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I edited a Super Pops episode because I was bored

Mar 30, 2024
If you're a


pop fan, get excited, okay everyone, are you ready? I can't believe it, the


haven't done a concert in a long time, the cornets are back, we are the key to making the



disappear forever, we fell apart. of your precious super pops once and they meow, those pops don't even know who they are anymore, we erase their memory oh no, what happened to the pops without the super pops and Majesty, there is no more Internet, no more YouTube. We just have one more fun tube we have to find. Only super pops can save everyone, let's go see my dad, he's an inventor, if anyone can figure it out he can, we better hurry up, everyone dance, dance, what do you mean they erased your memories?
i edited a super pops episode because i was bored
They're not computers, are they so glad we got rid of them? from the pops world domination has never been so Pome Pome I'm cute we're approaching the sloppy castle come to the main cabin hey, what are you doing here? I'm the new guy, girl, make yourself useful, go get me the charging cable for the spaceship. Well, that's what I've been looking for and it's been lost. Oh great, what are we going to do? That means someone will have to take it to the dealership to have it charged. Well, I'm not taking it to you. You're the new guy, do it, I guess I'll have to do the extra work 'cause I'm new, Ella, go ahead, oh, huh, good riddance, how are we going to drive this thing?
i edited a super pops episode because i was bored

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i edited a super pops episode because i was bored...

I don't know and that's it. Thanks, which one of you two is next? Wow, it's you, do you remember the super pops, of course, I remember the super pops, but I've never done their hair before? Sometimes you, well, you are, you're super pop, no, I'm not. But which one of you wants your hair combed? Actually, we are here on behalf of the super pops. They are looking for a new stylist. Are you interested? Are you interested? Of course I'm interested. He's fine, great, come with us. Dad says he delivers Key Dash. you know what I feel like pizza too oh two pizzas I'm doing it perfect now we have two pops these are not pops these are pizza pies we weren't talking about food we were talking about you You're a super pop I'm not a pop I would recognize a pop when I see a good one, so how would you like to see it?
i edited a super pops episode because i was bored
Who is it? Wait a minute, it's you. You are a pop. I'm not a pop. You're a pop, we better fly carefully, well it's a little complicated, but if you come with us, you can see the super pops right now. I can, okay, I hope this doesn't take too long, wait, we know who you are, have you seen it? my ACT wait, I know you, you're super pop no, she's a pop and you're a pop no, you're a pop, she's a pop, excuse us where are the other super pops that no one really knows that haven't been seen on long time would you like to help us find them really the museum would love for you to come with us we have an idea of ​​where they are okay you and I are a team and we are amazing oh we love it oh oh we love it's her let's go find her oh there she is oh god mine hello hello we loved your show oh I'm glad you like it you'll have to come on another cruise actually we're here for the super pops the super Pops, I love them, I'm a big fan of their music, well, they, uh, they're going to come back, yes, and they need a new backup singer.
i edited a super pops episode because i was bored
I would love to sing with them. If you are interested, you should come with us, oh, okay, oh. OMG guys, yes we know, can I get your girls attention? uh, yeah, what's going on, yeah, we're confused, who are the dads here. Wait, let's go to my dad's lab to find out, dad, these are the ones we were looking for. So what do we do now? Easy, just the last key is the one that's probably very well guarded, wait a minute, that hairy guy and concert mastermind had a giant key around his neck, that has to be it, for sure, take that key and the pops They are back. but how now maybe some magic will work maybe some music will convince them maybe we could give it a little makeover huh did you find the spaceship?
No, but I brought you a coupon for a free hairstyle to cheer you up. Well, I have done it. I haven't washed my hair in like a year I figure you can use it thanks uh excuse me uh this is the place for hair, yeah, you're in the right place, uh, yeah, I have this coupon, uh, perfect


I need it comb, no. freshly combed cut. I do it once a year, whether I need it or not. Well, I'm going to need you to take that hat off that key, so the woman was too stunned to speak.
Okay, I'll take my hat off. but there's no way I can remove this key, it's too important I guess I need a new plan, okay, okay, plan, what's this about a plan, uh no, I said I need to grab something with my hands, just relax, this will only take a minute. What are you doing? My beautiful hair is purple. I told you to style it, not color it. I didn't color it. It must have been that key of yours that made it change. Okay, but you better keep it somewhere safe


this. The key is important, okay, I'll keep it in a safe place pop po, come on po po, join the show to stop us, but we're going back to the top.
Super, you know we can't be, we've been away for a while, but we're back, super pops will make you smile and that's it, we'll never be away from you for long. We are here to make you sing and dance to this song. We are here to give you what you like. We don't give up without a fight, yeah what we got is so weird, the super pops are here to drop nothing that can compare po pop, come on pop pop, join the show, try St us, we're back on top Super pops, you know we can't be pop, come on pop Join the show, stop what we can't be St.

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