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The Spongehenge Theory

Jun 04, 2021
Squarespace offers this video when it comes to websites, online stores, etc. There's no place to build a beautiful online presence like Squarespace, so this is the third installment of an unexpected but incredibly popular series of mine where I take episodes of SpongeBob SquarePants and try to find meaning in these very formative experiences that people go through. characters from the show, while we usually end up talking about the old squister today I want to talk about the sponge itself, SpongeBob and possibly the most traumatizing episode he's in when you think of SpongeBob's beak, you usually think. from those first three seasons, but today's episode actually comes from season five and is called Spongehenge.
the spongehenge theory
A clever reference to Stonehenge, Spongehenge is one of the least funny episodes of SpongeBob SquarePants, but it's also one of the scariest, as it tells the story of SpongeBob being followed by jellyfish. to the point where he has to escape society completely, it's a very disturbing episode and that's an understatement, it's also on many people's lists of the 10 worst SpongeBob episodes but it's much more than that and for To understand why, let's take it from above. The episode begins with two restaurant goers leaving a takeout restaurant when they suddenly notice a strong gust of wind. One fish claims he is Neptune, the god of the sea in Roman mythology, and the other claims that everyone knows that Poseidon is the ruler of the sea. which according to most websites is the truth and is also the god of the sea for greek mythology at the end of the day the wind takes the fish takeaway and screams why dear neptune the leftovers fly over the city until it hits spongebob in the face, looks at them and recognizes that it is in fact goulash.
the spongehenge theory

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the spongehenge theory...

Now goulash was a strangely specific choice for the writers to use and I looked for the symbolism behind the plate and got nothing, it's just goulash, but in the process of throwing spongebob glutton discovers a sound that the wind makes in his holes , it doesn't take long for this music to reach a jellyfish who instantly becomes very attached to the sponge and by tied I mean tied, it gets into spongebob's head and swarms around his brain until tomorrow, but tomorrow comes Medusa doesn't want to leave, in fact, she sends a swarm of jellyfish that prevents SpongeBob from going to work.
the spongehenge theory
Finally, his boss, Mr. Krabs, drags him to work via a hook just to show up. The job is practically dead, but he won't be at the job for long because the jellyfish swarm the shelly crustacean and take it away, so now his job is over, so where does he go to Patrick's next house, where Do jellyfish really sting Patrick and lead Pat to kick SpongeBob? for being a negative influence, what a terrible friend to be honest, SpongeBob is forced to leave society and crawls to the only place where they can't find him or hear him, a cave where he sits for years and builds a stone replica of himself using a rock and finally grows the facial hair he always wanted, then he comes up with the idea of ​​using that rock, but bigger versions of it to keep the jellyfish away from him.
the spongehenge theory
He basically recreates Stonehenge, goes back to the bikini bottom and the world has become a reference. to the planet of the apes go another thousand years and the aliens have taken over and they're still examining these strange rock figures and that's the end of the episode and that's a pretty dark ending, no, I think this episode is definitely one of the most disturbing as I said in terms of how he leaves you for one canonically those last moments are supposed to be the last we saw SpongeBob's bikini bottom and the last we saw SpongeBob's bikini bottom all together which is quite depressing considering that Patrick's last words were that he was a negative influence and that Mr.
Krabs spent his final moments making him abuse the poor boy and spongebob just disappeared and went crazy and we assume he got crazier and eventually died alone and As soon as I found out that this was episode 99b that's when I realized that this is probably just the last episode of SpongeBob, but we're forgetting one small detail and that's what happens at the beginning, if this really was Neptune or Poseidon, we must assume that this removal was intentional which leaves us with two questions of why this happened and what the point is and my first thought was oh maybe Poseidon is really upset about being called Neptune.
A lot of this is him taking revenge on society, but then I said no, he has To be more than that in this episode there are themes of both religious beliefs and climate change and I think this episode serves as a statement of how a civilization reacts when both your beliefs and your physical environment are altered. I think the root of the whole episode is In that little conversation at the beginning, especially after further research into bikini bottom religious tradition, from what I could find, Poseidon wasn't mentioned in the series at all until this episode, then appears in a sponge while fleeing, but honestly.
That movie is so far removed from everything else in the show that I don't even want to take it into consideration, but for the most part it's been established many times that Neptune is, in fact, the ruler of the sea, most notably in the Golden Spoonbill. episode as well as the movie, but something I noticed especially after this fish plot is that I don't think Neptune was ever a god, sure he had godlike powers, but that didn't necessarily make him a god, in fact, in the first SpongeBob movie. It is made very clear that he is actually a king and honestly he barely is that when he loses his crown and reveals his bald head he feels quite helpless, surely he shares the same traits as the mythological god Neptune and that he has a bad temper, but there is nothing in this movie or any of the seasons suggesting that king Neptune is a god, in fact a god is technically ageless and if king Neptune is going bald it just doesn't add up, what's my way of saying he has reason, this wind is Definitely not King Neptune, but I don't think it is Poseidon either.
I believe Poseidon exists. Sure if I have to include SpongeBob in the race I will and it justifies him being an actual god in this universe, but with that being said, no. necessarily means that this destruction is necessarily caused by Poseidon based on that movie, Poseidon just doesn't seem like the type to destroy bikini bottoms for any particular reason, there's no lore to suggest he wants revenge or gets angry, he just doesn't block. So now I wonder: what is this victory for the record? The victory continues for the next 3,000 years, it never stops and I wonder: Where does it come from?
Why is it happening? Then I start thinking about Neptune, Neptune, oh, Neptune. The actual planet Neptune is rarely referenced in the show. Now I'm not good at rocket science, but not only is Neptune made mostly of water, it's also famous for being very windy. Google the windiest planet and you literally get Neptune, which, if you know. What I'm getting at with this is to suggest that this episode is the story of a civilization falling apart physically and mentally as their entire beliefs and existence are questioned since they have been living on a different planet all along, according to Ismail Hamdi, the only way.
For a god to die is to destroy the meaning their names have in this conversation, the discrediting of Neptune as the god of the sea essentially kills Neptune as a god, redefining the name as less of a figure and more of the planet these live on. fish. Now some things that immediately debunk this are the numerous times that SpongeBob and his gang arrive on Earth, all of which look a lot like Earth when you look up planet Earth on SpongeBob's Wikipedia, there's basically an episode for each continent. They've been all over the place, but it's safe to assume that most of this show through this lens is a hallucination or false reality.
There are tons of theories that SpongeBob is hallucinating for most of the show. A specific episode that we can cite as an explanation of where. we're in the universe is Sandy's rocket where they go to space in this episode it's never specifically shown that they leave the earth they do circle the moon which is a stretch Neptune is pretty far from that but that's not really the point at which They get there and Come back and with that being said, maybe this is not the size of our moon Sandy suggests that it is actually too small.
My point is that they have never been shown to specifically be leaving or returning to Earth, so it might as well be Neptune all along. The thing about this


