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The Absurd Genius Of Gravity Falls

Mar 06, 2024
thank you all for coming some people might say its wrong for a man to love a wax replica of himself its not wrong these are all my favorite moments in any show from the last decade. Stan develops a deep bond with this wax figure of himself and when that wax figure has been buried, he is surprisingly emotional, he is visibly heartbroken and the first time he sees the episode, this whole thing plays out like a comedy. white. Stan's obsession with a wax figure of himself reads like amusing narcissism. His reaction at the end plays out just as well. written hyperbole and he really can't help but laugh at the


ity of it all and then you finished the series and the


of this episode reveals itself, the episode really isn't as funny the second time around, one revelation changes the whole picture of how You watch that episode and it's remarkably well thought out, but that reveal we'll talk about here is just the tip of the proverbial Gravity Falls Oak Gravity Falls is one of the best written and executed animated shows ever created. success lies in secrets and precision and, like everything truly great, the


of it is perceptible, so what really raised


the absurd genius of gravity falls
He says, my ex-wife still misses me, it's funny because marriage is terrible when it comes to animated shows, they are often Non-overly serialized is the practice of replaying stories across multiple episodes or seasons of a show. Many times animated shows create single episodes in floating timelines, instead each drop is fundamentally tied to its serialization and was designed. and planned with mind and the way very few shows are, the plot twists, the puzzles, the adventures, the revelations, they were not created like the episodes of the show, they were finished before the process began, so when it came When it came to writing the episodes themselves, a unique process emerged, it went like this: first you write a basic plot and then you write the dialogue around it, but not really, sorry, that's how a normal show would have done it.
the absurd genius of gravity falls

More Interesting Facts About,

the absurd genius of gravity falls...

Let me restart at Gravity Falls. First the basic plot is written and then the traumatic structure. is created in the sense that the original plot is restructured to include a character-driven slub plot and then the dialogue is freely written by Hurst and others. Creator Alex Hirsch would say that the next part finding and pushing the tension and drama within the context of something the characters worry about would be the final and most difficult part of the writing and that's where the show starts to separate itself, they're not just shows comedy, the writers saw our significant progress in each episode, each one had to fulfill a significant function of the story or the character, no. filler and that attention to detail is even clearer in how clever it became welcome back to dipper's guide to unexplained anomaly number 54 the mailbox there it is in the middle of the forest



is a tv show but it was also a kind of downtime everything in the show was a carefully crafted puzzle, listen to this now listen to it again, but so throughout the opening credits of the show there was a message played backwards that, when reversed, Dave gives clues to a cipher that the cipher called the Caesar cipher helped decode the text The clues were placed in the end credits of the show and eventually the new cipher was introduced and it became more complex, but the point is that there was always something to discover, even once you turned to show off, in fact, it was assumed correctly during the original run of the program.
the absurd genius of gravity falls
Some of the decoded messages foreshadowed some of Stan's plot twists. It's an incredibly unique idea that helped create a truly connected fanbase. A group of people invested in a program and its puzzles. A community that works together online. Web programs created and dedicated to understanding the program. secrets and decoding the ciphers together and these mysteries and secrets were not random ploys to spawn that community, they are inherently tied to the nature of the show, a show about mystery that slowly unfolds and foreshadows its secrets about creating a closer environment to the experts. then to SpongeBob SquarePants and delivered on the promises made by these puzzles and the idea that there's more to the show than just what you saw in those 22 minutes that you haven't yet seen beneath its façade.
the absurd genius of gravity falls
I think we see it best with wax funeral seal, so here we are again at this funeral for a wax figure, it is difficult to achieve a good plot twist, it requires intricate setup, good writing and perhaps most importantly, that the audience has developed a connection with your current understanding of the world before you. turn it around, they have to worry about that twist, but the best plot twists, the most well-written, are the ones that completely change the way you see and understand the pieces or everything that came before Lizz Bachelor wrote an excellent article on this. moment and for good reason here Stan is mourning the loss of what we think is just an insignificant wax figure and then when the show ends suddenly this episode is devastating.
Stan is not attracted to this wax figure due to some comical narcissism that he has. drawn to him because he looks like his twin brother, his twin brother who he believes is dead or, at best, gone forever, the brother he hasn't seen in years, he feels for a moment, just for a moment , as if he had defended himself, but he is finally seeing his brother again he is making up for lost time even if that is an illusion and when that figure is gone or I guess he is dead and it is time to say goodbye Stan is not sad because He loved that wax figure, he is sad because he feels like he is saying goodbye to his brother again, it seems to him that this is the final closure of his death or disappearance.
I don't want to spoil Ford's entire role and what happened to him here, but this episode goes from being one of the more comedy-focused episodes. watching it for the first time, it's one of the most nuanced emotional and even adult moments in the show's entire run, that's what should make a good plot twist, it's good writing, Dirt Falls shows that it demands multiple viewings , requires them and does all this in just a couple of seasons that's special, especially in the animated space and there's a little key in that little phrase with strangers, it's like the bus, but in just a couple of seasons I think it's the final key to the Gravity Falls puzzle, its length in accuracy at that length, Gravity Falls consists of only two seasons, 40 episodes, that's it, it's demonstrably shorter than almost any other comparable rated hit animated show, this created a unique broadcast circumstance that actually fostered the show's mysterious and strange aura.
The show originally began airing weekly in the season. 1, but the show's creators didn't want to pile on weekly episodes, so after the first few aired, the show's air dates will become almost random. Each episode took six months to make and four years to air all of those 40 episodes, almost 200 weeks. air 40 episodes, so they come in bursts, the show would disappear in a new wave of a few episodes, reappear and then the show would disappear again and then appear for a few more episodes, when the show would air was almost a mystery. in itself if you didn't go online and try to do the research, but the most important thing is that Hirsch and his team knew exactly what story they wanted to tell and how to tell it, they didn't delay the show for money, they didn't get bloated. is episode number four, the network has been here and gone and it's already 40 concise episodes Falls is one of the best animated shows you'll ever see it's endlessly watchable fun suspense is the animated medium that proves once again that animation not only can support a story, but do things that other media simply can't, at least not as well, the monster, mystery and puzzle story is one of the best written and intricately thought out pieces of modern television, unfortunately, very few people outside of his fans have to do it.
One day I gave a show a chance, but I think Gravity Falls really shows that what many before it have also had is that the animation medium is full of talent and writers and the fiction that deserves respect is not for children, I don't know. It's just jokes. and the colors, gravity


deserves your attention, but so do many other animated shows, this medium is evolving more and more and if you're skeptical, take a trip here for a few episodes and tell me how the finale was in a week . you'll almost certainly get there that's it for today's episode of nerdy soldier boys if you enjoyed this video hit the like button below and if you haven't also hit subscribe so you don't miss anything I posted .
This channel too, as I say in every video, right next to the subscribe button, there is a little bell that rings just as a notification. If you press it, it will make sure you get a notification when something goes up, otherwise you might not upload it. You get the notification, so press that little Bell, okay, you're someone who hasn't seen gravity falls. Many of you asked me where I saw some of these things. You can see this one in particular on Disney Plus right now. I highly recommend the show and As always on your screen there are two more episodes of nerd stalls.
You can click on any of them to see what I posted recently. I hope to see you in the next video.

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