have this, I really can't help it. It gets me every time. Oh, check it out. Look, look, hey,


monsters, guess what time it is, uh, jester time, no, time to use to get a watch, they pointed out an empty doll to me, oh, actually, I think it's time for



, ready , super puppies, we can't be stopped, that's better. Are you a fool so far? I just wanted to play a little game with you. It's called the




where everyone has to spend 24 hours failing with their


s. That is the


. What's so difficult about that?
the super pops date night and boyfriend challenge totally tv originals
Okay, yes. uh, the way it works is you have to answer eight rounds of riddles and if any of you answer incorrectly or wrong, I guess it means the same thing, but if you answer wrong, I'll reveal the true identities to the entire county fair. We will not reveal our identities, try me, I will wait, wait, wait. Kai doesn't know we're super dads, how are we supposed to play a challenge with him without revealing who we are? That's not my problem. Oh, and just so you super dogs know. You will be playing the challenge as super


but without superpowers it is a battle of victories and you can keep the dresses as a consolation prize.
They don't seem so half men, they are a little elegant and not. You look like trash compared to your super pops outfits. Rude, I hope you're ready to say goodbye to your little secret identities in your brand, get ready, set, go, how did I just get here? Wait, you're a super puppy, what are you doing here? Hey, Kai, you don't remember waiting in line to ride the rickety old roller coaster. Oh right, I'm supposed to go on a date with my friend Gia, have you seen her? Uh, Gia she's afraid of roller coasters, that's weird before, she said.
She loves them, I said scared, I meant she went out for a drink and will be back to meet you later, wait, how do you know so much about Gia? We used to go to school together, okay, that's awesome, hey she. "I'm Jenelle, that sounds great. I'm your friendly county fair puzzle teller. I hope you're ready for some fun riddles. most of the answers are correct you get some kind of cool secret prize I want to play safe I hope I'm good with the riddles first riddle this is for our roller coaster passengers you see me once in June twice in November but nothing in May what am I once in June twice in November but nothing in May I wonder if it has something to do with the solstice the soul what i don't think it has anything to do with the spelling of names oh my god kai you are correct the answer is the letter e yeah okay the roller coaster fools got it beginners look, Have fun, falling, oh no, no, no, no, no, no, why do we always have to get stuck in a haunted house It's kind of exciting, it's like I never know you're going to come up with who you are what, oh? nothing, the second riddle is for anyone who is in the haunted house.
Tom's father has three children. Jim John and what is the name of the third one. Three children. Hmm, John, Jacob, Jingleheimer, Schmidt, his name is my name. there's also something there's something there wait wait cosmic do you remember the first part? um, can you repeat the question? Big cats, ah, Freddie, what's the point, uh, a Ferris wheel, that's not so bad, at least it's not a roller coaster. I hate roller coasters, but mostly I'm just afraid of heights, okay, okay, I'm just going to close my eyes. No, okay, sorry James, let's solve this riddle real quick.
Hello ferris wheel, my third riddle is for all of you, what has legs but doesn't walk is fine, so if it doesn't have legs it's probably not alive. more it has legs that's all what chairs and tables have legs a table I really want to say it was quick great job enjoy your trip yes we did high five me this is so romantic I never really understood love boat ride I mean you You're simply floating down a man-made river in a plastic boat. What's so romantic about that? Well, maybe it means more when you're with someone you care about, or maybe it's just a bunch of tricks they're trying to sell you. it means that nothing even happens in this flash walk hey lovebirds here comes my fourth riddle there is a one story house where everything is yellow the walls are yellow the doors are yellow even all the furniture is yellow what color are the stairs well obviously They are not yellow, are you sure? are you kidding that would be too obvious yes yes yes I am I mean what color are they so they are invisible yellow blue I mean she said a one story house everything is yellow and wait a one story house -story houses don't have stairs seriously yeah that's right everyone's right oh yeah um glow are you ready to write something else now?
I think we might be stuck with this boyfriend boy until we solve the final puzzle. Oh this is an intense county fair back to the roller coaster kitties my fifth riddle is for you which is heavier a ton of bricks or a ton of feathers ah neither of them weigh a ton they are the same weight duh whoa hello that was very impressive thank you try not to fall in love with me, although I have my eyes on your friend gia, it's really okay, I mean, well done, oh we did well, it's time for your sixth riddle and I'm not leaving to take it easy on you, dad, I mean the fair goers.
Well, this is round six. The gesture said that there would be eight rounds. We are almost done. The other couples should be fine, hopefully. But I won the lottery with the perfect partner who has hands but can't clap. OK. Okay, let's think about these hands. hands, what does a seal have, a seal doesn't have hands, oh wait, no, but they clap, I've seen them on shows, okay, keep thinking, stay, dolls, doll, eh, it's like a play on words, like a stagehand, waits for a clock. It has hands it has to be a clock ding ding ding you're right Spike and Chloe for the win for the win yeah we're on cosmic I mean cosmic oops riddle seven what's bright orange with green on top that rings like a parrot bright orange oh this question was made to shine i hope i do it justice with green on top and it sounds like a parrot what do parrots sound like you probably want a cookie wait james what rhymes with parrot merit ferret carrot carrot carrots are orange shiny with green on top our answer is carrot carrot are you kidding me?
You're a lot smarter than I thought so if you were going to go on a real love boat, I mean maybe if I had that special someone but there's really no one in my life that likes me like that, so, Who wouldn't like you? Finn, you are funny, sassy, ​​smart and cool, anyone would be lucky to be with you. Thanks Cheshire, it's the eighth round of the chickadees, the eighth round that means no one has lost yet, it's the final round. We have this. What can you break even if you never pick it up or touch it?
Wait, hasn't some things been cosmically broken with telekinesis powers? Wait, does that count? Okay, let's think, you can break a bond, you can sweat, you can break bread there. There are so many options is that your final answer what no, we were just thinking out loud wrong answer the right answer is a promise, you know, how you promise to do what is good and right, keep your real self out of sight oh no, attention to my identity. all of you county favors I have a very important announcement to make oh no we have an incredibly important guest here tonight no flash and Cheshire must have made a mistake we have to save her and it is my pleasure to announce her full name for the first time Elektra, can you stop her?
Don't know. I have to think of an idea, ladies and gentlemen, the true identity of the flash pop myth, wait, what happened to the speaker? Oh, um, there must have been some kind of shortage. It looks like this. The trip is already over so you should probably meet up with your friends oh yeah cool hey do you want to go to the school dance with us? Oh, I'll be fine, but will you tell Gia that I said hi, it was close, yeah, we almost lost? that riddle game in front of everyone, right, the riddle game, yeah, oh boy, that would have been so embarrassing, let's go to the dance, oh yeah, uh, the strangest thing happened.
I got stuck on the ferris wheel with super pop and she said she knows it. You too, what a small world, do you want to see more fun challenges like this? Make sure to subscribe and hit the like button and turn on bell notifications so you never miss a video. Activate who you are talking to. Not one, no one, no, don't worry about that.

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