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The Secrets of the Wealthy

Jun 02, 2021
monetization, a great word to get to the money, the distance between the idea and the money will determine whether you take off or not, two reasons why you will fail, darkness number one I don't know you darkness means I don't know you, you're out of sight. I can't see you the way you could be in the community for 30 years and I still don't know you well or badly. I've been here five years and you guys don't know me. You know what I didn't let you get to know me if you don't know me you're not going to make me flow right or wrong so my job is to make sure you know me today, today is easier than ever before, it's that's why I am a god who uses social media to make himself known it takes courage to stand here it takes courage to make himself known it takes courage to build a brand it takes courage to build a YouTube channel on Instagram and Facebook I'm 60 years old I don't know anything about Instagram except I have nine hundred thousand people who follow me every day like a religion, you asked what church they go to, I go to Grant Cardone Church, okay what's my name, my name is Grant Cardone , what's my say my name because you didn't know this is for the people who didn't know my name is Grant Cardone let me hear it right my job my job my first job your first job is to make sure people know your damn name because yeah They don't know your name they don't care what you sell you're a nurse you work at McDonald's you're a bellboy I don't care what you do you're parking cars it doesn't matter if I I don't know who you are, it doesn't matter how good you are, how clean you are, it's okay , it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, nothing matters if I don't know you, so my message today is simple number one.
the secrets of the wealthy
Number one, you take too much time, man, shorten everything, shorten everything, okay, you want to get in better shape, train twice a day, not once a day. Number two, you're thinking too small, man, think big, you want to win a million dollars, 10 times everything. There is a book I wrote called the 10x rule, it is an international phenomenon. Ok, if you haven't read the book, read the book. The book is about big, think it's about giant, think that this gentleman has the 10x rule. Let's hold a conference here with him. 35,000 people it's all going to be about 10 times how it expands and by the way you can't expand if you're not willing to use the money, get the money, then use the money, okay, how do I get the money that I have? to make a list of people who have money in my environment who have money I need to know how I can add value to those people I have to find out what people want what they need to solve the problem they will give you money in time so that it will be good Thank you very much for inviting me here today God bless you, be cool, go get that money, thank you, thank you, go quick, here we go Johnny, you want to take one of these Johnny 10x, everyone understands one, two, three.
the secrets of the wealthy

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