is that, because it's rooted in a false reality, most of the episodes that prove Bikini Bottom takes place on Earth can be debunked because they've been living through a false lens. And besides, many of those episodes don't add up. with this original SpongeBob timeline I'm basing it off of, but his literal home isn't the only thing that gets broken in this episode, in fact there are a few things we should look at, one of which is obviously SpongeBob, SpongeBob's entire life falls apart at the beginning.
What used to be one of his favorite activities turned into a nightmare, followed by him being late for the first time in his cooking career, which coincidentally also ends up being his last, and then his boss beats him senseless and then abandons him. abandoned by his best friend the boy is tortured what is broken is spongebob's perception of his surroundings the interesting thing about bikini religion is that there are no rules or whatever there are rules and guidelines for certain religions in our world From what I could find that no one really knows about bikini religions, it's only vaguely understood that they worship King Neptune and this episode showed that some people don't agree with how horrible it is to discredit King Neptune, this singular figure that embraces truth of their surroundings, be enough to cause such a chaotic disruption, whatever they maintained with King Neptune was apparently tons of good morals and begs the question of what is lost for SpongeBob when he transforms into a psychotic mess deprived of connection and forced to settle for a rock after assuming everyone hates him.
I see this episode as a horror story that after years of SpongeBob using jellyfish for food or prey that nature now fully recognizes is coming back to haunt him treating him and the rest of the bikini bottom as prey when that dissociation occurs. , SpongeBob loses his mind. The now sanded world is gone, his friends are assumed to have died and, like them, SpongeBob is assumed to be starving and dies a slow, painful death in a barren wasteland that is reduced to the legacy. of the. His legacy is Sponge Henge, a mysterious structure that, as evidenced by aliens. from the future has this unknown origin, I mean, maybe it's a happy ending considering they serve as a venue for jellyfish every year, but it's certainly disturbing to say that SpongeBob's only legacy, a legacy that has lasted for thousands of years, it was his final suffering and I believe. that's it, although I usually like to find the meaning of why this program does what it does.
Spongehenge is left ambiguous in a really scary way, that Bikini Bottom took place on Neptune all along and that the citizens suffered a terrible, mysterious death upon realizing it. SpongeBob SquarePants episodes usually leave you with some kind of message and the message here is that the universe is something more powerful than any form of human connection and that nature can be violent enough to wipe out entire civilizations if push comes to shove. that and that's how SpongeBob ends so yeah with all that being said thanks for watching check out Spongehenge and form your own opinion and before I leave I want to thank today's sponsor Squarespace now if you still You didn't know, Squarespace is a place you can access online. take that idea you've had and take it to the next level, whether it's an online store, a blog, a portfolio, whatever.
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